139 resultados para 305.235


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Physical clustering of genes has been shown in plants; however, little is known about gene clusters that have different functions, particularly those expressed in the tomato fruit. A class I 17.6 small heat shock protein (Sl17.6 shsp) gene was cloned and used as a probe to screen a tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) genomic library. An 8.3-kb genomic fragment was isolated and its DNA sequence determined. Analysis of the genomic fragment identified intronless open reading frames of three class I shsp genes (Sl17.6, Sl20.0, and Sl20.1), the Sl17.6 gene flanked by Sl20.1 and Sl20.0, with complete 5' and 3' UTRs. Upstream of the Sl20.0 shsp, and within the shsp gene cluster, resides a box C/D snoRNA cluster made of SlsnoR12.1 and SlU24a. Characteristic C and D, and C' and D', boxes are conserved in SlsnoR12.1 and SlU24a while the upstream flanking region of SlsnoR12.1 carries TATA box 1, homol-E and homol-D box-like cis sequences, TM6 promoter, and an uncharacterized tomato EST. Molecular phylogenetic analysis revealed that this particular arrangement of shsps is conserved in tomato genome but is distinct from other species. The intronless genomic sequence is decorated with cis elements previously shown to be responsive to cues from plant hormones, dehydration, cold, heat, and MYC/MYB and WRKY71 transcription factors. Chromosomal mapping localized the tomato genomic sequence on the short arm of chromosome 6 in the introgression line (IL) 6-3. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis of gene cluster members revealed differential expression during ripening of tomato fruit, and relatively different abundances in other plant parts.


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This study presents 100% degradation of H-acid under optimized conditions using Alcaligenes latus, isolated from textile industrial effluent. Gene/s responsible for H-acid degradation was/were found to be present on plasmid DNA. Addition of bipyridyl to incubated medium resulted in accumulation of terminal aromatic compound, suggesting that catechol may be terminal aromatic compound in degradation pathway of H-acid by A. latus. SDS-PAGE of cell free extracts showed two prominent bands close to molecular weight of catechol 1,2-dioxygenase.


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A careful comparison of the experimental results reported in the literature reveals different variations of the melting temperature even for the same materials. Though there are different theoretical models, thermodynamic model has been extensively used to understand different variations of size-dependent melting of nanoparticles. There are different hypotheses such as homogeneous melting (HMH), liquid nucleation and growth (LNG) and liquid skin melting (LSM) to resolve different variations of melting temperature as reported in the literature. HMH and LNG account for the linear variation where as LSM is applied to understand the nonlinear behaviour in the plot of melting temperature against reciprocal of particle size. However, a bird's eye view reveals that either HMH or LSM has been extensively used by experimentalists. It has also been observed that not a single hypothesis can explain the size-dependent melting in the complete range. Therefore we describe an approach which can predict the plausible hypothesis for a given data set of the size-dependent melting temperature. A variety of data have been analyzed to ascertain the hypothesis and to test the approach.


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This article gives a brief review of microwave spectroscopy and the experimental techniques used for obtaining microwave spectrum of molecules and complexes since 1950s. It presents a brief summary of the pulsed nozzle Fourier transform microwave (PNFTMW) spectrometer, fabricated in our laboratory, and discusses some of the important results obtained using the spectrometer. The most significant among the results from this spectrometer is the direct structural determination of weakly bound complexes involving H2O/H2S. These have challenged the conventional wisdom on hydrogen bonding leading us to propose a modern definition for the same through IUPAC. The limitations of the PNFTMW spectrometer and the need for the new chirped pulse Fourier transform microwave spectrometer are discussed as well. Moreover, preliminary results from our laboratory on generating a 1 A mu s chirped pulse of 1 GHz bandwidth are given.


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CaSiO3:Dy3+ (1-5 mol%) nanophosphors have been prepared by a low temperature solution combustion method. The structural and luminescence (ionoluminescence; IL and photoluminescence; PL) studies have been carried out for pristine and ion irradiated samples. The XRD patterns of pristine sample show a prominent peak at (320) for the monoclinic structure of beta-CaSiO3. Upon ion irradiation, the intensity of the prominent peak is decreased at the fluence of 7.81 x 10(12) ions cm(-2) and at higher fluence of 15.62 x 10(12) ions cm(-2), the prominent peak completely vanishes. The decrease in peak intensity might be due to the stress induced point defects. On-line IL and in situ PL studies have been carried out on pelletized samples bombarded with 100 MeV Si7+ ions with fluences in the range (7.81-15.62) x 10(12) ions cm(-2). The characteristic emission peaks at 481,574, 664 and 754 nm recorded in both IL and PL are attributed to the luminescence centers activated by Dy3+ ions. It is found that IL and PL emissions intensity decreases with increase in Si7+ ion fluence. The decrease in intensity can be due to the destruction of Si-O-Si and O-Si-O type species present on the surface of the sample. FTIR studies also confirm the Si-O-Si and O-Si-O type species observed to be sensitive for swift heavy ion (SHI) irradiated samples. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Leaves and leaf sheath of banana and areca husk (Areca catechu) constitute an important component of urban solid waste (USW) in India which are difficult to degrade under normal windrow composting conditions. A successful method of anaerobic digestion built around the fermentation properties of these feedstock has been evolved which uses no moving parts, pretreatment or energy input while enabling recovery of four products: fiber, biogas, compost and pest repellent. An SRT of 27 d and 35 d was found to be optimum for fiber recovery for banana leaf and areca husk, respectively. Banana leaf showed a degradation pattern different from other leaves with slow pectin-1 degradation (80%) and 40% lignin removal in 27 d SRT. Areca husk however, showed a degradation pattern similar to other plant biomass. Mass recovery levels for banana leaf were fiber-20%, biogas-70% (400 ml/g TS) and compost-10%. For areca husk recovery was fiber-50%, biogas-45% (250 ml/g TS) and compost-5%. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The polyaniline-PbO composites of various mass fractions were prepared by in situ polymerisation. The prepared samples were characterised by FTIR, and the dominant peaks confirmed the formation of polyaniline-PbO composites. The SEM study shows a granular agglomerated morphology, and increases with an increase in the lead oxide mass % in polyaniline. Direct current (DC) conductivity (sigma (DC)) was studied as a function of temperature (T). From these studies, it was found that conductivity increased at higher temperatures due to the polarons hopping from one localised state to another. DSC studies reveal, the decrease in peak temperature from 273A degrees C (pure PANI) to 169.2A degrees C, 193.5A degrees C, 218.4A degrees C, 235.2A degrees C, and 224.2A degrees C, respectively for the various mass fractions (10 %, 30 %, 20 %, 40 %, and 50 %) of polyaniline-PbO composites.


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In this paper, a numerical model for friction welding of thixo-cast materials is developed, which includes a coupling of thermal effect and plastic deformation using a finite element method (FEM). As the constitutive equations for flow behavior of materials for a thixo-cast material are expected to be different from those of conventionally cast material of the same alloy, the necessary material data are experimentally determined from isothermal hot compression tests of the A356 thixocast alloy. The Johnson-Cook model has been employed to represent the flow behavior of the thixocast A356 alloy. The purpose of this FEM analysis is to provide better understanding of the friction welding process of thixo-cast material, and to obtain optimized process parameters before an actual welding is carried out.


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Nanoparticles are used for a number of biomedical applications. In this work we report the synthesis of folic acid (FA) modified polyethylene glycol (PEG) functionalized hydroxyapatite (HAp) nanoparticles. The anticancer drug, paclitaxel, is attached to the folic acid modified polyethylene glycol functionalized hydroxyapatite nanoparticles and the in vitro drug release is analyzed. The surface modification and functionalization is confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) and UV spectroscopy. The importance of the paper is the investigation of the release behavior of paclitaxel conjugated folic acid modified polyethylene glycol functionalized hydroxyapatite nanoparticles. The results show an initial rapid release and then a sustained release. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Inspired by the Brazilian disk geometry we examine the utility of an edge cracked semicircular disk (ECSD) specimen for rapid assessment of fracture toughness of brittle materials using compressive loading. It is desirable to optimize the geometry towards a constant form factor F for evaluating K-I. In this investigation photoelastic and finite element results for K-I evaluation highlight the effect of loading modeled using a Hertzian. A Hertzian loading subtending 4 degrees at the center leads to a surprisingly constant form factor of 1.36. This special case is further analyzed by applying uniform pressure over a chord for facilitating testing.


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Regular vaccinations with potent vaccine, in endemic countries and vaccination to live in non-endemic countries are the methods available to control foot-and-mouth disease. Selection of candidate vaccine strain is not only cumbersome but the candidate should grow well for high potency vaccine preparation. Alternative strategy is to generate an infectious cDNA of a cell culture-adapted virus and use the replicon for development of tailor-made vaccines. We produced a chimeric `O' virus in the backbone of Asia 1 and studied its characteristics. The chimeric virus showed high infectivity titre (>10(10)) in BHK 21 cell lines, revealed small plague morphology and there was no cross reactivity with antiserum against Asia I. The virus multiplies rapidly and reaches peak at 12 h post infection. The vaccine prepared with this virus elicited high antibody titres.


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Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) play a major role in carbon cycle and can be utilized as a source of carbon and energy by bacteria. Salmonella typhimurium propionate kinase (StTdcD) catalyzes reversible transfer of the gamma-phosphate of ATP to propionate during L-threonine degradation to propionate. Kinetic analysis revealed that StTdcD possesses broad ligand specificity and could be activated by various SCFAs (propionate > acetate approximate to butyrate), nucleotides (ATP approximate to GTP > CTP approximate to TTP; dATP > dGTP > dCTP) and metal ions (Mg2+ approximate to Mn2+ > Co2+). Inhibition of StTdcD by tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates such as citrate, succinate, alpha-ketoglutarate and malate suggests that the enzyme could be under plausible feedback regulation. Crystal structures of StTdcD bound to PO4 (phosphate), AMP, ATP, Ap4 (adenosine tetraphosphate), GMP, GDP, GTP, CMP and CTP revealed that binding of nucleotide mainly involves hydrophobic interactions with the base moiety and could account for the broad biochemical specificity observed between the enzyme and nucleotides. Modeling and site-directed mutagenesis studies suggest Ala88 to be an important residue involved in determining the rate of catalysis with SCFA substrates. Molecular dynamics simulations on monomeric and dimeric forms of StTdcD revealed plausible open and closed states, and also suggested role for dimerization in stabilizing segment 235-290 involved in interfacial interactions and ligand binding. Observation of an ethylene glycol molecule bound sufficiently close to the gamma-phosphate in StTdcD complexes with triphosphate nucleotides supports direct in-line phosphoryl transfer. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sn-Ag-Cu (SAC) solders are susceptible to appreciable microstructural coarsening during storage or service. This results in evolution of joint properties over time and thereby influences the long-term reliability of microelectronic packages. Accurate reliability prediction of SAC solders requires prediction of microstructural evolution during service. Microstructure evolution in two SAC solder alloys, such as, Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu (SAC 305) and Sn-1.0Ag-0.5 Cu (SAC 105), under different thermomechanical excursions, including isothermal aging at 150 degrees C and thermomechanical cycling (TMC) was studied. In general, between 200 and 600 cycles during TMC, recrystallization of the Sn matrix was observed, along with redistribution of Ag3Sn particles because of dissolution and reprecipitation. These latter effects have not been reported before. It was also observed that the Sn grains recrystallized near precipitate clusters in eutectic channels during extended isothermal aging. The relative orientation of Sn grains in proeutectic colonies did not change during isothermal aging.


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