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A numerical modelling technique for predicting the detailed performance of a double-inlet type two-stage pulse tube refrigerator has been developed. The pressure variations in the compressor, pulse tube, and reservoir were derived, assuming the stroke volume variation of the compressor to be sinusoidal. The relationships of mass flowrates, volume flowrates, and temperature as a function of time and position were developed. The predicted refrigeration powers are calculated by considering the effect of void volumes and the phase shift between pressure and mass flowrate. These results are compared with the experimental results of a specific pulse tube refrigerator configuration and an existing theoretical model. The analysis shows that the theoretical predictions are in good agreement with each other.


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We present a new method for establishing correlation between deuterium and its attached carbon in a deuterated liquid crystal. The method is based on transfer of polarization using the DAPT pulse sequence proposed originally for two spin half nuclei, now extended to a spin-1 and a spin-1/2 nuclei. DAPT utilizes the evolution of magnetization of the spin pair under two blocks of phase shifted BLEW-12 pulses on one of the spins separated by a 90 degree pulse on the other spin. The method is easy to implement and does not need to satisfy matching conditions unlike the Hartmann-Hahn cross-polarization. Experimental results presented demonstrate the efficacy of the method.


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Using asymptotics, the coupled wavenumbers in an infinite fluid-filled flexible cylindrical shell vibrating in the beam mode (viz. circumferential wave order n = 1) are studied. Initially, the uncoupled wavenumbers of the acoustic fluid and the cylindrical shell structure are discussed. Simple closed form expressions for the structural wavenumbers (longitudinal, torsional and bending) are derived using asymptotic methods for low- and high-frequencies. It is found that at low frequencies the cylinder in the beam mode behaves like a Timoshenko beam. Next, the coupled dispersion equation of the system is rewritten in the form of the uncoupled dispersion equation of the structure and the acoustic fluid, with an added fluid-loading term involving a parameter mu due to the coupling. An asymptotic expansion involving mu is substituted in this equation. Analytical expressions are derived for the coupled wavenumbers (as modifications to the uncoupled wavenumbers) separately for low- and high-frequency ranges and further, within each frequency range, for large and small values of mu. Only the flexural wavenumber, the first rigid duct acoustic cut-on wavenumber and the first pressure-release acoustic cut-on wavenumber are considered. The general trend found is that for small mu, the coupled wavenumbers are close to the in vacuo structural wavenumber and the wavenumbers of the rigid-acoustic duct. With increasing mu, the perturbations increase, until the coupled wavenumbers are better identified as perturbations to the pressure-release wavenumbers. The systematic derivation for the separate cases of small and large mu gives more insight into the physics and helps to continuously track the wavenumber solutions as the fluid-loading parameter is varied from small to large values. Also, it is found that at any frequency where two wavenumbers intersect in the uncoupled analysis, there is no more an intersection in the coupled case, but a gap is created at that frequency. This method of asymptotics is simple to implement using a symbolic computation package (like Maple). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Analytical expressions are derived, using asymptotics, for the fluid-structure coupled wavenumbers in a one-dimensional (1-D) structural acoustic waveguide. The coupled dispersion equation of the system is rewritten in the form of the uncoupled dispersion equation with an added term due to the fluid-structure coupling. As a result of this coupling, the prior uncoupled structural and acoustic wavenumbers, now become coupled structural and acoustic wavenumbers. A fluid-loading parameter e, defined as the ratio of mass of fluid to mass of the structure per unit area, is introduced which when set to zero yields the uncoupled dispersion equation. The coupled wavenumber is then expressed in terms of an asymptotic series in e. Analytical expressions are found as e is varied from small to large values. Different asymptotic expansions are used for different frequency ranges with continuous transitions occurring between them. This systematic derivation helps to continuously track the wavenumber solutions as the fluid-loading parameter is varied from small to large values. Though the asymptotic expansion used is limited to the first-order correction factor, the results are close to the numerical results. A general trend is that a given wavenumber branch transits from a rigid-walled solution to a pressure-release solution with increasing E. Also, it is found that at any frequency where two wavenumbers intersect in the uncoupled analysis, there is no more an-intersection in the coupled case, but a gap is created at that frequency. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The coupled wavenumbers of a fluid-filled flexible cylindrical shell vibrating in the axisymmetric mode are studied. The coupled dispersion equation of the system is rewritten in the form of the uncoupled dispersion equation of the structure and the acoustic fluid, with an added fluid-loading term involving a parameter e due to the coupling. Using the smallness of Poisson's ratio (v), a double-asymptotic expansion involving e and v 2 is substituted in this equation. Analytical expressions are derived for the coupled wavenumbers (for large and small values of E). Different asymptotic expansions are used for different frequency ranges with continuous transitions occurring between them. The wavenumber solutions are continuously tracked as e varies from small to large values. A general trend observed is that a given wavenumber branch transits from a rigidwalled solution to a pressure-release solution with increasing E. Also, it is found that at any frequency where two wavenumbers intersect in the uncoupled analysis, there is no more an intersection in the coupled case, but a gap is created at that frequency. Only the axisymmetric mode is considered. However, the method can be extended to the higher order modes.


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We consider diffusively coupled map lattices with P neighbors (where P is arbitrary) and study the stability of the synchronized state. We show that there exists a critical lattice size beyond which the synchronized state is unstable. This generalizes earlier results for nearest neighbor coupling. We confirm the analytical results by performing numerical simulations on coupled map lattices with logistic map at each node. The above analysis is also extended to two-dimensional P-neighbor diffusively coupled map lattices.


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A two stage Pulse Tube Cryocooler (PTC) is designed and fabricated which reaches a no-load temperature of 2.5K in the second stage and similar to 60 K in the first stage respectively. The system provides a cooling power of similar to 250 mW at 5K in the second stage. Stainless steel meshes (size 200) and lead (Pb) granules are used as the first stage regenerator materials and combination of Pb with Er3Ni / HoCu2 are used as the second stage regenerator materials. The system operates at 1.6 Hz using a 6 kW water cooled helium compressor. Studies conducted by varying the dimensions of Pulse Tubes and regenerators show that the dimensions of the Pulse Tubes are more critical to the performance of the Cryocooler than those of the regenerators. Experimental studies show that the optimum volume ratios of Er3Ni to Pb and HoCu2 to Pb in the second stage regenerator should be 3:2 and 2:3 respectively for the best performance. Further, systems with HoCu2 performed better than those with Er3Ni. The theoretical analysis of the system has been carried out using a simple isothermal model. The experimentally measured cooling powers are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions.


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Frequency multiplication (FM) can be used to design low power frequency synthesizers. This is achieved by running the VCO at a much reduced frequency, while employing a power efficient frequency multiplier, and also thereby eliminating the first few dividers. Quadrature signals can be generated by frequency- multiplying low frequency I/Q signals, however this also multiplies the quadrature error of these signals. Another way is generating additional edges from the low-frequency oscillator (LFO) and develop a quadrature FM. This makes the I-Q precision heavily dependent on process mismatches in the ring oscillator. In this paper we examine the use of fewer edges from LFO and a single stage polyphase filter to generate approximate quadrature signals, which is then followed by an injection-locked quadrature VCO to generate high- precision I/Q signals. Simulation comparisons with the existing approach shows that the proposed method offers very good phase accuracy of 0.5deg with only a modest increase in power dissipation for 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 standard using UMC 0.13 mum RFCMOS technology.


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In this brief, we present a new circuit technique to generate the sigmoid neuron activation function (NAF) and its derivative (DNAF). The circuit makes use of transistor asymmetry in cross-coupled differential pair to obtain the derivative. The asymmetry is introduced through external control signal, as and when required. This results in the efficient utilization of the hard-ware by realizing NAF and DNAF using the same building blocks. The operation of the circuit is presented in the subthreshold region for ultra low-power applications. The proposed circuit has been experimentally prototyped and characterized as a proof of concept on the 1.5-mum AMI technology.


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We investigate two equivalent, capacitively coupled semiconducting quantum dots, each coupled to its own lead, in a regime where there are two electrons on the double dot. With increasing interdot coupling, a rich range of behavior is uncovered: first a crossover from spin- to charge-Kondo physics, via an intermediate SU(4) state with entangled spin and charge degrees of freedom, followed by a quantum phase transition of Kosterlitz-Thouless type to a non-Fermi-liquid "charge-ordered" phase with finite residual entropy and anomalous transport properties. Physical arguments and numerical renormalization group methods are employed to obtain a detailed understanding of the problem.


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The instability of coupled longitudinal and transverse electromagnetic modes associated with long wavelengths is studied in bounded streaming plasmas. The main conclusions are as follows: (i) For long waves for which O (k 2)=0, in the absence of relative streaming motion of electrons and ions and aωp/c<0.66, the whole spectrum of harmonic waves is excited due to finite temperature and boundary effects consisting of two subseries. One of these subseries can be identified with Tonks-Dattner resonance oscillations for the electrons, and arises primarily due to the electrons with frequencies greater than the electrostatic plasma frequency corresponding to the electron density in the midplane in the undisturbed state. The other series arises primarily due to ion motion. When aωp/c>0.66, in addition to the above spectrum of harmonic waves, the system admits an infinite number of growing and decaying waves. The instability associated with these modes is found to arise due to the interaction of the waves inside the plasma with the external electromagnetic field. (ii) For modes with comparatively shorter wavelengths for which O (k3)=0, the coupling due to finite temperature sets in, and it is found that the two series of harmonic waves obtained in (i) deriving energy from the transverse modes also become unstable. Thus, for these wavelengths the system admits three sets of growing and decaying modes, first two for all values of aωp/c and the third for (aωp/c) > 0.66. (iii) The presence of streaming velocities introduces various other coupling mechanisms, and we find that even for the wavelengths for which O (k2)=0, we get three sets of growing and decaying waves. The numerical values for the growth rates show that the streaming velocities enhance the growth rates of instability significantly.


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The pulse-echo apparatus, designed and constructed by the author, has been used to reinvestigate the elastic properties of the eighteen optical glasses. The elastic constants are correct to 0·5%. The results are compared with the earlier investigation which utilised the optical method. The possible causes for large discrepancies observed are critically and briefly discussed. A qualitative interpretation of the results has been successfully attempted. The acoustic velocity increases with the decrease in lead and barium oxides and with increase in calcium oxide and boron trioxide components.


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An atmospheric radio noise burst represents the radiation received from one complete lightning flash at the frequency to which a receiver is tuned and within the receiver bandwidth. At tropical latitudes, the principal source of interference in the frequency range from 0.1 to 10 MHz is the burst form of atmospheric radio noise. The structure of a burst shows several approximately rectangular pulses of random amplitude, duration and frequency of recurrence. The influence of the noise on data communication can only be examined when the value of the number of pulses crossing a certain amplitude threshold per unit time of the noise burst is known. A pulse rate counter designed for this purpose has been used at Bangalore (12°58′N, 77°35′E) to investigate the pulse characteristics of noise bursts at 3 MHz with a receiver bandwidth of 3.3 kHz/6d B. The results show that the number of pulses lying in the amplitude range between peak and quasi-peak values of the noise bursts and the burst duration corresponding to these pulses follow log normal distributions. The pulse rates deduced therefrom show certain correlation between the number of pulses and the duration of the noise burst. The results are discussed with a view to furnish necessary information for data communication.


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Counting-rate meters normally used for finding pulse frequencies are sluggish in their response to any rapid change in the pulse repetition frequency (P.R.F.). An instrument is described which measures each pulse interval and provides immediately afterwards an output voltage proportional to the reciprocal of interval duration. A response to a change in the P.R.F. as rapidly as is physically possible is obtained. The instrument has wide application in low level radiation detection and in several other fields especially for rapidly varying counting-rates.


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We consider a double dot system of equivalent, capacitively coupled semiconducting quantum dots, each coupled to its own lead, in a regime where there are two electrons on the double dot. Employing the numerical renormalization group, we focus here on single-particle dynamics and the zero-bias conductance, considering in particular the rich range of behaviour arising as the interdot coupling is progressively increased through the strong-coupling (SC) phase, from the spin-Kondo regime, across the SU(4) point to the charge-Kondo regime, and then towards and through the quantum phase transition to a charge-ordered ( CO) phase. We first consider the two-self-energy description required to describe the broken symmetry CO phase, and implications thereof for the non-Fermi liquid nature of this phase. Numerical results for single-particle dynamics on all frequency scales are then considered, with particular emphasis on universality and scaling of low-energy dynamics throughout the SC phase. The role of symmetry breaking perturbations is also briefly discussed.