89 resultados para free amino acids


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Recognizing similarities and deriving relationships among protein molecules is a fundamental requirement in present-day biology. Similarities can be present at various levels which can be detected through comparison of protein sequences or their structural folds. In some cases similarities obscure at these levels could be present merely in the substructures at their binding sites. Inferring functional similarities between protein molecules by comparing their binding sites is still largely exploratory and not as yet a routine protocol. One of the main reasons for this is the limitation in the choice of appropriate analytical tools that can compare binding sites with high sensitivity. To benefit from the enormous amount of structural data that is being rapidly accumulated, it is essential to have high throughput tools that enable large scale binding site comparison. Results: Here we present a new algorithm PocketMatch for comparison of binding sites in a frame invariant manner. Each binding site is represented by 90 lists of sorted distances capturing shape and chemical nature of the site. The sorted arrays are then aligned using an incremental alignment method and scored to obtain PMScores for pairs of sites. A comprehensive sensitivity analysis and an extensive validation of the algorithm have been carried out. A comparison with other site matching algorithms is also presented. Perturbation studies where the geometry of a given site was retained but the residue types were changed randomly, indicated that chance similarities were virtually non-existent. Our analysis also demonstrates that shape information alone is insufficient to discriminate between diverse binding sites, unless combined with chemical nature of amino acids. Conclusion: A new algorithm has been developed to compare binding sites in accurate, efficient and high-throughput manner. Though the representation used is conceptually simplistic, we demonstrate that along with the new alignment strategy used, it is sufficient to enable binding comparison with high sensitivity. Novel methodology has also been presented for validating the algorithm for accuracy and sensitivity with respect to geometry and chemical nature of the site. The method is also fast and takes about 1/250(th) second for one comparison on a single processor. A parallel version on BlueGene has also been implemented.


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SHMT (serine hydoxymethyltransferase), a type I pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzyme, catalyses the conversion of L-serine and THF (tetrahydrofolate) into glycine and 5,10-methylene THE SHMT also catalyses several THF-independent side reactions such as cleavage of P-hydroxy amino acids, trans-amination, racemization and decarboxylation. In the present study, the residues Asn(341), Tyr(60) and Phe(351), which are likely to influence THF binding, were mutated to alanine, alanine and glycine respectively, to elucidate the role of these residues in THF-dependent and -independent reactions catalysed by SHMT. The N341A and Y60A bsSHMT (Bacillus stearothermophilus SHMT) mutants were inactive for the THF-dependent activity, while the mutations had no effect on THF-independent activity. However, mutation of Phe(351) to glycine did not have any effect oil either of the activities. The crystal structures of the glycine binary complexes of the mutants showed that N341A bsSHMT forms an external aldimine as in bsSHMT, whereas Y60A and F351G bsSHMTs exist as a Mixture of internal/external aldimine and gem-diamine forms. Crystal structures of all of the three Mutants obtained in the presence of L-allo-threonine were similar to the respective glycine binary complexes. The structure of the ternary complex of F351G bsSHMT with glycine and FTHF (5-formyl THF) showed that the monoglutamate side chain of FTHF is ordered in both the subunits of the asymmetric unit, unlike in the wild-type bsSHMT. The present studies demonstrate that the residues Asn(341) and Tyr(60) are pivotal for the binding of THF/FTHF, whereas Phe(351) is responsible for the asymmetric binding of FTHF in the two subunits of the dimer.


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Communication within and across proteins is crucial for the biological functioning of proteins. Experiments such as mutational studies on proteins provide important information on the amino acids, which are crucial for their function. However, the protein structures are complex and it is unlikely that the entire responsibility of the function rests on only a few amino acids. A large fraction of the protein is expected to participate in its function at some level or other. Thus, it is relevant to consider the protein structures as a completely connected network and then deduce the properties, which are related to the global network features. In this direction, our laboratory has been engaged in representing the protein structure as a network of non-covalent connections and we have investigated a variety of problems in structural biology, such as the identification of functional and folding clusters, determinants of quaternary association and characterization of the network properties of protein structures. We have also addressed a few important issues related to protein dynamics, such as the process of oligomerization in multimers, mechanism on protein folding, and ligand induced communications (allosteric effect). In this review we highlight some of the investigations which we have carried out in the recent past. A review on protein structure graphs was presented earlier, in which the focus was on the graphs and graph spectral properties and their implementation in the study of protein structure graphs/networks (PSN). In this article, we briefly summarize the relevant parts of the methodology and the focus is on the advancement brought out in the understanding of protein structure-function relationships through structure networks. The investigations of structural/biological problems are divided into two parts, in which the first part deals with the analysis of PSNs based on static structures obtained from x-ray crystallography. The second part highlights the changes in the network, associated with biological functions, which are deduced from the network analysis on the structures obtained from molecular dynamics simulations.


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A purified preparation of arginine decarboxylase from Cucumis sativus seedlings displayed ornithine decarboxylase activity as well. The two decarboxylase activities associated with the single protein responded differentially to agmatine, putrescine and Pi. While agmatine was inhibitory (50 %) to arginine decarboxylase activity, ornithine decarboxylase activity was stimulated by about 3-fold by the guanido arnine. Agmatine-stimulation of ornithine decarboxylase activity was only observed at higher concentrations of the amine. Inorganic phosphate enhanced arginine decarboxylase activity (2-fold) but ornithine decarboxylase activity was largely uninfluenced. Although both arginine and ornithine decarboxylase activities were inhibited by putrescine, ornithine decarboxylase activity was profoundly curtailed even at 1 mM concentration of the diamine. The enzyme-activated irreversible inhibitor for mammalian ornithine decarboxylase, viz. α-difluoromethyl ornithine, dramatically enhanced arginine decarboxylase activity (3-4 fold), whereas ornithine decarboxylase activity was partially (50%) inhibited by this inhibitor. At substrate level concentrations, the decarboxylation of arginine was not influenced by ornithine and vice-versa. Preliminary evidence for the existence of a specific inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase activity in the crude extracts of the plant is presented. The above results suggest that these two amino acids could be decarboxylated at two different catalytic sites on a single protein.


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A transamidinase was purified 463-fold from Lathyrus sativus seedlings by affinity chromatography on homoarginine--Sepharose. The enzyme exhibited a wide substrate specificity, and catalysed the reversible transfer of the amidino groups from donors such as arginine, homoarginine and canavanine to acceptors such as lysine, putrescine, agmatine, cadaverine and hydroxylamine. The enzyme could not be detected in the seeds, and attained the highest specific activity in the embryo axis on day 10 after seed germination. Its thiol nature was established by strong inhibition by several thiol blockers and thiol compounds in the presence of ferricyanide. In the absence of an exogenous acceptor, it exhibited weak hydrolytic activity towards arginine. It had apparent mol.wt. 210000, and exhibited Michaelis--Menten kinetics with Km 3.0 mM for arginine. Ornithine competitively inhibited the enzyme, with Ki 1.0 mM in the arginine--hydroxylamine amidino-transfer reaction. Conversion experiments with labelled compounds suggest that the enzyme is involved in homoarginine catabolism during the development of plant embryo to give rise to important amino acids and amine metabolites. Presumptive evidence is also provided for its involvement in the biosynthesis of the guanidino amino acid during seed development. The natural occurrence of arcain in L. sativus and mediation of its synthesis in vitro from agmatine by the transamidinase are demonstrated.


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The water soluble carbodiimide mediated condensation of dipeptides of the general form Gly-X was carried out in the presence of mono- and poly-nucleotides. The observed yield of the tetrapeptide was found to be higher for peptide-nucleotide system of higher interaction specificity following mainly the anticodon-amino acid relationship (Basu, H.S. & Podder, S.K., 1981, Ind. J. Biochem. Biophys.,19, 251-253). The yield of the condensation product of L-peptide was more because of its higher interaction specificity. The extent of the racemization during the condensation of Gly-L-Phe, Gly-L-Tyr and Gly-D-Phe was found to be dependent on the specificity of the interaction -the higher the specificity, the lesser the racemization. The product formed was shown to have a catalytic effect on the condensation reaction. These data thus provide a mechanism showing how the specific interaction between amino acids/dipeptides and nucleic acids could lead to the formation of the lsquoprimitiversquo translation machinery.


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An efficient in vitro amino acid-incorporating system from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv was standardized. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) isolated from phage-infected M. smegmatis cells served as natural messenger RNA and directed the incorporation of 14C-amino acids into protein. The effects of various antitubercular drugs and “known inhibitors” of protein synthesis on amino acid incorporation were studied. Antibiotics like chloramphenicol and tetracycline inhibited mycobacterial protein synthesis, though they failed to prevent the growth of the organism. This failure was shown to be due to the impermeability of mycobacteria to these drugs by use of “membrane-active” agents along with the antibiotics in growth inhibition studies. Several independent streptomycin-resistant mutants of M. tuberculosis H37Rv were isolated. Streptomycin inhibited the incorporation of 14C-amino acids into proteins by whole cells of a streptomycin-susceptible strain by more than 90%, whereas very little or no inhibition was observed in either high-level or low-level streptomycin-resistant strains.


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The antifungal drug, miconazole nitrate, inhibits the growth of several species of Candida. Candida albicans, one of the pathogenic species, was totally inhibited at a concentration of approximately 10 μg/ml. Endogenous respiration was unaffected by the drug at a concentration as high as 100 μg/ml, whereas exogenous respiration was markedly sensitive and inhibited to an extent of 85%. The permeability of the cell membrane was changed as evidenced by the leakage of 260-nm absorbing materials, amino acids, proteins, and inorganic cations. The results we present clearly show that the drug alters the cellular permeability, and thus the exogenous respiration becomes sensitive to the drug.


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The antifungal drug, miconazole nitrate, inhibits the growth of several species of Candida. Candida albicans, one of the pathogenic species, was totally inhibited at a concentration of approximately 10 µg/ml. Endogenous respiration was unaffected by the drug at a concentration as high as 100 µg/ml, whereas exogenous respiration was markedly sensitive and inhibited to an extent of 85%. The permeability of the cell membrane was changed as evidenced by the leakage of 260-nm absorbing materials, amino acids, proteins, and inorganic cations. The results we present clearly show that the drug alters the cellular permeability, and thus the exogenous respiration becomes sensitive to the drug.


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Arginine decarboxylase which makes its appearance in Lathyrus sativus seedlings after 24 h of seed germination reaches its highest level around 5–7 days, the cotyledons containing about 60% of the total activity in the seedlings at day 5. The cytosol enzyme was purified 977-fold from whole seedlings by steps involving manganese chloride treatment, ammonium sulphate and acetone fractionations, positive adsorption on alumina C-γ gel, DEAE-Sephadex chromatography followed by preparative disc gel electrophoresis. The enzyme was shown to be homogeneous by electrophoretic and immunological criteria, had a molecular weight of 220000 and appears to be a hexamer with identical subunits. The optimal pH and temperature for the enzyme activity were 8.5 and 45 °C respectively. The enzyme follows typical Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a Km value of 1.73 mM for arginine. Though Mn2+ at lower concentrations stimulated the enzyme activity, there was no dependence of the enzyme on any metal for the activity. The arginine decarboxylase of L. sativus is a sulfhydryl enzyme. The data on co-factor requirement, inhibition by carbonyl reagents, reducing agents and pyridoxal phosphate inhibitors, and a partial reversal by pyridoxal phosphate of inhibition by pyridoxal · HCl suggests that pyridoxal 5'-phosphate is involved as a co-factor for the enzyme. The enzyme activity was inhibited competitively by various amines including the product agmatine. Highest inhibition was obtained with spermine and arcain. The substrate analogue, l-canavanine, homologue l-homoarginine and other basic amino acids like l-lysine and l-ornithine inhibited the enzyme activity competitively, homoarginine being the most effective in this respect.


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Total lipid content in the thermophilic fungi—Thermoascus aurantiacus, Humicola lanuginosa, Malbranchea pulchella var.sulfurea, andAbsidia ramosa—varied from 5.3 to 19.1% of mycelial dry weight. The neutral and polar lipid fractions accounted for 56.4 to 80.2% and 19.8 to 43.6%, respectively. All the fungi contained monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides, free fatty acids, and sterols in variable amounts. Sterol ester was detected only inA. ramosa. Phosphatide composition was: phosphatidyl choline (15.9–47%), phosphatidyl ethanolamine (23.4–67%), phosphatidyl serine (9.3–17.6%), and phosphatidyl inositol (1.9–11.9%). Diphosphatidyl glycerol occurred in considerable quantity only inH. lanuginosa andM. pulchella var.sulfurea. Phosphatidic acid, detected as a minor component only inM. pulchella var.sulfurea andA. ramosa, does not appear to be a characteristic phosphatide of thermophilic fungi as suggested earlier. The 16∶0, 16∶1, 18∶0, 18∶1, and 18∶2 acids were the main fatty acid components. In addition,A. ramosa contained 18∶3 acid. Total lipids contained an average of 0.93 double bonds per mole of fatty acids, and neutral lipids tend to be more unsaturated than phospholipids.


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A cDNA library for 6S–9S poly(A)-containing RNA from rat liver was constructed in Image . Initial screening of the clones was carried out using single stranded 32P-labeled cDNA prepared against poly(A)-containing RNA isolated from immunoadsorbed polyribosomes enriched for the nuclear-coded subunit messenger RNAs of cytochrome c oxidase. One of the clones, pCO89, was found to hybridize with the messenger RNA for subunit VIC. The DNA sequence of the insert in pCO89 was carried out and it has got extensive homology with the C-terminal 33 amino acids of subunit VIC from beef heart cytochrome c oxidase. In addition, the insert contained 146 bp, corresponding to a portion of the 3′-non-coding region. Northern blot analysis of rat liver RNA with the nick-translated insert of pCO89 revealed that the messenger RNA for subunit VI would contain around 510 bases.


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Direct synthesis of condensed triazoles from diverse sulfamidates by ring opening of sulfamidates with sodium azide followed by one-pot propargylation and cycloaddition furnished title compounds. The methodology in general has been demonstrated on diverse sulfamidates derived from amino acids, amino acid derivatives, and carbohydrates to obtain diverse triazole fused scaffolds. In one example, a condensed triazole containing amino acid has been synthesized by ring opening of a sulfamidate derivative with propargyl amine.


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MUCH information has been gathered in recent years on the so-called 'antifreeze' proteins which lower the freezing point of the serum of certain marine fishes living in sub-zero water temperatures1−4. The proteins from the Antarctic fish Trematomus borchgrevinki are glycoproteins with a repeating alanyl-alanyl-threonyl tripeptide sequence, the threonyl residue being linked to a disaccharide1,2. In contrast, the antifreeze protein from the winter flounder Pseudopleuronectus americanus in the North American Atlantic coastal region is made up of eight ammo acids with no apparent repeating sequence of the residues and no sugar moiety (ref. 4 and unpublished work of C. L. Hew, C. C. Yip & G. Fletcher). The antifreeze activity of these proteins is not compatible with the known colligative properties of solutes in solution and the mechanism of their action is not yet fully understood. But a common feature of both types of the antifreeze proteins is the preponderance of alanine which accounts for over 60% of the total amino residues. This fact, together with the absence of the carbohydrate in the protein from the winter flounder, prompted us to attempt the synthesis of polypeptide analogues having comparable proportions of alanine in them along with suitable other amino acids. As a first step, we made use of the lack of any obvious periodicity in the distribution of the alanyl residues in the flounder's protein and attempted the synthesis of a random copolypeptide containing about 65 mol % of alanine and 35 mol % of aspartic acid. The choice of aspartic acid was made on the basis of its being the next major amino acid in the flounder's protein3,4 and on the expectation that its polar character will help the water-solubility of the alanine-rich copolypeptide, as in other studies on alanine-containing random copolymers. In addition, Duman and DeVries4 have earlier indicated the involvement of carboxyl groups on the antifreeze activity by chemical modification studies. We report here the synthesis of this polypeptide and show that it possesses antifreeze activity.