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We propose fundamental improvements in three-dimensional (3D) resolution of multiple excitation spot optical microscopy. The excitation point spread function (PSF) is generated by two interfering counter-propagating depth-of-focus beams along the optical axis. Detection PSF is obtained by coherently interfering the emitted fluorescent light (collected by both the objectives) at the detector. System PSF shows upto 14-fold reduction in focal volume as compared to confocal, and almost 2-fold improvement in lateral resolution. Proposed PSF has the ability to simultaneously excite multiple 3D-spots of sub-femtoliter volume. Potential applications are in fluorescence microscopy and nanobioimaging. Copyright 2011 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. [doi:10.1063/1.3598413]


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Investigations into the variation of self-diffusivity with solute radius, density, and degree of disorder of the host medium is explored. The system consists of a binary mixture of a relatively smaller sized solute, whose size is varied and a larger sized solvent interacting via Lennard-Jones potential. Calculations have been performed at three different reduced densities of 0.7, 0.8, and 0.933. These simulations show that diffusivity exhibits a maximum for some intermediate size of the solute when the solute diameter is varied. The maximum is found at the same size of the solute at all densities which is at variance with the prediction of the levitation effect. In order to understand this anomaly, additional simulations were carried out in which the degree of disorder has been varied while keeping the density constant. The results show that the diffusivity maximum gradually disappears with increase in disorder. Disorder has been characterized by means of the minimal spanning tree. Simulations have also been carried out in which the degree of disorder is constant and only the density is altered. The results from these simulations show that the maximum in diffusivity now shifts to larger distances with decrease in density. This is in agreement with the changes in void and neck distribution with density of the host medium. These results are in excellent agreement with the predictions of the levitation effect. They suggest that the effect of disorder is to shift the maximum in diffusivity towards smaller solute radius while that of the decrease in density is to shift it towards larger solute radius. Thus, in real systems where the degree of disorder is lower at higher density and vice versa, the effect due to density and disorder have opposing influences. These are confirmed by the changes seen in the velocity autocorrelation function, self part of the intermediate scattering function and activation energy. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3701619]


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Colloidal suspensions made up of oppositely charged particles have been shown to self-assemble into substitutionally ordered superlattices. For a given colloidal suspension, the structure of the superlattice formed from self-assembly depends on its composition, charges on the particles, and charge screening. In this study we have computed the pressure-composition phase diagrams of colloidal suspensions made up of binary mixtures of equal sized and oppositely charged particles interacting via hard core Yukawa potential for varying values of charge screening and charge asymmetry. The systems are studied under conditions where the thermal energy is equal or greater in magnitude to the contact energy of the particles and the Debye screening length is smaller than the size of the particles. Our studies show that charge asymmetry has a significant effect on the ability of colloidal suspensions to form substitutionally ordered superlattices. Slight deviations of the charges from the stoichiometric ratio are found to drastically reduce the thermodynamic stability of substitutionally ordered superlattices. These studies also show that for equal-sized particles, there is an optimum amount of charge screening that favors the formation of substitutionally ordered superlattices. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3700226]


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Te-rich Si15Te85-xGex (1 <= x <= 11) glasses are found to exhibit an anomalous phase separations with germanium composition. The structural transformation of o-GeTe crystalline phase from o-GeTe with a = 11.76 angstrom, b = 16.59 angstrom, c = 17.44 angstrom, to high pressure o-GeTe with a new reduced lattice parameters a = 10.95 angstrom, b = 4.03 angstrom, c = 4.45 angstrom, is observed at T-c3 in the composition range 6 <= x <= 11. Raman studies support the possible existence of high pressure o-GeTe phase which is observed in X-ray diffraction experiments. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3696862]


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We report on exchange bias effects in 10 nm particles of Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 which appear as a result of competing interactions between the ferromagnetic (FM)/anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) phases. The fascinating new observation is the demonstration of the temperature dependence of oscillatory exchange bias (OEB) and is tunable as a function of cooling field strength below the SG phase, may be attributable to the presence of charge/spin density wave (CDW/SDW) in the AFM core of PCMO10. The pronounced training effect is noticed at 5 K from the variation of the EB field as a function of number of field cycles (n) upon the field cooling (FC) process. For n > 1, power-law behavior describes the experimental data well; however, the breakdown of spin configuration model is noticed at n >= 1. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3696033]


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Electron beam irradiation induced, bending of Iron filled, multiwalled carbon nanotubes is reported. Bending of both the carbon nanotube and the Iron contained within the core was achieved using two approaches with the aid of a high resolution electron microscope (HRTEM). In the first approach, bending of the nanotube structure results in response to the irradiation of a pristine kink defect site, while in the second approach, disordered sites induce bending by focusing the electron beam on the graphite walls. The HRTEM based in situ observations demonstrate the potential for using electron beam irradiation to investigate and manipulate the physical properties of confined nanoscale structures. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. doi:10.1063/1.3688083]


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We report on isothermal pulsed (20 ms) field magnetization, temperature dependent AC - susceptibility, and the static low magnetic field measurements carried out on 10 nm sized Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 nanoparticles (PCMO10). The saturation field for the magnetization of PCMO10 (similar to 250 kOe) is found to be reduced in comparison with that of bulk PCMO (similar to 300 kOe). With increasing temperature, the critical magnetic field required to `melt' the residual charge-ordered phase decays exponentially while the field transition range broadens, which is indicative of a Martensite-like transition. The AC - susceptibility data indicate the presence of a frequency-dependent freezing temperature, satisfying the conventional Vogel-Fulcher and power laws, pointing to the existence of a spin-glass-like disordered magnetic phase. The present results lead to a better understanding of manganite physics and might prove helpful for practical applications. Copyright 2011 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. doi:10.1063/1.3664786]


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We have fabricated nano-Schottky diodes of CdTe QDs with platinum metal electrodes in metal-semiconductor-metal planar configuration by drop-casting. The observed high value of ideality factor (13.3) of the diode was possibly due to the presence of defects in colloidal QDs. We observed asymmetry and non-linear nature of I-V characteristics between forward and reverse directions, which has been explained in terms of size distributions of quantum dots due to coffee ring effect. Copyright 2011 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. doi:10.1063/1.3669408]


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We report the results of magnetization and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies on nanoparticles (average diameter similar to 30 nm) of Bi0.25Ca0.75MnO3 (BCMO) and compare them with the results on bulk BCMO. The nanoparticles were prepared using the nonaqueous sol-gel technique and characterized by XRD and TEM analysis. Magnetization measurements were carried out with a commercial physical property measurement system (PPMS). While the bulk BCMO exhibits a charge ordering transition at similar to 230 K and an antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition at similar to 130 K, in the nanoparticles, the CO phase is seen to have disappeared and a transition to a ferromagnetic (FM) state is observed at T-c similar to 120 K. However, interestingly, the exchange bias effect observed in other nanomanganite ferromagnets is absent in BCMO nanoparticles. EPR measurements were carried out in the X-band between 8 and 300 K. Lineshape fitting to a Lorentzian with two terms (accounting for both the clockwise and anticlockwise rotations of the microwave field) was employed to obtain the relevant EPR parameters as functions of temperature. The results confirm the occurrence of ferromagnetism in the nanoparticles of BCMO. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4730612]


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We have investigated electrical transport properties of long (>10 mu m) multiwalled carbon nanotubes (NTs) by dividing individuals into several segments of identical length. Each segment has different resistance because of the random distribution of defect density in an NT and is corroborated by Raman studies. Higher is the resistance, lower is the current required to break the segments indicating that breakdown occurs at the highly resistive segment/site and not necessarily at the middle. This is consistent with the one-dimensional thermal transport model. We have demonstrated the healing of defects by annealing at moderate temperatures or by current annealing. To strengthen our mechanism, we have carried out electrical breakdown of nitrogen doped NTs (NNTs) with diameter variation from one end to the other. It reveals that the electrical breakdown occurs selectively at the narrower diameter region. Overall, we believe that our results will help to predict the breakdown position of both semiconducting and metallic NTs. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4720426]


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We have investigated the current-voltage characteristics of carbon nanotube arrays and shown that the current through the arrays increases rapidly with applied voltage before the breakdown occurs. Simultaneous measurements of current and temperature at one end of the arrays suggest that the rapid increase of current is due to Joule heating. The current through the array and the threshold voltage are found to increase with decreasing pressure. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3702777]


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Experiments have shown strong effects of some substrates on the localized plasmons of metallic nano particles but they are inconclusive on the affecting parameters. Here, we have used discrete dipole approximation in conjunction with Sommerfeld integral relations to explain the effect of the substrates as a function of the parameters of incident radiation. The radiative coupling can both quench and enhance the resonance and its dependence on the angle and polarization of incident radiation with respect to the surface is shown. Non-radiative interaction with the substrate enhances the plasmon resonance of the particles and can shift the resonances from their free-space energies significantly. The non-radiative interaction of the substrate is sensitive to the shape of particles and polarization of incident radiation with respect to substrate. Our results show that the plasmon resonances in coupled and single particles can be significantly altered from their free-space resonances and are quenched or enhanced by the choice of substrate and polarization of incident radiation. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4736544]


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Real-time image reconstruction is essential for improving the temporal resolution of fluorescence microscopy. A number of unavoidable processes such as, optical aberration, noise and scattering degrade image quality, thereby making image reconstruction an ill-posed problem. Maximum likelihood is an attractive technique for data reconstruction especially when the problem is ill-posed. Iterative nature of the maximum likelihood technique eludes real-time imaging. Here we propose and demonstrate a compute unified device architecture (CUDA) based fast computing engine for real-time 3D fluorescence imaging. A maximum performance boost of 210x is reported. Easy availability of powerful computing engines is a boon and may accelerate to realize real-time 3D fluorescence imaging. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4754604]


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Hot uniaxial pressing technique has been adopted for the densification of PZT-PMN system with an aim to yield dense ceramics and to lower the sintering temperature and time for achieving better and reproducible electronic properties. The ceramics having >97% theoretical density and micron size grains are investigated for their dielectric, pyroelectric and piezoelectric properties. The effect of Li and Mn addition has also been studied. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4769889]


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Li+-doped Gd2O3:Eu3+ phosphors have been studied as potential red phosphors for application to field emission displays. The Li+-doped and undoped Gd2O3:Eu3+ phosphors were synthesized by low temperature solution combustion method. The enhanced luminescence was regarded as the result of the creation of oxygen vacancies due to the Gd3+ sites occupied by Li+ ions, the alteration of the crystal field surrounding the activator Eu3+ ions owing to the incorporation of Li+ into interstial sites. The result in a remarkable increase on photoluminescence and the strong emission was observed at 612 nm by a factor of 4.1 in comparison with that of undoped sample.