93 resultados para User generated contents (UGC)


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Ethylene gas is burnt and the soot generated is sampled thermophoretically at different heights along the flame axis starting from a region close to the root of the flame. The morphology and crystallinity of the particle are recorded using high resolution transmission electron microscopes. The hardness of a single particle is measured using a nanoindenter. The frictional resistance and material removal of a particle are measured using an atomic force microscope. The particles present in the mid-flame region are found to have a crystalline shell. The ones at the flame root are found to be highly disordered and the ones at the flame tip and above have randomly distributed pockets of short range order. The physical state of a particle is found to relate, but not very strongly, with the mechanical and tribological properties of the particles.


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The literature on pricing implicitly assumes an "infinite data" model, in which sources can sustain any data rate indefinitely. We assume a more realistic "finite data" model, in which sources occasionally run out of data; this leads to variable user data rates. Further, we assume that users have contracts with the service provider, specifying the rates at which they can inject traffic into the network. Our objective is to study how prices can be set such that a single link can be shared efficiently and fairly among users in a dynamically changing scenario where a subset of users occasionally has little data to send. User preferences are modelled by concave increasing utility functions. Further, we introduce two additional elements: a convex increasing disutility function and a convex increasing multiplicative congestion-penally function. The disutility function takes the shortfall (contracted rate minus present rate) as its argument, and essentially encourages users to send traffic at their contracted rates, while the congestion-penalty function discourages heavy users from sending excess data when the link is congested. We obtain simple necessary and sufficient conditions on prices for fair and efficient link sharing; moreover, we show that a single price for all users achieves this. We illustrate the ideas using a simple experiment.


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Today 80 % of the content on the Web is in English, which is spoken by only 8% of the World population and 5% of Indian population. There is wealth of useful content in the various languages of the world other than English, which can be made available on the Internet. But, to date, for various reasons most of it is not yet available on the Internet. India itself has 18 officially recognized languages and scores of dialects. Although the medium of instruction for most of the higher education and research in India is English, substantial amount of literature by way of novels, textbooks, scholarly information are being generated in the other languages in the country. Many of the e-governance initiatives are in the respective state languages. In the past, support for different languages by the operating systems and the software packages were not very encouraging. However, with the advent of Unicode technology, operating systems and software packages are supporting almost all the major languages of the world that have scripts. In the work reported in this paper, we have explained the configuration changes that are needed for Eprints.org software to store multilingual content and to create a multilingual user interface.


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This paper considers the degrees of freedom (DOF) for a K user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) M x N interference channel using interference alignment (IA). A new performance metric for evaluating the efficacy of IA algorithms is proposed, which measures the extent to which the desired signal dimensionality is preserved after zero-forcing the interference at the receiver. Inspired by the metric, two algorithms are proposed for designing the linear precoders and receive filters for IA in the constant MIMO interference channel with a finite number of symbol extensions. The first algorithm uses an eigenbeamforming method to align sub-streams of the interference to reduce the dimensionality of the interference at all the receivers. The second algorithm is iterative, and is based on minimizing the interference leakage power while preserving the dimensionality of the desired signal space at the intended receivers. The improved performance of the algorithms is illustrated by comparing them with existing algorithms for IA using Monte Carlo simulations.


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Many web sites incorporate dynamic web pages to deliver customized contents to their users. However, dynamic pages result in increased user response times due to their construction overheads. In this paper, we consider mechanisms for reducing these overheads by utilizing the excess capacity with which web servers are typically provisioned. Specifically, we present a caching technique that integrates fragment caching with anticipatory page pre-generation in order to deliver dynamic pages faster during normal operating situations. A feedback mechanism is used to tune the page pre-generation process to match the current system load. The experimental results from a detailed simulation study of our technique indicate that, given a fixed cache budget, page construction speedups of more than fifty percent can be consistently achieved as compared to a pure fragment caching approach.


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Channel-aware assignment of subchannels to users in the downlink of an OFDMA system requires extensive feedback of channel state information (CSI) to the base station. Since bandwidth is scarce, schemes that limit feedback are necessary. We develop a novel, low feedback, distributed splitting-based algorithm called SplitSelect to opportunistically assign each subchannel to its most suitable user. SplitSelect explicitly handles multiple access control aspects associated with CSI feedback, and scales well with the number of users. In it, according to a scheduling criterion, each user locally maintains a scheduling metric for each subchannel. The goal is to select, for each subchannel, the user with the highest scheduling metric. At any time, each user contends for the subchannel for which it has the largest scheduling metric among the unallocated subchannels. A tractable asymptotic analysis of a system with many users is central to SplitSelect's simple design. Extensive simulation results demonstrate the speed with which subchannels and users are paired. The net data throughput, when the time overhead of selection is accounted for, is shown to be substantially better than several schemes proposed in the literature. We also show how fairness and user prioritization can be ensured by suitably defining the scheduling metric.


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Controlled waveform magnets (CWMs) are a class of pulsed magnets whose pulse shape with time can be programmed by the user. With a CWM, the user gains control not only over the magnitude of the field but also over its rate of change. In this work we present a table-top CWM, driven by a capacitor bank, capable of producing virtually any user-shaped magnetic field waveform up to 10 tesla. Insulated gate bipolar transistor chips have been paralleled to form the high current switch and paralleled chips of SiC Schottky diodes form the crowbar diode module. Sample controlled waveforms including flat-tops up to 10 tesla and some triangular magnetic field pulses have been successfully generated for 10-20 ms with a ripple < 1%. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3699316]


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Hydrogenperoxide (H2O2) is generated in mitochondria in aerobic cells as a minor product of electron transport, is inhibited selectively by phenolic acids (in animals) or salicylhydroxamate (in plants) and is regulated by hormones and environmental conditions. Failure to detect this activity is due to presence of H2O2-consuming reactions or inhibitors present in the reaction mixture. H2O2 has a role in metabolic regulation and signal transduction reactions. A number of enzymes and cellular activities are modified, mostly by oxidizing the protein-thiol groups, on adding H2O2 in mM concentrations. On complexing with vanadate, also occurring in traces, H2O2 forms diperoxovanadate (DPV), stable at physiological pH and resistant to degradation by catalase. DPV was found to substitute for H2O2 at concentrations orders of magnitude lower, and in presence of catalase, as a substrate for user reaction, horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and in inactivating glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. superoxide dismutase (SOD)-sensitive oxidation of NADH was found to operate as peroxovanadate cycle using traces of DPV and decameric vanadate (V-10) and reduces O-2 to peroxide (DPV in presence of free vanadate). This offers a model for respiratory burst. Diperoxovanadate reproduces several actions of H2O2 at low concentrations: enhances protein tyrosine phosphorylation, activates phospholipase D, produces smooth muscle contraction, and accelerates stress induced premature senescence (SIPS) and rounding in fibroblasts. Peroxovanadates can be useful tools in the studies on H2O2 in cellular activities and regulation.


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We have developed a graphical user interface based dendrimer builder toolkit (DBT) which can be used to generate the dendrimer configuration of desired generation for various dendrimer architectures. The validation of structures generated by this tool was carried out by studying the structural properties of two well known classes of dendrimers: ethylenediamine cored poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer, diaminobutyl cored poly(propylene imine) (PPI) dendrimer. Using full atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulation we have calculated the radius of gyration, shape tensor and monomer density distribution for PAMAM and PPI dendrimer at neutral and high pH. A good agreement between the available simulation and experimental (small angle X-ray and neutron scattering; SAXS, SANS) results and calculated radius of gyration was observed. With this validation we have used DBT to build another new class of nitrogen cored poly(propyl ether imine) dendrimer and study it's structural features using all atomistic MD simulation. DBT is a versatile tool and can be easily used to generate other dendrimer structures with different chemistry and topology. The use of general amber force field to describe the intra-molecular interactions allows us to integrate this tool easily with the widely used molecular dynamics software AMBER. This makes our tool a very useful utility which can help to facilitate the study of dendrimer interaction with nucleic acids, protein and lipid bilayer for various biological applications. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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In the two-user Gaussian Strong Interference Channel (GSIC) with finite constellation inputs, it is known that relative rotation between the constellations of the two users enlarges the Constellation Constrained (CC) capacity region. In this paper, a metric for finding the approximate angle of rotation to maximally enlarge the CC capacity is presented. It is shown that for some portion of the Strong Interference (SI) regime, with Gaussian input alphabets, the FDMA rate curve touches the capacity curve of the GSIC. Even as the Gaussian alphabet FDMA rate curve touches the capacity curve of the GSIC, at high powers, with both the users using the same finite constellation, we show that the CC FDMA rate curve lies strictly inside the CC capacity curve for the constellations BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM. It is known that, with Gaussian input alphabets, the FDMA inner-bound at the optimum sum-rate point is always better than the simultaneous-decoding inner-bound throughout the Weak Interference (WI) regime. For a portion of the WI regime, it is shown that, with identical finite constellation inputs for both the users, the simultaneous-decoding inner-bound enlarged by relative rotation between the constellations can be strictly better than the FDMA inner-bound.


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We have developed a graphical user interface based dendrimer builder toolkit (DBT) which can be used to generate the dendrimer configuration of desired generation for various dendrimer architectures. The validation of structures generated by this tool was carried out by studying the structural properties of two well known classes of dendrimers: ethylenediamine cored poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer, diaminobutyl cored poly(propylene imine) (PPI) dendrimer. Using full atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulation we have calculated the radius of gyration, shape tensor and monomer density distribution for PAMAM and PPI dendrimer at neutral and high pH. A good agreement between the available simulation and experimental (small angle X-ray and neutron scattering; SAXS, SANS) results and calculated radius of gyration was observed. With this validation we have used DBT to build another new class of nitrogen cored poly(propyl ether imine) dendrimer and study it's structural features using all atomistic MD simulation. DBT is a versatile tool and can be easily used to generate other dendrimer structures with different chemistry and topology. The use of general amber force field to describe the intra-molecular interactions allows us to integrate this tool easily with the widely used molecular dynamics software AMBER. This makes our tool a very useful utility which can help to facilitate the study of dendrimer interaction with nucleic acids, protein and lipid bilayer for various biological applications. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.