172 resultados para Differential forms.


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Salmonella typhimurium YeaD (stYeaD), annotated as a putative aldose 1-epimerase, has a very low sequence identity to other well characterized mutarotases. Sequence analysis suggested that the catalytic residues and a few of the substrate-binding residues of galactose mutarotases (GalMs) are conserved in stYeaD. Determination of the crystal structure of stYeaD in an orthorhombic form at 1.9 angstrom resolution and in a monoclinic form at 2.5 angstrom resolution revealed this protein to adopt the beta-sandwich fold similar to GalMs. Structural comparison of stYeaD with GalMs has permitted the identification of residues involved in catalysis and substrate binding. In spite of the similar fold and conservation of catalytic residues, minor but significant differences were observed in the substrate- binding pocket. These analyses pointed out the possible role of Arg74 and Arg99, found only in YeaD-like proteins, in ligand anchoring and suggested that the specificity of stYeaD may be distinct from those of GalMs


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Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) can be used for obtaining various non-isothermal properties of glassy materials. The thermal properties of the Si-As-Te glass system are discussed in relation to the interesting information obtained on the local ordering in these glasses.


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The effect of the addition of p-aminophenol and aniline-based epoxy diluents on the curing behavior of highly viscous tetraglycidyl diamino diphenyl methane resin with diamino diphenyl sulfone hardener have been investigated kinetically by differential scanning calorimetry. Dynamic scans were carried out over a temperature range 30–300°C for different resin formulations. Isothermal scans at four differnt temperatures have also been carried out for the evaluation of kinetic parameters. Heat flow measurements at different heating rates have indicated the evidence of autocatalytic behavior of curing reaction following a simple nth-order kinetics.


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Recent experimental studies have shown that the Rec-A mediated homologous recombination reaction involves a triple helical intermediate, in which the third strand base forms hydrogen bonds with both the bases in the major groove of the Watson-Crick duplex. Such 'mixed' hydrogen bonds allow formation of sequence independent triplexes. DNA triple helices involving 'mixed' hydrogen bonds have been studied, using model building, molecular mechanics (MM) and molecular dynamics (MD). Models were built for a tripler comprising all four possible triplets viz., G.C*C, C.G*G, A.T*T and T.A*A. To check the stability of all the 'mixed' hydrogen bonds in such triplexes and the conformational preferences of such tripler structures, MD studies were carried out starting from two structures with 30 degrees and 36 degrees twist between the basepairs. It was observed that though the two triplexes converged towards a similar structure, the various hydrogen bonds between the WC duplex and the third strand showed differential stabilities. An MD simulation with restrained hydrogen bonds showed that the resulting structure was stable and remained close to the starting structure. These studies help us in defining stable hydrogen bond geometries involving the third strand and the WC duplex. It was observed that in the C.G*G triplets the N7 atom of the second strand is always involved in hydrogen bonding. In the G.C*C triplets, either N3 or O2 in the third strand cytosine can interchangeably act as a hydrogen bond acceptor.


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Inovirus is a helical array of alpha-helical protein asymmetric units surrounding a DNA core. X-ray fibre diffraction studies show that the Pf1 species of Inovirus can undergo a reversible temperature-induced transition between two similar structural forms having slightly different virion helix parameters. Molecular models of the two forms show no evidence for altered interactions between the protein and either the solvent or the viral DNA; but there are significant differences in the shape and orientation of the protein asymmetric unit, related to the changes in the virion parameters. Normal modes involving libration of whole asymmetric units are in a frequency range with appreciable entropy of libration, and the structural transition may be related to changes in libration.


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Differences in flower success patterns in two habitat types that differed drastically with respect to rainfall, tree density and species composition were studied at Mudumalai wildlife sanctuary, India. Observations on phenological patterns of two species, Cassia fistula and Gmelina arborea, were made from April 1988 through June 1990. Quantitative data on flower-fruit ratio, insect visitation rates, pollen grain per stigma and the number of fruits per tree were recorded. Data were also collected on the number of pollen deposited on the stigma after different types of bees visited the flower. The data suggested that only carpenter bees (Xylocopa spp) effect pollination in C. fistula. The differences in fruit-flower ratios were attributed to the differences in insect visitation rates to inflorescences between sites. The low pollen number per stigma and the resultant reduction in reproductive success in C. fistula are attributed to the competing species G. arborea receiving more visitations from pollinators in the wetter site. These results suggest that pollinator limitation is another constraint in reproductive success of plants.


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Ten different tRNAGly1 genes from the silk worm, Bombyx mori, have been cloned and characterized. These genes were transcribed in vitro in homologous nuclear extracts from the posterior silk gland (PSG) or nuclear extracts derived from the middle silk gland or ovarian tissues. Although the transcription levels were much higher in the PSG nuclear extracts, the transcriptional efficiency of the individual genes followed a similar pattern in all the extracts. Based on the levels of in vitro transcription, the ten tRNAGly1 genes could be divided into three groups, viz., those which were transcribed at very high levels (e.g., clone pR8), high to medium levels (e.g., pBmil, pBmpl, pBmhl, pBmtl) and low to barely detectable levels (e.g., pBmsl, pBmjl and pBmkl). The coding sequences of all these tRNA genes being identical, the differential transcription suggested that the flanking sequences modulate their transcriptional efficiency. The presence of positive and negative regulatory elements in the 5' flanking regions of these genes was confirmed by transcription competition experiments. A positive element was present in the immediate upstream A + T-rich sequences in all the genes, but no consensus sequences correlating to the transcriptional status could be generated. The presence of negative elements on the other hand was indicated only in some of the genes and therefore may have a role in the differential transcription of these tRNAGly genes in vivo.


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Inovirus is a helical array of agr-helical protein asymmetric units surrounding a DNA core. X-ray fibre diffraction studies show that the Pf1 species of Inovirus can undergo a reversible temperature-induced transition between two similar structural forms having slightly different virion helix parameters. Molecular models of the two forms show no evidence for altered interactions between the protein and either the solvent or the viral DNA; but there are significant differences in the shape and orientation of the protein asymmetric unit, related to the changes in the virion parameters. Normal modes involving libration of whole asymmetric units are in a frequency range with appreciable entropy of libration, and the structural transition may be related to changes in libration.


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This study explores the utility of polarimetric measurements for discriminating between hydrometeor types with the emphasis on (a) hail detection and discrimination of its size, (b) measurement of heavy precipitation, (c) identification and quantification of mixed-phase hydrometeors, and (d) discrimination of ice forms. In particular, we examine the specific differential phase, the backscatter differential phase, the correlation coefficient between vertically and horizontally polarized waves, and the differential reflectivity, collected from a storm at close range. Three range–height cross sections are analyzed together with complementary data from a prototype WSR-88D radar. The case is interesting because it demonstrates the complementary nature of these polarimetric measurands. Self-consistency among them allows qualitative and some quantitative discrimination between hydrometeors.


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Crystal structures of two different forms of the calcium perchlorate complex of cyclo(Ala-Leu-Pro-Gly)2 have been determined and refined using X-ray crystallographic techniques. Orthorhombic form: C32H52N8O8.Ca(ClO4)2.7H2O.2CH3OH, space group C222(1), a = 14.366, b = 18.653, c = 19.824 A, Z = 4, R = 0.068 for 2208 observed reflections. Monoclinic form: C32H52N8O8.Ca(ClO4)2.4H2O, space group C2, a = 21.096, b = 10.182, c = 11.256 A, beta = 103.33 degrees, Z = 2, R = 0.075 for 2165 observed reflections. The cyclic peptide molecule in both the structures has the form of a twofold symmetric, slightly elongated bowl. Type II' beta-turns, involving Gly and Ala at the corners, exist at the two ends of the molecule. The interior of the molecule is substantially hydrophilic, and the external surface of the bowl is largely hydrophobic. The calcium ion is located at the centre of the mouth of the bowl-like molecule. In both crystal forms, four peptide carbonyl oxygens from the cyclic peptide and two solvent oxygens coordinate to the metal ion. The mode of complexation may be described as incomplete encapsulation as, for example, in the case of metal complexes of antamanide. In the crystal structures the complex ions are held together by hydrogen bonds involving perchlorate ions and water molecules. The molecular structure observed in the crystals is entirely consistent with the results of solution studies, which also indicate the conformation of the cyclic peptide in the complex to be similar to that of the uncomplexed molecule.


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In 1984 Jutila [5] obtained a transformation formula for certain exponential sums involving the Fourier coefficients of a holomorphic cusp form for the full modular group SL(2, Z). With the help of the transformation formula he obtained good estimates for the distance between consecutive zeros on the critical line of the Dirichlet series associated with the cusp form and for the order of the Dirichlet series on the critical line, [7]. In this paper we follow Jutila to obtain a transformation formula for exponential sums involving the Fourier coefficients of either holomorphic cusp forms or certain Maass forms for congruence subgroups of SL(2, Z) and prove similar estimates for the corresponding Dirichlet series.


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Negative differential capacitance (NDC) has been observed in n-GaN/p-Si heterojunctions grown by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE). The NDC is observed at low frequencies 1 and 10 kilohertz (kHz) and disappeared at a higher testing frequency of 100 kHz. The NDC is also studied with temperature and found that it has disappeared above 323 degrees C. Current-Voltage (I-V) characteristics of n-GaN /p-Si heterojunction were measured at different temperatures and are attributed to the space-charge-limited current (SCLC). A simple model involving two quantum states is proposed to explain the observed NDC behavior. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Click chemistry has been successfully extended into the field of molecular design of novel amphiphatic adducts. After their syntheses and characterizations, we have studied their aggregation properties in aqueous medium. Each of these adducts forms stable suspensions in water. These suspensions have been characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS) studies and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The presence of inner aqueous compartments in such aggregates has been demonstrated using dye (methylene blue) entrapment studies. These aggregates have been further characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), which indicates the existence of bilayer structures in them. Therefore, the resulting aggregates could be described as vesicles. The temperature-induced order-to-disorder transitions of the vesicular aggregates and the accompanying changes in their packing and hydration have been examined using high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry, fluorescence anisotropy, and generalized polarization measurements using appropriate membrane-soluble probe, 1,6-diphenylhexatriene, and Paldan, respectively. The findings of these studies are consistent with each other in terms of the apparent phase transition temperatures. Langmuir monolayer studies confirmed that these click adducts also form stable monolayers on buffered aqueous subphase at the air-water interface.