216 resultados para Antiferromagnetic spins


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Charge-order driven magnetic ferroelectricity is shown to occur in several rare earth manganates of the general formula, Ln(1-x)A(x)MnO(3) (In = rare earth, A = alkaline earth). Charge-ordered manganates exhibit dielectric constant anomalies around the charge-ordering or the antiferromagnetic transition temperature. Magnetic fields have a marked effect on the dielectric properties of these compounds, indicating the presence of coupling between the magnetic and electrical order parameters. Magneto-dielectric properties are retained in small particles of the manganates. The observation of magneto-ferroelectricity in these manganates is in accordance with theoretical predictions.


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Charge-order driven magnetic ferroelectricity is shown to occur in several rare earth manganates of the general formula, Ln(1-x)A(x)MnO(3) (In = rare earth, A = alkaline earth). Charge-ordered manganates exhibit dielectric constant anomalies around the charge-ordering or the antiferromagnetic transition temperature. Magnetic fields have a marked effect on the dielectric properties of these compounds, indicating the presence of coupling between the magnetic and electrical order parameters. Magneto-dielectric properties are retained in small particles of the manganates. The observation of magneto-ferroelectricity in these manganates is in accordance with theoretical predictions.


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Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 nanoparticles (average diameter similar to 20 and 40 nm) are synthesized by the polymeric precursor sol-gel method and characterized by various physico-chemical techniques. Quite strikingly, in the 20 nm particles, the charge-ordered (CO) and the antiferromagnetic phases observed in the bulk below 250 K and 160 K, respectively, are completely absent. Instead, a ferromagnetic (FM) transition is observed at 95 K followed by an insulator-to-metal transition at 75 K. The 40 nm particles show a residual CO phase but a transition to the FM state also occurs, at a slightly higher temperature of 110 K.


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Crystal growth, electrical and magnetic properties are reported for mixed valence manganite Pr1-xPbxMnO3 (x = 0.2, 0.23, and 0.3). The crystals with x = 0.2 and 0.23 are ferromagnetic and insulating, whereas that with x = 0.3 is ferromagnetic below 200 K and shows an insulator-metal transition at 235 K. This composition shows a magnetoresistance of 90% in a field of 5 T. In the paramagnetic region, the temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility of the crystals follows a Curie-Weiss behavior. The thermal evolution of magnetization in the ferromagnetic phase varies as T-3/2, in accordance with Bloch's law. The spin-stiffness constant D obtained from the Bloch constant is found to increase linearly with x. The magnetization does not reach complete saturation upto a field of 5 T. A possible contribution of the Pr spins to the total magnetic moment is discussed.


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InMnO3 which has a hexagonal structure similar to that of YMnO3 is found to show a canted antiferromagnetic behavior below 50 K (T-N) and a ferroelectric (FE) transition at 500 K accompanied by hystersis. We have determined the structure, polarization, and energetics of the FE and paraelectric (PE) phases of InMnO3 using first-principles density functional theory calculations based on pseudopotentials and a plane-wave basis, and find the polarization of the PE phase to be a half-integer quantum. The difference in polarization of the FE and PE phases calculated along a simple path is different from the absolute value of polarization of the FE phase. A weak piezoelectric response is exhibited by InMnO3 to uniaxial strain.


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The nature of the low-temperature magnetic state of polycrystalline La0.67Ca0.33Mn0.9Fe0.1O3 has been studied by magnetization, neutron diffraction, and neutron depolarization measurements. Neutron depolarization measurements indicate the existence of ferromagnetic domains with low net magnetic moments below 108 K. The substitution of Mn3+ by Fe3+ reduces the number of available hopping sites for the Mn e(g) (up) electron and suppresses the double exchange, resulting in the reduction of ferromagnetic exchange. The competition between the ferromagnetic double-exchange interactions and the coexisting antiferromagnetic superexchange interactions and its randomness due to random substitutions of Mn3+ with Fe3+ drive the system into a randomly canted ferromagnetic state at low temperatures.


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We study the equilibrium properties of the nearest-neighbor Ising antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice in the presence of a staggered field conjugate to one of the degenerate ground states. Using a mapping of the ground states of the model without the staggered field to dimer coverings on the dual lattice, we classify the ground states into sectors specified by the number of "strings." We show that the effect of the staggered field is to generate long-range interactions between strings. In the limiting case of the antiferromagnetic coupling constant J becoming infinitely large, we prove the existence of a phase transition in this system and obtain a finite lower bound for the transition temperature. For finite J, we study the equilibrium properties of the system using Monte Carlo simulations with three different dynamics. We find that in all the three cases, equilibration times for low-field values increase rapidly with system size at low temperatures. Due to this difficulty in equilibrating sufficiently large systems at low temperatures, our finite-size scaling analysis of the numerical results does not permit a definite conclusion about the existence of st phase transition for finite values of J. A surprising feature in the system is the fact that unlike usual glassy systems; a zero-temperature quench almost always leads to the ground state, while a slow cooling does not.


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We report the first electron paramagnetic resonance studies of single crystals and powders of Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3 in the 300-4.2 K range, covering the charge-ordering transition (Tco) at ~240 K and antiferromagnetic transition (TN) at ~170 K. The asymmetry parameter for the Dysonian single-crystal spectra shows an anomalous increase at Tco. Below Tco the g-value increases continuously, suggesting a gradual strengthening of the orbital ordering. The linewidth undergoes a sudden increase at Tco and continues to increase down to TN. The intensity increases as the temperature is decreased until Tco is reached, due to the renormalization of the magnetic susceptibility arising from the build-up of ferromagnetic correlations.


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This paper is concerned with the possibility of a direct second-order transition out of a collinear Neel phase to a paramagnetic spin liquid in two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets. Contrary to conventional wisdom, we show that such second-order quantum transitions can potentially occur to certain spin liquid states popular in theories of the cuprates. We provide a theory of this transition and study its universal properties in an epsilon expansion. The existence of such a transition has a number of interesting implications for spin-liquid-based approaches to the underdoped cuprates. In particular it considerably clarifies existing ideas for incorporating antiferromagnetic long range order into such a spin-liquid-based approach.


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Brillouin scattering studies on single crystals of a charge-ordered manganite, Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3, have been carried out for the first time. The spectra show two modes at similar to 27 GHz (B-mode) and 60 GHz (S-mode). The B-mode frequency and intensity from 300 K to 27 K, covering both the charge ordering transition at 250 K and the antiferromagnetic transition, at 170 K, exactly follow the same temperature dependence as the d.c. magnetic susceptibility. The B-mode is associated With bulk magnetic excitations and the S-mode with surface magnetic excitations of the manganite with ferromagnetic correlations. The study is strongly indicative of the presence of ferromagnetic inhomogeneities in the charge-ordered as well as antiferromagnetic phases.


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The potential of Bi2CuO4 as the first oxide system to show a linear-chain magnetic behaviour is examined. Electron diffraction studies do not resolve the previously reported ambiguity regarding its space group. The magnetic susceptibility data at high temperatures are best fitted to a uniform antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain. At low temperatures, however, neither the uniform nor the alternating Heisenberg antiferromagnetic model fits the data. Magnetic susceptibility data over the entire temperature range can be fitted if one assumes dimeric units with a nearly degenerate second singlet state close to the ground state, these states being separated from an excited triplet state by an energy gap. A simple heuristic model of a dimer that gives such an energy level spectrum is examined.


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The magnetic susceptibilities of a large number of ternary oxides of copper having structural features common to the presently identified phases of high-temperature superconductors have been studied in the temperature range 14-300 K. The systems studied are Ln2CuOP( Ln = La, Pr, Nd, etc.), Sr2CuO2CI2,B i2Cu0,, Ca2Cu03,S r2Cu03,S rCu02, MgCu203,B a2Cu3O4CI2Y, 2Cu205,Y2BaCu0,, BaCu02, Li2Cu02, etc. Cu2+ ions take different coordinations, like isolated square planar, square pyramidal or distorted-tetrahedral and octahedral, in these compounds. These compounds also exhibit different varieties of possible magnetic superexchange interactions like 180' or 90' Cu-0-Cu or Cu-0-0-Cu types as well as direct Cu-Cu interactions. Compounds in which there are extended 180' Cu-0-Cu interactions show a low, nearly temperature-independent susceptibility (100 X lod emu/mol). The estimated value of J for the Cu-0-Cu interaction is between 800 and 1500 K in these compounds. Isolated Cu2+ ions in which there are no 180' or close to 180" Cu-0-Cu interactions show Curie-Weiss susceptibility behavior. Compounds with only Cu-0-0-Cu interaction show evidence for the onset of antiferromagnetic coupling between 30 and 50 K. The superexchange rules are useful for explaining the qualitative features of the results. The possibility of disproportionation of Cu2+ ion when there are short Cu-Cu distances as in Bi2Cu04 is discussed. The extended geometry of the copper-oxygen framework seems to be more important than the local geometry around the Cu2+ ion in determining the magnetic properties.


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We present first-principles density-functional-theory-based calculations to determine the effects of the strength of on-site electron correlation, magnetic ordering, pressure and Se vacancies on phonon frequencies and electronic structure of FeSe1-x. The theoretical equilibrium structure (lattice parameters) of FeSe depends sensitively on the value of the Hubbard parameter U of on-site correlation and magnetic ordering. Our results suggest that there is a competition between different antiferromagnetic states due to comparable magnetic exchange couplings between first- and second-neighbor Fe sites. As a result, a short range order of stripe antiferromagnetic type is shown to be relevant to the normal state of FeSe at low temperature. We show that there is a strong spin-phonon coupling in FeSe (comparable to its superconducting transition temperature) as reflected in large changes in the frequencies of certain phonons with different magnetic ordering, which is used to explain the observed hardening of a Raman-active phonon at temperatures (similar to 100 K) where magnetic ordering sets in. The symmetry of the stripe antiferromagnetic phase permits an induced stress with orthorhombic symmetry, leading to orthorhombic strain as a secondary order parameter at the temperature of magnetic ordering. The presence of Se vacancies in FeSe gives rise to a large peak in the density of states near the Fermi energy, which could enhance the superconducting transition temperature within the BCS-like picture.


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The reaction of pyrimidine-2-carbonitrile, NaN3 in the presence of Co(NO3)(2)center dot 6H(2)O or MnCl2 center dot 4H(2)O leads to the formation of complexes Co(pmtz)(mu(1,3)-N-3)(H2O)](n) (1) and Mn(pmtz)(mu(1,3)-N-3)(H2O)](n) (2) respectively, under hydrothermal condition pmtz =5-(pyrimidyl)tetrazolate]. These two complexes have been fully characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Complex 1 crystallizes in a non-centrosymmetric space group Aba2 in the orthorhombic system and is found to exhibit ferroelectric behavior, whereas complex 2 crystallizes in the P2(1)/c space group in the monoclinic system. Variable temperature magnetic characterizations in the temperature range of 2-300 K indicate that complex 1 is a canted antiferromagnet (weak ferromagnet) with T-c = 15.9 K. Complex 1 represents a unique example of a multiferroic coordination polymer containing tetrazole as a co-ligand. Complex 2 is a one-dimensional chain of Mn(II) bridged by a well-known antiferromagnetic coupler end-to-end azido ligand. In contrast to the role played by the end-to-end azido pathway in most of the transition metal complexes, complex 2 showed unusual ferromagnetic behavior below 40 K because of spin canting.


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La2CoO4+? (? reverse similar, equals 0.1) possessing the K2NiF4 structure has been prepared by skull melting as well as the ceramic method. Evidence for antiferromagnetic ordering has been found in these samples. Stoichiometric La2CoO4 prepared by the reduction of the oxygen excess samples was partially characterized.