503 resultados para Mixed structures


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Three distinct coordination complexes, viz., [Co(imi)(2)(tmb)(2)] (1) [where imi = imidazole], {[Ni(tmb)(2)(H2O)(3)]center dot 2H(2)O}(n) (2) and [Cu-2(mu-tmb)(4)(CH3OH)(2)] (3), have been synthesized hydrothermally by the reactions of metal acetates,2,4,6-trimethylbenzoic acid (Htmb) and with or without appropriate amine. The Ni analogue of 1 and the Co analogue of 2 have also been synthesized. X-ray single-crystal diffraction suggests that complex 1 represents discrete mononuclear species and complex 2 represents a 1D chain coordination polymer in which the Ni(H) ions are connected by the bridging water molecules. Complex 3 represents a neutral dinuclear complex. In 1, the central metal ions are associated by the carboxylate moiety and imidazole ligands, whereas the central metal atom is coordinated to the carboxylate moiety and the respective solvent molecules in 2 and 3. In 3, the four 2,4,6-trimethylbenzoate moieties act as a bridge connecting two copper (11) ions and the 0 atoms of methanol coord geometry, with the methanol molecule at the apical position. In all the three structures the central metal atom sits on a crystallographic inversion centre. In all the cases, the coordination entities are further organized via hydrogen bonding interactions to generate multifarious supramolecular networks. Complexes 1, 2 and 3 have also been characterized by spectroscopic (UV/Vis and IR) and thermal analysis (TGA). In addition, the complexes were found to exhibit antimicrobial activity. The magnetic susceptibility measurements, measured from 8 to 300 K, revealed antiferromagnetic interactions between the Co(II) ions in compound 1 and the Ni(II) ions in la, respectively.


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The polymerization of methyl methacrylate initiated by a mixed ligand complex. [NN-ethylenebis(salicylideneiminato)](benzoylacetonato)cobalt(III) has been studied in bulk and in benzene at 70° and 80°. The rate of polymerization is proportional to (concentration of the chelate)Image and the monomer exponent is close to 1.5. The activation energy and the kinetic and transfer constants are evaluated. A free radical mechanism has been proposed.


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A new geometrical method for generating aperiodic lattices forn-fold non-crystallographic axes is described. The method is based on the self-similarity principle. It makes use of the principles of gnomons to divide the basic triangle of a regular polygon of 2n sides to appropriate isosceles triangles and to generate a minimum set of rhombi required to fill that polygon. The method is applicable to anyn-fold noncrystallographic axis. It is first shown how these regular polygons can be obtained and how these can be used to generate aperiodic structures. In particular, the application of this method to the cases of five-fold and seven-fold axes is discussed. The present method indicates that the recursion rule used by others earlier is a restricted one and that several aperiodic lattices with five fold symmetry could be generated. It is also shown how a limited array of approximately square cells with large dimensions could be detected in a quasi lattice and these are compared with the unit cell dimensions of MnAl6 suggested by Pauling. In addition, the recursion rule for sub-dividing the three basic rhombi of seven-fold structure was obtained and the aperiodic lattice thus generated is also shown.


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A study of the phase transitions in (NH4)2SO4 and (NH4)2SO4---K2SO4 mixed crystals by EPR of the CrO3- ion is reported. The results indicate a bilinear coupling of the order parameter with spontaneous polarization and a crossover from a discontinuous to a continuous nature of the phase transition in mixed crystals.


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Structures of lithium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium complexes of NJ-dimethylformamide (DMF) have been investigated by X-ray crystallography. Complexes with the formulas LiCl.DMF.1/2H20, NaC104.2DMF, CaC12.2DMF.2H20, and Mg(C104)2.6DMF crystallized in space groups P2]/c, P2/c, Pi, and Ella, respectively, with the following cell dimensions: Li complex, a = 13.022 (7) A, b = 5.978 (4) A, c = 17.028 (10) A, = 105.48 (4)O, Z = 8; Na complex, a = 9.297 (4)A, b = 10.203 (3) A, c = 13.510 (6) A, /3 = 110.08 (4)O, Z = 4; Ca complex, a = 6.293 (4) A, b = 6.944 (2) A, c = 8.853(5) A, a = 110.15 (3)O, /3 = 105.60 (6)", y = 95.34 (5)", Z = 1; Mg complex, a = 20.686 (11) A, b = 10.962 (18) A,c = 14.885 (9) A, /3 = 91.45 (5)O, Z = 4. Lithium is tetrahedrally coordinated while the other three cations are octahedrally coordinated; the observed metal-oxygen distances are within the ranges generally found in oxygen donor complexes of these metals. The lithium and sodium complexes are polymeric, with the amide and the anion forming bridging groups between neighboring cations. The carbonyl distances become longer in the complexes accompanied by a proportionate decrease in the length of the central C-N bond of the amide; the N-C bond of the dimethylamino group also shows some changes in the complexes. The cations do not deviate significantly from the lone-pair direction of the amide carbonyl and remain in the amide plane. Infrared spectra of the complexes reflect the observed changes in the amide bond distances.


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The situation normally encountered in the high-resolution refinement of protein structures is one in which the inaccurate positions of P out of a total of N atoms are known whereas those of the remaining atoms are unknown. Fourier maps with coefficients (FN -- F'P) × exp (i[alpha]'P) and (mFN -- nF'P) exp (i[alpha]'P), where FN is the observed structure factor and F'P and [alpha]'P are the magnitude and the phase angle of the calculated structure factor corresponding to the inaccurate atomic positions, are often used to correct the positions of the P atoms and to determine those of the Q unknown atoms. A general theoretical approach is presented to elucidate the effect of errors in the positions of the known atoms on the corrected positions of the known atoms and the positions of the unknown atoms derived from such maps. The theory also leads to the optimal choice of parameters used in the different syntheses. When the errors in the positions of the input atoms are systematic, their effects are not taken care of automatically by the syntheses.


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The i.r. spectra of some Ln2BO4 and LnSrBO4 compounds (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm or Gd;B = Fe, Al, Co or Cu) with K2NiF4 or related structures have been studied in the range 800-300 cm−1. The BO6 octahedra in compounds with K2NiF4 structure are elongated. The assignment of the bands in terms of internal modes of sheets of bridged BO6 octahedra or square-planar BO4 sheets has been considered. The observed spectra are correlated with those of solid solutions of these oxides and of LnBO3 perovskites. Unusually high stretching frequencies found in some of the oxides are discussed in terms of the short B---O bonds in the basal plane and the Ln---O bonds along the c axis.


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The i.r. spectra of some Ln2BO4 and LnSrBO4 compounds (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm or Gd;B = Fe, Al, Co or Cu) with K2NiF4 or related structures have been studied in the range 800-300 cm−1. The BO6 octahedra in compounds with K2NiF4 structure are elongated. The assignment of the bands in terms of internal modes of sheets of bridged BO6 octahedra or square-planar BO4 sheets has been considered. The observed spectra are correlated with those of solid solutions of these oxides and of LnBO3 perovskites. Unusually high stretching frequencies found in some of the oxides are discussed in terms of the short B---O bonds in the basal plane and the Ln---O bonds along the c axis.


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Dendrite structures of ice produced on undirectional solidification of ternary and quaternary aqueous solutions have been studied. Upon freezing, solutions containing more than one solute produce plate-shaped dendrites of ice. The spacing between dendrites increase linearly with the distance from the chill surface and the square root of local solidification time (or square root of inverse freezing rate) for any fixed composition. For fixed freezing conditions, the dendrite spacings from multicomponent aqueous solutions were a function of the concentrations and diffusion coefficients of the individual solutes. The dendrite spacing produced by freezing of a solution was changed by the addition of a solute different from those already present. If the main diffusion coefficient of the added solute is higher than that of solutes already present, the dendrite spacing is increased and vice versa. The dendrite spacing in multi-component systems increases with the total solute concentration if the constituent solutes are present in equal amounts. The dendrite spacing obtained on freezing of these dilute multicomponent solutions can be expressed by regression equations of the type Image Full-size image (2K) where L is the dendrite spacing in microns, C1, C2 and C3 are concentrations of individual solutes, Θf is the total freezing time and A1 −A8 are constants. A Yates analysis of the dendrite spacings in a factorial design of quaternary solutions indicates that there are strong interactions between individual solutes in regard to their effect on the dendrite spacings. A mass transport analysis has been used to calculate the interdendritic supersaturation ΔC of the individual solutes, the supercooling in the interdendritic liquid ΔT, and the transverse growth velocity of the dendrites, VT. In ternary solutions if two solutes are present in equal amount the supersaturation of the solute with higher main diffusion coefficient is lower, and vice versa. If a solute with higher main diffusion coefficient is added to a binary solution, the interface growth velocity, the interdendritic supersaturation of the base solute and the interdendritic supercooling increase with the quantity of solute added.


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Structures of a variety of compounds isolated in reactions and elucidated with the help of spectral (uv,ir,nmr and mass) data, have been discussed. In a few cases, the assigned structures were confirmed by x-ray crystal structure analysis.


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Uncertainties associated with the structural model and measured vibration data may lead to unreliable damage detection. In this paper, we show that geometric and measurement uncertainty cause considerable problem in damage assessment which can be alleviated by using a fuzzy logic-based approach for damage detection. Curvature damage factor (CDF) of a tapered cantilever beam are used as damage indicators. Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) is used to study the changes in the damage indicator due to uncertainty in the geometric properties of the beam. Variation in these CDF measures due to randomness in structural parameter, further contaminated with measurement noise, are used for developing and testing a fuzzy logic system (FLS). Results show that the method correctly identifies both single and multiple damages in the structure. For example, the FLS detects damage with an average accuracy of about 95 percent in a beam having geometric uncertainty of 1 percent COV and measurement noise of 10 percent in single damage scenario. For multiple damage case, the FLS identifies damages in the beam with an average accuracy of about 94 percent in the presence of above mentioned uncertainties. The paper brings together the disparate areas of probabilistic analysis and fuzzy logic to address uncertainty in structural damage detection.


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Crystal structures of the title compounds, (I) and (II), have been determined by three-dimensional diffraction methods. Crystals of CsHIoN 4 (I) are monoclinic, space group P21/a with Z = 4, Mr= 162, a = 7.965 (1), b = 16.232 (2), c = 7.343 (1) A, fl = 113.54 (1) °, V = 890.7 A 3, D,n = 1.218, D x = 1.208 gcm -3, g(Cu Ka, 2 = 1.5418/~) = 6.47 em -1, F(000) = 344. The crystals of C9H12N4 (II) are orthorhombic, space group P21en, with Z = 4, Mr = 176, a = 7.983 (3), b = 8.075 (2), c = 14.652 (3) ./k, V = 44.43/~3, Dm= 1.219, D x = 1.237 g cm -3, #(Mo Ka, ). = 0.7107 ,/k) = 0.868 cm -1, F(000) = 376. Both structures were solved by direct methods and refined to R = 5.8% for (I) and 5.3 % for (II). The C-C double-bond distances are 1.407 (3) in (I) and 1.429 (6)/~ in (II), appreciably longer than normal. The steric and push-pull effects result in rotation about the C=C bond, the rotation angles being 20.2 (3) in (I) and 31.5 (6) o in (II).


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The polymerization of methyl methacrylate initiated by a mixed ligand complex. [NN′-ethylenebis(salicylideneiminato)](benzoylacetonato)cobalt(III) has been studied in bulk and in benzene at 70° and 80°. The rate of polymerization is proportional to (concentration of the chelate)1/2 and the monomer exponent is close to 1.5. The activation energy and the kinetic and transfer constants are evaluated. A free radical mechanism has been proposed.