163 resultados para Localized states


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Various aspects of coherent states of nonlinear su(2) and su(1,1) algebras are studied. It is shown that the nonlinear su(1,1) Barut-Girardello and Perelomov coherent states are related by a Laplace transform. We then concentrate on the derivation and analysis of the statistical and geometrical properties of these states. The Berry's phase for the nonlinear coherent states is also derived. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3514118]


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Symmetry?adapted linear combinations of valence?bond (VB) diagrams are constructed for arbitrary point groups and total spin S using diagrammatic VB methods. VB diagrams are related uniquely to invariant subspaces whose size reflects the number of group elements; their nonorthogonality leads to sparser matrices and is fully incorporated into a binary integer representation. Symmetry?adapated linear combinations of VB diagrams are constructed for the 1764 singlets of a half?filled cube of eight sites, the 2.8 million ??electron singlets of anthracene, and for illustrative S?0 systems.


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We propose that strong fluorescence in conjugated polymers requires a dipole-allowed state to be the lowest singlet. Hückel theory for para-conjugated phenyl rings yields an extended, topologically one-dimensional ?-system with increased alternation, states localized on each ring, and charge-transfer excitations between them. Exact Pariser�Parr�Pople results and molecular spectra for oligomers support a topological contribution and a lowest dipole-allowed singlet in phenylene polymers.


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The impedance of sealed nickel/cadmium cells is measured at low states-of-charge that correspond to a cell e.m.f. range of 0.0 to 1.3 V. The results show that the impedance exhibits a pronounced maximum between 0.3 and 0.45 V. It is concluded that the impedance maxima are due to physicochemical processes taking place at the nickel oxide electrode. The impedance of the nickel oxide electrode is dominated by three different phenomena: (i) a Ni(II)/Ni(III) reaction between 1.3 and 0.8 V; (ii) a double-layer impedance between 0.8 and 0.3 V; (iii) a hydrogen evolution reaction between 0.3 and 0.0 V.


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We study the bound states of two spin-1/2 fermions interacting via a contact attraction (characterized by a scattering length) in the singlet channel in three-dimensional space in presence of a uniform non-Abelian gauge field. The configuration of the gauge field that generates a Rashba-type spin-orbit interaction is described by three coupling parameters (lambda(x),lambda(y),lambda(z)). For a generic gauge field configuration, the critical scattering length required for the formation of a bound state is negative, i.e., shifts to the ``BCS side'' of the resonance. Interestingly, we find that there are special high-symmetry configurations (e.g., lambda(x) = lambda(y) = lambda(z)) for which there is a two-body bound state for any scattering length however small and negative. Remarkably, the bound-state wave functions obtained for such configurations have nematic spin structure similar to those found in liquid He-3. Our results show that the BCS-BEC (Bose-Einstein condensation) crossover is drastically affected by the presence of a non-Abelian gauge field. We discuss possible experimental signatures of our findings both at high and low temperatures.


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We present an analysis, based on the metaplectic group Mp(2), of the recently introduced single-mode inverse creation and annihilation operators and of the associated eigenstates of different two-photon annihilation operators. We motivate and obtain a quantum operator form of the classical Mobius or fractional linear transformation. The subtle relation to the two unitary irreducible representations of Mp(2) is brought out. For problems involving inverse operators the usefulness of the Bargmann analytic function representation of quantum mechanics is demonstrated. Squeezing, bunching, and photon-number distributions of the four families of states that arise in this context are studied both analytically and numerically


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A general analysis of squeezing transformations for two-mode systems is given based on the four-dimensional real symplectic group Sp(4, R). Within the framework of the unitary (metaplectic) representation of this group, a distinction between compact photon-number-conserving and noncompact photon-number-nonconserving squeezing transformations is made. We exploit the U(2) invariant squeezing criterion to divide the set of all squeezing transformations into a two-parameter family of distinct equivalence classes with representative elements chosen for each class. Familiar two-mode squeezing transformations in the literature are recognized in our framework and seen to form a set of measure zero. Examples of squeezed coherent and thermal states are worked out. The need to extend the heterodyne detection scheme to encompass all of U(2) is emphasized, and known experimental situations where all U(2) elements can be reproduced are briefly described.


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Nonclassicality in the sense of quantum optics is a prerequisite for entanglement in multimode radiation states. In this work we bring out the possibilities of passing from the former to the latter, via action of classicality preserving systems like beam splitters, in a transparent manner. For single-mode states, a complete description of nonclassicality is available via the classical theory of moments, as a set of necessary and sufficient conditions on the photon number distribution. We show that when the mode is coupled to an ancilla in any coherent state, and the system is then acted upon by a beam splitter, these conditions turn exactly into signatures of negativity under partial transpose (NPT) entanglement of the output state. Since the classical moment problem does not generalize to two or more modes, we turn in these cases to other familiar sufficient but not necessary conditions for nonclassicality, namely the Mandel parameter criterion and its extensions. We generalize the Mandel matrix from one-mode states to the two-mode situation, leading to a natural classification of states with varying levels of nonclassicality. For two-mode states we present a single test that can, if successful, simultaneously show nonclassicality as well as NPT entanglement. We also develop a test for NPT entanglement after beam-splitter action on a nonclassical state, tracing carefully the way in which it goes beyond the Mandel nonclassicality test. The result of three-mode beam-splitter action after coupling to an ancilla in the ground state is treated in the same spirit. The concept of genuine tripartite entanglement, and scalar measures of nonclassicality at the Mandel level for two-mode systems, are discussed. Numerous examples illustrating all these concepts are presented.


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The beta-cleavage process in photoexcited ketones of structure RCOCH2X (X = CH2CH3, OCH3, SCH3; R = CH3, Ph) has been studied using the configuration interaction procedure within the framework of MINDO/3. The results explain qualitatively why the beta-cleavage process is faster than the alpha-cleavage process in keto sulfides while in keto ethers the reverse is true.


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Using intensity autocorrelation of multiply scattered light, we show that the increase in interparticle interaction in dense, binary colloidal fluid mixtures of particle diameters 0.115µm and 0.089µm results in freezing into a crystalline phase at volume fraction? of 0.1 and into a glassy state at?=0.2. The functional form of the field autocorrelation functiong (1)(t) for the binary fluid phase is fitted to exp[??(6k 0 2 D eff t)1/2] wherek 0 is the magnitude of the incident light wavevector and? is a parameter inversely proportional to the photon transport mean free pathl*. TheD eff is thel* weighted average of the individual diffusion coefficients of the pure species. Thel* used in calculatingD eff was computed using the Mie theory. In the solid (crystal or glass) phase, theg (1)(t) is fitted (only with a moderate success) to exp[??(6k 0 2 W(t))1/2] where the mean-squared displacementW(t) is evaluated for a harmonically bound overdamped Brownian oscillator. It is found that the fitted parameter? for both the binary and monodisperse suspensions decreases significantly with the increase of interparticle interactions. This has been justified by showing that the calculated values ofl* in a monodisperse suspension using Mie theory increase very significantly with the interactions incorporated inl* via the static structure factor.


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The spin and charge excitation gaps and charge and spin density distributions have been studied in macrocyclic binuclear aza-amido copper (II) complexes employing a model Hamiltonian. The spin gaps depend on the σ-orbital occupancies, and for small gaps, the exchange integral between the σ orbitals of the bridging oxygen atoms, KOO, which is sensitive to geometry, determines the low-lying spin excitations. The singlet—singlet gaps also depend upon the σ-orbital occupancy but are weakly dependent upon KOO.


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Compounds of the type, LaAFeNbO(6) (A = Ca Sr) have been synthesized to study the electrical and magnetic properties and to examine valence degeneracy. The results show that valence degeneracy is not operative and the compounds are insulating. Magnetic susceptibility data show that part of the Fe is in Fs(2+) state, thus oxidizing part of Nb4+ to Nb5+ by an internal redox mechanism. The presence of mixed valent Fe is confirmed by Mossbauer spectra. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We generalize the concept of coherent states, traditionally defined as special families of vectors on Hilbert spaces, to Hilbert modules. We show that Hilbert modules over C*-algebras are the natural settings for a generalization of coherent states defined on Hilbert spaces. We consider those Hilbert C*-modules which have a natural left action from another C*-algebra, say A. The coherent states are well defined in this case and they behave well with respect to the left action by A. Certain classical objects like the Cuntz algebra are related to specific examples of coherent states. Finally we show that coherent states on modules give rise to a completely positive definite kernel between two C*-algebras, in complete analogy to the Hilbert space situation. Related to this, there is a dilation result for positive operator-valued measures, in the sense of Naimark. A number of examples are worked out to illustrate the theory. Some possible physical applications are also mentioned.


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Stationary velocity distribution functions are determined for a particle in a gravitational field driven by a vibrating surface in the limit of small dissipation. It is found that the form of the distribution function is sensitive to the mechanism of energy dissipation, inelastic collisions or viscous drag, and also to the form of the amplitude function of the vibrating surface. The velocity distributions obtained analytically are found to be in excellent agreement with the results of computer simulations in the limit of low dissipation. [S0031-9007(99)08898-5].


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This paper reports the TR3 spectral studies on perfluorinated organic systems with the objective to understand the influence of perfluorination on the excited states. We have recorded the TR3 spectra and Raman excitation profiles of the triplet excited states of decafluorobenzophenone and fluoranil. It is found that the influence of perfluorination is more pronounced in the triplet excited state than the ground state and thus leads to enhanced reactivity for perfluorinated compounds through larger structural distortions.