163 resultados para electrochemical heterogeneity


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The free-base octabromotetraphenylporphyrin (H2OBP) has been prepared by a novel bromination reaction of (meso-tetraphenylporphyrinato)copper(II). The metal [V(IV)O, Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Pd(II), Ag(II), Pt(II)] derivatives exhibit interesting electronic spectral features and electrochemical redox properties. The electron-withdrawing bromine substituents at the pyrrole carbons in H2OBP and M(OBP) derivatives produce remarkable red shifts in the Soret (50 nm) and visible bands (100 nm) of the porphyrin. The low magnitude of protonation constants (pK3 = 2.6 and pK4 = 1.75) and the large red-shifted Soret and visible absorption bands make the octabromoporphyrin unique. The effect of electronegative bromine substituents at the peripheral positions of the porphyrin has been quantitatively analyzed by using the four-orbital approach of Gouterman. A comparison of MO parameters of MOBP derivatives with those of the meso-substituted tetraphenylporphyrin (M(TPP)) and unsubstituted porphine (M(P)) derivatives provides an explanation for the unusual spectral features. The configuration interaction matrix element of the M(OBP) derivatives is found to be the lowest among the known substituted porphyrins, indicating delocalization of ring charge caused by the increase in conjugation of p orbitals of the bromine onto the ring orbitals. The electron-transfer reactivities of the porphyrins have been dramatically altered by the peripheral bromine substituents, producing large anodic shifts in the ring and metal-centered redox potentials. The increase in anodic shift in the reduction potential of M(OBP)s relative to M(TPP)s is found to be large (550 mV) compared to the shift in the oxidation potential (300 mV). These shifts are interpreted in terms of the resonance and inductive interactions of the bromine substituents.


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By the reaction of Ru2Cl(O2CAr)4 (1) and PPh3 in MeCN-H2O the diruthenium(II,III) and diruthenium(II) compounds of the type Ru2(OH2)Cl(MeCN)(O2CAr)4(PPh3)2 (2) and Ru2(OH2)(MeCN)2(O2CAr)4(PPh3)2 (3) were prepared and characterized by analytical, spectral, and electrochemical data (Ar is an aryl group, C6H4-p-X; X = H, OMe, Me, Cl, NO2). The molecular structure of Ru2(OH2)Cl(MeCN)(O2CC6H4-p-OMe)4(PPh3)2 was determined by X-ray crystallography. Crystal data are as follows: triclinic, P1BAR, a = 13.538 (5) angstrom, b = 15.650 (4) angstrom, c = 18.287 (7) angstrom, alpha = 101.39 (3)-degrees, beta = 105.99 (4)-degrees, gamma = 97.94 (3)-degrees, V = 3574 angstrom 3, Z = 2. The molecule is asymmetric, and the two ruthenium centers are clearly distinguishable. The Ru(III)-Ru(II), Ru(III)-(mu-OH2), and Ru(II)-(mu-OH2) distances and the Ru-(mu-OH2)-Ru angle in [{Ru(III)Cl(eta-1-O2CC6H4-p-OMe)(PPh3)}(mu-OH2)(mu-O2CC6H4-p-OMe)2{Ru(II)(MeCN)(eta-1-O2CC6H4-p-OMe)(PPh3)}] are 3.604 (1), 2.127 (8), and 2.141 (10) angstrom and 115.2 (5)-degrees, respectively. The compounds are paramagnetic and exhibit axial EPR spectra in the polycrystalline form. An intervalence transfer (IT) transition is observed in the range 900-960 nm in chloroform in these class II type trapped mixed-valence species 2. Compound 2 displays metal-centered one-electron reduction and oxidation processes near -0.4 and +0.6 V (vs SCE), respectively in CH2Cl2-TBAP. Compound 2 is unstable in solution phase and disproportionates to (mu-aquo)diruthenium(II) and (mu-oxo)diruthenium(III) complexes. The mechanistic aspects of the core conversion are discussed. The molecular structure of a diruthenium(II) compound, Ru2(OH2)(MeCN)2(O2CC6H4-p-NO2)4(PPh3)2.1.5CH2Cl2, was obtained by X-ray crystallography. The compound crystallizes in the space group P2(1)/c with a = 23.472 (6) angstrom, b = 14.303 (3) angstrom, c = 23.256 (7) angstrom, beta = 101.69 (2)-degrees, V = 7645 angstrom 3, and Z = 4. The Ru(II)-Ru(II) and two Ru(II)-(mu-OH2) distances and the Ru(II)-(mu-OH2)-Ru(II) angle in [{(PPh3)-(MeCN)(eta-1-O2CC6H4-p-NO2)Ru}2(mu-OH2)(mu-O2CC6H4-p-NO2)2] are 3.712 (1), 2.173 (9), and 2.162 (9) angstrom and 117.8 (4)-degrees, respectively. In both diruthenium(II,III) and diruthenium(II) compounds, each metal center has three facial ligands of varying pi-acidity and the aquo bridges are strongly hydrogen bonded with the eta-1-carboxylato facial ligands. The diruthenium(II) compounds are diamagnetic and exhibit characteristic H-1 NMR spectra in CDCl3. These compounds display two metal-centered one-electron oxidations near +0.3 and +1.0 V (vs SCE) in CH2Cl2-TBAP. The overall reaction between 1 and PPh3 in MeCN-H2O through the intermediacy of 2 is of the disproportionation type. The significant role of facial as well as bridging ligands in stabilizing the core structures is observed from electrochemical studies.


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The surfactant-assisted seed-mediated growth method was used for the formation of gold nanorods (GNRs) directly on gold (Au) and indium tin oxide (ITO) surfaces. Citrate-stabilized similar to 2.6 nm spherical gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were first self-assembled on ITO or Au surfaces modified with (3-mercaptopropyl)-trimethoxysilane (MPTS) sol-gel film and then immersed in a cationic surfactant growth solution to form GNRs. The growth of GNRs on the MPTS sol gel film modified ITO surface was monitored by UV-visible spectroscopy. The ITO surface with the attached spherical AuNPs shows a surface plasmon resonance band at 550 nm. The intensity of this absorption band increases while increasing the immersion time of the AuNP-modified ITO surface into the growth solution, and after 5 h, an additional shoulder band around 680 nm was observed. The intensity of this shoulder band increases, and it was shifted to longer wavelength as the immersion time of the AuNP-modified ITO surface into the growth solution increases. After 20 h, a predominant wave at 720 nm was observed along with a band at 550 nm. Further immersion of the modified ITO surface into the growth solution did not change the absorption characteristics. The bands observed at 550 and 720 nm were characteristics of GNRs, corresponding to transverse and longitudinal waves, respectively. The AFM images showed the presence of GNRs on the surface of the MPTS sol gel modified ITO surface with a typical length of similar to 100-120 nm and a width of similar to 20-22 nm in addition to a few spherical AuNPs, indicating that seeded spherical AuNPs were not completely involved in the GNRs' formation. Finally, the electrocatalytic activity of the surface-grown GNRs on the MPTS sol gel film modified Au electrode toward the oxidation of ascorbic acid (AA) was studied. Unlike a polycrystalline Au electrode, the surface-grown GNR-modified electrode shows two well-defined voltammetric peaks for AA at 0.01 and 0.35 V in alkaline, neutral, and acidic pHs. The cause for the observed two oxidation peaks for AA was due to the presence of both nanorods and spherical nanoparticles on the electrode surface. The presence of spherical AuNPs on the MPTS sol gel film oxidized AA at more positive potential, whereas the GNRs oxidized AA at less positive potential. The observed 340 mV less positive potential shift in the oxidation of AA suggested that GNRs are better electrocatalysts for the oxidation of AA than the spherical AuNPs.


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The basic principles of operation of gas sensors based on solid-state galvanic cells are described. The polarisation of the electrodes can be minimised by the use of point electrodes made of the solid electrolyte, the use of a reference system with chemical potential close to that of the sample system and the use of graded condensed phase reference electrodes. Factors affecting the speed of response of galvanic sensors in equilibrium and non-equilibrium gas mixtures are considered with reference to products of combustion of fossil fuels. An expression for the emf of non-isothermal galvanic sensors and the criterion for the design of temperature compensated reference electrodes for non-isothermal galvanic sensors are briefly outlined. Non-isothermal sensors are useful for the continuous monitoring of concentrations or chemical potentials in reactive systems at high temperatures. Sensors for oxygen, carbon, and alloying elements (Zn and Si) in liquid metals and alloys are discussed. The use of auxiliary electrodes permits the detection of chemical species in the gas phase which are not mobile in the solid electrolyte. Finally, the cause of common errors in galvanic measurements, and tests for correct functioning of galvanic sensors are given. 60 ref.--AA


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Reaction of [Ru2O(O2CR)2(MeCN)4(PPh3)2](ClO4)2 (1) with 1,2-diaminoethane (em) in MeOH---H2O yielded a mixture of products, from which a purple diamagnetic and 1:2 electrolytic diruthenium(III) complex, [Ru2O(O2CR)2(en)2(PPh3)2](ClO4)2 (2), was isolated along with a trace by-product of [Ru2O(O2CR)2(en)2(PPh3)2](ClO4)(MeCONH) (3) (R = C6H4-p-X : X = H, a; OMe, b; Me, c). Complex 3b has been characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis. The structure shows the presence of a (Ru2(?-O)(?-O2CR)22+)_core, with the metal centre bonded to an unidentate PPh3 and a bidentate chelating en terminal ligand. The Ru�Ru distance and the Ru�O�Ru angle in the core are 3.255(3) Å and 119.1(4)°. The amidate anion, formed presumably by nucleophilic attack of OH? on the MeCN ligand in complex 1, remains uncoordinated to the metal. In MeCN/0.1 M [NBun4]ClO4 complex 2 exhibits a nearly reversible Ru2III,III?Ru2III,IV couple near 0.9 V and an irreversible Ru2III,III?Ru2III,II process at ?0.6 V (vs S.C.E.). The mechanistic aspects of the substitution and nucleophilic reactions in the formation of complexes 2 and 3 are discussed. References


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Electrochemical reduction of exfoliated graphene oxide, prepared from pre-exfoliated graphite, in acetamide-urea-ammonium nitrate ternary eutectic melt results in few layer-graphene thin films. Negatively charged exfoliated graphene oxide is attached to positively charged cystamine monolyer self-assembled on a gold surface. Electrochemical reduction of the oriented graphene oxide film is carried out in a room temperature, ternary molten electrolyte. The reduced film is characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), conductive AFM, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Ternary eutectic melt is found to be a suitable medium for the regulated reduction of graphene oxide to reduced graphene oxide-based sheets on conducting surfaces. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mononuclear copper(II) complexes of tri- and tetra-dentate tripodal ligands containing phenolic hydroxyl and benzimidazole or pyridine groups have been isolated. They are of the type (CuL(X)].nH2O, [CuL(H2O)]X.nH2O or [CuL].nH2O where X = Cl-, ClO4-, N3- or NCS- and n = 0-4. The electronic spectra of all the complexes exhibit a broad absorption band around 14000 cm-1 and the polycrystalline as well as the frozen-solution EPR spectra are axial, indicating square-based geometries. The crystal structure of [CuL(Cl)] [HL = (2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl)bis(2-pyridyl-methyl)amine] revealed a square-pyramidal geometry around Cu(II). The mononuclear complex crystallises in the triclinic space group P1BAR with a = 6.938(1), b = 11.782(6), c = 12.678(3) angstrom and alpha = 114.56(3), beta = 92.70(2), gamma = 95.36(2)-degrees. The co-ordination plane is comprised of one tertiary amine and two pyridine nitrogens and a chloride ion. The phenolate ion unusually occupies the axial site, possibly due to the electron-withdrawing p-nitro group. The enhanced pi delocalisation involving the p-nitrophenolate donor elevates the E1/2 values. The spectral and electrochemical results suggest the order of donor strength as nitrophenolate < pyridine < benzimidazole in the tridentate and nitrophenolate < benzimidazole < pyridine in the tetradentate ligand complexes.


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The phenomenological theory of hemispherical growth in the context of phase formation with more than one component is presented. The model discusses in a unified manner both instantaneous and progressive nucleation (at the substrate) as well as arbitrary growth rates (e.g. constant and diffusion controlled growth rates). A generalized version of Avrami ansatz (a mean field description) is used to tackle the ''overlap'' aspects arising from the growing multicentres of the many components involved, observing that the nucleation is confined to the substrate plane only. The time evolution of the total extent of macrogrowth as well as those of the individual components are discussed explicitly for the case of two phases. The asymptotic expressions for macrogrowth are derived. Such analysis depicts a saturation limit (i.e. the maximum extent of growth possible) for the slower growing component and its dependence on the kinetic parameters which, in the electrochemical context, can be controlled through potential. The significance of this model in the context of multicomponent alloy deposition and possible future directions for further development are pointed out.


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ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 100 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a �Full Text� option. The original article is trackable via the �References� option.


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Three new cationic amphiphiles bearing anthraquinone moieties at the polar headgroup region were synthesized, The single-chain amphiphile, N,N-dimethyl-N-octadecyl-N-(9,10-dihydro dioxoanthracen-2-ylmethyl)ammonium bromide 1, in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide upon dispersion in water gave co-micellar aggregates containing covalently attached anthraquinone residues at the polar aqueous interfaces. The other two double-chain amphiphiles, N,N-dioctadecyl-N-methyl-N-(9,10-dihydro-9,10-dioxoanthracen-2-ylmethyl)ammonium bromide 2 and N,N-dimethyl-N-(1,2-bispalmitoyloxypropanyl)-N-(9,10-dihydro-9,10-dioxanthracen-2-ylmethyl)ammonium bromide 3, however, on dispersion in aqueous media produced vesicular aggregates. The critical temperatures for the gel to liquid-crystalline-like phase transition processes for the vesicular systems were determined by following temperature-dependent changes in the ratios of keto-enol tautomeric forms of benzoylacetanilide doped within respective. vesicular assemblies. The redox chemistry of the these supramolecular assemblies was also studied by following the time-dependent changes in the ITV-VIS absorption spectroscopy in the presence of exogenous reducing or oxidizing agents, Electrochemical studies using glassy carbon electrodes reveal that redox-active amphiphiles adsorb on to the glassy carbon surfaces to form electroactive deposits when dipped into aqueous suspensions of either of these aggregates irrespective of the micellar or vesicular nature of the dispersions.


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In the present work a gold modified pencil graphite electrode (GPGE) was used for the determination of L-dopa present in the aqueous extracts of Mucuna pruriens seeds (MPS), Mucuna pruriens leaves (MPL) and Commercial Siddha Product (CSP). The GPGE shows excellent electrocatalytic activity towards the oxidation of both L-dopa and ascorbic acid (AA), with the separation of peak potential of 98 mV. The differential pulse voltammetric (DPV) results indicated that the detection limit for L-dopa was 1.54 mu M (S/N=3). This method can be successfully applied for the determination of L-dopa in real samples.


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The coordinating behavior of a new dihydrazone ligand, 2,6-bis(3-methoxysalicylidene) hydrazinocarbonyl]pyridine towards manganese(II), cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) has been described. The metal complexes were characterized by magnetic moments, conductivity measurements, spectral (IR, NMR, UV-Vis, FAB-Mass and EPR) and thermal studies. The ligand crystallizes in triclinic system, space group P-1, with alpha=98.491(10)degrees, beta=110.820(10)degrees and gamma=92.228(10)degrees. The cell dimensions are a=10.196(7)angstrom, b=10.814(7)angstrom, c=10.017(7)angstrom, Z=2 and V=1117.4(12). IR spectral studies reveal the nonadentate behavior of the ligand. All the complexes are neutral in nature and possess six-coordinate geometry around each metal center. The X-band EPR spectra of copper(II) complex at both room temperature and liquid nitrogen temperature showed unresolved broad signals with g(iso) = 2.106. Cyclic voltametric studies of copper(II) complex at different scan rates reveal that all the reaction occurring are irreversible. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.