273 resultados para MICROBIOLOGY


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Assimilation of nitrate and various other inorganic nitrogen compounds by different yeasts was investigated. Nitrate, nitrite, hydroxylamine, hydrazine, ammonium sulphate, urea and L-asparagine were tested as sole sources of nitrogen for the growth of Candida albicans, C. pelliculosa, Debaryomyces hansenii, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, C. tropicalis, and C. utilis. Ammonium sulphate and L-asparagine supported the growth of all the yeasts tested except D. hansenii while hydroxylamine and hydrazine failed to support the growth of any. Nitrate and nitrite were assimilated only by C. utilis. Nitrate utilization by C. utilis was also accompanied by the enzymatic activities of NAD(P)H: nitrate oxidoreductase (EC and NAD(P)H: nitrite oxidoreductase (EC, but not reduced methyl viologen-or FAD-nitrate oxidoreductases (EC It is demonstrated here that nitrate and nitrite reductase activities are responsible for the ability of C. utilis to assimilate primary nitrogen.


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Anti-(5-methylcytosine) antibodies were immobilized on glutaraldehyde-activated Indion 48-R, a polystyrene resin with amino groups. Immobilized antibody was very stable and could be used several times without any apparent change in the initial binding capacity of the antibody-matrix. Fractions of total DNA from various animal and plant sources were retained on this column and could be eluted quantitatively with 1.0 m NaCl. The bound fraction was further characterized for its 5-methylcytosine content by restriction enzyme digestion patterns.


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Activation of macrophages by interferon gamma (IFN- ) and the subsequent production of nitric oxide (NO) are critical for the host defence against Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium infection. We report here the inhibition of IFN- -induced NO production in RAW264.7 macrophages infected with wild-type Salmonella. This phenomenon was shown to be dependent on the nirC gene, which encodes a potential nitrite transporter. We observed a higher NO output from IFN- -treated macrophages infected with a nirC mutant of Salmonella. The nirC mutant also showed significantly decreased intracellular proliferation in a NO-dependent manner in activated RAW264.7 macrophages and in liver, spleen and secondary lymph nodes of mice, which was restored by complementing the gene in trans. Under acidified nitrite stress, a twofold more pronounced NO-mediated repression of SPI2 was observed in the nirC knockout strain compared to the wild-type. This enhanced SPI2 repression in the nirC knockout led to a higher level of STAT-1 phosphorylation and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression than seen with the wild-type strain. In iNOS knockout mice, the organ load of the nirC knockout strain was similar to that of the wild-type strain, indicating that the mutant is exclusively sensitive to the host nitrosative stress. Taken together, these results reveal that intracellular Salmonella evade killing in activated macrophages by downregulating IFN- -induced NO production, and they highlight the critical role of nirC as a virulence gene.


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Deoxyribonucleic acid modification in six strains of mycobacteria was investigated. The presence of 5-methylcytosine in the virulent strain Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and its absence in the avirulent strain M. tuberculosis H37Ra and other saprophytic, fast-growing mycobacteria appear to be the salient features. However, deoxyribonucleic acid from M. smegmatis SN2 lysogenized with the temperature phage I3 showed the presence of 5-methylcytosine. All of the strains had N6-methyladenine.


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Ca2+ ions are necessary for the successful propagation of mycobacteriophage I3. An assay for the phage DNA release in the presence of an isolated cell wall preparation from the host was established, and in this system Ca2+ ions also stimulated the release of DNA. The inhibition of phage DNA injection caused by Tween 80 (polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate), a nonionic detergent routinely used in mycobacterial cultures, was reversed by Ca2+. The presence of a phage-associated ATP-hydrolyzing activity was demonstrated. This enzyme was stimulated by Ca2+ ions and inhibited by Tween 80. From this and the behavior of the two agents at the level of DNA injection, as well as the fact that phage I3 has a contractile tail structure, we conclude that the phage-associated ATPase is involved in the DNA injection process.


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In vitro methyiation of Escherichia coli transfer ribonucleic acid by cell free extracts of Mycobacterium smegmatis leads exclusively to the formation of 1-methyl adenine [Vani, B. R., Ramakrishnan, T., Taya, Y., Noguchi, S., Yamaiuzumi, Z. and Nishimura, S.(1978) J. Bact., 137,1085]. We have studied the effect of this modification on aminoacylation of Escherichia coli tRNA by mycobacterial enzymes. Aminoacylation with total algal protein hydrolysate as well as several individual aminoacids like methionine, valine, tyrosine, aspartic acid and lysine were monitored. In all the cases methyiation had a positive effect on the extent of aminoacylation by mycobacterial enzymes. Decreased aminoacylation in vitro was observed when hypomethylated transfer RNA from ethionine treated cells was used as the substrate for aminoacylation.


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The ability of Pseudomonas incognita to metabolize some structurally modified acyclic monoterpenes was tested. The 6,7 double bond was found essential for these compounds to serve as a substrate for this organism, whereas the same was not true with the 1,2 double bond. Metabolism of dihydrolinalyl acetate by this strain yielded dihydrolinalool, dihydrolinalool-8-carboxylic acid, dihydrolinalyl acetate-8-carboxylic acid, and 4-acetoxy-4-methyl hexanoic acid. A cell-free extract prepared from dihydrolinalyl acetate grown cells transformed dihydrolinalyl acetate into dihydrolinalool and dihydrolinalool-8-carboxylic acid. Based on the identification of various metabolites isolated from the culture medium, and on growth and manometric studies carried out with the isolated metabolites as well as with related synthetic analogs, probable pathways for the biodegradation of dihydrolinalyl acetate are presented.


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A method has been developed to isolate protoplasts from dermatophytes using Novozym 234. A simple technique of flotation in MgSO, has been adapted to separate protoplasts from incubation mixture. Electron microscopic studies confirmed the absence of cell wall material on these protoplasts. The recovery of DNA from protoplasts was higher than from mycelia.


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Ca2+ ions are absolutely necessary for the propagation of mycobacteriophage I3 in synthetic medium. These ions are required for successful infection of the host and during the entire span of the intracellular development of the phage. A direct assay of the phage DNA injection using 32[P] labelled phage, showns that Ca2+ ions are necessary for the injection process. The injection itself is a slow process and takes 15 min to complete at 37°C. The bacteria infected in presence of Ca2+ tend to abort if the ions are subsequently withdrawn from the growth medium. The effect of calcium withdrawal is maximally felt during the early part of the latent period; however, later supplementation of Ca2+ ions salvage phage production and the mature phage progeny appear after a delayed interval, proportional to the time of addition of Ca2+.


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Summary: An uncommon thermophilic fungus, Melanocarpus albomyces, was isolated from soil and compost by incubating samples in a glucose/sorbose/asparagine liquid medium, followed by enrichment culture in medium containing sugarcane bagasse as carbon source. The culture filtrate protein of the fungus grown in the presence of bagasse or xylose hydrolysed xylan and some other polysaccharides but cellulose was not hydrolysed. High extracellular xylanase (EC activity was produced by cultures grown on xylose or hemicellulosic materials. The enzyme was induced in glucose-grown washed mycelia in response to addition of xylose or xylan but not by alkyl or aryl β-D-xylosides. Cultures produced higher enzyme yields in shaken flasks than in a fermenter. Gel-filtration chromatography of culture filtrate protein showed the presence of two isoenzymes of xylanase, whose relative proportions varied with the carbon source used for growth. The extent of hydrolysis of heteroxylans or the hemicellulosic fraction of bagasse by culture filtrate protein preparations was greater when the cultures had been grown on bagasse rather than xylose as the inducing substrate. The activity of xylanase preparations was increased when an exogenous β-glucosidase was added.


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As tumors grow larger, they often experience an insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients. Hence, cancer cells must develop mechanisms to overcome these stresses. Using an in vitro transformation model where the presence of the simian virus 40 (SV40) small T (ST) antigen has been shown to be critical for tumorigenic transformation, we investigated whether the ST antigen has a role to play in regulating the energy homeostasis of cancer cells. We find that cells expressing the SV40 ST antigen (+ST cells) are more resistant to glucose deprivation-induced cell death than cells lacking the SV40 ST antigen (-ST cells). Mechanistically, we find that the ST antigen mediates this effect by activating a nutrient-sensing kinase, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). The basal level of active, phosphorylated AMPK was higher in +ST cells than in -ST cells, and these levels increased further in response to glucose deprivation. Additionally, inhibition of AMPK in +ST cells increased the rate of cell death, while activation of AMPK in -ST cells decreased the rate of cell death, under conditions of glucose deprivation. We further show that AMPK mediates its effects, at least in part, by inhibiting mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), thereby shutting down protein translation. Finally, we show that +ST cells exhibit a higher percentage of autophagy than -ST cells upon glucose deprivation. Thus, we demonstrate a novel role for the SV40 ST antigen in cancers, where it functions to maintain energy homeostasis during glucose deprivation by activating AMPK, inhibiting mTOR, and inducing autophagy as an alternate energy source.


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Cupric complex of isonicotinic acid hydrazide inhibits DNA synthesis by avian myloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase. This inhibition occurs in the presence of either ribonucleotide or deoxyribonucleotide templates. The inhibition of reverse transcriptase by cupric-INH complex is considerably reduced when stored or proteolytically cleaved enzyme was used in the reaction. The complex also inhibits the reverse transciptase-associated RNase H activity. The cupric-isonicotinic acid hydrazide complex cleaves pBR 322 from I DNA into smaller molecules in the presence or absence of reverse transcriptase-associated endonuclease. However, in the presence of the enzyme the DNA is cleaved to a greater extent.


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The evolutionary function of X chromosome inactivation is thought to be dosage compensation. However, there is, at present, little evidence to suggest that most X chromosome-linked genes require such compensation. Another view--that X chromosome inactivation may be related to sex determination--is examined here. Consider a hypothetical DNA sequence regulating a major structural gene concerned with the determination of maleness. If this regulatory sequence occurs in both X and Y chromosomes and if its copy number in the Y chromosome is significantly greater than in the X chromosome, then the male-determining properties of the Y chromosome could be attributed to this higher copy number. On the other hand, if the Y chromosome has the same copy number of this sequence as the X chromosome, it is difficult to see how determination of two sexes would occur under such circumstances because XX and XY genomes would then be indistinguishable in this regard. Such a situation seems to occur in the human species with respect to the banded krait minor satellite, a repetitious DNA sequence associated with sex determination. This apparent difficulty may be resolved if X chromosome inactivation renders regulatory as well as structural genes nonfunctional and thereby brings about a significant reduction in the effective copy number of X chromosome-linked DNA sequences concerned with sex determination. It is suggested that X chromosome inactivation brings about, in this manner, a critical inequality between XX and XY embryos and that sex determination in humans is a consequence of this inequality. An analogous situation appears to exist in certain insects in which inactivation of a haploid set of chromosomes (and presumably, therefore, a 50% reduction in the effective copy number of most genes) is associated with maleness. If this line of reasoning is correct, it would suggest that sex determination may be the primary function of X chromosome inactivation.