193 resultados para DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS


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In addition to the biologically active monomer of the protein insulin circulating in human blood, the molecule also exists in dimeric and hexameric forms that are used as storage. The insulin monomer contains two distinct surfaces, namely, the dimer forming surface (DFS) and the hexamer forming surface (HFS), that are specifically designed to facilitate the formation of the dimer and the hexamer, respectively. In order to characterize the structural and dynamical behavior of interfacial water molecules near these two surfaces (DFS and HFS), we performed atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of insulin with explicit water. Dynamical characterization reveals that the structural relaxation of the hydrogen bonds formed between the residues of DFS and the interfacial water molecules is faster than those formed between water and that of the HFS. Furthermore, the residence times of water molecules in the protein hydration layer for both the DFS and HFS are found to be significantly higher than those for some of the other proteins studied so far, such as HP-36 and lysozyme. In particular, we find that more structured water molecules, with higher residence times (similar to 300-500 ps), are present near HFS than those near DFS. A significant slowing down is observed in the decay of associated rotational auto time correlation functions of O-H bond vector of water in the vicinity of HFS. The surface topography and the arrangement of amino acid residues work together to organize the water molecules in the hydration layer in order to provide them with a preferred orientation. HFS having a large polar solvent accessible surface area and a convex extensive nonpolar region, drives the surrounding water molecules to acquire predominantly an outward H-atoms directed, clathrate-like structure. In contrast, near the DFS, the surrounding water molecules acquire an inward H-atoms directed orientation owing to the flat curvature of hydrophobic surface and the interrupted hydrophilic residual alignment. We have followed escape trajectory of several such quasi-bound water molecules from both the surfaces that reveal the significant differences between the two hydration layers.


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Several time dependent fluorescence Stokes shift (TDFSS) experiments have reported a slow power law decay in the hydration dynamics of a DNA molecule. Such a power law has neither been observed in computer simulations nor in some other TDFSS experiments. Here we observe that a slow decay may originate from collective ion contribution because in experiments DNA is immersed in a buffer solution, and also from groove bound water and lastly from DNA dynamics itself. In this work we first express the solvation time correlation function in terms of dynamic structure factors of the solution. We use mode coupling theory to calculate analytically the time dependence of collective ionic contribution. A power law decay in seen to originate from an interplay between long-range probe-ion direct correlation function and ion-ion dynamic structure factor. Although the power law decay is reminiscent of Debye-Falkenhagen effect, yet solvation dynamics is dominated by ion atmosphere relaxation times at longer length scales (small wave number) than in electrolyte friction. We further discuss why this power law may not originate from water motions which have been computed by molecular dynamics simulations. Finally, we propose several experiments to check the prediction of the present theoretical work.


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In the present paper, thermo-mechanical response of B2-NiAl nanowire along the < 100 >, < 110 >, and < 111 > orientations has been studied using molecular dynamics simulations. Nanowire with cross-sectional dimensions of similar to 20x20 angstrom(2), similar to 25x25 angstrom(2), and similar to 30x30 angstrom(2) and temperature range of 10 K-900 K has been considered. A Combined effect of size, orientation, and temperature on the stress-strain behavior under uniaxial tensile loading has been presented. It has been observed that < 111 > oriented NiAl nanowire that is energetically most stable gives highest yield stress which further reduces with < 110 > and < 100 > orientations. A remarkable ductile brittle transition (DBT) with an increase in temperature has also been reported for all the orientations considered in the present study. The DBT observed for the nanowire has also been compared with the reported DBT of bulk B2-NiAl obtained from experiments. Alternate technique has also been proposed to increase the toughness of a given material especially at lower temperature regions, i.e. below DBT.


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The theoretical estimation of the dissociation constant, or pK(a), of weak acids continues to be a challenging field. Here, we show that ab initio CarParrinello molecular dynamics simulations in conjunction with metadynamics calculations of the free-energy profile of the dissociation reaction provide reasonable estimates of the pK(a) value. Water molecules, sufficient to complete the three hydration shells surrounding the acid molecule, were included explicitly in the computation procedure. The free-energy profiles exhibit two distinct minima corresponding to the dissociated and neutral states of the acid, and the difference in their values provides the estimate for pK(a). We show for a series of organic acids that CPMD simulations in conjunction with metadynamics can provide reasonable estimates of pK(a) values. The acids investigated were aliphatic carboxylic acids, chlorine-substituted carboxylic acids, cis- and trans-butenedioic acid, and the isomers of hydroxybenzoic acid. These systems were chosen to highlight that the procedure could correctly account for the influence of the inductive effect as well as hydrogen bonding on pK(a) values of weak organic acids. In both situations, the CPMD metadynamics procedure faithfully reproduces the experimentally observed trend and the magnitudes of the pK(a) values.


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Estimation of the dissociation constant, or pK(a), of weak acids continues to be a central goal in theoretical chemistry. Here we show that ab initio Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations in conjunction with metadynamics calculations of the free energy profile of the dissociation reaction can provide reasonable estimates of the successive pK(a) values of polyprotic acids. We use the distance-dependent coordination number of the protons bound to the hydroxyl oxygen of the carboxylic group as the collective variable to explore the free energy profile of the dissociation process. Water molecules, sufficient to complete three hydration shells surrounding the acid molecule, were included explicitly in the computation procedure. Two distinct minima corresponding to the dissociated and un-dissociated states of the acid are observed and the difference in their free energy values provides the estimate for pK(a), the acid dissociation constant. We show that the method predicts the pK(a) value of benzoic acid in good agreement with experiment and then show using phthalic acid (benzene dicarboxylic acid) as a test system that both the first and second pK(a) values as well, as the subtle difference in their values for different isomers can be predicted in reasonable agreement with experimental data.


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A self-consistent mode coupling theory (MCT) with microscopic inputs of equilibrium pair correlation functions is developed to analyze electrolyte dynamics. We apply the theory to calculate concentration dependence of (i) time dependent ion diffusion, (ii) intermediate scattering function of the constituent ions, and (iii) ion solvation dynamics in electrolyte solution. Brownian dynamics with implicit water molecules and molecular dynamics method with explicit water are used to check the theoretical predictions. The time dependence of ionic self-diffusion coefficient and the corresponding intermediate scattering function evaluated from our MCT approach show quantitative agreement with early experimental and present Brownian dynamic simulation results. With increasing concentration, the dispersion of electrolyte friction is found to occur at increasingly higher frequency, due to the faster relaxation of the ion atmosphere. The wave number dependence of intermediate scattering function, F(k, t), exhibits markedly different relaxation dynamics at different length scales. At small wave numbers, we find the emergence of a step-like relaxation, indicating the presence of both fast and slow time scales in the system. Such behavior allows an intriguing analogy with temperature dependent relaxation dynamics of supercooled liquids. We find that solvation dynamics of a tagged ion exhibits a power law decay at long times-the decay can also be fitted to a stretched exponential form. The emergence of the power law in solvation dynamics has been tested by carrying out long Brownian dynamics simulations with varying ionic concentrations. The solvation time correlation and ion-ion intermediate scattering function indeed exhibit highly interesting, non-trivial dynamical behavior at intermediate to longer times that require further experimental and theoretical studies. (c) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The de novo purine biosynthesis is one of the highly conserved pathways among all organisms and is essential for the cell viability. A clear understanding of the enzymes in this pathway would pave way for the development of antimicrobial and anticancer drugs. Phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-succinocar boxamide (SAICAR) synthetase is one of the enzymes in this pathway that catalyzes ATP dependent ligation of carboxyaminoimidazole ribotide (CAIR) with L-aspartate (ASP). Here, we describe eight crystal structures of this enzyme, in C222(1) and H3 space groups, bound to various substrates and substrate mimics from a hyperthermophilic archaea Pyrococcus horikoshii along with molecular dynamics simulations of the structures with substrates. Complexes exhibit minimal deviation from its apo structure. The CAIR binding site displays a preference for pyrimidine nucleotides. In the ADP.TMP-ASP complex, the ASP binds at a position equivalent to that found in Saccharomyces cerevisiae structure (PDB: 2CNU) and thus, clears the ambiguity regarding ASP's position. A possible mode for the inhibition of the enzyme by CTP and UTP, observed earlier in the yeast enzyme, is clearly illustrated in the structures bound to CMP and UMP. The ADP.Mg2+.PO4.CD/MP complex having a phosphate ion between the ATP and CAIR sites strengthens one of the two probable pathways (proposed in Escherichia coli study) of catalytic mechanism and suggests the possibility of a phosphorylation taking place before the ASP's attack on CAIR. Molecular dynamic simulations of this enzyme along with its substrates at 90 degrees C reveal the relative strengths of substrate binding, possible antagonism and the role of Mg2+ ions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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It is frequently assumed that in the limit of vanishing cooling rate, the glass transition phenomenon becomes a thermodynamic transition at a temperature T-K. However, with any finite cooling rate, the system falls out of equilibrium at temperatures near T-g(> T-K), implying that the very existence of the putative thermodynamic phase transition at T-K can be questioned. Recent studies of systems with randomly pinned particles have hinted that the thermodynamic glass transition may be observed for liquids with randomly pinned particles. This expectation is based on the results of approximate calculations that suggest that the thermodynamic glass transition temperature increases with increasing concentration of pinned particles and it may be possible to equilibrate the system at temperatures near the increased transition temperature. We test the validity of this prediction through extensive molecular dynamics simulations of two model glass-forming liquids in the presence of random pinning. We find that extrapolated thermodynamic transition temperature T-K does not show any sign of increasing with increasing pinning concentration. The main effect of pinning is found to be a rapid decrease in the kinetic fragility of the system with increasing pin concentration. Implications of these observations for current theories of the glass transition are discussed.


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The tripeptide glutathione (GSH) is one of the most abundant peptides and the major repository for nonprotein sulfur in both animal and plant cells. It plays a critical role in intracellular oxidative stress management by the reversible formation of glutathione disulfide with the thiol-disulfide pair acting as a redox buffer. The state of charge of the ionizable groups of GSH can influence the redox couple, and hence the pK(a) value of the cysteine residue of GSH is critical to its functioning. Here we report ab initio Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations of glutathione solvated by 200 water molecules, all of which are considered in the simulation. We show that the free-energy landscape for the protonation-deprotonation reaction of the cysteine residue of GSH computed using metadynamics sampling provides shift in the dissociation constant values as compared with the isolated accurate estimates of the pK(a) and correctly predicts the cysteine amino acid.


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Molecular dynamics simulations were employed to investigate the specimen thickness-dependent tensile behavior of a series of Cu(x)Z(100-x) (x = 20, 40, 50, 64 and 80 at%) metallic glass (MG) films, with a particular focus on the critical thickness, tc, below which non-localized plastic flow takes place. The simulation results reveal that while the transition occurs in all the alloys examined, t(c) is sensitive to the composition. We rationalize t(c) by postulating that the strain energy stored in the sample at the onset of plastic deformation has to be sufficient for the formation of shear bands. The composition-dependence of t(c) was found to correlate with the average activation energy of the atomic level plastic deformation events. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The serotonin(1A) receptor belongs to the superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and is a potential drug target in neuropsychiatric disorders. The receptor has been shown to require membrane cholesterol for its organization, dynamics and function. Although recent work suggests a close interaction of cholesterol with the receptor, the structural integrity of the serotonin(1A) receptor in the presence of cholesterol has not been explored. In this work, we have carried out all atom molecular dynamics simulations, totaling to 3s, to analyze the effect of cholesterol on the structure and dynamics of the serotonin(1A) receptor. Our results show that the presence of physiologically relevant concentration of membrane cholesterol alters conformational dynamics of the serotonin(1A) receptor and, on an average lowers conformational fluctuations. Our results show that, in general, transmembrane helix VII is most affected by the absence of membrane cholesterol. These results are in overall agreement with experimental data showing enhancement of GPCR stability in the presence of membrane cholesterol. Our results constitute a molecular level understanding of GPCR-cholesterol interaction, and represent an important step in our overall understanding of GPCR function in health and disease.


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Using a molecular model for octamethylcydotetrasiloxane (OMCTS), molecular dynamics simulations are carried out to probe the phase state of OMCTS confined between two mica surfaces in equilibrium With a reservoir. Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out for elevations ranging from 5 to 35 K above the melting point for the OMCTS model used in this study. The Helmholtz free energy is, computed for a specific confinement using the :two-phase thermodynamic (2PT) method. Analysis of the in-plane pair correlation functions did not reveal signatures of freezing even under an extreme confinement of two layers. OMCTS is found to orient with a wide distribution of orientations with respect to the mica surface, with a distinct preference for the surface parallel configuration in the contact layers. The self-intermediate scattering function is found to decay with increasing relaxation times as the surface separation is decreased, and the two-step relaxation in the scattering function, a signature of glassy dynamics, distinctly evolves as the temperature is lowered. However, even at 5 K above the melting point, we did not observe a freezing transition and the self-intermediate scattering functions relax within 200 ps for the seven-layered confined system. The self diffusivity and relaxation times obtained from the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts stretched exponential fits to the late alpha-relaxation exhibit power law scalings with the packing fraction as predicted by mode coupling theory. A distinct discontinuity in the Helmholtz free energy, potential energy, and a sharp change in the local bond order parameter, Q(4), was observed at 230 K for a five-layered system upon cooling, indicative of a first-order transition. A freezing point depression of about 30 K was observed for this five-layered confined system, and at the lower temperatures, contact layers were found to be disordered with long-range order present only in the inner layers. These dynamical signatures indicate that confined OMCTS undergoes a slowdown akin to a fluid approaching a glass transition upon increasing confinement, and freezing under confinement would require substantial subcooling below the bulk melting point of OMCTS.


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Exportin-t (Xpot) transports mature 5'- and 3'-end processed tRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm by associating with a small G-protein Ran (RAs-related nuclear protein), in the nucleus. The release of tRNA in cytoplasm involves RanGTP hydrolysis. Despite the availability of crystal structures of nuclear and cytosolic forms of Xpot, the molecular details regarding the sequential events leading to tRNA release and subsequent conformational changes occurring in Xpot remain unknown. We have performed a combination of classical all-atom and accelerated molecular dynamics simulations on a set of complexes involving Xpot to study a range of features including conformational flexibility of free and cargo-bound Xpot and functionally critical contacts between Xpot and its cargo. The systems investigated include free Xpot and its different complexes, bound either to Ran (GTP/GDP) or tRNA or both. This approach provided a statistically reliable estimate of structural dynamics of Xpot after cargo release. The mechanistic basis for Xpot opening after cargo release has been explained in terms of dynamic structural hinges, about which neighboring region could be displaced to facilitate the nuclear to cytosolic state transition. Post-RanGTP hydrolysis, a cascade of events including local conformational change in RanGTP and loss of critical contacts at Xpot/tRNA interface suggest factors responsible for eventual release of tRNA. The level of flexibility in different Xpot complexes varied depending on the arrangement of individual HEAT repeats. Current study provides one of the most comprehensive and robust analysis carried out on this protein using molecular dynamics schemes.


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Detailed molecular dynamics simulations of Lennard-Jones ellipsoids have been carried out to investigate the emergence of criticality in the single-particle orientational relaxation near the isotropic-nematic (IN) phase transition. The simulations show a sudden appearance of a power-law behavior in the decay of the second-rank orientational relaxation as the IN transition is approached. The simulated value of the power-law exponent is 0.56, which is larger than the mean-field value (0.5) but less than the observed value (0.63) and may be due to the finite size of the simulated system. The decay of the first-rank orientational time correlation function, on the other hand, is nearly exponential but its decay becomes very slow near the isotropic-nematic transition, The zero-frequency rotational friction, calculated from the simulated angular Velocity correlation function, shows a marked increase near the IN transition.


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At low temperature (below its freezing/melting temperature), liquid water under confinement is known to exhibit anomalous dynamical features. Here we study structure and dynamics of water in the grooves of a long DNA duplex using molecular dynamics simulations with TIP5P potential at low temperature. We find signatures of a dynamical transition in both translational and orientational dynamics of water molecules in both the major and the minor grooves of a DNA duplex. The transition occurs at a slightly higher temperature (TGL ≈ 255 K) than the temperature at which the bulk water is found to undergo a dynamical transition, which for the TIP5P potential is at 247 K. Groove water, however, exhibits markedly different temperature dependence of its properties from the bulk. Entropy calculations reveal that the minor groove water is ordered even at room temperature, and the transition at T ≈ 255 K can be characterized as a strong-to-strong dynamical transition. Confinement of water in the grooves of DNA favors the formation of a low density four-coordinated state (as a consequence of enthalpy−entropy balance) that makes the liquid−liquid transition stronger. The low temperature water is characterized by pronounced tetrahedral order, as manifested in the sharp rise near 109° in the O−O−O angle distribution. We find that the Adams−Gibbs relation between configurational entropy and translational diffusion holds quite well when the two quantities are plotted together in a master plot for different region of aqueous DNA duplex (bulk, major, and minor grooves) at different temperatures. The activation energy for the transfer of water molecules between different regions of DNA is found to be weakly dependent on temperature.