361 resultados para Dipole dipole interactions


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Electronic absorption and emission spectra as well as He(I) photoelectron spectra of 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-,3-cyclobutanedithione and 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-1-3-thio-1,3-cyclobutanedione have been interpreted on the basis of molecular orbital calculations. The results show that the non-bonded orbital of the dithione is split owing to through-bond interaction, the magnitude of splitting being 0.4 eV. The π* orbital of the dithione appears to be split by about 0.2 eV. Electronic absorption spectra show evidence for the existence of four n—π* transitions, arising out of the splitting of the orbitals referred to above, just as in the case of 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-1,3-cyclobutanedione. Electronic and photoelectron spectra of the thio-dione show evidence for weak interaction between the C=S and C&.zdbnd;O groups, probably via π* orbitals. Infrared spectra of both the dithione and the thio-dione are consistent with the planar cyclobutane ring; the ring-puckering frequency responsible for non-bonded interactions is around 67 cm−1 in both the dithione and the thio-dione, the value not being very different from that in the dione. The 1,3-transannular distance is also similar in the three molecules.


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The variability of the sea surface salinity (SSS) in the Indian Ocean is studied using a 100-year control simulation of the Community Climate System Model (CCSM 2.0). The monsoon-driven seasonal SSS pattern in the Indian Ocean, marked by low salinity in the east and high salinity in the west, is captured by the model. The model overestimates runoff int the Bay of Bengal due to higher rainfall over the Himalayan-Tibetan regions which drain into the Bay of Bengal through Ganga-Brahmaputra rivers. The outflow of low-salinity water from the Bay of Bengal is to strong in the model. Consequently, the model Indian Ocean SSS is about 1 less than that seen in the climatology. The seasonal Indian Ocean salt balance obtained from the model is consistent with the analysis from climatological data sets. During summer, the large freshwater input into the Bay of Bengal and its redistribution decide the spatial pattern of salinity tendency. During winter, horizontal advection is the dominant contributor to the tendency term. The interannual variability of the SSS in the Indian Ocean is about five times larger than that in coupled model simulations of the North Atlantic Ocean. Regions of large interannual standard deviations are located near river mouths in the Bay of Bengal and in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean. Both freshwater input into the ocean and advection of this anomalous flux are responsible for the generation of these anomalies. The model simulates 20 significant Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) events and during IOD years large salinity anomalies appear in the equatorial Indian Ocean. The anomalies exist as two zonal bands: negative salinity anomalies to the north of the equator and positive to the south. The SSS anomalies for the years in which IOD is not present and for ENSO years are much weaker than during IOD years. Significant interannual SSS anomalies appear in the Indian Ocean only during IOD years.


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e argue that the extraordinary fact that all three known millisecond pulsars are very close to the galactic plane implies that there must be ~100 potentially observable millisecond pulsars within ~4 kpc from the Sun. Our other main conclusion is that the dipole magnetic fields or old neutron stars probably saturate around 5 x 108 gauss.


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Oxyphenbutazone, C19H20N203, a metabolite and perhaps the active form of phenylbutazone, is a widely used non-narcotic analgesic and anti-inflammatory pyrazolidinedione derivative. The monohydrate of the compound crystallizes in the triclinic space group Pi with two molecules in a unit cell of dimensions a -- 9.491 (4), b = 10.261 (5), c = 11.036 (3)A and ¢~ = 72.2 (1), fl = 64.3 (1), 7 = 73.0 (1) °. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.107 for 1498 observed reflections. The butyl group in the molecule is disordered. The hydroxyl group occupies two sites with unequal occupancies. On account of the asymmetry at the two N atoms and one of the C atoms in the central five-membered ring, the molecule can exist in eight isomeric states, of which four are sterically unfavourable. The disorder in the position of the hydroxyl group can be readily explained on the basis of the existence, with unequal abundances, of all four sterically favourable isomers.The bond lengths and angles in the molecule are similar to those in phenylbutazone. The crystal structure is stabilized by van der Waals interactions, and O-H... O hydrogen bonds involving the carbonyl and the hydroxyl groups as well as a water molecule.


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A method of analysing a 3-dimensional corner reflector antenna of arbitrary apex angle is given. Expressions have been obtained for the far field of the 3-dimensional corner reflector fed by a dipole. The radiation resistance and the directive gain of the antenna have been calculated. The method described is applicable even when the feed dipole is arbitrarily oriented. It is found that the radiation along a prescribed direction can be circularly polarised (right or left) by suitably orienting the feed dipole.


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Magnetic susceptibilities of several members of the series of oxides of the general formula LaNi1-xMxO3 (M = Cr, Fe, or Co) are reported. The oxides show evidence for interesting ferrimagnetic (Cr and Co) and antiferromagnetic (Fe) interactions.


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It has long been recognized that mast cells occur throughout connective tissues. Histologic studies have revealed that such cells release their granules into the surrounding environment upon exposure to both immunologic and nonimmunologic stimuli. By microscopy these extracellular granules appeared to be phagocytosed by fibroblasts and by blood-borne phagocytic cells as they entered the site of mast cell degranulation. Such in vivo observations led to the suggestion that mast cells both altered connective tissue components and influenced fibroblast function through these discharged granules. Recent in vitro studies using cultured fibroblasts and isolated mast cells and mast cell granules have confirmed both these hypotheses. In addition, such studies have also documented that fibroblasts degrade ingested mast cell granules. Such studies document that a number of critical interactions may occur between mast cells and connective tissue components.


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We have used the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method to study the linear and nonlinear optical responses of first generation nitrogen based dendrimers with donor acceptor groups. We have employed Pariser–Parr–Pople Hamiltonian to model the interacting pi electrons in these systems. Within the DMRG method we have used an innovative scheme to target excited states with large transition dipole to the ground state. This method reproduces exact optical gaps and polarization in systems where exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian is possible. We have used a correction vector method which tacitly takes into account the contribution of all excited states, to obtain the ground state polarizibility, first hyperpolarizibility, and two photon absorption cross sections. We find that the lowest optical excitations as well as the lowest excited triplet states are localized. It is interesting to note that the first hyperpolarizibility saturates more rapidly with system size compared to linear polarizibility unlike that of linear polyenes.


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Both short-range and long-range intermolecular interaction energies between two aromatic hydrocarbon molecules, both in their ground state, separated by a range of interplanar distances of 3 ∼ 4 Aring, are estimated using the standard perturbation theory. The results show that aromatic hydrocarbons can form weak sandwich dimers with larger separation between them than is normally believed in their excimers. The non-sandwich form of dimer in which the long in-plane axes of the monomers are parallel and their short in-plane axes inclined, represents an unstable orientation because this form can pass to the perfect sandwich form without an energy barrier.


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Meclofenamic acid, C I4HIICI2NO2, probably the most potent among analgesic fenamates, crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1, with a = 8.569 (5), b = 8.954(8), c -- 9.371 (4) A, ct = 103.0 (2), fl -- 103.5 (2), y = 92.4 (2) ° , Z = 2, D m = 1.43 (4), D c = 1.41 Mg m -3. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to R = 0.135 for 1062 observed reflections. The anthranilic acid moiety in the molecule is nearly planar and is nearly perpendicular to the 2,6-dichloro-3-methylphenyl group. The molecules, which exist as hydrogen-bonded dimers, have an internal hydrogen bond involving the imino and the carboxyl groups. The methyl group is disordered and occupies two positions with unequal occupancies. The disorder can be satisfactorily explained in terms of the rotational isomerism of the 2,6-dichloro-3-methylphenyl group about the bond which connects it to the anthranilic acid moiety and the observed occupancies on the basis of packing considerations.


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A method of analysing a 3-dimensional corner reflector antenna of arbitrary apex angle is given. Expressions have been obtained for the far field of the 3-dimensional corner reflector fed by a dipole. The radiation resistance and the directive gain of the antenna have been calculated. The method described is applicable even when the feed dipole is arbitrarily oriented. It is found that the radiation along a prescribed direction can be circularly polarised (right or left) by suitably orienting the feed dipole.


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α-d-Mannopyranosyl units were attached to an aromatic scaffold through disulfide linkages to obtain mono- to trivalent glycosylated ligands for lectin binding studies. Isothermal titration calorimetric (ITC) measurements indicated that binding affinities of these derivatives to Concanavalin A (Con A) were comparable to or slightly higher than that of methyl α-d-mannopyranoside (Ka values in the range of 104 M−1). The stoichiometries of the lectin-ligand complexes were in agreement with the formal valencies (1–3) of the respective ligands indicating cross-linking in interactions with the di- and trivalent derivatives. Multivalency effects could not, however, be observed with the latter. These ligands were shown to bind to the carbohydrate binding site of Con A using saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR competition experiments.


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An experimental and numerical study is presented to show the effect of cowl length and angle on the ramp/cowl shock interaction phenomena fora two-dimensional planar scramjet inlet model. Experiments areconducted in a hypersonic shock tunnel, at Mach 8, at four lengths of owl and three cowl angles. Investigations include schlieren flow Visualization near the cowl region and static pressure and heat transfer rate measurement inside the inlet chamber. Various ramp/cowl shock interaction processes resulted for different cowl configurations have been visualized using a high-speed camera. Edney type-II interference pattern is observed for 131 and 141-mm cowl lengths,whereas it is an Edney type-I interference pattern in case of a 151 mm cowl with all their typical features resulting because of the ramp/cowl shock interaction. Experiments with a cowl configuration other than 0deg show the flow to he established through the inlet because or the reduced contraction ratio. Heat transfer peaks can be observed for the10 and 20-deg cowl cases where flow through the inlet is found to be established. These may serve as the possible locations of fuel injection.


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The electronic structures of a series of 4-substituted pyridine N-oxides and 4-nitroquinoline N-oxide are investigated using the simple Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP), a modified PPP, IEH and MINDO/2 methods. The electronic absorption band maxima and dipole moments are calculated and compared with experimental values. The photoelectron spectra of these compounds are assigned. The nature of the N-oxide group is characterized using the orbital population distributions. The antifungal activity exhibited by some of these compounds is discussed in terms of the nucleophilic frontier electron densities, superdelocalizabilities and electron acceptor properties. The effect of the electron releasing as well as the electron withdrawing substituents on the physico-chemical properties is explained.