48 resultados para MoS2


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We have addressed the microscopic transport mechanism at the switching or `on-off' transition in transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) field-effect transistors (FETs), which has been a controversial topic in TMDC electronics, especially at room temperature. With simultaneous measurement of channel conductivity and its slow time-dependent fluctuation (or noise) in ultrathin WSe2 and MoS2 FETs on insulating SiO2 substrates where noise arises from McWhorter-type carrier number fluctuations, we establish that the switching in conventional backgated TMDC FETs is a classical percolation transition in a medium of inhomogeneous carrier density distribution. From the experimentally observed exponents in the scaling of noise magnitude with conductivity, we observe unambiguous signatures of percolation in a random resistor network, particularly, in WSe2 FETs close to switching, which crosses over to continuum percolation at a higher doping level. We demonstrate a powerful experimental probe to the microscopic nature of near-threshold electrical transport in TMDC FETs, irrespective of the material detail, device geometry, or carrier mobility, which can be extended to other classes of 2D material-based devices as well.


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Heterostructures of two-dimensional (2D) layered materials are increasingly being explored for electronics in order to potentially extend conventional transistor scaling and to exploit new device designs and architectures. Alloys form a key underpinning of any heterostructure device technology and therefore an understanding of their electronic properties is essential. In this paper, we study the intrinsic electron mobility in few-layer MoxW1-xS2 as limited by various scattering mechanisms. The room temperature, energy-dependent scattering times corresponding to polar longitudinal optical (LO) phonon, alloy and background impurity scattering mechanisms are estimated based on the Born approximation to Fermi's golden rule. The contribution of individual scattering rates is analyzed as a function of 2D electron density as well as of alloy composition in MoxW1-xS2. While impurity scattering limits the mobility for low carrier densities (<2-4x10(12) cm(-2)), LO polar phonon scattering is the dominant mechanism for high electron densities. Alloy scattering is found to play a non-negligible role for 0.5 < x < 0.7 in MoxW1-xS2. The LO phonon-limited and impurity-limited mobilities show opposing trends with respect to alloy mole fractions. The understanding of electron mobility in MoxW1-xS2 presented here is expected to enable the design and realization of heterostructures and devices based on alloys of MoS2 andWS(2).


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Controlled variation of the electronic properties of. two-dimensional (2D) materials by applying strain has emerged as a promising way to design materials for customized applications. Using density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we show that while the electronic structure and indirect band gap of SnS2 do not change significantly with the number of layers, they can be reversibly tuned by applying biaxial tensile (BT), biaxial compressive (BC), and normal compressive (NC) strains. Mono to multilayered SnS2 exhibit a reversible semiconductor to metal (S-M) transition with applied strain. For bilayer (2L) SnS2, the S-Mtransition occurs at the strain values of 17%,-26%, and -24% under BT, BC, and NC strains, respectively. Due to weaker interlayer coupling, the critical strain value required to achieve the S-Mtransition in SnS2 under NC strain is much higher than for MoS2. From a stability viewpoint, SnS2 becomes unstable at very low strain values on applying BC (-6.5%) and BT strains (4.9%), while it is stable even up to the transition point (-24%) in the case of NC strain. In addition to the reversible tuning of the electronic properties of SnS2, we also show tunability in the phononic band gap of SnS2, which increases with applied NC strain. This gap increases three times faster than for MoS2. This simultaneous tunability of SnS2 at the electronic and phononic levels with strain, makes it a potential candidate in field effect transistors (FETs) and sensors as well as frequency filter applications.