93 resultados para Saddle fixed points


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We present here a critical assessment of two vortex approaches (both two-dimensional) to the modelling of turbulent mixing layers. In the first approach the flow is represented by point vortices, and in the second it is simulated as the evolution of a continuous vortex sheet composed of short linear elements or ''panels''. The comparison is based on fresh simulations using approximately the same number of elements in either model, paying due attention in both to the boundary conditions far downstream as well as those on the splitter plate from which the mixing layer issues. The comparisons show that, while both models satisfy the well-known invariants of vortex dynamics approximately to the same accuracy, the vortex panel model, although ultimately not convergent, leads to smoother roll-up and values of stresses and moments that are in closer agreement with the experiment, and has a higher computational efficiency for a given degree of convergence on moments. The point vortex model, while faster for a given number of elements, produces an unsatisfactory roll-up which (for the number of elements used) is rendered worse by the incorporation of the Van der Vooren correction for sheet curvature.


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Geometry and energy of argon clusters confined in zeolite NaCaA are compared with those of free clusters. Results indicate the possible existence of magic numbers among the confined clusters. Spectra obtained from instantaneous normal mode analysis of free and confined clusters give a larger percentage of imaginary frequencies for the latter indicating that the confined cluster atoms populate the saddle points of the potential energy surface significantly. The variation of the percentage of imaginary frequencies with temperature during melting is akin to the variation of other properties. It is shown that confined clusters might exhibit inverse surface melting, unlike medium-to-large-sized free clusters that exhibit surface melting. Configurational-bias Monte Carte (CBMC) simulations of n-alkanes in zeolites Y and A are reported. CBMC method gives reliable estimates of the properties relating to the conformation of molecules. Changes in the conformational properties of n-butane and other longer n-alkanes such as n-hexane and n-heptane when they are confined in different zeolites are presented. The changes in the conformational properties of n-butane and n-hexane with temperature and concentration is discussed. In general, in zeolite Y as well as A, there is significant enhancement of the gauche population as compared to the pure unconfined fluid.


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The humidity, heat flux and mass flow sensing capability of n-BaTiO3 and its solid solutions were evaluated based on their dissipation characteristics. The cubic/tetragonal phase content of the ceramics seem to play an important role in their sensitivity towards the measurand. The humidity-sensitive characteristics of these perovskites were studied with respect to different moisture sensitive coating materials. The sensor was also used to determine the heat of hydration during the curing process of cements and the mass flow rate of the gases. For all these applications, suitable operating points have been fixed from the highly non-linear I-V characteristics with the retention of good stability and high sensitivity. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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A few fixed distance covalently linked porphyrin-quinone molecules have been synthesized in which a benzoquinone is directly attached to a meso/beta-pyrrole position of tri(phenyl/pentafluorophenyl)/tetraphenylporphyrins. The choice of fluoroarylporphyrins permit modulation of Delta G(ET) values for photoinduced electron-transfer reactions in these systems. All short distance porphyrin-quinone molecules showed efficient quenching of the porphyrin singlet excited state. The electrochemical redox data coupled with the steady-state and time-resolved singlet emission data are analysed to evaluate the dependence of Delta G(ET) values on the rate of electron transfer (k(ET)) in these systems. The meso-trifluoroarylporphyrin-quinones are found to be sensitive probes of the surrounding dielectric environment. Varying solvent polarity on the mechanism of fluorescence quenching and k(ET) values revealed that short donor-acceptor distance and the solvent dielectric relaxation properties play a dominant role. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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We consider the simplest IEEE 802.11 WLAN networks for which analytical models are available and seek to provide an experimental validation of these models. Our experiments include the following cases: (i) two nodes with saturated queues, sending fixed-length UDP packets to each other, and (ii) a TCP-controlled transfer between two nodes. Our experiments are based entirely on Aruba AP-70 access points operating under Linux. We report our observations on certain non-standard behavior of the devices. In cases where the devices adhere to the standards, we find that the results from the analytical models estimate the experimental data with a mean error of 3-5%.


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We report a novel phase behavior in aqueous solutions of simple organic solutes near their liquid/liquid critical points, where a solid-like third phase appears at the liquid/liquid interface. The phenomenon has been found in three different laboratories. It appears in many aqueous systems of organic solutes and becomes enhanced upon the addition of salt to these solutions.


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In this paper, a method of tracking the peak power in a wind energy conversion system (WECS) is proposed, which is independent of the turbine parameters and air density. The algorithm searches for the peak power by varying the speed in the desired direction. The generator is operated in the speed control mode with the speed reference being dynamically modified in accordance with the magnitude and direction of change of active power. The peak power points in the P-omega curve correspond to dP/domega = 0. This fact is made use of in the optimum point search algorithm. The generator considered is a wound rotor induction machine whose stator is connected directly to the grid and the rotor is fed through back-to-back pulse-width-modulation (PWM) converters. Stator flux-oriented vector control is applied to control the active and reactive current loops independently. The turbine characteristics are generated by a dc motor fed from a commercial dc drive. All of the control loops are executed by a single-chip digital signal processor (DSP) controller TMS320F240. Experimental results show that the performance of the control algorithm compares well with the conventional torque control method.


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Context-sensitive points-to analysis is critical for several program optimizations. However, as the number of contexts grows exponentially, storage requirements for the analysis increase tremendously for large programs, making the analysis non-scalable. We propose a scalable flow-insensitive context-sensitive inclusion-based points-to analysis that uses a specially designed multi-dimensional bloom filter to store the points-to information. Two key observations motivate our proposal: (i) points-to information (between pointer-object and between pointer-pointer) is sparse, and (ii) moving from an exact to an approximate representation of points-to information only leads to reduced precision without affecting correctness of the (may-points-to) analysis. By using an approximate representation a multi-dimensional bloom filter can significantly reduce the memory requirements with a probabilistic bound on loss in precision. Experimental evaluation on SPEC 2000 benchmarks and two large open source programs reveals that with an average storage requirement of 4MB, our approach achieves almost the same precision (98.6%) as the exact implementation. By increasing the average memory to 27MB, it achieves precision upto 99.7% for these benchmarks. Using Mod/Ref analysis as the client, we find that the client analysis is not affected that often even when there is some loss of precision in the points-to representation. We find that the NoModRef percentage is within 2% of the exact analysis while requiring 4MB (maximum 15MB) memory and less than 4 minutes on average for the points-to analysis. Another major advantage of our technique is that it allows to trade off precision for memory usage of the analysis.


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A geometric and non parametric procedure for testing if two finite set of points are linearly separable is proposed. The Linear Separability Test is equivalent to a test that determines if a strictly positive point h > 0 exists in the range of a matrix A (related to the points in the two finite sets). The algorithm proposed in the paper iteratively checks if a strictly positive point exists in a subspace by projecting a strictly positive vector with equal co-ordinates (p), on the subspace. At the end of each iteration, the subspace is reduced to a lower dimensional subspace. The test is completed within r ≤ min(n, d + 1) steps, for both linearly separable and non separable problems (r is the rank of A, n is the number of points and d is the dimension of the space containing the points). The worst case time complexity of the algorithm is O(nr3) and space complexity of the algorithm is O(nd). A small review of some of the prominent algorithms and their time complexities is included. The worst case computational complexity of our algorithm is lower than the worst case computational complexity of Simplex, Perceptron, Support Vector Machine and Convex Hull Algorithms, if d


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Regenerating codes are a class of distributed storage codes that allow for efficient repair of failed nodes, as compared to traditional erasure codes. An [n, k, d] regenerating code permits the data to be recovered by connecting to any k of the n nodes in the network, while requiring that a failed node be repaired by connecting to any d nodes. The amount of data downloaded for repair is typically much smaller than the size of the source data. Previous constructions of exact-regenerating codes have been confined to the case n = d + 1. In this paper, we present optimal, explicit constructions of (a) Minimum Bandwidth Regenerating (MBR) codes for all values of [n, k, d] and (b) Minimum Storage Regenerating (MSR) codes for all [n, k, d >= 2k - 2], using a new product-matrix framework. The product-matrix framework is also shown to significantly simplify system operation. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first constructions of exact-regenerating codes that allow the number n of nodes in the network, to be chosen independent of the other parameters. The paper also contains a simpler description, in the product-matrix framework, of a previously constructed MSR code with [n = d + 1, k, d >= 2k - 1].


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In many cases, a mobile user has the option of connecting to one of several IEEE 802.11 access points (APs),each using an independent channel. User throughput in each AP is determined by the number of other users as well as the frame size and physical rate being used. We consider the scenario where users could multihome, i.e., split their traffic amongst all the available APs, based on the throughput they obtain and the price charged. Thus, they are involved in a non-cooperative game with each other. We convert the problem into a fluid model and show that under a pricing scheme, which we call the cost price mechanism, the total system throughput is maximized,i.e., the system suffers no loss of efficiency due to selfish dynamics. We also study the case where the Internet Service Provider (ISP) could charge prices greater than that of the cost price mechanism. We show that even in this case multihoming outperforms unihoming, both in terms of throughput as well as profit to the ISP.


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This paper presents a robust fixed order H2controller design using strengthened discrete optimal projection equations, which approximate the first order necessary optimality condition. The novelty of this work is the application of the robust H2controller to a micro aerial vehicle named Sarika2 developed in house. The controller is designed in discrete domain for the lateral dynamics of Sarika2 in the presence of low frequency atmospheric turbulence (gust) and high frequency sensor noise. The design specification includes simultaneous stabilization, disturbance rejection and noise attenuation over the entire flight envelope of the vehicle. The resulting controller performance is comprehensively analyzed by means of simulation


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Corrosion of SAE 310 stainless steel in H2-H2O-H2S gas mixtures was studied at a constant temperature of 1150 K. Reactive gas mixtures were chosen to yield a constant oxygen potential of approximately 6 × 10-13 Nm-2 and sulfur potentials ranging from 0.19 × 10-2 Nm-2 to 33 × 10-2 Nm-2. The kinetics of corrosion were determined using a thermobalance, and the scales were analyzed using metallography, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. Two corrosion regimes, which were dependent on sulfur potential, were identified. At high sulfur potentials (P S 2 ± 2.7 × 10-2 Nm-2) the corrosion rates were high, the kinetics obeyed a linear rate equation, and the scales consisted mainly of sulfide phases similar to those observed from pure sulfidation. At low sulfur potentials (P S 2 ± 0.19 × 10-2 Nm-2) the corrosion rates were low, the kinetics obeyed a parabolic rate equation, and scales consisted mainly of oxide phases. Thermochemical diagrams for the Fe-Cr-S-O, Fe-Ni-S-O, Cr-Ni-S-O, and Si-Cr-S-O systems were constructed, and the experimental results are discussed in relation to these diagrams. Based on this comparison, reasonable corrosion mechanisms were developed. At high sulfur potentials, oxide and sulfide phases initially nucleate as separate islands. Overgrowth of the oxide by the sulfide occurs and an exchange reaction governs the corrosion process. Preoxidation at low oxygen potentials and 1150 K is beneficial in suppressing sulfidation at high sulfur potentials.


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The questions that one should answer in engineering computations - deterministic, probabilistic/randomized, as well as heuristic - are (i) how good the computed results/outputs are and (ii) how much the cost in terms of amount of computation and the amount of storage utilized in getting the outputs is. The absolutely errorfree quantities as well as the completely errorless computations done in a natural process can never be captured by any means that we have at our disposal. While the computations including the input real quantities in nature/natural processes are exact, all the computations that we do using a digital computer or are carried out in an embedded form are never exact. The input data for such computations are also never exact because any measuring instrument has inherent error of a fixed order associated with it and this error, as a matter of hypothesis and not as a matter of assumption, is not less than 0.005 per cent. Here by error we imply relative error bounds. The fact that exact error is never known under any circumstances and any context implies that the term error is nothing but error-bounds. Further, in engineering computations, it is the relative error or, equivalently, the relative error-bounds (and not the absolute error) which is supremely important in providing us the information regarding the quality of the results/outputs. Another important fact is that inconsistency and/or near-consistency in nature, i.e., in problems created from nature is completely nonexistent while in our modelling of the natural problems we may introduce inconsistency or near-inconsistency due to human error or due to inherent non-removable error associated with any measuring device or due to assumptions introduced to make the problem solvable or more easily solvable in practice. Thus if we discover any inconsistency or possibly any near-inconsistency in a mathematical model, it is certainly due to any or all of the three foregoing factors. We do, however, go ahead to solve such inconsistent/near-consistent problems and do get results that could be useful in real-world situations. The talk considers several deterministic, probabilistic, and heuristic algorithms in numerical optimisation, other numerical and statistical computations, and in PAC (probably approximately correct) learning models. It highlights the quality of the results/outputs through specifying relative error-bounds along with the associated confidence level, and the cost, viz., amount of computations and that of storage through complexity. It points out the limitation in error-free computations (wherever possible, i.e., where the number of arithmetic operations is finite and is known a priori) as well as in the usage of interval arithmetic. Further, the interdependence among the error, the confidence, and the cost is discussed.