131 resultados para Ultrashort pulsed laser beams


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Epitaxial films of La4BaCu5O13+δ and La4BaCu4NiO13+δ oxides are grown with a-b plane parallel to (100) of LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 by pulsed-laser deposition. The conductivity measurements performed along the c direction using LaNiO3 as the electrode show metallic behavior whereas they show semiconducting behavior in the a-b plane. Anisotropic transport property of these thin films is explained on the basis of nearly 180° connected Cu–O–Cu chains with an average Cu–O distance of 1.94 Å along the c direction and nearly 180° and 90° connected Cu–O–Cu chains in the a-b plane with short and long Cu–O distances ranging from 1.863 to 2.303 Å. YBa2Cu3O7−x has been grown along (00l) on La4BaCu5O13+δ and shows a Tc of 88 K.


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We have synthesized La0.83Na0.11MnO2.93 by heating La2O3 and MnCO3 in NaCl melt at 900 °C. The exact composition was arrived by analyzing each ion by an independent chemical method. The compound crystallized in a rhombohedral structure and showed an insulator-to-metal transition at 290 K. Epitaxial thin films were fabricated on LaAlO3 (100) using a pulsed laser deposition technique. The film also showed an insulator-to-metal transition at 290 K. Magnetoresistance [ΔR/R0 = (RH−R0)/R0] was −71% near the insulator-to-metal transition temperature of 290 K at 6 T magnetic field.


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Three-component ferroelectric superlattices consisting of alternating layers of SrTiO3, BaTiO3, and CaTiO3 (SBC) with variable interlayer thickness were fabricated on Pt(111)/TiO2/SiO2/Si (100) substrates by pulsed laser deposition. The presence of satellite reflections in x-ray-diffraction analysis and a periodic concentration of Sr, Ba, and Ca throughout the film in depth profile of secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis confirm the fabrication of superlattice structures. The Pr (remnant polarization) and Ps (saturation polarization) of SBC superlattice with 16.4-nm individual layer thickness (SBC16.4) were found to be around 4.96 and 34 μC/cm2, respectively. The dependence of polarization on individual layer thickness and lattice strain were studied in order to investigate the size dependence of the dielectric properties. The dielectric constant of these superlattices was found to be much higher than the individual component layers present in the superlattice configuration. The relatively higher tunability ( ∼ 55%) obtained around 300 K indicates that the superlattice is a potential electrically tunable material for microwave applications at room temperature. The enhanced dielectric properties were thus discussed in terms of the interfacial strain driven polar region due to high lattice mismatch and electrostatic coupling due to polarization mismatch between individual layers.


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Compositionally varying multilayers of (1−x) Pb(Mg1/3N2/3)O3–(x) PbTiO3 were fabricated using pulsed laser ablation technique. An antiferroelectriclike polarization hysteresis was observed in these relaxor based multilayer systems. The competition among the intrinsic ferroelectric coupling in the relaxor ferroelectrics and the antiferroelectric coupling among the dipoles at the interface gives rise to an antiferroelectriclike polarization behavior. An increment in the coercive field and the applied field corresponding to the polarization flipping at low temperatures, provide further insight on the competition among the long-range ferroelectric interaction and the interfacial interaction in the polarization behavior of these relaxor multilayers.


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Novel ferroelectric bismuth vanadate, Bi2VO5.5 (BVO), thin films have been grown between lattice matched metallic LaNiO3 (LNO) layers deposited on SrTiO3 (STO) by the pulsed laser deposition technique. LNO/BVO/LNO/STO and Au/BVO/LNO/STO trilayer structures exhibited c‐oriented (001) growth of BVO. LNO has been found to be a good metallic electrode with sheet resistance ∼20 Ω in addition to aiding c‐axis oriented BVO growth. The dielectric constant, ϵr of LNO/BVO/LNO/STO, at 300 K was about 12. However, when an Au electrode was used on top of BVO/LNO/STO film, it showed a significant improvement in the dielectric constant (ϵr=123). The ferroelectric properties of BVO thin films have been confirmed by hysteresis behavior with a remnant polarization, Pr=4.6×10−8 C/cm2 and coercive field, Ec=23 kV/cm at 300 K.


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Symmetric BiFeO3/SrTiO3 superlattices were fabricated by pulsed laser deposition on SrTiO3 (100) substrates. Frequency independent and near saturated P-E hysteresis was observed in the case of a superlattice (periodicity of ∼ 11 nm) as compared to leaky hysteresis observed in epitaxial BiFeO3. Room temperature leakage current density of the superlattice was almost two orders of magnitude lower than that of BiFeO3. Observed leakage current behavior in case of both BiFeO3 and superlattice indicates the dominance of space charge limited conduction. Improvement in ferroelectric property was discussed in connection to enhanced epitaxial strain, reduced leakage current, and electrostatic interaction between BiFeO3 and SrTiO3.


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BaTiO3/BaZrO3 superlattices with varying periodicities were grown on SrRuO3 buffered MgO (001) substrates by pulsed laser ablation. Ferroelectric measurements were done and correlated to the strain in the heterostructures. The results of ferroelectric measurements indicate an apparent suppression of polarization in the low period superlattices and the onset of weakly ferroelectric behavior in higher period superlattices. Measured switchable polarization values indicate that contribution is primarily from the BaTiO3 in the structure. These results have been correlated to the interfacial strain and the critical thickness of BaTiO3 when grown over tensile substrates such as MgO.


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A set of symmetric and asymmetric superlattices with ferromagnetic La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 (LSMO) and ferroelectric 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.3(PbTiO3) as the constituting layers was fabricated on LaNiO3 coated (100) oriented LaAlO3 substrates using pulsed laser ablation. The crystallinity, and magnetic and ferroelectric properties were studied for all the superlattices. All the superlattice structures exhibited a ferromagnetic behavior over a wide range of temperatures between 10 and 300 K, whereas only the asymmetric superlattices exhibited a reasonably good ferroelectric behavior. Strong influence of an applied magnetic field was observed on the ferroelectric properties of the asymmetric superlattices. Studies were conducted toward understanding the influence of conducting LSMO layers on the electrical responses of the heterostructures. The absence of ferroelectricity in the symmetric superlattice structures has been attributed to their high leakage characteristics. The effect of an applied magnetic field on the ferroelectric properties of the asymmetric superlattices indicated strong influence of the interfaces on the properties. The dominance of the interface on the dielectric response was confirmed by the observed Maxwell-Wagner-type dielectric relaxation in these heterostructures.


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Ferroelectric superlattice structures consisting of alternating layers of BaTiO3 and SrTiO3 with variable interlayer thickness were grown on Pt (111)/TiO2/SiO2/Si (100) substrates by pulsed laser deposition. The presence of superlattice reflections in the x-ray diffraction pattern clearly showed the superlattice behavior of the fabricated structures over a range of 6.4–20 nm individual layer thicknesses. Depth profile conducted by secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis showed a periodic concentration of Ba and Sr throughout the film. Polarization hysteresis and the capacitance-voltage characteristics of these films show clear size dependent ferroelectric characteristics. The spontaneous (Ps) and remnant (Pr) polarizations increase gradually with decreasing periodicity, reach a maximum at a finite thickness and then decrease. The competition between the size effect and long-range ferroelectric interaction is suggested as a possible reason for this phenomenon. The temperature dependence of Ps and Pr shows a single ferroelectric phase transition, and the Curie temperature is estimated to be about 316 K. The curve shows that the ferroelectric superlattice tends to form an artificial material, responding as a single structure with an averaged behavior of both the parent systems.


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Superlattices composed of ferromagnetic La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 and ferroelectric 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.3(PbTiO3) layers were fabricated on (100) LaAlO3 substrates by pulsed laser deposition technique. The ferromagnetic and frequency independent ferroelectric hysteresis characteristics established the biferroic nature of the superlattices. Influence of magnetic field was observed in tuning the P-E characteristics of the superlattices. A similar effect was observed on application of a high dc electric field to the samples. The nature of the observed ferroelectric properties and their modulation by applied magnetic and electric fields were thus discussed in connection to the ferroelectric/ferromagnetic interfaces.


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This paper reports, the Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) studies and structure elucidation of compounds isolated from the fruit extract of Moringa oleifera and also deals with their possible effects on some bacterial strains viz. Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The extract was found to be active against all four microorganisms used. Extent of inhibitory effect of extract was assessed at different concentrations of 25, 50, 75 mg/ml by measuring diameter of inhibition zone (DIZ). Our results clearly showed that the 75 mg/ml concentration of the extract had 14, 12 and 18 mm of the DIZ against Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 14 mm with 50 mg/ml concentration against Escherichia coli. The results were compared with the standard antibiotic `ampicillin' of 1 mg/ml concentration. LIBS was recorded with high power pulsed laser beam from Nd: YAG Laser (Continuum Surelite III-10), focused on the surface of the material, which was in liquid form, to generate plasma on the surface of the sample. LIBS data clearly demonstrate the presence of trace elements, magnesium and iron, in high concentration in the extract. Whereas, from the phytochemical profile reveals the presence of two new compounds, S-ethyl-N-{4-[(alpha-L-rhamnosyloxy) benzyl]} thiocarbamate and 2-acetoxy {4-[(2',3',4'-tri-O-acetyl-alpha-L-rhamnosyloxy) benzyl]} acetonitrile as the major constituents. This study is the first report on synergetic effect of the phytoconstituents and certain set of elements present in their defined role in bacterial management against different bacterial strains.


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0.85PbMg(1/3)Nb(2/3)O(3)-0.15PbTiO(3) (0.85PMN-0.15PT) ferroelectric relaxor thin films have been deposited on La0.5Sr0.5CoO3/(111) Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si by pulsed laser ablation by varying the oxygen partial pressures from 50 mTorr to 400 mTorr. The X-ray diffraction pattern reveals a pyrochlore free polycrystalline film. The grain morphology of the deposited films was studied using scanning electron microscopy and was found to be affected by oxygen pressure. By employing dynamic contact-electrostatic force microscopy we found that the distribution of polar nanoregions is majorly affected by oxygen pressure. Finally, the electric field induced switching in these films is discussed in terms of domain wall pinning.


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More than 70 molecules of varied nature have been identified in the envelopes of carbon-rich stars through their spectral fingerprints in the microwave or far infrared regions. Many of them are carbon chain molecules and radicals, and a significant number are unique to the circumstellar medium. The determination of relevant laboratory kinetics data is critical to keep up with the development of the high spectral and spatial resolution observations and of the refinement of chemical models. Neutralneutral reactions of the CN radical with unsaturated hydrocarbons could be a dominant route in the formation of cyanopolyynes, even at low temperatures and deserve a detailed laboratory investigation. The approach we have developed aims to bridge the temperature gap between resistively heated flow tubes and shock tubes. The present kinetic measurements are obtained using a new reactor combining a high-enthalpy source with a flow tube and a pulsed laser photolysislaser-induced fluorescence system to probe the undergoing chemical reactions. The high-enthalpy flow tube has been used to measure the rate constant of the reaction of the CN radical with propane (C3H8), propene (C3H6), allene (C3H4), 1,3-butadiene (1,3-C4H6), and 1-butyne (C4H6) over a temperature range extending from 300 to 1200 K. All studied reactions of CN with unsaturated hydrocarbons are rapid, with rate coefficients greater than 10-10 cm3 center dot molecule-1 center dot s-1 and exhibit slight negative temperature dependence above room temperature. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Chem Kinet 44: 753766, 2012


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A detailed low temperature magneto-transport study is carried out to understand the transport mechanism in pure and Co doped ZnO thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique. A negative transverse magneto-resistance (MR) (with a value similar to 4% at 4.5 K) which decreases monotonically with the increase in temperature, is observed for the undoped ZnO film. A competition between positive and negative MR is observed for the Co doped ZnO samples. In this case at higher field values negative MR contribution dominates over the positive MR, which gives rise to a slope change in the MR data. Our data for MR shows excellent agreement with the semi-empirical formula given by Khosla et al., which is originally proposed for the degenerate semiconductors. This formula incorporates the third order perturbation expansion of the s-d exchange scattering of the conduction electrons from the localised spins. We have also obtained the Hall mobility, carrier conc. and mean free path as function of temperature for the pure ZnO film.


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Ferroelectric c-oriented Bi2VO5.5 (BVO) thin films (thickness approximate to 300 nm) were fabricated by pulsed laser deposition on corning glass substrates. Nonlinear refractive index (n(2)) and two photon absorption coefficient (beta) were measured by Z-scan technique at 532 nm wavelength delivering pulses with 10 ns duration. Relatively large values of n(2) = 2.05 +/- 0.2 x 10(-10) cm(2)/W and beta = 9.36 +/- 0.3 cm/MW were obtained for BVO thin films. Origin of the large optical nonlinearities in BVO thin films was discussed based on bond-orbital theory of transition metal oxides. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.