Triangular Ising antiferromagnet in a staggered field

Autoria(s): Dhar, Abhishek; Chaudhuri, Pinaki; Dasgupta, Chandan



We study the equilibrium properties of the nearest-neighbor Ising antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice in the presence of a staggered field conjugate to one of the degenerate ground states. Using a mapping of the ground states of the model without the staggered field to dimer coverings on the dual lattice, we classify the ground states into sectors specified by the number of "strings." We show that the effect of the staggered field is to generate long-range interactions between strings. In the limiting case of the antiferromagnetic coupling constant J becoming infinitely large, we prove the existence of a phase transition in this system and obtain a finite lower bound for the transition temperature. For finite J, we study the equilibrium properties of the system using Monte Carlo simulations with three different dynamics. We find that in all the three cases, equilibration times for low-field values increase rapidly with system size at low temperatures. Due to this difficulty in equilibrating sufficiently large systems at low temperatures, our finite-size scaling analysis of the numerical results does not permit a definite conclusion about the existence of st phase transition for finite values of J. A surprising feature in the system is the fact that unlike usual glassy systems; a zero-temperature quench almost always leads to the ground state, while a slow cooling does not.




Dhar, Abhishek and Chaudhuri, Pinaki and Dasgupta, Chandan (2000) Triangular Ising antiferromagnet in a staggered field. In: Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 61 (9). pp. 6227-6237.


The American Physical Society


Palavras-Chave #Physics

Journal Article
