214 resultados para P availability


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The kinetics of the vapor phase oxidation of p-xylene over ferric molybdate catalyst were studied in an isothermal, differential, tubular flow reactor in the temperature range of 360 to 420° C. The major product obtained was p-tolualdehyde with small amounts of maleic anhydride and p-toluic acid. No terephthalic acid or CO2 were observed. The reaction rate data collected fit the redox model given by Equation 1. The values of activation energies Ex, Eo and frequency factors Ax, Ao obtained are 72, 63 kJ/mol and 0.64, 2.89 m3/kg catalyst s respectively. The reaction mechanism was established by studying the oxidation of p-tolualdehyde, toluic and terephthalic acids. It is concluded that the reaction follows a parallel-consecutive scheme. On a étudié la cinétique de l'oxydation, en phase gazeuse, du para-xylène sur un catalyseur consistant en molybdate ferrique; cette oxydation s'est faite dans un réacteur à écoulement tubulaire, isothermique et différentiel, dans une échelle de températures comprises entre 360°C et 420°C. Le produit principal obtenu a été le para-tolualdéhyde; on a aussi trouvé de faibles quantités d'anhydride maléique et d'acide para-toluique, mais on n'a pas noté la présence d'acide téréphtalique ni d'anhydride carbonique (CO2). Les résultats obtenus en ce qui a trait à la vitesse de réaction concordent bien avec les données du modèle redox indiquées par l'équation 1. Les valeurs des énergies d'activation Ex et Eo ainsi que des facteurs de fréquence Ax et Ao obtenus sont respectivement 72 et 63 kilojoules/mol. et 0.64 × 103 et 2.89 m3/kg de catalyseur. On a établi le mécanisme de la réaction en étudiant l'oxydation du para-tolualdéhyde et des acides toluique et téréphtalique. On conclut que la réaction se fait d'une manière parallèle et consécutive.


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The suggestion that a rapidly sedimenting rough endoplasmic reticulum fraction in close association with mitochondria, is the preferred site of cytochrome P-450 synthesis has been examined. The rate of cytochrome P-450 synthesis in the different subcellular fractions has been evaluated Image , using the immunoprecipitation technique. The results indicate that the conventional microsomal fraction (100,000 X g sediment) is the major site of cytochrome P-450 synthesis and that the rapidly sedimenting rough endoplasmic reticulum fraction associated with mitochondria is not a preferred site for the hemoprotein synthesis.


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Adenylosuccinate synthetase catalyzes a reversible reaction utilizing IMP, GTP and aspartate in the presence of Mg2+ to form adenylosuccinate, GDP and inorganic phosphate. Comparison of similarly liganded complexes of Plasmodium falciparum, mouse and Escherichia coil AdSS reveals H-bonding interactions involving nonconserved catalytic loop residues (Asn429, Lys62 and Thr307) that are unique to the parasite enzyme. Site-directed mutagenesis has been used to examine the role of these interactions in catalysis and structural organization of P. falciparum adenylosuccinate synthetase (PfAdSS). Mutation of Asn429 to Val, Lys62 to Leu and Thr307 to Val resulted in an increase in K-m values for IMP, GTP and aspartate, respectively along with a 5 fold drop in the k(cat) value for N429V mutant suggesting the role of these residues in ligand binding and/or catalysis. We have earlier shown that the glycolytic intermediate, fructose 1,6 bisphosphate, which is an inhibitor of mammalian AdSS is an activator of the parasite enzyme. Enzyme kinetics along with molecular docking suggests a mechanism for activation wherein F16BP seems to be binding to the Asp loop and inducing a conformation that facilitates aspartate binding to the enzyme active site. Like in other AdSS, a conserved arginine residue (Arg155) is involved in dimer crosstalk and interacts with IMP in the active site of the symmetry related subunit of PfAdSS. We also report on the iochemical characterization of the arginine mutants (R155L, R155K and R155A) which suggests that unlike in E. coil AdSS, Arg155 in PfAdSS influences both ligand binding and catalysis. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We prove the spectral invariance of SG pseudo-differential operators on L-P(R-n), 1 < p < infinity, by using the equivalence of ellipticity and Fredholmness of SG pseudo-differential operators on L-p(R-n), 1 < p < infinity. A key ingredient in the proof is the spectral invariance of SC pseudo-differential operators on L-2(R-n).


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Significant destruction (68%) of liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 and homogeneous cytochrome P-450 purified from PB-treated rats is noticed upon incubation with 10 mM pulegone at 37-degrees-C for 30 min. There is also a concomitant loss of heme. The destructive phenomenon does not require metabolic activation of pulegone. The destruction of purified cytochrome P-450 is time-dependent and saturable. Structure-activity studies suggest that an alpha-isopropylidine ketone unit with a methyl positioned para to the isopropylidine group as in pulegone is necessary for the in vitro destruction of cytochrome P-450. SKF-525A at a concentration of 4-mM obliterates the destruction of cytochrome P-450 by pulegone. Experiments with C-14-pulegone suggest that pulegone or its rearranged product binds covalently to the prosthetic heme of cytochrome P-450.


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A cDNA clone has been isolated from a chicken liver library prepared against messenger RNA isolated after chronic estradiol-17β treatment. The clone, pP-450 IA - 61, has an insert of 900nt and the sequence shows high homology to CYPIA2 subfamily from four other species. A single injection of estradiol-17β to immature chicken results in a striking induction of mRNA hybridizing to labeled pP-450IA - 61. The probe also hybridizes to mRNA induced by 3 — methylcholanthrene in chicken. These results offer direct proof for the similarity in the mode of action at the transcriptional level of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and estrogenic compounds.


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Menthofuran (II, 4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-3,6-dimethyl benzofuran), the proximate toxin of R-(+)-pulegone (I), was administered orally to rats (200 mg/kg of body weight/day) for three days and the urinary metabolites were investigated. Among the several metabolites formed, two of them viz. 4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2-cyclohexenone (VII) and p-cresol (VIII) were indentified. In support of the formation of these metabolites, it has been demonstrated that phenobarbital induced rat liver microsomes readily convert 4-methyl-2-cyclohexenone (V) to 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-cyclohexenone (VII) and p-cresol (VIII) in the presence of NADPH and O2. Possible mechanism for the formation of these two metabolites (VII, VIII) from menthofuran (II) has been proposed.


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Eulytite compounds, A(3)Bi(XO4)(3) (X = P, A = Ca, Cd, Sr, Pb), belong to the noncentrosymmetric space group l (4) over bar 3d (No. 220) as determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The crystals were grown from the melt-cool technique with considerable difficulty as the compounds melt incongruently at their melting temperature, except for the compound Pb3Bi(PO4)(3). The unit cell parameter a is 9.984(5), 9.8611(3), 10.2035(3), and 10.3722(2) angstrom for Ca3Bi(PO4)(3), Cd3Bi(PO4)(3), Sr3Bi(PO4)(3), and Pb3Bi(PO4)(3) respectively, and there are four formula units in the unit cell. The structure of Pb3Bi(VO4)(3), a unique eulytite with vanadium substitution, is compared with all these phosphorus substituted eulytites. The A(2+) and Bi3+ cations occupy the special position (16c) while the O anions occupy the general Wyckoff position (48e) in the crystal structure. Only one O position has been identified for Pb3Bi(PO4)(3) and Pb3Bi(VO4)(3), whereas two O atom sites were identified for Ca3Bi(PO4)(3), Cd3Bi(PO4)(3), and Sr3Bi(PO4)(3). The UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra indicate large band gaps for all the phosphate eulytites while a lower band gap is observed for the vanadate eulytite. The feasibility of the use of these compounds in optoelectronic devices has been tested by measuring the second-harmonic generation (SHG) values which have been found to be of a magnitude equivalent to the commercially used KDP (KH2PO4).