113 resultados para LP-Sasakian Manifold


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We have introduced the weight of a group which has a presentation with number of relations is at most the number of generators. We have shown that the number of facets of any contracted pseudotriangulation of a connected closed 3-manifold M is at least the weight of the fundamental group of M. This lower bound is sharp for the 3-manifolds RP3, L(3, 1), L(5, 2), S-1 x S-1 x S-1, S-2 x S-1, S-2 (x) under bar S-1 and S-3/Q(8), where Q(8) is the quaternion group. Moreover, there is a unique such facet minimal pseudotriangulation in each of these seven cases. We have also constructed contracted pseudotriangulations of L(kq - 1, q) with 4(q + k - 1) facets for q >= 3, k >= 2 and L(kq + 1, q) with 4(q + k) facets for q >= 4, k >= 1. By a recent result of Swartz, our pseudotriangulations of L(kg + 1, q) are facet minimal when kg + 1 are even. In 1979, Gagliardi found presentations of the fundamental group of a manifold M in terms of a contracted pseudotriangulation of M. Our construction is the converse of this, namely, given a presentation of the fundamental group of a 3-manifold M, we construct a contracted pseudotriangulation of M. So, our construction of a contracted pseudotriangulation of a 3-manifold M is based on a presentation of the fundamental group of M and it is computer-free.


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A transient 2D axi-symmetric and lumped parameter (LP) model with constant outflow conditions have been developed to study the discharge capacity of an activated carbon bed. The predicted discharge times and variations in bed pressure and temperature are in good agreement with experimental results obtained from a 1.82 l adsorbed natural gas (ANG) storage system. Under ambient air conditions, a maximum temperature drop of 29.5 K and 45.5 K are predicted at the bed center for discharge rates of 1.0 l min(-1) and 5.0 l min(-1) respectively. The corresponding discharge efficiencies are 77% and 71.5% respectively with discharge efficiencies improving with decreasing outflow rates. Increasing the LID ratio from 1.9 to 7.8 had only a marginal increase in the discharge efficiency. Forced convection (exhaust gas) heating had a significant effect on the discharge efficiency, leading to efficiencies as high as 92.8% at a discharge of 1.0 l min(-1) and 88.7% at 5 l min(-1). Our study shows that the LP model can be reliably used to obtain discharge times due to the uniform pressure distributions in the bed. Temperature predictions with the LP model were more accurate at ambient conditions and higher discharge rates, due to greater uniformity in bed temperatures. For the low thermal conductivity carbon porous beds, our study shows that exhaust gas heating can be used as an effective and convenient strategy to improve the discharge characteristics and performance of an ANG system. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a second order sliding mode observer (SOSMO) design for discrete time uncertain linear multi-output system. The design procedure is effective for both matched and unmatched bounded uncertainties and/or disturbances. A second order sliding function and corresponding sliding manifold for discrete time system are defined similar to the lines of continuous time counterpart. A boundary layer concept is employed to avoid switching across the defined sliding manifold and the sliding trajectory is confined to a boundary layer once it converges to it. The condition for existence of convergent quasi-sliding mode (QSM) is derived. The observer estimation errors satisfying given stability conditions converge to an ultimate finite bound (within the specified boundary layer) with thickness O(T-2) where T is the sampling period. A relation between sliding mode gain and boundary layer is established for the existence of second order discrete sliding motion. The design strategy is very simple to apply and is demonstrated for three examples with different class of disturbances (matched and unmatched) to show the effectiveness of the design. Simulation results to show the robustness with respect to the measurement noise are given for SOSMO and the performance is compared with pseudo-linear Kalman filter (PLKF). (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of The Franklin Institute


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In the present study, a detailed visualization of the transport of fuel film has been performed in a small carburetted engine with a transparent manifold at the exit of the carburettor. The presence of fuel film is observed significantly on the lower half of the manifold at idling, while at load conditions, the film is found to be distributed all throughout the manifold walls. Quantitative measurement of the fuel film in a specially-designed manifold of square cross section has also been performed using the planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) technique. The measured fuel film thickness is observed to be of the order of 1 nun at idling, and in the range of 0.1 to 0.4 mm over the range of load and speed studied. These engine studies are complemented by experiments conducted in a carburettor rig to study the state of the fuel exiting the carburettor. Laser-based Particle/Droplet Image Analysis (PDIA) technique is used to identify fuel droplets and ligaments and estimate droplet diameters. At a throttle position corresponding to idling, the fuel exiting the carburettor is found to consist of very fine droplets of size less than 15 mu m and large fuel ligaments associated with length scales of the order of 500 mu m and higher. For a constant pressure difference across the carburettor, the fuel consists of droplets with an SMD of the order of 30 mu m. Also, the effect of liquid fuel film on the cold start HC emissions is studied. Based on the understanding obtained from these studies, strategies such as manifold heating and varying carburettor main jet nozzle diameter are implemented. These are observed to reduce emissions under both idling and varying load conditions.


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Differential mobility analyzers (DMAs) are commonly used to generate monodisperse nanoparticle aerosols. Commercial DMAs operate at quasi-atmospheric pressures and are therefore not designed to be vacuum-tight. In certain particle synthesis methods, the use of a vacuum-compatible DMA is a requirement as a process step for producing high-purity metallic particles. A vacuum-tight radial DMA (RDMA) has been developed and tested at low pressures. Its performance has been evaluated by using a commercial NANO-DMA as the reference. The performance of this low-pressure RDMA (LP-RDMA) in terms of the width of its transfer function is found to be comparable with that of other NANO-DMAs at atmospheric pressure and is almost independent of the pressure down to 30 mbar. It is shown that LP-RDMA can be used for the classification of nanometer-sized particles (5-20 nm) under low pressure condition (30 mbar) and has been successfully applied to nanoparticles produced by ablating FeNi at low pressures.


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All triangulated d-manifolds satisfy the inequality ((f0-d-1)(2)) >= ((d+2)(2))beta(1) for d >= 3. A triangulated d-manifold is called tight neighborly if it attains equality in this bound. For each d >= 3, a (2d + 3)-vertex tight neighborly triangulation of the Sd-1-bundle over S-1 with beta(1) = 1 was constructed by Kuhnel in 1986. In this paper, it is shown that there does not exist a tight neighborly triangulated manifold with beta(1) = 2. In other words, there is no tight neighborly triangulation of (Sd-1 x S-1)(#2) or (Sd-1 (sic) S-1)(#2) for d >= 3. A short proof of the uniqueness of K hnel's complexes for d >= 4 under the assumption beta(1) not equal 0 is also presented.


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We consider the Riemannian functional defined on the space of Riemannian metrics with unit volume on a closed smooth manifold M where R(g) and dv (g) denote the corresponding Riemannian curvature tensor and volume form and p a (0, a). First we prove that the Riemannian metrics with non-zero constant sectional curvature are strictly stable for for certain values of p. Then we conclude that they are strict local minimizers for for those values of p. Finally generalizing this result we prove that product of space forms of same type and dimension are strict local minimizer for for certain values of p.


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We consider the Riemannian functional defined on the space of Riemannian metrics with unit volume on a closed smooth manifold M given by R-n/2(g) := integral(M) vertical bar R(g)vertical bar(n//2) dv(g) where R(g), dv(g) denote the Riemannian curvature and volume form corresponding to g. We show that there are locally symmetric spaces which are unstable critical points for this functional.


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This paper presents the design and modeling of an active five-axis compliant micromanipulator whose tip orientation can be independently controlled by large angles about two axes and the tip-position can be controlled in three dimensions. These features enable precise control of the contact point of the tip and the tip-sample interaction forces with three-dimensional nanoscale objects, including those features that are conventionally inaccessible. Control of the tip-motion is realized by means of electromagnetic actuation combined with a novel kinematic and structural design of the micromanipulator, which, in addition, also ensures compatibility with existing high-resolution motion-measurement systems. The design and analysis of the manipulator structure and those of the actuation system are first presented. Quasi-static and dynamic lumped-parameter (LP) models are then derived for the five-axis compliant micromanipulator. Finite element (FE) analysis is employed to validate these models, which are subsequently used to study the effects of tip orientation on the mechanical characteristics of the five-axis micromanipulator. Finally, a prototype of the designed five-axis manipulator is fabricated by means of focused ion-beam milling (FIB).


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Streptococcus pneumoniae causes pneumonia, septicemia and meningitis. S. pneumoniae is responsible for significant mortality both in children and in the elderly. In recent years, the whole genome sequencing of various S. pneumoniae strains have increased manifold and there is an urgent need to provide organism specific annotations to the scientific community. This prompted us to develop the Streptococcus pneumoniae Genome Database (SPGDB) to integrate and analyze the completely sequenced and available S. pneumoniae genome sequences. Further, links to several tools are provided to compare the pool of gene and protein sequences, and proteins structure across different strains of S. pneumoniae. SPGDB aids in the analysis of phenotypic variations as well as to perform extensive genomics and evolutionary studies with reference to S. pneumoniae. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This study reports the development and performance evaluation of prototypes of biogas-fuelled stationary power generators in the range of 1 kW. Strategies to achieve high engine efficiency namely pulsed manifold injection, electronic throttle control and dual spark plugs, have been incorporated in the prototype. A complete closed-loop control of the engine operation to maintain a steady engine speed of 3000 rpm (+/- 5%) across the entire load range while maintaining an optimum fuel-air equivalence ratio is made possible by an electronic control unit (ECU) controlling the injection duration, ignition timing and throttle position. This study specifically focuses on the response of the generator to transient loads, and the overall efficiency obtained. The results obtained from testing the prototype have been found to be satisfactory and show that biogas power generators for low power applications can be made efficient (overall efficiency of 19% at electrical load of 640 W) using the strategies of biogas fuel injection.


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A triangulated d-manifold K, satisfies the inequality for da parts per thousand yen3. The triangulated d-manifolds that meet the bound with equality are called tight neighbourly. In this paper, we present tight neighbourly triangulations of 4-manifolds on 15 vertices with as an automorphism group. One such example was constructed by Bagchi and Datta (Discrete Math. 311 (citeyearbd102011) 986-995). We show that there are exactly 12 such triangulations up to isomorphism, 10 of which are orientable.


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Consider N points in R-d and M local coordinate systems that are related through unknown rigid transforms. For each point, we are given (possibly noisy) measurements of its local coordinates in some of the coordinate systems. Alternatively, for each coordinate system, we observe the coordinates of a subset of the points. The problem of estimating the global coordinates of the N points (up to a rigid transform) from such measurements comes up in distributed approaches to molecular conformation and sensor network localization, and also in computer vision and graphics. The least-squares formulation of this problem, although nonconvex, has a well-known closed-form solution when M = 2 (based on the singular value decomposition (SVD)). However, no closed-form solution is known for M >= 3. In this paper, we demonstrate how the least-squares formulation can be relaxed into a convex program, namely, a semidefinite program (SDP). By setting up connections between the uniqueness of this SDP and results from rigidity theory, we prove conditions for exact and stable recovery for the SDP relaxation. In particular, we prove that the SDP relaxation can guarantee recovery under more adversarial conditions compared to earlier proposed spectral relaxations, and we derive error bounds for the registration error incurred by the SDP relaxation. We also present results of numerical experiments on simulated data to confirm the theoretical findings. We empirically demonstrate that (a) unlike the spectral relaxation, the relaxation gap is mostly zero for the SDP (i.e., we are able to solve the original nonconvex least-squares problem) up to a certain noise threshold, and (b) the SDP performs significantly better than spectral and manifold-optimization methods, particularly at large noise levels.


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Let (M, g) be a compact Ricci-fiat 4-manifold. For p is an element of M let K-max(P) (respectively K-min(p)) denote the maximum (respectively the minimum) of sectional curvatures at p. We prove that if K-max(p) <= -cK(min)(P) for all p is an element of M, for some constant c with 0 <= c < 2+root 6/4 then (M, g) is fiat. We prove a similar result for compact Ricci-flat Kahler surfaces. Let (M, g) be such a surface and for p is an element of M let H-max(p) (respectively H-min(P)) denote the maximum (respectively the minimum) of holomorphic sectional curvatures at p. If H-max(P) <= -cH(min)(P) for all p is an element of M, for some constant c with 0 <= c < 1+root 3/2, then (M, g) is flat. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, a strategy for controlling a group of agents to achieve positional consensus is presented. The problem is constrained by the requirement that every agent must be given the same control input through a broadcast communication mechanism. Although the control command is computed using state information in a global framework, the control input is implemented by the agents in a local coordinate frame. We propose a novel linear programming (LP) formulation that is computationally less intensive than earlier proposed methods. Moreover, a random perturbation input in the control command that helps the agents to come close to each other even for a large number of agents, which was not possible with an existing strategy in the literature, is introduced. The method is extended to achieve positional consensus at a prespecified location. The effectiveness of the approach is illustrated through simulation results. A comparison between the LP approach and the existing second-order cone programming-based approach is also presented. The algorithm was successfully implemented on a robotic platform with three robots.