223 resultados para Mixed type


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Magnetoplasmon-type surface polaritons are studied at the interfaces of sandwich structures in the configuration with a magnetic field oriented parallel to the interface but perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. It is shown that the propagation window for the surface polaritons is shifted to higher frequencies in the presence of the magnetic field directed positively. On reversal of the magnetic field an additional low frequency propagation band appears. Irrespective of the direction and strength of the magnetic field there exists a certain frequency range in which interface polaritons cannot propagate. For sandwich structures for which the dielectric constant and the plasma frequency of one medium are simultaneously greater or less than those of the second medium gaps and multiple branches can appear in the propagation window either for n > 0 or n <; 0 waves. A graphical method for the estimation of critical ranges of B0 and dielectric constant ratios for different sandwich structures, within which gaps and multiple branches appear, is given


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Morphology and electrochemical performance of mixed crystallographic phase titania nanotubes for prospective application as anode in rechargeable lithium ion batteries are discussed. Hydrothermally grown nanotubes of titania (TiO2) and carbon-titania (C-TiO2) comprise a mixture of both anatase and TiO2 (B) crystallographic phases. The first cycle capacity (at Current rate = 10 mAg(-1)) for bare TiO2 nanotubes was 355 mAhg(-1) (approximately 1.06 Li), which is higher than both the theoretical capacity (335 mAhg(-1)) and the reported values for pure anatase and TiO2 (B) nanotubes. Higher capacity is attributed to it combination of the presence of mixed crystallographic phases of titania and trivial size effects. The surface area of bare TiO2 nanotubes was very high at 340 m(2) g(-1). C-TiO2 nanotubes showed a slightly lower first-cycle specific capacity of 307 mAhg(-1), but the irreversible capacity loss in the first cycle decreased by half compared to bare TiO2 nanotubes. The C-TiO2 nanotubes also showed a better rate capability, that is, higher capacities compared to bare TiO2 nanotubes in the Current range 0.1-2 Ag-1. Enhanced rate capability in the case of C-TiO2 is attributed to the efficient percolation of electrons as well its to the decrease in the anatase phase.


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Mixed-species bird flocks are attractive models for the investigation of geographical variation in animal communities, as they represent a subset of the avifauna in most forested regions of the world. Yet studies of the regional variation in flock size and the composition of flocks are few, due to the predominance of studies carried out at single study site. Here, we review nine studies of mixed-species flocks conducted at 16 sites along the Western Ghats in India and in Sri Lanka. We find that flock size varies as much within this region as it does globally, with observation time being a confounding variable. Flock composition, however, is predictably related to elevation. Flocks at high elevations (>1200 m) in the Western Ghats strongly resemble flocks at high elevations in the mountain ranges of Sri Lanka in their composition, especially at the family level. We compare these flocks to flocks of other regions and make recommendations on study methodology that can facilitate comparisons across studies.


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Accompanying the decrease in serum cholesterol and increase in concentration of ubiquinone in liver and its microsomes, the activity, but not the protein, of HMG-CoA reductase decreased in ubiquinone-supplemented rats. A soluble 58-kDa preparation of HMG-CoA reductase was partially inhibited on addition of ubiquinone indicating a possible feedback type of action.


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A diastereomeric mixture of the tripeptide Boc-Ala-Ile-Aib-OMe crystallized in the space group P1 from CH3OH/H2O. The unit cell parameters are a = 10.593(2) A, b = 14.377(3) A, c = 17.872(4) A, alpha = 104.41(2) degrees, beta = 90.55(2) degrees, gamma = 106.91(2) degrees, V = 2512.4 A3, Z = 4. X-Ray crystallographic studies show the presence of four molecules in the asymmetric unit consisting of two pairs of diastereomeric peptides, Boc-L-Ala-L-Ile-Aib-OMe and Boc-L-Ala-D-Ile-Aib-OMe. The four molecules in the asymmetric unit form a rarely found mixed antiparallel and parallel beta-sheet hydrogen bond motif. The Ala and (L,D)-Ile residues in all the four molecules adopt the extended conformations, while the phi, psi values of the Aib residues are in the right-handed helical region. In one of the molecules the Ile sidechain adopts the unusual gauche conformation about the C beta-C gamma bond.


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We study the problem of matching applicants to jobs under one-sided preferences: that is, each applicant ranks a non-empty subset of jobs under an order of preference, possibly involving ties. A matching M is said to be rnore popular than T if the applicants that prefer M to T outnumber those that prefer T to M. A matching is said to be popular if there is no matching more popular than it. Equivalently, a matching M is popular if phi(M,T) >= phi(T, M) for all matchings T, where phi(X, Y) is the number of applicants that prefer X to Y. Previously studied solution concepts based oil the popularity criterion are either not guaranteed to exist for every instance (e.g., popular matchings) or are NP-hard to compute (e.g., least unpopular matchings). This paper addresses this issue by considering mixed matchings. A mixed matching is simply a probability distributions over matchings in the input graph. The function phi that compares two matchings generalizes in a natural manner to mixed matchings by taking expectation. A mixed matching P is popular if phi(P,Q) >= phi(Q,P) for all mixed matchings Q. We show that popular mixed matchings always exist. and we design polynomial time algorithms for finding them. Then we study their efficiency and give tight bounds on the price of anarchy and price of stability of the popular matching problem.


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The LysR-type transcriptional regulators (LTTRs) are widely distributed in various genera of prokaryotes LTTRs are DNA binding proteins that can positively or negatively regulate target gene expression and can also repress their own transcription Salmonella enterica comprises a group of Gram-negative bacteria capable of causing clinical syndromes that range from self-limiting diarrhoea to severe fibrinopurulent necrotizing enteritis and life threatening systemic disease. The survival and replication of Salmonella in macrophages and in infected host is brought about by the means of various two component regulatory systems, transporters and other virulence islands In Salmonella genome the existence of 44 LTTRs has been documented These LTTRs regulate bacterial stress response. systemic virulence in mice and also many virulence determinants in vitro. Here we focus on the findings that elucidate the structure and function of the LTTRs in Salmonella and discuss the importance of these LTTRs in making Salmonella a Successful pathogen...


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A new mixed-matrix membrane based on stabilized phosphotungstic acid (PTA) incorporated to chitosan (CS)-hydroxy ethyl cellulose (HEC) for application in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) is reported. Membranes are characterised using Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (FTIR), Thermo-Gravimetric Analysis (TGA), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and their mechanical properties are evaluated. The PTA content in the CS-HEC blend and its influence on proton conductivity, water/methanol sorption, and methanol cross-over in the DMFC is studied. The DMFC with 3 wt. % stabilized PTA-CS-HEC mixed-matrix membrane delivers peak power-density of 58 mW/cm(2) at a load current-density of 210 mA/cm(2) with a lower methanol cross-over than that observed for a DMFC operating with a Nafion membrane electrolyte.


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Stationary crack tip fields in bulk metallic glasses under mixed mode (I and II) loading are studied through detailed finite element simulations assuming plane strain, small scale yielding conditions. The influence of internal friction or pressure sensitivity on the plastic zones. notch deformation, stress and plastic strain fields is examined for different mode mixities. Under mixed mode loading, the notch deforms into a shape such that one part of its surface sharpens while the other part blunts. Increase in mode If component of loading dramatically enhances the normalized plastic zone size, lowers the stresses but significantly elevates the plastic strain levels near the notch tip. Higher internal friction reduces the peak tangential stress but increases the plastic strain and stretching near the blunted part of the notch. The simulated shear bands are straight and extend over a long distance ahead of the notch tip under mode II dominant loading. The possible variations of fracture toughness with mode mixity corresponding to failure by brittle micro-cracking and ductile shear banding are predicted employing two simple fracture criteria. The salient results from finite element simulations are validated by comparison with those from mixed mode (I and II) fracture experiments on a Zr-based bulk metallic glass.


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The steady MHD mixed convection flow of a viscoelastic fluid in the vicinity of two-dimensional stagnation point with magnetic field has been investigated under the assumption that the fluid obeys the upper-convected Maxwell (UCM) model. Boundary layer theory is used to simplify the equations of motion. induced magnetic field and energy which results in three coupled non-linear ordinary differential equations which are well-posed. These equations have been solved by using finite difference method. The results indicate the reduction in the surface velocity gradient, surface heat transfer and displacement thickness with the increase in the elasticity number. These trends are opposite to those reported in the literature for a second-grade fluid. The surface velocity gradient and heat transfer are enhanced by the magnetic and buoyancy parameters. The surface heat transfer increases with the Prandtl number, but the surface velocity gradient decreases.


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The complete sequence of a P4 type VP4 gene from a G2 serotype human rotavirus, IS2, isolated in India has been determined. Although the IS2 VP4 is highly homologous to the other P4 type alleles, it contained acidic amino acid substitutions at several positions that make it acidic among the P4 type alleles that are basic. Moreover, comparative sequence analysis revealed unusual polymorphism in members of the P4 type at amino acid position 393 which is highly conserved in members of other VP4 types. To date, expression of complete VP4 inE. coli has not been achieved. In this study we present successful expression inE. coli of the complete VP4 as well as VP8* and VP5* cleavage subunits in soluble form as fusion proteins of the maltose-binding protein (MBP) and their purification by single-step affinity chromatography. The hemagglutinating activity exhibited by the recombinant protein was specifically inhibited by the antiserum raised against it. Availability of pure VP4 proteins should facilitate development of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) for P serotyping of rotaviruses.


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1. The rat brain type IIA Na+ channel alpha-subunit was stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Current through the expressed Na+ channels was studied using the whole-cell configuration of the patch clamp technique. The transient Na+ current was sensitive to TTX and showed a bell-shaped peak current vs. membrane potential relation. 2. Na+ current inactivation was better described by the sum of two exponentials in the potential range -30 to +40 mV, with. a dominating fast component and a small slower component. 3. The steady-state inactivation, h(infinity), was related to potential by a Boltzmann distribution, underlying thr ee states of the inactivation gate. 4. Recovery of the channels from inactivation at different potentials in the range -70 to -120 mV were characterized by al? initial delay which decreased with hyperpolarization. The time course was well fitted by the sum of two exponentials. In this case the slower exponential was the major component, and both time constants decreased with hyperpolarization. 5. For a working description of the Na+ channel inactivation in this preparation, with a minimal deviation from the Hodgkin-Huxley model, a three-state scheme of the form O reversible arrow I-1 reversible arrow I-2 was proposed, replacing the original two-state scheme of the Hodgkin-Huxley model, and the rate constants are reported. 6. The instantaneous current-voltage relationship showed marked deviation from linearity and was satisfactorily fitted by the constant-field equation. 7. The time course of activation was described by an m(x) model. However, the best-fitted value of x varied with the membrane potential and had a mean value of 2. 8. Effective gating charge was determined to be 4.7e from the slope of the activation plot, plotted on a logarithmic scale. 9. The rate constants of activation, alpha(m) and beta(m), were determined. Their functional dependence on the membrane potential was investigated.


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Elicitation of drug resistance and various survival strategies inside host macrophages have been the hallmarks of Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a successful pathogen. ATP Binding Cassette (ABC) transporter type proteins are known to be involved in the efflux of drugs in bacterial and mammalian systems. FtsE, an ABC transporter type protein, in association with the integral membrane protein FtsX, is involved in the assembly of potassium ion transport proteins and probably of cell division proteins as well, both of which being relevant to tubercle bacillus. In this study, we cloned ftsE gene of M. tuberculosis, overexpressed and purified. The recombinant MtFtsE-6xHis protein and the native MtFtsE protein were found localized on the membrane of E. coli and M. tuberculosis cells, respectively. MtFtsE-6xHis protein showed ATP binding in vitro, for which the K42 residue in the Walker A motif was found essential. While MtFtsE-6xHis protein could partially complement growth defect of E. coli ftsE temperature-sensitive strain MFT1181, co-expression of MtFtsE and MtFtsX efficiently complemented the growth defect, indicating that the MtFtsE and MtFtsX proteins might be performing an associated function. MtFtsE and MtFtsX-6xHis proteins were found to exist as a complex on the membrane of E. coli cells co-expressing the two proteins.


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The crystal and molecular structure of N-benzyloxycarbonyl-a-aminoisobutyryl-L-prolyl methylamide, the amino terminal dipeptide fragment of alamethicin, has been determined using direct methods. The compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic system with the space group P212-21. Cell dimensions are a = 7.705 A, b = 11.365 A, and c = 21.904 A. The structure has been refined using conventional procedures to a final R factor of 0.054. The molecular structure possesses a 4 - 1 intramolecular N-H--0 hydrogen bond formed between the CO group of the urethane moiety and the NH group of the methylamide function. The peptide backbone adopts the type 111 P-turn conformation, with 42 = -51.0°, +* = -39.7",&j = -65.0', $3 = -25.4'. An unusual feature is the occurrence of the proline residue at position 3 of the P-turn. The observed structure supports the view that Aib residues initiate the formation of type 111 @-turn conformations. The pyrrolidine ring is puckered in Cy-exo fashion.