119 resultados para Tunnel lining.


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An extension to a formal verification approach of hybrid systems is proposed to verify analog and mixed signal (AMS) designs. AMS designs can be formally modeled as hybrid systems and therefore lend themselves to the formal analysis and verification techniques applied to hybrid systems. The proposed approach employs simulation traces obtained from an actual design implementation of AMS circuit blocks (for example, in the form of SPICE netlists) to carry out formal analysis and verification. This enables the same platform used for formally validating an abstract model of an AMS design, to be also used for validating its different refinements and design implementation; thereby, providing a simple route to formal verification at different levels of implementation. The feasibility of the proposed approach is demonstrated with a case study based on a tunnel diode oscillator. Since the device characteristic of a tunnel diode is highly non-linear with a negative resistance region, dynamic behavior of circuits in which it is employed as an element is difficult to model, analyze and verify within a general hybrid system formal verification tool. In the case study presented the formal model and the proposed computational techniques have been incorporated into CheckMate, a formal verification tool based on MATLAB and Simulink-Stateflow Framework from MathWorks.


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This paper presents the results of a study on the effect of alumina nano-fillers on electrical tree growth in epoxy insulation. Treeing experiments were conducted at a fixed ac voltage of 15 kV, 50 Hz on unfilled epoxy samples as well as epoxy nanocomposites with different loadings of alumina nano-fillers. Time for tree inception as well as tree growth patterns were studied. The results show that there is a significant improvement in tree initiation time with the increase in nano-filler loading. Different tree growth patterns as well as slower tree growth with increasing filler loadings were observed in epoxy nanocomposites. The nature of the tree channel and the elemental composition of the material on the inner lining of the tree channels have been studied using SEM imaging and EDAX analysis respectively of the cut section of the tree channels. It has been shown that the type of bonding at the interface has an influence on the electrical tree growth pattern. The nature of the bonding at the interface between the epoxy and the nano-filler has been studied using FTIR spectrometry. Finally the influence of the interface on tree growth phenomena in nanocomposites has been explained by a physical model.


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The crystal structure of Rv0098, a long-chain fatty acyl-CoA thioesterase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis with bound dodecanoic acid at the active site provided insights into the mode of substrate binding but did not reveal the structural basis of substrate specificities of varying chain length. Molecular dynamics studies demonstrated that certain residues of the substrate binding tunnel are flexible and thus modulate the length of the tunnel. The flexibility of the loop at the base of the tunnel was also found to be important for determining the length of the tunnel for accommodating appropriate substrates. A combination of crystallographic and molecular dynamics studies thus explained the structural basis of accommodating long chain substrates by Rv0098 of M. tuberculosis.


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Experiments are carried out in a shock tunnel at a nominal Mach number of 5.75 in order to study the effect of concentrated energy deposition on the drag force experienced by a 120° blunt cone. Electrical energy was deposited along the stagnation streamline of the model using a high voltage DC discharge circuit (1.5 – 3.5KW) and the drag force was measured by a single component accelerometer balance. Numerical simulations were also carried complimenting the experiments. These simulations showed a substantial drag reduction (20% ~ 65%) whereas the experiments show no appreciable reduction in drag


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A new six-component accelerometer force balance is developed and used in the HST2 shock tunnel of Indian Institute of Science. Aerodynamic forces and moments for a hypersonic slender body measured using this balance system at a free stream Mach number of 5.75 and Reynolds number of 1.5 million and stagnation enthalpy of 1.5 and 2 MJ/kg are presented. These measured values compare well with the theoretical values estimated using modified Newtonian theory.


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Reliable bench mark experimental database in the separated hypersonic flow regime is necessary to validate high resolution CFD codes. In this paper we report the surface pressure and heat transfer measurements carried out on double cones (first cone semi-apex angle = 15, 25 deg.; second cone semi-apex angle= 35, 68 deg.) at hypersonic speeds that will be useful for CFD code validation studies. The surface pressure measurements are carried out at nominal Mach number of 8.35 in the IISc hypersonic wind tunnel. On the other hand the surface heat transfer measurements are carried out at a nominal Mach number of 5.75 in the IISc hypersonic shock tunnel. The flow separation point on the first cone, flow reattachment on the second cone and the wild fluctuation of the transmitted shock on the second cone surface (25/68 deg. double cone) in the presence of severe adverse pressure gradient are some of the flow features captured in the measurements. The results from the CFD studies indicate good agreement with experiments in the attached flow regime while considerable differences are noticeable in the separated flow regime.


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Results from elasto-plastic numerical simulations of jointed rocks using both the equivalent continuum and discrete continuum approaches are presented, and are compared with experimental measurements. Initially triaxial compression tests on different types of rocks with wide variation in the uniaxial compressive strength are simulated using both the approaches and the results are compared. The applicability and relative merits and limitations of both the approaches for the simulation of jointed rocks are discussed. It is observed that both the approaches are reasonably good in predicting the real response. However, the equivalent continuum approach has predicted somewhat higher stiffness values at low strains. Considering the modelling effort involved in case of discrete continuum approach, for problems with complex geometry, it is suggested that a proper equivalent continuum model can be used, without compromising much on the accuracy of the results. Then the numerical analysis of a tunnel in Japan is taken up using the continuum approach. The deformations predicted are compared well against the field measurements and the predictions from discontinuum analysis. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Control of flow in duct networks has a myriad of applications ranging from heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning to blood flow networks. The system considered here provides vent velocity inputs to a novel 3-D wind display device called the TreadPort Active Wind Tunnel. An error-based robust decentralized sliding-mode control method with nominal feedforward terms is developed for individual ducts while considering cross coupling between ducts and model uncertainty as external disturbances in the output. This approach is important due to limited measurements, geometric complexities, and turbulent flow conditions. Methods for resolving challenges such as turbulence, electrical noise, valve actuator design, and sensor placement are presented. The efficacy of the controller and the importance of feedforward terms are demonstrated with simulations based upon an experimentally validated lumped parameter model and experiments on the physical system. Results show significant improvement over traditional control methods and validate prior assertions regarding the importance of decentralized control in practice.


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We investigate the direct band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) in a reverse biased molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanoribbon p-n junction by analyzing the complex band structure obtained from semiempirical extended Huckel method under relaxed and strained conditions. It is demonstrated that the direct BTBT is improbable in relaxed monolayer nanoribbon; however, with the application of certain uniaxial tensile strain, the material becomes favorable for it. On the other hand, the relaxed bilayer nanoribbon is suitable for direct BTBT but becomes unfavorable when the applied uniaxial tensile or compressive strain goes beyond a certain limit. Considering the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation, we evaluate the tunneling probability to estimate the tunneling current for a small applied reverse bias. Reasonably high tunneling current in the MoS2 nanoribbons shows that it can take advantage over graphene nanoribbon in future tunnel field-effect transistor applications.


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Boundary layers are subject to favorable and adverse pressure gradients because of both the temporal and spatial components of the pressure gradient. The adverse pressure gradient may cause the flow to separate. In a closed loop unsteady tunnel we have studied the initiation of separation in unsteady flow past a constriction (bluff body) in a channel. We have proposed two important scalings for the time when boundary layer separates. One is based on the local pressure gradient and the other is a convective time scale based on boundary layer parameters. The flow visualization using a dye injection technique shows the flow structure past the body. Nondimensional shedding frequency (Strouhal number) is calculated based on boundary layer and momentum thicknesses. Strouhal number based on the momentum thickness shows a close agreement with that for flat plate and circular cylinder.


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Optical imaging techniques have played a major role in understanding the flow dynamics of varieties of fluid flows, particularly in the study of hypersonic flows. Schlieren and shadowgraph techniques have been the flow diagnostic tools for the investigation of compressible flows since more than a century. However these techniques provide only the qualitative information about the flow field. Other optical techniques such as holographic interferometry and laser induced fluorescence (LIF) have been used extensively for extracting quantitative information about the high speed flows. In this paper we present the application of digital holographic interferometry (DHI) technique integrated with short duration hypersonic shock tunnel facility having 1 ms test time, for quantitative flow visualization. Dynamics of the flow fields in hypersonic/supersonic speeds around different test models is visualized with DHI using a high-speed digital camera (0.2 million fps). These visualization results are compared with schlieren visualization and CFD simulation results. Fringe analysis is carried out to estimate the density of the flow field.


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Naturally occurring spin-valve-type magnetoresistance (SVMR), recently observed in Sr2FeMoO6 samples, suggests the possibility of decoupling the maximal resistance from the coercivity of the sample. Here we present the evidence that SVMR can be engineered in specifically designed and fabricated core-shell nanoparticle systems, realized here in terms of soft magnetic Fe3O4 as the core and hard magnetic insulator CoFe2O4 as the shell materials. We show that this provides a magnetically switchable tunnel barrier that controls the magnetoresistance of the system, instead of the magnetic properties of the magnetic grain material, Fe3O4, and thus establishing the feasibility of engineered SVMR structures. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Heat transfer rates measured in front and to the side of a protrusion on an aluminum flat plate subjected to hypersonic flow at zero angle of attack are presented for two flow enthalpies of approximately 2 MJ/kg and 4.5 MJ/kg. Experiments were conducted in the hypersonic shock tunnel (HST2) and free piston driven HST3 at a freestream Mach number of 8. Heat transfer data was obtained for different geometries of the protrusion of a height of 4 mm, which is approximately the local boundary layer thickness. Comparatively high rates of heat transfer were obtained at regions of flow circulation in the separated region, with the hottest spot generally appearing in front of the protuberance. Experimental values showed moderate agreement with existing empirical correlations at higher enthalpy but not at all for the lower enthalpy condition, although the correlations were coined at enthalpy values nearer to the lower value. Schlieren visualization was also done to investigate the flow structures qualitatively.


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We study quasiparticle tunneling in Josephson tunnel junctions embedded in an electromagnetic environment. We identify tunneling processes that transfer electrical charge and couple to the environment in a way similar to that of normal electrons, and processes that mix electrons and holes and are thus creating charge superpositions. The latter are sensitive to the phase difference between the superconductors and are thus limited by phase diffusion even at zero temperature. We show that the environmental coupling is suppressed in many environments, thus leading to lower quasiparticle decay rates and better superconductor qubit coherence than previously expected. Our approach is nonperturbative in the environmental coupling strength.


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The stability of two long unsupported circular parallel tunnels aligned horizontally in fully cohesive and cohesive-frictional soils has been determined. An upper bound limit analysis in combination with finite elements and linear programming is employed to perform the analysis. For different clear spacing (S) between the tunnels, the stability of tunnels is expressed in terms of a non-dimensional stability number (gamma H-max/c); where H is tunnel cover, c refers to soil cohesion, and gamma(max) is maximum unit weight of soil mass which the tunnels can bear without any collapse. The variation of the stability number with tunnels' spacing has been established for different combinations of H/D, m and phi; where D refers to diameter of each tunnel, phi is the internal friction angle of soil and m accounts for the rate at which the cohesion increases linearly with depth. The stability number reduces continuously with a decrease in the spacing between the tunnels. The optimum spacing (S-opt) between the two tunnels required to eliminate the interference effect increases with (i) an increase in H/D and (ii) a decrease in the values of both m and phi. The value of S-opt lies approximately in a range of 1.5D-3.5D with H/D = 1 and 7D-12D with H/D = 7. The results from the analysis compare reasonably well with the different solutions reported in literature. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.