117 resultados para Cellular Uptake


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When administered orally, Phyllanthus emblica, an excellent source of vitamin C (ascorbate), has been found to enhance natural killer (NK) cell activity and antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) in syngeneic BALB/c mice, bearing Dalton's lymphoma ascites (DLA) tumor. P. emblica elicited a 2-fold increase in splenic NK cell activity on day 3 post tumor inoculation. Enhanced activity was highly significant on days 3, 5, 7 and 9 after tumor inoculation with respect to the untreated tumor bearing control. A significant enhancement in ADCC was documented on days 3, 7, 9, 11 and 13 in drug treated mice as compared to the control. An increase in life span (ILS) of 35% was recorded in tumor bearing mice treated with P. emblica. This increased survival was completely abrogated when NK cell and killer (K) cell activities were depleted either by cyclophosphamide or anti-asialo-GM, antibody treatment. These results indicate: (a) an absolute requirement for a functional NK cell or K cell population in order that P. emblica can exert its effect on tumor bearing animals, and (b) the antitumor activity of P. emblica is mediated primarily through the ability of the drug to augment natural cell mediated cytotoxicity.


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Three series of novel glitazones were designed and prepared by using appropriate synthetic schemes to incorporate glycine, aromatic and alicyclic amines via two carbon linker. Compounds were synthesized both under conventional and microwave methods. Nineteen out of twenty four synthesized compounds were evaluated for their in vitro glucose uptake activity using isolated rat hemi-diaphragm. Compounds, 6, 9a, 13a, 13b, 13c, 13f and 13h exhibited significant glucose uptake activity. Illustration about their synthesis and in vitro glucose uptake activity is described along with the structure activity relationships. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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In social selection the phenotype of an individual depends on its own genotype as well as on the phenotypes, and so genotypes, of other individuals. This makes it impossible to associate an invariant phenotype with a genotype: the social context is crucial. Descriptions of metazoan development, which often is viewed as the acme of cooperative social behaviour, ignore or downplay this fact. The implicit justification for doing so is based on a group-selectionist point of view. Namely, embryos are clones, therefore all cells have the same evolutionary interest, and the visible differences between cells result from a common strategy. The reasoning is flawed, because phenotypic heterogeneity within groups can result from contingent choices made by cells from a flexible repertoire as in multicellular development. What makes that possible is phenotypic plasticity, namely the ability of a genotype to exhibit different phenotypes. However, co-operative social behaviour with division of labour requires that different phenotypes interact appropriately, not that they belong to the same genotype, or have overlapping genetic interests. We sketch a possible route to the evolution of social groups that involves many steps: (a) individuals that happen to be in spatial proximity benefit simply by virtue of their number; (b) traits that are already present act as preadaptations and improve the efficiency of the group; and (c) new adaptations evolve under selection in the social context-that is, via interactions between individuals-and further strengthen group behaviour. The Dictyostelid or cellular slime mould amoebae (CSMs) become multicellular in an unusual way, by the aggregation of free-living cells. In nature the resulting group can be genetically homogeneous (clonal) or heterogeneous (polyclonal); in either case its development, which displays strong cooperation between cells (to the extent of so-called altruism) is not affected. This makes the CSMs exemplars for the study of social behaviour.


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Pseudomonas maltophilia CSV89, a soil bacterium, produces an extracellular biosurfactant, ''Biosur-Pm''. The partially purified product is nondialyzable and chemically composed of 50% protein and 12-15% sugar, which indicates the complex nature of Biosur-Pm. It reduces the surface tension of water from 73 to 53 x 10(-3) N m(-1) and has a critical micellar concentration of 80 mg/l. Compared to aliphatic hydrocarbons, Biosur-Pm shows good activity against aromatic hydrocarbons. The emulsion formed is stable and does not require any metal ions for emulsification. The kinetics of Biosur-Pm production suggest that its synthesis isa growth-associated and pH-dependent process. At pH 7.0, cells produced more Biosur-Pm with less cell surface hydrophobicity. At pH 8.0, however, the cells produced less Biosur-Pm with more cell surface hydrophobicity and showed a twofold higher affinity for aromatic hydrocarbons compared to the cells grown at pH 7.0. The Biosur-Pm showed a pH-dependent release, stimulated growth of the producer strain on mineral salts medium with 1-naphthoic acid when added externally, and facilitated the conversion of salicylate to catechol. All these results suggest that Biosur-Pm is probably a cell-wall component and helps in hydrocarbon assimilation/uptake.


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Stress induced premature senescence (SIPS) in mammalian cells is an accelerated ageing response and experimentally obtained on treatment of cells with high concentrations of H(2)O(2), albeit at sub-lethal doses, because H(2)O(2) gets depleted by abundant cellular catalase. In the present study diperoxovanadate (DPV) was used as it is known to be stable at physiological pH, to be catalase-resistant and to substitute for H(2)O(2) in its activities at concentrations order of magnitudes lower. On treating NIH3T3 cells with DPV, SIPS-like morphology was observed along with an immediate response of rounding of the cells by disruption of actin cytoskeleton and transient G2/M arrest. DPV could bring about growth arrest and senescence associated features at 25 mu M dose, which were not seen with similar doses of either H(2)O(2) or vanadate. A minimal dose of 150 mu M of H(2)O(2) was required to induce similar affects as 25 mu M DPV. Increase in senescent associated markers such as p21, HMGA2 and PAI-1 was more prominent in DPV treated cells compared to similar dose of H(2)O(2). DPV-treated cells showed marked relocalization of Cyclin D1 from nucleus to cytoplasm. These results indicate that DPV, stable inorganic peroxide, is more efficient in inducing SIPS at lower concentrations compared to H(2)O(2). (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In Neurospora crassa, multinucleate macroconidia are used for genetic transformation. The barrier for such a transformation can be either at the cell membrane level or at the nuclear membrane level. For assessment of these possibilities, a forced heterokaryon (containing two genetically marked nuclei and auxotrophic for histidine) of Neurospora crassa was transformed with a plasmid containing his-3(+) gene. The transformants, which could grow without histidine supplementation, were then resolved into component homokaryons to determine into which nucleus or nuclei the plasmid had entered. Our results suggest that the barrier for transformation in Neurospora crassa is at the nuclear level, not at the cell membrane level. In a heterokaryon containing two genetically distinct nuclei, plasmid DNA integrated into only one of the nuclear types at any instance, but never into both nuclear types. Thus, in Neurospora crassa, the competent nucleus is essential for the transformation event to take place, and at a given time only one type of nucleus is competent to take up the exogenous DNA. Genomic Southern analysis showed that the transformants harbor both ectopic and homologous integrations of the plasmid DNA. The type and number of integrations were reflected at the post-translational level, since the specific activity of histidinol dehydrogenase (the translation product of his-3+ gene) was variable among several transformants and always less than the level of the wild type.


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In this paper we report a modeling technique and analysis of wave dispersion in a cellular composite laminate with spatially modulated microstructure, which can be modeled by parameterization and homogenization in an appropriate length scale. Higher order beam theory is applied and the system of wave equations are derived. Homogenization of these equations are carried out in the scale of wavelength and frequency of the individual wave modes. Smaller scale scattering below the order of cell size are filtered out in the present approach. The longitudinal dispersion relations for different values of a modulation parameter are analyzed which indicates the existence of stop and pass band patterns. Dispersion relations for flexural-shear case are also analyzed which indicates a tendency toward forming the stop and pass bands for increasing values of a shear stiffness modulation parameter. The effect the phase angle (θ) of the incident wave indicates the existence more number of alternative stop bands and pass bands for θ = 45°.


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Antenna selection allows multiple-antenna systems to achieve most of their promised diversity gain, while keeping the number of RF chains and, thus, cost/complexity low. In this paper we investigate antenna selection for fourth-generation OFDMA- based cellular communications systems, in particular, 3GPP LTE (long-term evolution) systems. We propose a training method for antenna selection that is especially suitable for OFDMA. By means of simulation, we evaluate the SNR-gain that can be achieved with our design. We find that the performance depends on the bandwidth assigned to each user, the scheduling method (round-robin or frequency-domain scheduling), and the Doppler spread. Furthermore, the signal-to-noise ratio of the training sequence plays a critical role. Typical SNR gains are around 2 dB, with larger values obtainable in certain circumstances.


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Spectral efficiency is a key characteristic of cellular communications systems, as it quantifies how well the scarce spectrum resource is utilized. It is influenced by the scheduling algorithm as well as the signal and interference statistics, which, in turn, depend on the propagation characteristics. In this paper we derive analytical expressions for the short-term and long-term channel-averaged spectral efficiencies of the round robin, greedy Max-SINR, and proportional fair schedulers, which are popular and cover a wide range of system performance and fairness trade-offs. A unified spectral efficiency analysis is developed to highlight the differences among these schedulers. The analysis is different from previous work in the literature in the following aspects: (i) it does not assume the co-channel interferers to be identically distributed, as is typical in realistic cellular layouts, (ii) it avoids the loose spectral efficiency bounds used in the literature, which only considered the worst case and best case locations of identical co-channel interferers, (iii) it explicitly includes the effect of multi-tier interferers in the cellular layout and uses a more accurate model for handling the total co-channel interference, and (iv) it captures the impact of using small modulation constellation sizes, which are typical of cellular standards. The analytical results are verified using extensive Monte Carlo simulations.


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One of the important issues in the development of hydroxyapatite (HA)-based biomaterials is the prosthetic infection, which limits wider use of monolithic HA despite superior cellular response. Recently, we reported that ZnO addition to HA can induce bactericidal property. It is therefore important to assess how ZnO addition influences the cytotoxicity property and cell adhesion/proliferation on HA-ZnO composite surfaces in vitro. In the above perspective, the objective of this study is to investigate the cell type and material composition dependent cellular proliferation and viability of pressureless sintered HA-ZnO composites. The combination of cell viability data as well as morphological observations of cultured human osteoblast-like SaOS2 cells and mouse fibroblast L929 cells suggests that HA-ZnO composites containing 10 Wt % or lower ZnO exhibit the ability to support cell adhesion and proliferation. Both SaOS2 and L929 cells exhibit extensive multidirectional network of actin cytoskeleton and cell flattening on the lower ZnO containing (=10 Wt %) HA-ZnO composites. The in vitro results illustrate how variation in ZnO content can influence significantly the cell vitality, as evaluated using MTT biochemical assay. Also, the critical statistical analysis reveals that ZnO addition needs to be carefully tailored to ensure good in vitro cytocompatibility. The underlying reasons for difference in biological properties are analyzed. It is suggested that surface wettability as well as dissolution of ZnO, both contribute to the observed differences in cellular viability and proliferation. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2012.


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A new scheme for minimizing handover failure probability in mobile cellular communication systems is presented. The scheme involves a reassignment of priorities for handover requests enqueued in adjacent cells to release a channel for a handover request which is about to fail. Performance evaluation of the new scheme carried out by computer simulation of a four-cell highway cellular system has shown a considerable reduction in handover failure probability