4 resultados para Textos literaris bizantins. Dels orígens al segle X

em CaltechTHESIS


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I. HgSe is deposited on various semiconductors, forming a semimetal/semiconductor "Schottky barrier" structure. Polycrystalline, evaporated HgSe produces larger Schottky barrier heights on n-type semiconductors than does Au, the most electronegative of the elemental metals. The barrier heights are about 0.5 eV greater than those of Au on ionic semiconductors such as ZnS, and 0.1 to 0.2 eV greater for more covalently bonded semiconductors. A novel structure,which is both a lattice matched heterostructure and a Schottky barrier, is fabricated by epitaxial growth of HgSe on CdSe using hydrogen transport CVD. The Schottky barrier height for this structure is 0.73 ± 0.02 eV, as measured by the photoresponse method. This uncertainty is unusually small; and the magnitude is greater by about a quarter volt than is achievable with Au, in qualitative agreement with ionization potential arguments.

II . The Schottky barrier height of Au on chemically etched n-Ga1-x AlxAs was measured as a function of x. As x increases, the barrier height rises to a value of about 1.2 eV at x ≈ 0.45 , then decreases to about 1.0 eV as x approaches 0.83. The barrier height deviates in a linear way from the value predicted by the "common anion" rule as the AlAs mole fraction increases. This behavior is related to chemical reactivity of the Ga1-x AlxAs surface.


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Thermal noise arising from mechanical loss in high reflective dielectric coatings is a significant source of noise in precision optical measurements. In particular, Advanced LIGO, a large scale interferometer aiming to observed gravitational wave, is expected to be limited by coating thermal noise in the most sensitive region around 30–300 Hz. Various theoretical calculations for predicting coating Brownian noise have been proposed. However, due to the relatively limited knowledge of the coating material properties, an accurate approximation of the noise cannot be achieved. A testbed that can directly observed coating thermal noise close to Advanced LIGO band will serve as an indispensable tool to verify the calculations, study material properties of the coating, and estimate the detector’s performance.

This dissertation reports a setup that has sensitivity to observe wide band (10Hz to 1kHz) thermal noise from fused silica/tantala coating at room temperature from fixed-spacer Fabry–Perot cavities. Important fundamental noises and technical noises associated with the setup are discussed. The coating loss obtained from the measurement agrees with results reported in the literature. The setup serves as a testbed to study thermal noise in high reflective mirrors from different materials. One example is a heterostructure of AlxGa1−xAs (AlGaAs). An optimized design to minimize thermo–optic noise in the coating is proposed and discussed in this work.


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Three subjects related to epitaxial GaAs-GaAlAs optoelectronic devices are discussed in this thesis. They are:

1. Embedded Epitaxy

This is a technique of selective multilayer growth of GaAs- Ga1-xAlxAs single crystal structures through stripe openings in masking layers on GaAs substrates. This technique results in prismatic layers of GaAs and Ga1-xAlxAs "embedded" in each other and leads to controllable uniform structures terminated by crystal faces. The dependence of the growth habit on the orientation of the stripe openings has been studied. Room temperature embedded double heterostructure lasers have been fabricated using this technique. Threshold current densities as low as 1.5 KA/cm2 have been achieved.

2. Barrier Controlled PNPN Laser Diode

It is found that the I-V characteristics of a PNPN device can be controlled by using potential barriers in the base regions. Based on this principle, GaAs-GaAlAs heterostructure PNPN laser diodes have been fabricated. GaAlAs potential barriers in the bases control not only the electrical but also the optical properties of the device. PNPN lasers with low threshold currents and high breakover voltage have been achieved. Numerical calculations of this barrier controlled structure are presented in the ranges where the total current is below the holding point and near the lasing threshold.

3. Injection Lasers on Semi-Insulating Substrates

GaAs-GaAlAs heterostructure lasers fabricated on semi-insulating substrates have been studied. Two different laser structures achieved are: (1) Crowding effect lasers, (2) Lateral injection lasers. Experimental results and the working principles underlying the operation of these lasers are presented. The gain induced guiding mechanism is used to explain the lasers' far field radiation patterns. It is found that Zn diffusion in Ga1-xAlxAs depends on the Al content x, and that GaAs can be used as the diffusion mask for Zn diffusion in Ga1-xAlxAs. Lasers having very low threshold currents and operating in a stable single mode have been achieved. Because these lasers are fabricated on semi-insulating substrates, it is possible to integrate them with other electronic devices on the same substrate. An integrated device, which consists of a crowding effect laser and a Gunn oscillator on a common semi-insulating GaAs substrate, has been achieved.


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Part I.

In recent years, backscattering spectrometry has become an important tool for the analysis of thin films. An inherent limitation, though, is the loss of depth resolution due to energy straggling of the beam. To investigate this, energy straggling of 4He has been measured in thin films of Ni, Al, Au and Pt. Straggling is roughly proportional to square root of thickness, appears to have a slight energy dependence and generally decreases with decreasing atomic number of the adsorber. The results are compared with predictions of theory and with previous measurements. While Ni measurements are in fair agreement with Bohr's theory, Al measurements are 30% above and Au measurements are 40% below predicted values. The Au and Pt measurements give straggling values which are close to one another.

Part II.

MeV backscattering spectrometry and X-ray diffraction are used to investigate the behavior of sputter-deposited Ti-W mixed films on Si substrates. During vacuum anneals at temperatures near 700°C for several hours, the metallization layer reacts with the substrate. Backscattering analysis shows that the resulting compound layer is uniform in composition and contains Ti, Wand Si. The Ti:W ratio in the compound corresponds to that of the deposited metal film. X-ray analyses with Reed and Guinier cameras reveal the presence of the ternary TixW(1-x)Si2 compound. Its composition is unaffected by oxygen contamination during annealing, but the reaction rate is affected. The rate measured on samples with about 15% oxygen contamination after annealing is linear, of the order of 0.5 Å per second at 725°C, and depends on the crystallographic orientation of the substrate and the dc bias during sputter-deposition of the Ti-W film.

Au layers of about 1000 Å thickness were deposited onto unreacted Ti-W films on Si. When annealed at 400°C these samples underwent a color change,and SEM micrographs of the samples showed that an intricate pattern of fissures which were typically 3µm wide had evolved. Analysis by electron microprobe revealed that Au had segregated preferentially into the fissures. This result suggests that Ti-W is not a barrier to Au-Si intermixing at 400°C.