363 resultados para Galaxy formation


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Starting from the exact general relativistic expression for the total energy of selfgravitating spherically distributed matter and using the minimum energy priciple, we calculate the upper mass limit for a neutron star to be 3.1 solar masses.


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The existing models describing electrochemical phase formation involving both adsorption and a nucleation/growth process are modified. The limiting cases leading to the existing models are discussed. The characteristic features of the potentiostatic transients are presented. A generalization of the Avrami ansatz is given for two or more competitive irreversibly growing phases.


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We consider the hydrodynamic evolution of gas in the interstellar medium of the host galaxy of a quasar due to Compton heating by the QSO radiation. We show that a Lagrangean formulation of the problem is necessary. It is found that the "hydrodynamic time scale" becomes important compared to the Compton heating time scale. We also relax the "single fluid" approximation by considering the existence of clouds and taking into account the mass loss from stars. The results predict star burst activity, and thus we explain the blue colors of the active galaxies.


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The calculation of the transitional boundary layer requires estimates of the extent of the transition zone, which in turn depends on the rate at which turbulent spots are formed. This rate has been found to scale with local boundary layer thickness and viscosity, and the resulting nondimensional group (called crumble) is a function of the pressure gradient, among other parameters. Available experimental data are analyzed to show that the crumble increases slowly with increasing favorable pressure gradients, being about four times as large as in constant-pressure flow when the Thwaites pressure gradient parameter at the effective origin of the resulting turbulent boundary layer is 0.1 and when transition is driven by free-stream turbulence.


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Menthofuran (II, 4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-3,6-dimethyl benzofuran), the proximate toxin of R-(+)-pulegone (I), was administered orally to rats (200 mg/kg of body weight/day) for three days and the urinary metabolites were investigated. Among the several metabolites formed, two of them viz. 4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2-cyclohexenone (VII) and p-cresol (VIII) were indentified. In support of the formation of these metabolites, it has been demonstrated that phenobarbital induced rat liver microsomes readily convert 4-methyl-2-cyclohexenone (V) to 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-cyclohexenone (VII) and p-cresol (VIII) in the presence of NADPH and O2. Possible mechanism for the formation of these two metabolites (VII, VIII) from menthofuran (II) has been proposed.


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Thermal, spectroscopic and electrical properties of lead pyrophosphate glass prepared by melt quenching have been examined. A model based on the structural disproportionation of the P2O 7 4− ions has been proposed and is shown to consistently explain all the observations. The equilibrium of various anionic species has been discussed on the basis of their electronegativities which are in turn related to their basicities.


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From the available H I data on spiral galaxies in three rich Abell clusters and the Virgo Cluster, it is shown that galaxies with medium to large optical sizes tend to be more severely deficient in atomic hydrogen than the small galaxies. This is so both in terms of the fractional number of galaxies that are deficient and the amount of gas lost by a galaxy. The fraction of H I-deficient galaxies increases with size over most of the size range, saturating or dropping only for the largest galaxies. A comparative study is made of various currently accepted gas removal mechanisms, namely those which are a result of galaxy-intracluster medium interactions, e.g., ram pressure stripping, as well as those due to galaxy-galaxy interactions, i.e., collisions and tidal interactions. It is shown that, with the exception of tidal interactions, all of these mechanisms would produce a size dependence in H I deficiency that is the opposite of that observed. That is, the gas in the largest galaxies would be the least affected by these mechanisms. However, if there is significant mass segregation, these processes may give the trends observed in the size dependence of H I deficiency.


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Reaction of 6-Image -butyl-1-bromomethyl-2-(2-tetrahydropyranyloxy)-naphthalene2c with tetrachlorocatechol (TCC) in acetone in presence of K2CO3 gave diastereomers 6c and 7c. A mechanism (Scheme-1) invoking the base induced cleavage of the pyranyl ether 2 to 1,2-naphthoquinone-1-methide 8 as the first step has been postulated. The cleavage of the pyranyl ether linkage in 2 to give dimers 4 and 5 of 1,2-naphthoquinone-1-methide has been demonstrated with different bases. 1,2-Naphthoquinone-1-methide 8, thus generated, undergoes Michael addition with TCC followed by elimination of chloride ions to give a diketone, which further undergoes aldolisation with acetone to give diastereomers 6 and 7. Michael reaction of 8, generated Image from pyranyl ethers 2a-c, with tetrabromocatechol (TBC) under similar-reaction conditions gave the expected monobromo compounds 6h, 6i, 6k, 7n, 7n and 7q. The last step in the proposed mechanism, Image ., aldolisation has also been demonstrated using different ketonic solvents. Thus, reaction of 2a-c with TCC/TBC in diethyl ketone/methyl ethyl ketone under similar reaction conditions gave the expected compounds 6 and 7.


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The Gibbs' energies of formation of BaCuO2, Y2Cu2O5 and Y2BaCuO5 from component oxides have been measured using solid state galvanic cells incorporating CaF2 as the solid electrolyte under pure oxygen at a pressure of 1.01 x 10(5) Pa Because the superconducting compound YBa2Cu3O7-delta coexists with any two of the phases CuO, BaCuO2 and Y2BaCuO5, the data on BaCuO2 and Y2BaCuO5 obtained in this study provide the basis for the evaluation of the Gibbs' energy of formation of the 1-2-3 compound at high temperatures.


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A key step in the triacylglycerol (TAG) biosynthetic pathway is the final acylation of diacylglycerol (DAG) by DAG acyltransferase. In silico analysis has revealed that the DCR (defective in cuticular ridges) (At5g23940) gene has a typical HX4D acyltransferase motif at the N-terminal end and a lipid binding motif VX(2)GF at the middle of the sequence. To understand the biochemical function, the gene was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and the purified recombinant protein was found to acylate DAG specifically in an acyl-CoA-dependent manner. Overexpression of At5g23940 in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae quadruple mutant deficient in DAG acyltransferases resulted in TAG accumulation. At5g23940 rescued the growth of this quadruple mutant in the oleate-containing medium, whereas empty vector control did not. Lipid particles were localized in the cytosol of At5g23940-transformed quadruple mutant cells, as observed by oil red O staining. There was an incorporation of 16-hydroxyhexadecanoic acid into TAG in At5g23940-transformed cells of quadruple mutant. Here we report a soluble acyl-CoA-dependent DAG acyltransferase from Arabidopsis thaliana. Taken together, these data suggest that a broad specific DAG acyltransferase may be involved in the cutin as well as in the TAG biosynthesis by supplying hydroxy fatty acid.


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The reactions of halogenocyclotetraphosphazatetraenes N4P4X8, with nucleophiles have received little attention and only the reactions of the octachloride, N4P4Cl8, with amines have been investigated in any detail.1 Millington and Sowerby2 studied the reaction of N4P4Cl8 with dimethylamine and isolated the derivatives, N4P4Cl8-n (NMe2)n, n = 2,3,4,5,6,8;several N-methylanilino derivatives