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Chalcopyrite Cu(In,Al)Se-2 (CIAS) thin films are grown on stainless steel substrate through one-step electrodeposition at room temperature. Indium is partially replaced with aluminum to increase the band gap of CuInSe2 without creating significant change in the original structure. The deposition potential is optimized at -0.8 V (vs. SCE) and annealing of the films is performed in vacuum to remove binary phases present in the as-deposited films. In/Al ratio is varied from 1/9 to 8/2, to find the suitability for solar cell fabrication. For In/Al ratio of less than 8/2, CuAlSe2 phase is formed in the film in addition to the CIAS phase. Depth profile X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of the CIAS sample prepared with In/Al ratio of 8/2 in the precursor solution confirmed the existence of single phase CIAS throughout the film. This film showed p-type conductivity while the rest of the samples with In/Al ratio less than 8/2 showed n-type conductivity. The band gap of the film varied from 1.06 to 1.45 eV, with variation in deposition potential. Structural, optical, morphological, compositional and electrical characterizations are carried out to establish the suitability of this film for solar cell fabrication. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin films were deposited onto p-Si substrates held at room temperature by reactive Direct Current (DC) magnetron sputtering at various sputter powers in the range 80-200W. The as-deposited TiO2 films were annealed at a temperature of 1023K. The post-annealed films were characterized for crystallographic structure, chemical binding configuration, surface morphology and optical absorption. The electrical and dielectric properties of Al/TiO2/p-Si structure were determined from the capacitance-voltage and current-voltage characteristics. X-ray diffraction studies confirmed that the as-deposited films were amorphous in nature. After post-annealing at 1023K, the films formed at lower powers exhibited anatase phase, where as those deposited at sputter powers >160W showed the mixed anatase and rutile phases of TiO2. The surface morphology of the films varied significantly with the increase of sputter power. The electrical and dielectric properties on the air-annealed Al/TiO2/p-Si structures were studied. The effect of sputter power on the electrical and dielectric characteristics of the structure of Al/TiO2/p-Si (metal-insulator-semiconductor) was systematically investigated. Copyright (c) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Solvent dependent and low temperature based Chalcopyrite CuIn1-xAlxS2 (CIAS) nano structures were synthesized by a simple one-pot solvothermal route. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), UV-visible spectroscopy and micro-Raman spectroscopy were used to characterize the nanostructures structurally and optically. CIAS hollow spheres were constructed from the nanoplates. Detailed formation mechanism of the hollow spheres was explained. Tentative optical phonon vibrational modes have been discussed. Steady state room temperature IR photodectection have been demonstrated with all the CIAS nanostructures under IR lamp illumination. Photo current was amplified by two orders and one order in case of nano needle like structures and hollow spheres respectively, which was explained based upon the trap assisted space charge. Growth and decay constants lasted for few milli seconds.


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A 2D multi-particle model is carried out to understand the effect of microstructural variations and loading conditions on the stress evolution in Al-Si alloy under compression. A total of six parameters are varied to create 26 idealized microstructures: particle size, shape, orientation, matrix temper, strain rate, and temperature. The effect of these parameters is investigated to understand the fracture of Si particles and the yielding of Al matrix. The Si particles are modeled as a linear elastic solid and the Al matrix is modeled as an elasto-plastic solid. The results of the study demonstrate that the increase in particle size decreases the yield strength of the alloy. The particles with high aspect ratio and oriented at 0A degrees and 90A degrees to the loading axis show higher stress values. This implies that the particle shape and orientation are dominant factors in controlling particle fracture. The heat treatment of the alloy is found to increase the stress levels of both particles and matrix. Stress calculations also show that higher particle fracture and matrix yielding is expected at higher strain rate deformation. Particle fracture decreases with increase in temperature and the Al matrix plays an important role in controlling the properties of the alloy at higher temperatures. Further, this strain rate and temperature dependence is more pronounced in the heat-treated microstructure. These predictions are consistent with the experimentally observed Si particle fracture in real microstructure.


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We present estimates of single spin asymmetry in the electroproduction of J/psi taking into account the transverse momentum-dependent (TMD) evolution of the gluon Sivers function. We estimate single spin asymmetry for JLab, HERMES, COMPASS and eRHIC energies using the color evaporation model of J/psi. We have calculated the asymmetry using recent parameters extracted by Echevarria et al. using the Collins-Soper-Sterman approach to TMD evolution. These recent TMD evolution fits are based on the evolution kernel in which the perturbative part is resummed up to next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. We have also estimated the asymmetry by using parameters which had been obtained by a fit by Anselmino et al., using both an exact numerical and an approximate analytical solution of the TMD evolution equations. We find that the variation among the different estimates obtained using TMD evolution is much smaller than between these on one hand and the estimates obtained using DGLAP evolution on the other. Even though the use of TMD evolution causes an overall reduction in asymmetries compared to the ones obtained without it, they remain sizable. Overall, upon use of TMD evolution, predictions for asymmetries stabilize.


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By using high-resolution observations of nearly co-temporal and co-spatial Solar Optical Telescope spectropolarimeter and X-Ray Telescope coronal X-ray data onboard Hinode, we revisit the problematic relationship between global magnetic quantities and coronal X-ray brightness. Co-aligned vector magnetogram and X-ray data were used for this study. The total X-ray brightness over active regions is well correlated with integrated magnetic quantities such as the total unsigned magnetic flux, the total unsigned vertical current, and the area-integrated square of the vertical and horizontal magnetic fields. On accounting for the inter-dependence of the magnetic quantities, we inferred that the total magnetic flux is the primary determinant of the observed integrated X-ray brightness. Our observations indicate that a stronger coronal X-ray flux is not related to a higher non-potentiality of active-region magnetic fields. The data even suggest a slightly negative correlation between X-ray brightness and a proxy of active-region non-potentiality. Although there are small numerical differences in the established correlations, the main conclusions are qualitatively consistent over two different X-ray filters, the Al-poly and Ti-poly filters, which confirms the strength of our conclusions and validate and extend earlier studies that used low-resolution data. We discuss the implications of our results and the constraints they set on theories of solar coronal heating.


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The flow characteristics of a near eutectic Al-Si based cast alloy have been examined in compression at strain rates varying from 3 x 10(-4) to 10(2) s(-1) and at three different temperatures, i.e., room temperature (RT), 100 degrees C and 200 degrees C. The dependence of the flow behavior on heat treatment is studied by testing the alloy in non-heat treated (NHT) and heat treated (HT) conditions. The heat treatment has strong influence on strain rate sensitivity (SRS), strength and work hardening behavior of the alloy. It is observed that the strength of the alloy increases with increase in strain rate and it increases more rapidly above the strain rate of 10(-1) s(-1) in HT condition at all the temperatures, and at 100 degrees C and 200 degrees C in NHT condition. The thermally dependent process taking place in the HT matrix is responsible for the observed greater SRS in HT condition. The alloy in HT condition exhibits a larger work hardening rate than in NHT condition during initial stages of straining. However, the hardening rate decreases more sharply at higher strains in HT condition due to precipitate shearing and higher rate of Si particle fracture. Thermal hardening is observed at 200 degrees C in NHT condition due to precipitate formation, which results in increased SRS at higher temperatures. Thermal softening is observed in HT condition at 200 C due to precipitate coarsening, which leads to a decrease in SRS at higher temperatures. Stress simulations by a finite element method support the experimentally observed particle and matrix fracture behavior. A negative SRS and serrated flow are observed in the lower strain rate regime (3 x 10(-4)-10(-2) s(-1)) at RT and 100 degrees C, in both NHT and HT conditions. The observations show that both dynamic strain aging (DSA) and precipitate shearing play a role in serrated flow. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Since the discovery 1] of gamma' precipitate (L1(2) - Co-3 (Al, W)) in the Co-Al-W ternary system, there has been an increased interest in Co-based superalloys. Since these alloys have two phase microstructures (gamma + gamma') similar to Ni-based superalloys 2], they are viable candidates in high temperature applications, particularly in land-based turbines. The role of alloying on stability of the gamma' phase has been an active area of research. In this study, electronic structure calculations were done to probe the effect of alloying in Co3W with L1(2) structure. Compositions of type Co-3(W, X), (where X/Y = Mn, Fe, Ni, Pt, Cr, Al, Si, V, W, Ta, Ti, Nb, Hf, Zr and Mo) were studied. Effect of alloying on equilibrium lattice parameters and ground state energies was used to calculate Vegard's coefficients and site preference related data. The effect of alloying on the stability of the L1(2) structure vis a vis other geometrically close packed ordered structures was also studied for a range of Co3X compounds. Results suggest that the penchant of element for the W sublattice can be predicted by comparing heats of formation of Co3X in different structures.


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Pure alpha-Al2O3 exhibits a very high degree of thermodynamical stability among all metal oxides and forms an inert oxide scale in a range of structural alloys at high temperatures. We report that amorphous Al2O3 thin films sputter deposited over crystalline Si instead show a surprisingly active interface. On annealing, crystallization begins with nuclei of a phase closely resembling gamma-Alumina forming almost randomly in an amorphous matrix, and with increasing frequency near the substrate/film interface. This nucleation is marked by the signature appearance of sharp (400) and (440) reflections and the formation of a diffuse diffraction halo with an outer maximal radius of approximate to 0.23 nm enveloping the direct beam. The microstructure then evolves by a cluster-coalescence growth mechanism suggestive of swift nucleation and sluggish diffusional kinetics, while locally the Al ions redistribute slowly from chemisorbed and tetrahedral sites to higher anion coordinated sites. Chemical state plots constructed from XPS data and simple calculations of the diffraction patterns from hypothetically distorted lattices suggest that the true origins of the diffuse diffraction halo are probably related to a complex change in the electronic structure spurred by the a-gamma transformation rather than pure structural disorder. Concurrent to crystallization within the film, a substantially thick interfacial reaction zone also builds up at the film/substrate interface with the excess Al acting as a cationic source. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The complexity associated with local structures continues to pose challenges with regard to the understanding of the structure-property relationship in Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3-based lead-free piezoceramics. (1-x)Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3-(x)BaTiO3 is an extensively studied system because of its interesting piezoelectric properties. Recently, a room temperature phase boundary was reported at x = 0.03 in this system Ma et al., Adv. Funct. Mater. 23, 5261 (2013)]. In the present work we have examined this subtle phase boundary using x-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, dielectric measurements as a function of composition (x < 0.06), temperature, and electric field. Our results show that this boundary separates an R3c + Cc-like structural state for x < 0.03 from an R3c+ cubiclike structural state for 0.03 <= x <= 0.05 in the unpoled specimens. This phase boundary is characterized by an anomalous reduction in the depolarization temperature, and a suppression of the tetragonal distortion of the high temperature P4bm phase. Our results also provide the clue to understand the pathway leading to the cubiclike structure of the critical composition x = 0.06, known for its highest piezoelectric response.


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The flow characteristics of a near-eutectic heat-treated Al-Si based cast alloy have been examined in compression at strain rates varying from 3 x 10(-4) to 10(2) s(-1) and at three different temperatures, i.e., room temperature (RT), 100 degrees C and 200 degrees C. The dependence of flow behavior on modification is examined by testing the alloy in both the unmodified and modified conditions. Modification has strong influence on strain rate sensitivity (SRS), strength and work hardening behavior of the alloy. The strength of the alloy is found to increase with increase in strain rate for both the conditions. The increase is more rapid above the strain rate of 10(-1) s(-1) for the unmodified alloy at all the temperatures. This rapid increase is observed at 1 s(-1) at RT and 100 degrees C, and at 10(-2) s(-1) at 200 degrees C for the modified alloy. The thermally dependent process of the Al matrix is rate controlling in the unmodified alloy. On the other hand, the thermally dependent process of both Al matrix and Si particles are rate controlling, which is responsible for the higher strain rate sensitivity (SRS) in the modified alloy. The unmodified alloy exhibits a larger work hardening rate than the modified alloy during the initial stages of straining due to fiber loading of unmodified Si particles. However, the hardening rate decreases sharply at higher strains for the unmodified alloy due to a higher rate of Si particle fracture. Thermal softening is observed for both alloys at 200 degrees C due to precipitate coarsening, which leads to a decrease in SRS at higher temperatures. Stress simulations by microstructure based finite element method support the experimentally observed particle and matrix fracture behavior. Negative SRS and serrated flow are observed at lower strain rate regime (3 x 10(-4) to 10(-2) s(-1)) at RT and 100 degrees C, in both alloys. The critical onset strain is found to be lower and the magnitude of serration is found to be higher for the modified alloy, which suggests that, in addition to dynamic strain aging, Si particle size and morphology also play a role in serrated flow. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved.


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The effect of Radio Frequency (RF) power on the properties of magnetron sputtered Al doped ZnO thin films and the related sensor properties are investigated. A series of 2 wt% Al doped ZnO; Zn0.98Al0.02O (AZO) thin films prepared with magnetron sputtering at different RF powers, are examined. The structural results reveal a good adhesive nature of thin films with quartz substrates as well as increasing thickness of the films with increasing RF power. Besides, the increasing RF power is found to improve the crystallinity and grain growth as confirmed by X-ray diffraction. On the other hand, the optical transmittance is significantly influenced by the RF power, where the transparency values achieved are higher than 82% for all the AZO thin films and the estimated optical band gap energy is found to decrease with RF power due to an increase in the crystallite size as well as the film thickness. In addition, the defect induced luminescence at low temperature (77 K) and room temperature (300 K) was studied through photoluminescence spectroscopy, it is found that the defect density of electronic states of the Al3+ ion increases with an increase of RF power due to the increase in the thickness of the film and the crystallite size. The gas sensing behavior of AZO films was studied for NO2 at 350 degrees C. The AZO film shows a good response towards NO2 gas and also a good relationship between the response and the NO2 concentration, which is modeled using an empirical formula. The sensing mechanism of NO2 is discussed.


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The effect of Radio Frequency (RF) power on the properties of magnetron sputtered Al doped ZnO thin films and the related sensor properties are investigated. A series of 2 wt% Al doped ZnO; Zn0.98Al0.02O (AZO) thin films prepared with magnetron sputtering at different RF powers, are examined. The structural results reveal a good adhesive nature of thin films with quartz substrates as well as increasing thickness of the films with increasing RF power. Besides, the increasing RF power is found to improve the crystallinity and grain growth as confirmed by X-ray diffraction. On the other hand, the optical transmittance is significantly influenced by the RF power, where the transparency values achieved are higher than 82% for all the AZO thin films and the estimated optical band gap energy is found to decrease with RF power due to an increase in the crystallite size as well as the film thickness. In addition, the defect induced luminescence at low temperature (77 K) and room temperature (300 K) was studied through photoluminescence spectroscopy, it is found that the defect density of electronic states of the Al3+ ion increases with an increase of RF power due to the increase in the thickness of the film and the crystallite size. The gas sensing behavior of AZO films was studied for NO2 at 350 degrees C. The AZO film shows a good response towards NO2 gas and also a good relationship between the response and the NO2 concentration, which is modeled using an empirical formula. The sensing mechanism of NO2 is discussed.


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Exploring future cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries, alluaudite class of Na2Fe2II(SO4)(3) has been recently unveiled as a 3.8 V positive insertion candidate (Barpanda et al. Nat. Commun. 2014, 5, 4358). It forms an Fe-based polyanionic compound delivering the highest Fe-redox potential along with excellent rate kinetics and reversibility. However, like all known SO4-based insertion materials, its synthesis is cumbersome that warrants careful processing avoiding any aqueous exposure. Here, an alternate low temperature ionothermal synthesis has been described to produce the alluaudite Na2+2xFe2-xII(SO4)(3). It marks the first demonstration of solvothermal synthesis of alluaudite Na2+2xM2-xII(SO4)(3) (M = 3d metals) family of cathodes. Unlike classical solid-state route, this solvothermal route favors sustainable synthesis of homogeneous nanostructured alluaudite products at only 300 degrees C, the lowest temperature value until date. The current work reports the synthetic aspects of pristine and modified ionothermal synthesis of Na2+2xFe2-xII(SO4)(3) having tunable size (300 nm similar to 5 mu m) and morphology. It shows antiferromagnetic ordering below 12 K. A reversible capacity in excess of 80 mAh/g was obtained with good rate kinetics and cycling stability over 50 cycles. Using a synergistic approach combining experimental and ab initio DFT analysis, the structural, magnetic, electronic, and electrochemical properties and the structural limitation to extract full capacity have been described.