82 resultados para NONLINEAR SCIENCE


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Nonlinear static and dynamic response analyses of a clamped. rectangular composite plate resting on a two-parameter elastic foundation have been studied using von Karman's relations. Incorporating the material damping, the governing coupled, nonlinear partial differential equations are obtained for the plate under step pressure pulse load excitation. These equations have been solved by a one-term solution and by applying Galerkin's technique to the deflection equation. This yields an ordinary nonlinear differential equation in time. The nonlinear static solution is obtained by neglecting the time-dependent variables. Thc nonlinear dynamic damped response is obtained by applying the ultraspherical polynomial approximation (UPA) technique. The influences of foundation modulus, shear modulus, orthotropy, etc. upon the nonlinear static and dynamic responses have been presented.


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Single crystals of the metalorganic nonlinear optical material zinc tris (thiourea) sulfate (ZTS) were grown from aqueous solution. The morphology of the crystals was indexed. The grown crystals were characterized by recording the powder X-ray diffraction pattern and by identifying the diffracting planes. Spectrophotometric studies on ZTS reveal that it has good transparency for the Nd: YAG laser fundamental wavelength. Differential thermal analysis of ZTS indicates that the material does not sublime before melting but decomposes immediately after melting. The defect content of the crystals was estimated using etching and X-ray topography. The mechanical hardness anisotropy was evaluated in the (100) plane, which indicates the presence of soft directions.


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Nonlinear finite element analysis is used for the estimation of damage due to low-velocity impact loading of laminated composite circular plates. The impact loading is treated as an equivalent static loading by assuming the impactor to be spherical and the contact to obey Hertzian law. The stresses in the laminate are calculated using a 48 d.o.f. laminated composite sector element. Subsequently, the Tsai-Wu criterion is used to detect the zones of failure and the maximum stress criterion is used to identify the mode of failure. Then the material properties of the laminate are degraded in the failed regions. The stress analysis is performed again using the degraded properties of the plies. The iterative process is repeated until no more failure is detected in the laminate. The problem of a typical T300/N5208 composite [45 degrees/0 degrees/-45 degrees/90 degrees](s) circular plate being impacted by a spherical impactor is solved and the results are compared with experimental and analytical results available in the literature. The method proposed and the computer code developed can handle symmetric, as well as unsymmetric, laminates. It can be easily extended to cover the impact of composite rectangular plates, shell panels and shells.


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This paper presents nonlinear finite element analysis of adhesively bonded joints considering the elastoviscoplastic constitutive model of the adhesive material and the finite rotation of the joint. Though the adherends have been assumed to be linearly elastic, the yielding of the adhesive is represented by a pressure sensitive modified von Mises yield function. The stress-strain relation of the adhesive is represented by the Ramberg-Osgood relation. Geometric nonlinearity due to finite rotation in the joint is accounted for using the Green-Lagrange strain tensor and the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor in a total Lagrangian formulation. Critical time steps have been calculated based on the eigenvalues of the transition matrices of the viscoplastic model of the adhesive. Stability of the viscoplastic solution and time dependent behaviour of the joints are examined. A parametric study has been carried out with particular reference to peel and shear stress along the interface. Critical zones for failure of joints have been identified. The study is of significance in the design of lap joints as well as on the characterization of adhesive strength. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Differently hydrated sodium p-nitrophenolate (NPNa) crystals were obtained while growing them from different solvents such as methanol and water. Thermal analysis and powder X-ray diffraction studies were carried out on these crystals. Kurtz powder SHG technique was used for qualitative assessment of their nonlinear optical (NLO) activity. From the detailed single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies it is established that NPNa has three different forms, of which only one is found to possess NLO activity. Additionally, a new NLO active crystal was also found to grow from aqueous solution. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of aryl monosulphides and disulphides have been synthesized and characterized. Their molecular hyperpolarizability (beta) has been measured in solution with the hyper-Rayleigh Scattering technique and also calculated by semiempirical AMI method. The trend in the observed and calculated values of first hyperpolarizability of these compounds has been found to be in good agreement. These compounds show moderate P values and excellent transparency in the visible region.


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The basic characteristic of a chaotic system is its sensitivity to the infinitesimal changes in its initial conditions. A limit to predictability in chaotic system arises mainly due to this sensitivity and also due to the ineffectiveness of the model to reveal the underlying dynamics of the system. In the present study, an attempt is made to quantify these uncertainties involved and thereby improve the predictability by adopting a multivariate nonlinear ensemble prediction. Daily rainfall data of Malaprabha basin, India for the period 1955-2000 is used for the study. It is found to exhibit a low dimensional chaotic nature with the dimension varying from 5 to 7. A multivariate phase space is generated, considering a climate data set of 16 variables. The chaotic nature of each of these variables is confirmed using false nearest neighbor method. The redundancy, if any, of this atmospheric data set is further removed by employing principal component analysis (PCA) method and thereby reducing it to eight principal components (PCs). This multivariate series (rainfall along with eight PCs) is found to exhibit a low dimensional chaotic nature with dimension 10. Nonlinear prediction employing local approximation method is done using univariate series (rainfall alone) and multivariate series for different combinations of embedding dimensions and delay times. The uncertainty in initial conditions is thus addressed by reconstructing the phase space using different combinations of parameters. The ensembles generated from multivariate predictions are found to be better than those from univariate predictions. The uncertainty in predictions is decreased or in other words predictability is increased by adopting multivariate nonlinear ensemble prediction. The restriction on predictability of a chaotic series can thus be altered by quantifying the uncertainty in the initial conditions and also by including other possible variables, which may influence the system. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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(La0.667Ca0.333Mn1-xMO3-delta)-O-x (M = Mg, Li or Re) exhibit insulating behaviour and nonlinear current-voltage (J-E) relationship with voltage-limiting characteristics at temperatures below the ferromagnetic transition (T-c). The high current region is set in at field strengths <60 V/cm. Nonlinearity exponent, alpha in the relation J = kE(alpha) increases inversely with temperature. In presence of an external magnetic field, the J-E curves show higher current density at lower field strengths. Microstructural studies indicate that there is no segregation of secondary phases in the grain boundary regions. There is remarkable changes in p(T) as well as J-E curves with the grain size. Annealing studies in lower p(O2) atmospheres indicate that there is significant out-diffusion of oxygen ions through the grain boundary layer (GBL) regions creating oxygen vacancies in the GBL regions. The concentration of Mn4+ ions is lowered at the GBL due to oxygen vacancies, reducing the probability of hopping and resulting in insulating behaviour. Therefore an insulating barrier is introduced between two conducting grains and the carrier motion between the grains is inhibited. Thus below T-c, where sufficient increase in resistivity is observed the conduction may be arising as a result of spin dependent tunneling across the barrier. External electric field lowers the barrier height and establishes carrier transport across the barrier. Above certain field strength, barrier height diminishes significantly and thereby allowing large number of carriers for conduction, giving rise to highly nonlinear conductivity. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Crystallization behaviors of the glass with a composition of 25Li(2)O.25B(2)O(3).50GeO(2) corresponding to lithium borogermanate LiBGeO4 have been examined. It has been confirmed that the LiBGeO4 crystalline phase is formed at the surface of heat-treated glasses. The second harmonic (SH) generation is found from transparent surface crystallized glasses, demonstrating for the first time that the LiBGeO4 phase shows optical nonlinearity. The SH intensity of LiBGeO4 crystallites (powdered state) prepared through crystallization is about ten times as large as that of pulverized alpha-quartz. The SH intensity of transparent crystallized glasses (bulk state) with crystalline layers of 3-4.5 mum thickness increases with increasing heat treatment temperature (540-560degreesC) and time (1-6 h), and the maximum SH intensity among the samples studied is in the order of 1/10 in comparison with that of alpha-quartz single crystal. The transparent crystallized glass obtained by heat treatment at 550alphaC for 3 h exhibits a clear and fine Maker fringe pattern, indicating a highly orientation of LiBGeO4 crystals at the surface.


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In this paper a new parallel algorithm for nonlinear transient dynamic analysis of large structures has been presented. An unconditionally stable Newmark-beta method (constant average acceleration technique) has been employed for time integration. The proposed parallel algorithm has been devised within the broad framework of domain decomposition techniques. However, unlike most of the existing parallel algorithms (devised for structural dynamic applications) which are basically derived using nonoverlapped domains, the proposed algorithm uses overlapped domains. The parallel overlapped domain decomposition algorithm proposed in this paper has been formulated by splitting the mass, damping and stiffness matrices arises out of finite element discretisation of a given structure. A predictor-corrector scheme has been formulated for iteratively improving the solution in each step. A computer program based on the proposed algorithm has been developed and implemented with message passing interface as software development environment. PARAM-10000 MIMD parallel computer has been used to evaluate the performances. Numerical experiments have been conducted to validate as well as to evaluate the performance of the proposed parallel algorithm. Comparisons have been made with the conventional nonoverlapped domain decomposition algorithms. Numerical studies indicate that the proposed algorithm is superior in performance to the conventional domain decomposition algorithms. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A geometrically non-linear Spectral Finite Flement Model (SFEM) including hysteresis, internal friction and viscous dissipation in the material is developed and is used to study non-linear dissipative wave propagation in elementary rod under high amplitude pulse loading. The solution to non-linear dispersive dissipative equation constitutes one of the most difficult problems in contemporary mathematical physics. Although intensive research towards analytical developments are on, a general purpose cumputational discretization technique for complex applications, such as finite element, but with all the features of travelling wave (TW) solutions is not available. The present effort is aimed towards development of such computational framework. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is used for transformation between temporal and frequency domain. SFEM for the associated linear system is used as initial state for vector iteration. General purpose procedure involving matrix computation and frequency domain convolution operators are used and implemented in a finite element code. Convergnence of the spectral residual force vector ensures the solution accuracy. Important conclusions are drawn from the numerical simulations. Future course of developments are highlighted.


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In this study, we investigated nonlinear measures of chaos of QT interval time series in 28 normal control subjects, 36 patients with panic disorder and 18 patients with major depression in supine and standing postures. We obtained the minimum embedding dimension (MED) and the largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE) of instantaneous heart rate (HR) and QT interval series. MED quantifies the system's complexity and LLE predictability. There was a significantly lower MED and a significantly increased LLE of QT interval time series in patients. Most importantly, nonlinear indices of QT/HR time series, MEDqthr (MED of QT/HR) and LLEqthr (LLE of QT/HR), were highly significantly different between controls and both patient groups in either posture. Results remained the same even after adjusting for age. The increased LLE of QT interval time, series in patients with anxiety and depression is in line with our previous findings of higher QTvi (QT variability index, a log ratio of QT variability corrected for mean QT squared divided by heart rate variability corrected for mean heart rate squared) in these patients, using linear techniques. Increased LLEqthr (LLE of QT/HR) may be a more sensitive tool to study cardiac repolarization and a valuable addition to the time domain measures such as QTvi. This is especially important in light of the finding that LLEqthr correlated poorly and nonsignificantly with QTvi. These findings suggest an increase in relative cardiac sympathetic activity and a decrease in certain aspects of cardiac vagal function in patients with anxiety as well as depression. The lack of correlation between QTvi and LLEqthr suggests that this nonlinear index is a valuable addition to the linear measures. These findings may also help to explain the higher incidence of cardiovascular mortality in patients with anxiety and depressive disorders. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.