371 resultados para chemical route


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Poly[(2,5-dimethoxy-p-phenylene)vinylene] (DMPPV) of varying conjugation length was synthesized by selective elimination of organic soluble precursor polymers that contained two eliminatable groups, namely, methoxy and acetate groups. These precursor copolymers were in turn synthesized by competitive nucleophilic substitution of the sulfonium polyelectrolyte precursor (generated by the standard Wessling route) using methanol and sodium acetate in acetic acid. The composition of the precursor copolymer, in terms of the relative amounts of methoxy and acetate groups, was controlled by varying the composition of the reaction mixture during nucleophilic substitution. Thermal elimination of these precursor copolymers at 250 degrees C, yielded partially conjugated polymers, whose color varied from light yellow to deep red. FT-IR studies confirmed that, while essentially all the acetate groups were eliminated, the methoxy groups were intact and caused the interruption in conjugation. Preliminary photoluminescence studies of the partially eliminated DMPPV samples showed a gradual shift in the emission maximum from 498 to 598 nm with increasing conjugation lengths, suggesting that the color of LED devices fabricated from such polymers can, in principle, be fine-tuned.


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Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the action of enzymes at the atomic level. Among them, the recent proposals involving short hydrogen bonds as a step in catalysis by Gerlt and Gassman [1] and proton transfer through low barrier hydrogen bonds (LBHBs) [2, 3] have attracted attention. There are several limitations to experimentally testing such hypotheses, Recent developments in computational methods facilitate the study of active site-ligand complexes to high levels of accuracy, Our previous studies, which involved the docking of the dinucleotide substrate UpA to the active site of RNase A [4, 5], enabled us to obtain a realistic model of the ligand-bound active site of RNase A. From these studies, based on empirical potential functions, we were able to obtain the molecular dynamics averaged coordinates of RNase A, bound to the ligand UpA. A quantum mechanical study is required to investigate the catalytic process which involves the cleavage and formation of covalent bonds. In the present study, we have investigated the strengths of some of the hydrogen bonds between the active site residues of RNase A and UpA at the ab initio quantum chemical level using the molecular dynamics averaged coordinates as the starting point. The 49 atom system and other model systems were optimized at the 3-21G level and the energies of the optimized systems were obtained at the 6-31G* level. The results clearly indicate the strengthening of hydrogen bonds between neutral residues due to the presence of charged species at appropriate positions. Such a strengthening manifests itself in the form of short hydrogen bonds and a low barrier for proton transfer. In the present study, the proton transfer between the 2'-OH of ribose (from the substrate) and the imidazole group from the H12 of RNase A is influenced by K41, which plays a crucial role in strengthening the neutral hydrogen bond, reducing the barrier for proton transfer.


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Gelonin inhibits protein synthesis by inactivating the eukaryotic 60 S ribosomal subunit by an unknown mechanism. The protein was purified in high yield by a new method using Cibacron blue F3GA-Sepharose. Chemical modification studies reveal that arginine residues are essential for biological activity.


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Using first-principles density-functional calculations, we determine and analyze the Born effective charges Z(*) that describe the coupling between electric field and atomic displacements for ferromagnetic double-perovskite compound, La2NiMnO6. We find that th Born effective charge matrix of Ni in La2NiMnO6, has an anomalously large antisymmetric component, whose magnitude reduces substantially upon change in the magnetic ordering between Ni and Mn, showing it to be a magnetism-dependent electrostructural coupling. We use a local picture of the electronic structure obtained with Wannier functions, along with its band-by-band decomposition to determine its electronic origin.


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Calciothermic reduction of TiO2 provides a potentially low-cost route to titanium production. Presented in this article is a suitably designed diagram, useful for assessing the degree of reduction of TiO2 and residual oxygen contamination in metal as a function of reduction temperature and other process parameters. The oxygen chemical potential diagram à la Ellingham-Richardson-Jeffes is useful for visualization of the thermodynamics of reduction reactions at high temperatures. Although traditionally the diagram depicts oxygen potentials corresponding to the oxidation of different metals to their corresponding oxides or of lower oxides to higher oxides, oxygen potentials associated with solution phases at constant composition can be readily superimposed. The usefulness of the diagram for an insightful analysis of calciothermic reduction, either direct or through an electrochemical process, is discussed. Identified are possible process variations, modeling and optimization strategies.


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A method employing two liquid crystals of opposite diamagnetic anisotropies to determine chemical shift anisotropy without using any reference compound is described. It also provides individual values of the direct and the indirect spin-spin coupling constants between heteronuclei. The parameters for acetonitrile are reported.


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The minimum energy required for the formation of conjugate pair of charged defects is found to be approximately equal to the experimental activation energy for d.c. conductivity in a number of amorphous chalcoganides and pnictides. This observation implies that the defect pair formation energy represents an intrinsic gap for transport in amorphous chalcogenides.


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Rabbits and guinea pigs were immunized with functionalized aspirin-protein conjugates prepared by coupling 5-N-Succinylamino aspirin to BSA and BGG using a water soluble carbodiimide (EDC). Two populations of antibodies, one specific to functionalized aspirin and the other exclusively specific to salicylic acid were detected. These antibodies were fractionated and separated on affinity polymers suitably prepared with 5-N-succinylamino salicylic acid and 5-N-succinylamino-2-ethoxy benzoic acid as the ligands. The isolated and purified antibodies were electrophoretically homogeneous. The physico chemical interactions between the antibodies and the respective haptens were studied by radio-immunoassay, equilibrium dialysis and fluorescence quenching techniques.


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Synthesis of Andirolactone (Image ), starting from 4-methyl cyclohex-3-en-1-one (Image ), via the radical cyclisation of the bromoacetal (Image ), is described.


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A formal chemical nomenclature system WISENOM based on a context-free grammar and graph coding is described. The system is unique, unambiguous, easily pronounceable, encodable, and decodable for organic compounds. Being a formal system, every name is provable as a theorem or derivable as a terminal sentence by using the basic axioms and rewrite rules. The syntax in Backus-Naur form, examples of name derivations, and the corresponding derivation trees are provided. Encoding procedures to convert connectivity tables to WISENOM, parsing, and decoding are described.


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Interaction of nickel(I1) and copper(I1) complexes of 4,9-dimethy1-5,8-diazadodeca-4,8diene-2,1 ldione, Ni(baen) and 4,6,9-trimethyl-5, 8diazadodeca-4,8-diene-2,ll-dione, Ni(bapn), with arene diazonium chlorides in buffered solutions of methanol yielded metal derivatives of glyoxaliminearylhydrazones. This typical electrophilic addition at the 3-carbon of the complex occurs owing to the pseudo aromatic behaviour of the chelate ring. A mechanism which predicts the attack of the diazonium cation through the coordination shell of the metal is well documented from the available experimental evidences. The chemical reactivity of a few complexes with a single residual non-substituted y-carbon is reasonably manifested by their reaction with phenyl isocyanate.


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A generalized mass transport model is developed for predicting the rate ofdeposition in chemical vapor deposition (CVD) systems. This combines thegeneralized method of obtaining equilibrium composition, with elemental fluxbalance expressions. This procedure avoids the usual problems encountered incalculating the rates in multicomponent systems, like writing overall reactionschemes. The dependence of multicomponent diffusivities on the fluxes is accountedin this model using an iterative procedure. The model developed isapplied to the deposition of titanium carbide on cemented carbide tool bitsfrom a gas mixture of titanium tetrachloride, toluene, and hydrogen. Experimentaldeposition rates were obtained using a thermogravimetric assembly.Mass transport controlled rates give an order of magnitude estimates of theobserved rates.


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A new class of solid compounds, viz., bisthiocarbonohydrazones and thiosemicarbazones, have been found to be hypergolic with fuming nitric acid. The observed ignition delays of these hypergols have been compared with those of the monothiocarbonohydrazones-nitric acid systems and explained in terms of the chemical reactions-neutralization, oxidation, and nitration-occurring in the preignition stage. p-Nitrobenzoic acid, benzoic acid, benzaldehyde, sulfur trioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and nitrogen have been isolated as preignition reaction intermediates in the mono- and bisbenzaldehydethiocarbonohydrazone-nitric acid systems. A scheme of reactions occurring in the preignition stage is proposed based on the formation of these products.


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NMR studies of methyldichlorophosphine have been undertaken in the nematic phase of mixed liquid crystals of opposite diamagnetic anisotropies. The rα structure is derived. The proton chemical-shift anisotropy has been determined from the studies without the use of a reference compound and without a change of experimental conditions. It is shown that the molecule orients in the liquid crystal with positive diamagnetic anisotropy in such a way that the C3 symmetry axis of the CH3P moiety is preferentially aligned perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field, unlike other similar systems. This is interpreted in terms of the formation of a weak solvent-solute molecular complex. The heteronuclear indirect spin-spin coupling constants are determined. The sign of the two-bond JPH is found to be positive.