270 resultados para Electron dynamics


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In this paper, we present the preparation and characterization of nanoparticles and nanowires of Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3 (PSMO). The main results of this investigation are as follows: (a) a comparison with the properties of the bulk material shows that the ferromagnetic (FM) transition at 270 K remains unaffected but the anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) transition at TN = 150 K disappears in the nanoparticles, (b) the size induced ground state magnetic phase (below 150 K) is predominantly FM, coexisting with a residual AFM phase, and (c) the temperature dependence of magnetic anisotropy shows complex behaviour, being higher in the nanoparticles at high temperatures and lower at moderately lower temperatures in comparison with the bulk. The results obtained from the extensive magnetization, magnetotransport and electron magnetic resonance studies made on various samples are presented and discussed in detail.


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Banana lectin (Banlec) is a homodimeric non-glycosylated protein. It exhibits the b-prism I structure. High-temperature molecular dynamics simulations have been utilized to monitor and understand early stages of thermally induced unfolding of Banlec. The present study elucidates the behavior of the dimeric protein at four different temperatures and compares the structural and conformational changes to that of the minimized crystal structure. The process of unfolding was monitored by following the radius of gyration, the rms deviation of each residue, change in relative solvent accessibility and the pattern of inter- and intra-subunit interactions. The overall study demonstrates that the Banlec dimer is a highly stable structure, and the stability is mostly contributed by interfacial interactions. It maintains its overall conformation during high-temperature (400–500 K) simulations, with only the unstructured loop regions acquiring greater momentum under such condition. Nevertheless, at still higher temperatures (600 K) the tertiary structure is gradually lost which later extends to loss of secondary structural elements. The pattern of hydrogen bonding within the subunit and at the interface across different stages has been analyzed and has provided rationale for its intrinsic high stability.


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A detailed study of the solvation dynamics of a charged coumarin dye molecule in gamma-cyclodextrin/water has been carried out by using two different theoretical approaches. The first approach is based on a multishell continuum model (MSCM). This model predicts the time scales of the dynamics rather well, provided an accurate description of the frequency-dependent dielectric function is supplied. The reason for this rather surprising agreement is 2-fold. First, there is a cancellation of errors, second, the two-zone model mimics the heterogeneous microenvironment surrounding the ion rather well. The second approach is based on the molecular hydrodynamics theory (MI-IT). In this molecular approach, the solvation dynamics has been studied by restricting the translational motion of the solvent molecules enclosed within the cavity. The results from the molecular theory are also in good agreement with the experimental results. Our study indicates that, in the present case, the restricted environment affects only the long time decay of the solvation time correlation function. The short time dynamics is still governed by the librational (and/or vibrational) modes present in bulk water.


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Polymerized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are promising materials for polymer-based electronics and electro-mechanical sensors. The advantage of having a polymer nanolayer on CNTs widens the scope for functionalizing it in various ways for polymer electronic devices. However, in this paper, we show for the first time experimentally that, due to a resistive polymer layer having carbon nanoparticle inclusions and polymerized carbon nanotubes, an interesting dynamics can be exploited. We first show analytically that the relative change in the resistance of a single isolated semiconductive nanotube is directly proportional to the axial and torsional dynamic strains, when the strains are small, whereas, in polymerized CNTs, the viscoelasticity of the polymer and its effective electrical polarization give rise to nonlinear effects as a function of frequency and bias voltage. A simplified formula is derived to account for these effects and validated in the light of experimental results. CNT–polymer-based channels have been fabricated on a PZT substrate. Strain sensing performance of such a one-dimensional channel structure is reported. For a single frequency modulated sine pulse as input, which is common in elastic and acoustic wave-based diagnostics, imaging, microwave devices, energy harvesting, etc, the performance of the fabricated channel has been found to be promising.


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This paper presents the programming an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) to emulate the dynamics of DC machines. FPGA allows high speed real time simulation with high precision. The described design includes block diagram representation of DC machine, which contain all arithmetic and logical operations. The real time simulation of the machine in FPGA is controlled by user interfaces they are Keypad interface, LCD display on-line and digital to analog converter. This approach provides emulation of electrical machine by changing the parameters. Separately Exited DC machine implemented and experimental results are presented.


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Possible integration of Single Electron Transistor (SET) with CMOS technology is making the study of semiconductor SET more important than the metallic SET and consequently, the study of energy quantization effects on semiconductor SET devices and circuits is gaining significance. In this paper, for the first time, the effects of energy quantization on SET inverter performance are examined through analytical modeling and Monte Carlo simulations. It is observed that the primary effect of energy quantization is to change the Coulomb Blockade region and drain current of SET devices and as a result affects the noise margin, power dissipation, and the propagation delay of SET inverter. A new model for the noise margin of SET inverter is proposed which includes the energy quantization effects. Using the noise margin as a metric, the robustness of SET inverter is studied against the effects of energy quantization. It is shown that SET inverter designed with CT : CG = 1/3 (where CT and CG are tunnel junction and gate capacitances respectively) offers maximum robustness against energy quantization.


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Interaction of tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) and tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) with few-layer graphene samples prepared by the exfoliation of graphite oxide (EG), conversion of nanodiamond (DG) and arc-evaporation of graphite in hydrogen (HG) has been investigated by Raman spectroscopy to understand the role of the graphene surface. The position and full-width at half maximum of the Raman G-band are affected on interaction with TTF and TCNE and the effect is highest with EG and least with HG. The effect of TTF and TCNE on the 2D-band is also maximum with EG. The magnitude of interaction between the donor/acceptor molecules varies in the same order as the surface areas of the graphenes. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B. V.


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We report three prominent observations made on the nanoscale charge ordered ( CO) manganites RE(1-x)AE(x)MnO(3) (RE = Nd, Pr; AE = Ca; x = 0.5) probed by temperature dependent magnetization and magneto-transport, coupled with electron magnetic/paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EMR/EPR). First, evidence is presented to show that the predominant ground state magnetic phase in nanoscale CO manganites is ferromagnetic and it coexists with a residual anti-ferromagnetic phase. Secondly, the shallow minimum in the temperature dependence of the EPR linewidth shows the presence of a charge ordered phase in nanoscale manganites which was shown to be absent from the DC static magnetization and transport measurements. Thirdly, the EPR linewidth, reflective of spin dynamics, increases significantly with a decrease of particle size in CO manganites. We discuss the interesting observations made on various samples of different particle sizes and give possible explanations. We have shown that EMR spectroscopy is a highly useful technique to probe the 'hindered charge ordered phase' in nanoscale CO manganites, which is not possible by static DC magnetization and transport measurements.


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Internal motions in a A2BX4 compound (tetramethylammonium tetrabromo cadmate) have been investigated using proton spin—lattice relaxation time (T1) and second moment (M2) measurements in the temperature range 77 to 400 K. T1 measurements at three Larmor frequencies (10, 20 and 30 MHz) show isotropic tumbling of the tetramethylammonium group, random reorientation of methyl groups and spin—rotation interaction, and the corresponding parameters have been computed. The cw spectrum is narrow throughout the temperature range and shows side bands at the lowest temperature. This observation, along with the free-induction-decay behavior at these temperatures, is interpreted as the onset of a coherent motion, e.g. methyl group quantum tunnelling.


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Studies of valence bands and core levels of solids by photoelectron spectroscopy are described at length. Satellite phenomena in the core level spectra have been discussed in some detail and it has been pointed out that the intensity of satellites appearing next to metal and ligand core levels critically depends on the metal-ligand overlap. Use of photoelectron spectroscopy in investigating metal-insulator transitions and spin-state transitions in solids is examined. It is shown that relative intensities of metal Auger lines in transition metal oxides and other systems provide valuable information on the valence bands. Occurrence of interatomic Auger transitions in competition with intraatomic transitions is discussed. Applications of electron energy loss spectroscopy and other techniques of electron spectroscopy in the study of gas-solid interactions are briefly presented.


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The problem of separability in recent models of classical relativistic interacting particles is examined. This physical requirement is shown to be more subtle than naive separability of all the constraints defining the system: it is adequate to be able to canonically transform the time-fixing constraints from an unseparated to a separated form when clusters emerge. Viewing separability in this way, and within a specific framework, we are led to a new no-interaction theorem which states the incompatibility of nontrivial interaction with relativistic invariance, separability, and invariant world lines for more than two particles.


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Pressure transitions of Se-Te alloys have been studied over the entire range of compositions. Conductivities have also been measured as a function of temperature and alloy composition. Transition pressures, activation barriers and isothermal conductivities exhibit distinct changes of slope in their variation as a function of composition at about 8 at % of Te. Transition pressures change slope at not, vert, similar 35% Te also. An attempt has been made to explain these observations on the basis of the size effect of Te which, in turn, affects the electron energy dispersions in the band structure.


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A new exciting era in the study of rapidly solidified alloys has been ushered in by the discovery of a quasicrystalline phase in an Al-1O%Mn alloy by Shechtman et al. (l). The fact that a quasicrystal diffracts electrons and X-rays like a single crystal provides a powerful approach for exploring the atomic configuration in these alloys. Shechtman et al deduced the icosahedral point group symmetry exhibited by quasicrystals on the basis of a set of three electron diffraction patterns showing 5-fold, 3-fold and 2-fold axes of symmetry with appropriate angular relationships. The exotic crystallography of quasicrystals has been recently reviewed by Nelson and Halperin (2).


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The specific objective of this paper is to develop a state space model of a tubular ammonia reactor which is the heart of an ammonia plant in a fertiliser complex. A ninth order model with three control inputs and two disturbance inputs is generated from the nonlinear distributed model using linearization and lumping approximations. The lumped model is chosen such that the steady state temperature at the exit of the catalyst bed computed from the simplified state space model is close enough to the one computed from the nonlinear steady state model. The model developed in this paper is very useful for the design of continuous/discrete versions of single variable/multivariable control algorithms.


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A locked high-pressure cell with working pressure range up to 10 kbars suitable for low-temperature studies to 77 K has been described. It can be used for both EPR and NMR studies of single crystals (and other solid samples). The high-pressure seal and all other aspects of the cell remain the same for either application. Only a change of the bottom plug is required for a switch from a nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) to an electron-paramagnetic-resonance (EPR) experiment. Details of the procedure for the calibration of pressure inside the cell at various temperatures are discussed. The performance of the cell in EPR (Cr3+ion) and NMR (27Al nucleus) studies is reported.