65 resultados para surface profile measurement


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Two backward-facing models with step heights of 2 and 3 mm are used to measure the convective surface heat transfer rates by using platinum thin-film gauges, deposited on Macor inserts. Heat transfer rates have been theoretically calculated along the flat plate portion of a model using the Eckert reference temperature method. The experimentally determined surface heat transfer rate distributions are compared with theoretical and numerical estimations. Experimental heat flux distribution over a flat plate model showed good agreement with the reference temperature method at stagnation enthalpy range of 0.8-2 MJ/kg. Theoretical analysis has been used for downstream of a backward-facing step using Gai's nondimensional analysis. It has been found from the present study that approximately 10 and 8 step heights are required for the flow to reattach for 2 and 3 mm step height backward-facing step models, respectively, at a nominal Mach number of 7.6.


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The removal of native oxide from Si (1 1 1) surfaces was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and secondary ion mass spectra (SIMS) depth profiles. Two different oxide removal methods, performed under ultrahigh-vacuum (UHV) conditions, were carried out and compared. The first cleaning method is thermal desorption of oxide at 900 degrees C. The second method is the deposition of metallic gallium followed by redesorption. A significant decrease in oxygen was achieved by thermal desorption at 900 degrees C under UHV conditions. By applying a subsequent Ga deposition/redesorption, a further reduction in oxygen could be achieved. We examine the merits of an alternative oxide desorption method via conversion of the stable SiO(2) surface oxide into a volatile Ca(2)O oxide by a supply of Ga metals. Furthermore, ultra thin films of pure silicon nitride buffer layer were grown on a Si (1 1 1) surface by exposing the surface to radio-frequency (RF) nitrogen plasma followed by GaN growth. The SIMS depth profile shows that the oxygen impurity can be reduced at GaN/beta-Si(3)N(4)/Si interfaces by applying a subsequent Ga deposition/redesorption. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A number of geophysical methods have been proposed for near-surface site characterization and measurement of shear wave velocity by using a great variety of testing configurations, processing techniques,and inversion algorithms. In particular, two widely-used techniques are SASW (Spectral Analysis of SurfaceWaves) and MASW (Multichannel Analysis of SurfaceWaves). MASW is increasingly being applied to earthquake geotechnical engineering for the local site characterization, microzonation and site response studies.A MASW is a geophysical method, which generates a shear-wave velocity (Vs) profile (i.e., Vs versus depth)by analyzing Raleigh-type surface waves on a multichannel record. MASW system consisting of 24 channels Geode seismograph with 24 geophones of 4.5 Hz frequency have been used in this investigation. For the site characterization program, the MASW field experiments consisting of 58 one-dimensional shear wave velocity tests and 20 two-dimensional shear wave tests have been carried out. The survey points have been selected in such a way that the results supposedly represent the whole metropolitan Bangalore having an area of 220 km2.The average shear wave velocity of Bangalore soils have been evaluated for depths of 5m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m and 30 m. The subsoil site classification has been made for seismic local site effect evaluation based on average shear wave velocity of 30m depth (Vs30) of sites using National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) and International Building Code (IBC) classification. Soil average shearwave velocity estimated based on overburden thickness from the borehole information is also presented. Mapping clearly indicates that the depth of soil obtained from MASW is closely matching with the soil layers in bore logs. Among total 55 locations of MASW survey carried out, 34 locations were very close to the SPT borehole locations and these are used to generate correlation between Vs and corrected “N” values. The SPT field “N” values are corrected by applying the NEHRP recommended corrections.


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In the present investigation, various kinds of surface textures were attained on the steel plates. Roughness of the textures was varied using various grinding or polishing methods. The surface textures were characterized in terms of roughness parameters using an optical profilometer. Then experiments were conducted using an inclined pin-on-plate sliding apparatus to identify the role of surface texture and its roughness parameters on coefficient of friction and transfer layer formation. In the experiments, a soft polymer (polypropylene) was used for the pin and hardened steel was used for the plate. Experiments were conducted at a sliding velocity of 2 minis in ambient conditions under both dry and lubricated conditions. The normal load was varied from 1 to 120 N during the tests. The morphologies of the worn surfaces of the pins and the formation of a transfer layer on the steel plate surfaces were observed using a scanning electron microscope. Based on the experimental results, it was observed that the transfer layer formation and the coefficient of friction along with its two components, namely adhesion and plowing, were controlled by the surface texture of the harder mating surfaces and were less dependent of surface roughness (R(a)) of the harder mating surfaces. The effect of surface texture on the friction was attributed to the variation of the plowing component of friction for different surfaces. Among the various surface roughness parameters studied, the mean slope of the profile, Delta(a), was found to most accurately characterize variations in the friction and wear behavior. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A detailed study of surface laser damage performed on a nonlinear optical crystal, urea L-malic acid, using 7 ns laser pulses at 10 Hz repetition rate from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at wavelengths of 532 and 1064 nm is reported. The single shot and multiple shot surface laser damage threshold values are determined to be 26.64±0.19 and 20.60±0.36 GW cm−2 at 1064 nm and 18.44±0.31 and 7.52±0.22 GW cm−2 at 532 nm laser radiation, respectively. The laser damage anisotropy is consistent with the Vickers mechanical hardness measurement performed along three crystallographic directions. The Knoop polar plot also reflects the damage morphology. Our investigation reveals a direct correlation between the laser damage profile and hardness anisotropy. Thermal breakdown of the crystal is identified as the possible mechanism of laser induced surface damage.


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Wavelet transform analysis of projected fringe pattern for phase recovery in 3-D shape measurement of objects is investigated. The present communication specifically outlines and evaluates the errors that creep in to the reconstructed profiles when fringe images do not satisfy periodicity. Three specific cases that give raise to non-periodicity of fringe image are simulated and leakage effects caused by each one of them are analyzed with continuous complex Morlet wavelet transform. Same images are analyzed with FFT method to make a comparison of the reconstructed profiles with both methods. Simulation results revealed a significant advantage of wavelet transform profilometry (WTP), that the distortions that arise due to leakage are confined to the locations of discontinuity and do not spread out over the entire projection as in the case of Fourier transform profilometry (FTP).


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A Radio Frequency (RF) based digital data transmission scheme with 8 channel encoder/decoder ICs is proposed for surface electrode switching of a 16-electrode wireless Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) system. A RF based wireless digital data transmission module (WDDTM) is developed and the electrode switching of a EIT system is studied by analyzing the boundary data collected and the resistivity images of practical phantoms. An analog multiplexers based electrode switching module (ESM) is developed with analog multiplexers and switched with parallel digital data transmitted by a wireless transmitter/receiver (T-x/R-x) module working with radio frequency technology. Parallel digital bits are generated using NI USB 6251 card working in LabVIEW platform and sent to transmission module to transmit the digital data to the receiver end. The transmitter/receiver module developed is properly interfaced with the personal computer (PC) and practical phantoms through the ESM and USB based DAQ system respectively. It is observed that the digital bits required for multiplexer operation are sequentially generated by the digital output (D/O) ports of the DAQ card. Parallel to serial and serial to parallel conversion of digital data are suitably done by encoder and decoder ICs. Wireless digital data transmission module successfully transmitted and received the parallel data required for switching the current and voltage electrodes wirelessly. 1 mA, 50 kHz sinusoidal constant current is injected at the phantom boundary using common ground current injection protocol and the boundary potentials developed at the voltage electrodes are measured. Resistivity images of the practical phantoms are reconstructed from boundary data using EIDORS. Boundary data and the resistivity images reconstructed from the surface potentials are studied to assess the wireless digital data transmission system. Boundary data profiles of the practical phantom with different configurations show that the multiplexers are operating in the required sequence for common ground current injection protocol. The voltage peaks obtained at the proper positions in the boundary data profiles proved the sequential operation of multiplexers and successful wireless transmission of digital bits. Reconstructed images and their image parameters proved that the boundary data are successfully acquired by the DAQ system which in turn again indicates a sequential and proper operation of multiplexers as well as the successful wireless transmission of digital bits. Hence the developed RF based wireless digital data transmission module (WDDTM) is found suitable for transmitting digital bits required for electrode switching in wireless EIT data acquisition system. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present measurements of the stress as a function of vertical position in a column of granular material sheared in a cylindrical Couette device. All three components of the stress tensor on the outer cylinder were measured as a function of distance from the free surface at shear rates low enough that the material was in the dense, slow flow regime. We find that the stress profile differs fundamentally from that of fluids, from the predictions of plasticity theories, and from intuitive expectation. We argue that the anomalous stress profile is due to an anisotropic fabric caused by the combined action of gravity and shear.


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Film flows on inclined surfaces are often assumed to be of constant thickness, which ensures that the velocity profile is half-Poiseuille. It is shown here that by shallow water theory, only flows in a portion of Reynolds number-Froude number (Re-Fr) plane can asymptotically attain constant film thickness. In another portion on the plane, the constant thickness solution appears as an unstable fixed point, while in other regions the film thickness seems to asymptote to a positive slope. Our simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations confirm the predictions of shallow water theory at higher Froude numbers, but disagree with them at lower Froude numbers. We show that different regimes of film flow show completely different stability behaviour from that predicted earlier. Supercritical decelerating flows are shown to be always unstable, whereas accelerating flows become unstable below a certain Reynolds number for a given Froude number. Subcritical flows on the other hand are shown to be unstable above a certain Reynolds number. In some range of parameters, two solutions for the base flowexist, and the attached profile is found to be more stable. All flows except those with separation become more stable as they proceed downstream. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4758299]


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We investigate the effect of a prescribed tangential velocity on the drag force on a circular cylinder in a spanwise uniform cross flow. Using a combination of theoretical and numerical techniques we make an attempt at determining the optimal tangential velocity profiles which will reduce the drag force acting on the cylindrical body while minimizing the net power consumption characterized through a non-dimensional power loss coefficient (C-PL). A striking conclusion of our analysis is that the tangential velocity associated with the potential flow, which completely suppresses the drag force, is not optimal for both small and large, but finite Reynolds number. When inertial effects are negligible (R e << 1), theoretical analysis based on two-dimensional Oseen equations gives us the optimal tangential velocity profile which leads to energetically efficient drag reduction. Furthermore, in the limit of zero Reynolds number (Re -> 0), minimum power loss is achieved for a tangential velocity profile corresponding to a shear-free perfect slip boundary. At finite Re, results from numerical simulations indicate that perfect slip is not optimum and a further reduction in drag can be achieved for reduced power consumption. A gradual increase in the strength of a tangential velocity which involves only the first reflectionally symmetric mode leads to a monotonic reduction in drag and eventual thrust production. Simulations reveal the existence of an optimal strength for which the power consumption attains a minima. At a Reynolds number of 100, minimum value of the power loss coefficient (C-PL = 0.37) is obtained when the maximum in tangential surface velocity is about one and a half times the free stream uniform velocity corresponding to a percentage drag reduction of approximately 77 %; C-PL = 0.42 and 0.50 for perfect slip and potential flow cases, respectively. Our results suggest that potential flow tangential velocity enables energetically efficient propulsion at all Reynolds numbers but optimal drag reduction only for Re -> infinity. The two-dimensional strategy of reducing drag while minimizing net power consumption is shown to be effective in three dimensions via numerical simulation of flow past an infinite circular cylinder at a Reynolds number of 300. Finally a strategy of reducing drag, suitable for practical implementation and amenable to experimental testing, through piecewise constant tangential velocities distributed along the cylinder periphery is proposed and analysed.


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Nanocrystalline delta-NbNx samples have been synthesized by reacting NbCl5 and urea at three different temperatures. A comparison of their structural, magnetic, transport and thermal properties is reported in the present study. The size of the particles and their agglomeration extent increase with increasing reaction temperature. The sample prepared at 900 degrees C showed the highest superconducting transition temperature (T-c) of 16.2 K with a transition width, similar to 1.8 K, as obtained from the resistivity measurement on cold-pressed bars. Above T-c, magnetization measurements revealed the presence of surface ferromagnetism which coexists with superconductivity below T-c. Heat capacity measurements confirm superconductivity with strong electron-phonon coupling constant. The sample prepared at 800 degrees C shows a lower T-c (10 K) while that prepared at 700 degrees C exhibit no superconductivity down to the lowest temperature (3 K) measured.


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Wind stress is the most important ocean forcing for driving tropical surface currents. Stress can be estimated from scatterometer-reported wind measurements at 10 m that have been extrapolated to the surface, assuming a neutrally stable atmosphere and no surface current. Scatterometer calibration is designed to account for the assumption of neutral stability; however, the assumption of a particular sea state and negligible current often introduces an error in wind stress estimations. Since the fundamental scatterometer measurement is of the surface radar backscatter (sigma-0) which is related to surface roughness and, thus, stress, we develop a method to estimate wind stress directly from the scatterometer measurements of sigma-0 and their associated azimuth angle and incidence angle using a neural network approach. We compare the results with in situ estimations and observe that the wind stress estimations from this approach are more accurate compared with those obtained from the conventional estimations using 10-m-height wind measurements.


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Practical phantoms are essential to assess the electrical impedance tomography (EIT) systems for their validation, calibration and comparison purposes. Metal surface electrodes are generally used in practical phantoms which reduce the SNR of the boundary data due to their design and development errors. Novel flexible and biocompatible gold electrode arrays of high geometric precision are proposed to improve the boundary data quality in EIT. The flexible gold electrode arrays are developed on flexible FR4 sheets using thin film technology and practical gold electrode phantoms are developed with different configurations. Injecting a constant current to the phantom boundary the surface potentials are measured by a LabVIEW based data acquisition system and the resistivity images are reconstructed in EIDORS. Boundary data profile and the resistivity images obtained from the gold electrode phantoms are compared with identical phantoms developed with stainless steel electrodes. Surface profilometry, microscopy and the impedance spectroscopy show that the gold electrode arrays are smooth, geometrically precised and less resistive. Results show that the boundary data accuracy and image quality are improved with gold electrode arrays. Results show that the diametric resistivity plot (DRP), contrast to noise ratio (CNR), percentage of contrast recovery (PCR) and coefficient of contrast (COC) of reconstructed images are improved in gold electrode phantoms. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we investigate the local flame surface statistics of constant-pressure turbulent expanding flames. First the statistics of local length ratio is experimentally determined from high-speed planar Mie scattering images of spherically expanding flames, with the length ratio on the measurement plane, at predefined equiangular sectors, defined as the ratio of the actual flame length to the length of a circular-arc of radius equal to the average radius of the flame. Assuming isotropic distribution of such flame segments we then convolute suitable forms of the length-ratio probability distribution functions (pdfs) to arrive at the corresponding area-ratio pdfs. It is found that both the length ratio and area ratio pdfs are near log-normally distributed and shows self-similar behavior with increasing radius. Near log-normality and rather intermittent behavior of the flame-length ratio suggests similarity with dissipation rate quantities which stimulates multifractal analysis. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The characteristics of surface roughness span a range of length scales determined by the nature of the surface generation process. The mechanism by which material is removed at a length scale determines the roughness at that scale. Electropolishing preferentially reduces the peaks of surface protuberances at sub-micron length scales to produce smooth surfaces. The material removal in electropolishing occurs by two different mechanisms of anodic leveling and microsmoothing. Due to insufficient lateral resolution, individual contribution of these two mechanisms could not be measured by conventional roughness measurement techniques and parameters. In this work, we utilize the high lateral resolution offered by Atomic force microscopy along with the power spectral density method of characterization, to study the evolution of roughness during electropolishing. The power spectral density show two corner frequencies indicating the length scales over which the two mechanisms operate. These characteristic frequencies are found to be a function of the electropolishing time and hence can be used to optimize the electropolishing process.