109 resultados para backscattering coefficient


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The dispersion state of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) in melt mixed polyethylene/polyethylene oxide (PE/PEO) blends has been assessed by both surface and volume electrical conductivity measurements and the structural relaxations have been assessed by broadband dielectric spectroscopy. The selective localization of MWNTs in the blends was controlled by the flow characteristics of the components, which led to their localization in the energetically less favored phase (PE). The electrical conductivity and positive temperature co-efficient (PTC) measurements were carried out on hot pressed samples. The neat blends exhibited only a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) effect while the blends with MWNTs exhibited both a PTC and a NTC at the melting temperatures of PE and PEO respectively. These phenomenal changes were corroborated with the different crystalline morphology in the blends. It was deduced that during compression molding, the more viscous PEO phase spreads less in contrast to the less viscous PE phase. This has further resulted in a gradient in morphology as well as the distribution state of the MWNTs in the samples and was supported by scanning electron and scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) studies and contact angle measurements. SAM from different depths of the samples revealed a gradient in the microstructure in the PE/PEO blends which is contingent upon the flow characteristics of the components. Interestingly, the surface and volume electrical conductivity was different due to the different dispersion state of the MWNTs at the surface and bulk. The observed surface and volume electrical conductivity measurements were corroborated with the evolved morphology during processing. The structural relaxations in both PE and PEO were discerned from broadband dielectric spectroscopy. The segmental dynamics below and above the melting temperature of PEO were significantly different in the presence of MWNTs.


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The present experimental study investigates the influence of post-deposition annealing on the transverse piezoelectric coefficient (d(31)) value of ZnO thin films deposited on a flexible metal alloy substrate, and its relationship with the vibration sensing performance. Highly c-axis oriented and crystalline ZnO thin films were deposited on flexible Phynox alloy substrate via radio frequency (RF) reactive magnetron sputtering. ZnO thin film samples were annealed at different temperatures ranging from 100 degrees C to 500 degrees C, resulting in the temperature of 300 degrees C determined as the optimum annealing temperature. The crystallinity, morphology, microstructure, and rms surface roughness of annealed ZnO thin films were systematically investigated by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), respectively. The piezoelectric d(31) coefficient value was measured by 4-point bending method. ZnO thin film annealed at 300 degrees C was highly c-axis oriented, crystalline, possesses fine surface morphology with uniformity in the grain size. This film showed higher d(31) coefficient value of 7.2 pm V-1. A suitable in-house designed and developed experimental set-up, for evaluating the vibration sensing performance of annealed ZnO thin films is discussed. As expected the ZnO thin film annealed at 300 degrees C showed relatively better result for vibration sensing studies. It generates comparatively higher peak output voltage of 147 mV, due to improved structural and morphological properties, and higher piezoelectric d(31) coefficient value. (C) 2014 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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We report on the systematic comparative study of highly c-axis oriented and crystalline piezoelectric ZnO thin films deposited on four different flexible substrates for vibration sensing application. The flexible substrates employed for present experimental study were namely a metal alloy (Phynox), metal (aluminum), polyimide (Kapton), and polyester (Mylar). ZnO thin films were deposited by an RF reactive magnetron sputtering technique. ZnO thin films of similar thicknesses of 700 +/- 30 nm were deposited on four different flexible substrates to have proper comparative studies. The crystallinity, surface morphology, chemical composition, and roughness of ZnO thin films were evaluated by respective material characterization techniques. The transverse piezoelectric coefficient (d(31)) value for assessing the piezoelectric property of ZnO thin films on different flexible substrates was measured by a four-point bending method. ZnO thin films deposited on Phynox alloy substrate showed relatively better material characterization results and a higher piezoelectric d(31) coefficient value as compared to ZnO films on metal and polymer substrates. In order to experimentally verify the above observations, vibration sensing studies were performed. As expected, the ZnO thin film deposited on Phynox alloy substrate showed better vibration sensing performance. It has generated the highest peak to peak output voltage amplitude of 256 mV as compared to that of aluminum (224 mV), Kapton (144 mV), and Mylar (46 mV). Therefore, metal alloy flexible substrate proves to be a more suitable, advantageous, and versatile choice for integrating ZnO thin films as compared to metal and polymer flexible substrates for vibration sensing applications. The present experimental study is extremely important and helpful for the selection of a suitable flexible substrate for various applications in the field of sensor and actuator technology.


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A method to estimate the Hall-Petch coefficient k for yield strength and flow stress of steels through nanoindentation experiments is proposed. While determination of k(f) for flow stress is on the basis of grain boundary strengthening evaluated by sharp indentation, k(y) for yield strength was computed with pop-in data from spherical indentations. Good agreement between estimated and literature data, obtained from the tensile tests, validates the proposed methodology. (C) 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study concerns the relationship between the power law recession coefficient k (in - dQ/dt = kQ(alpha), Q being discharge at the basin outlet) and past average discharge Q(N) (where N is the temporal distance from the center of the selected time span in the past to the recession peak), which serves as a proxy for past storage state of the basin. The strength of the k-Q(N) relationship is characterized by the coefficient of determination R-N(2), which is expected to indicate the basin's ability to hold water for N days. The main objective of this study is to examine how R-N(2) value of a basin is related with its physical characteristics. For this purpose, we use streamflow data from 358 basins in the United States and selected 18 physical parameters for each basin. First, we transform the physical parameters into mutually independent principal components. Then we employ multiple linear regression method to construct a model of R-N(2) in terms of the principal components. Furthermore, we employ step-wise multiple linear regression method to identify the dominant catchment characteristics that influence R-N(2) and their directions of influence. Our results indicate that R-N(2) is appreciably related to catchment characteristics. Particularly, it is noteworthy that the coefficient of determination of the relationship between R-N(2) and the catchment characteristics is 0.643 for N = 45. We found that topographical characteristics of a basin are the most dominant factors in controlling the value of R-N(2). Our results may be suggesting that it is possible to tell about the water holding capacity of a basin by just knowing about a few of its physical characteristics. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In order to enhance the piezoelectric b-phase, PVDF was electrospun from DMF solution. The enhanced b-phase was discerned by comparing the electrospun fibers against the melt mixed samples. While both the processes resulted in phase transformation of a-to electroactive b-polymorph in PVDF, the fraction of b-phase was strongly dependent on the adopted process. Two different nanoscopic particles: carboxyl functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and silver (Ag) decorated CNTs were used to further enhance the piezoelectric coefficient in the electrospun fibers. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (XRD) supports the development of piezoelectric b-phase in PVDF. It was concluded that electrospinning was the best technique for inducing the b-polymorph in PVDF. This was attributed to the high voltage electrostatic field that generates extensional forces on the polymer chains that aligns the dipoles in one direction. The ferroelectric and piezoelectric measurement on electrospun fibers were studied using piezo-response force microscope (PFM). The Ag-CNTs filled PVDF electrospun fibers showed the highest piezoelectric coefficient (d(33) = 54 pm V-1) in contrast to PVDF/CNT fibers (35 pm V-1) and neat PVDF (30 pm V-1). This study demonstrates that the piezoelectric coefficient can be enhanced significantly by electrospinning PVDF containing Ag decorated nanoparticles.


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The solubilities of two lipid derivatives, geranyl butyrate and 10-undecen-1-ol, in SCCO2 (supercritical carbon dioxide) were measured at different operating conditions of temperature (308.15 to 333.15 K) and pressure (10 to 18 MPa). The solubilities (in mole fraction) ranged from 2.1 x 10(-3) to 23.2 x 10(-3) for geranyl butyrate and 2.2 x 10(-3) to 25.0 x 10(-3) for 10-undecen-1-ol, respectively. The solubility data showed a retrograde behavior in the pressure and temperature range investigated. Various combinations of association and solution theory along with different activity coefficient models were developed. The experimental data for the solubilities of 21 liquid solutes along with geranyl butyrate and 10-undecen-1-ol were correlated using both the newly derived models and the existing models. The average deviation of the correlation of the new models was below 15%.


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In the recent past, many studies have been carried out on the determination of coefficient of consolidation (c(v)) from the time (t)-deformation (d) data obtained from conventional consolidation tests. Several researchers have also proposed different curve fitting procedures for determining cv from the t-d data. It is anticipated that the cv values obtained from the t-d data may be influenced by initial and secondary compressions. Nevertheless, the pore water pressure data measured during the consolidation process will be independent of initial and secondary compressions. In this study, the conventional Asaoka (1978) method is extended to evaluate cv and end-of-primary (EOP) consolidation from the pore water pressure data measured from laboratory experiments. Laboratory experiments were carried out on the modified one-dimensional consolidation apparatus on different remoulded clay samples measuring pore water pressure during the consolidation process. The cv and EOP computed from the proposed approach have been compared with the results of the t-d data and found to be in good agreement.


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We report the electrical conductivity between 2 and 300 K for LaNi1-xFexO3 across the composition-controlled metal-insulator (m-i) transition. Using a method first suggested by Mobius, we identify the critical concentration x(c) to be 0.3 for the m-i transition. The negative temperature coefficient of resistivity observed at low temperatures in the metallic phase follows a temperature dependence characteristic of disorder effects. The semiconducting compositions (x greater than or equal to 0.3) do not show a simple activation energy but exhibit variable-range hopping at high temperatures confirming that the m-i transition in this system is driven by increasing disorder effects.


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Isotope-shift exponent (cu) and the pressure coefficient of superconducting transition temperature (beta) have been studied in the nonadiabatic limit. We have considered the effect of nonadiabaticity in both within and beyond the Migdal-Eliashberg formalism. It reveals from our study that the pressure coefficient of superconducting transition is high for the low-T-c region and low for the high-T-c region and the minimum value of alpha is obtained where the transition temperature is maximum. Lowest value of isotope-shift exponent is obtained for small momentum exchange between the electrons and the bosonic field. Qualitative variation of beta with temperature is consistent with the experimental results of the hole doped superconductors for small momentum exchange.


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Hexagonal Cu-2 Te has been synthesised by mechanical alloying from elemental powders. The milling time required for the synthesis is longer than that reported for other tellurides. The mechanical grinding of the bulk Cu2Te obtained by the melting route does not change the structure. Prolonged milling as well as grinding beyond 40 h lead to a decrease in grain size to nanometer level. The cold compaction of milled or ground powders exhibit much smaller Seebeck coefficient (thermopower). However, cold compaction of samples milled for longer time (>150 h) lead to the thermopower values close to that of the bulk indicating significant improvement of rheological properties at room temperature for powders milled for long times.


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Using Terzaghi's degree of consolidation, U, and the time factor, T, relationship, if M-U1 and M-U2 (M-U1 not equal M-U2) are slopes of the U-root T curve at any two time factors T-U1 and T-U2, then it can be shown that a unique relationship exists between T-U2/T-U1, M-U1/M-U2, and TU, (or TU2), and knowing any two of these, the third can be uniquely determined. A chart, called the T chart, has been plotted using these three variables for quickly determining T and U at any experimental time, t, to determine the coefficient of consolidation, c(v), corrected zero settlement, delta(o), and ultimate primary settlement, delta(100). The chart can be used even in those cases where settlement and time, at the instant of load increment, are not known.


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Test results reported on several natural sensitive soils show significant anisotropy of the yield curves, which are generally oriented along the coefficient of earth pressure at rest (K-0) axis. An attempt is made in this paper to explain the anisotropy in yielding from microstructural considerations. An elliptic pore, with particle domains aligned along the periphery of the pore, and with the major axis of the pore being oriented along the direction of the in situ major principal stress, is chosen as the unit of microstructure. An analysis of forces at the interdomain contacts around the ellipse is carried out with reference to experimentally determined yield stress conditions of one soil, and a yield criteria is defined. The analysis, with the proposed yield criteria, enables one to define the complete yield curve for any other soil from the results of only two tests (one constant eta compression test with eta close to eta(K?0), where eta is the stress ratio (= q/p) and eta(K?0) is the stress ratio corresponding to anisotropic K-0 compression, and another undrained shear test). Predicted yield curves are compared with experimental yield curves of several soils reported in the literature.


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We report the direct observation of electrochemical potential and local transport field variations near scatterers like grain boundaries, triple points, and voids in thin platinum films studied by scanning tunneling potentiometry. The field is highest at a void, followed by a triple point and a grain boundary. The local transport field near a void can even be four orders of magnitude higher than the macroscopic field, indicating that the void is the most likely place for an electromigration induced failure. The field build up for a particular type of scatterer depends on the grain connectivity. We estimate an average grain boundary reflection coefficient for the film from the temperature dependence of its resistivity.


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Diffusion such is the integrated diffusion coefficient of the phase, the tracer diffusion coefficient of species at different temperatures and the activation energy for diffusion, are determined in V3Si phase with A15 crystal structure. The tracer diffusion coefficient of Si Was found to be negligible compared to the tracer diffusion coefficient of V. The calculated diffusion parameters will help to validate the theoretical analysis of defect structure of the phase, which plays an important role in the superconductivity.