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THE COMPLEXES of pyridine-l-oxide and 2- and 4-substituted pyridine-l-oxides have been investigated previously[l]. The complexes of 3-substituted pyfidine-l-oxides, however, have received little attention. The rare-earth complexes of pyridine-Ioxide[l, 2], 4-methylpyridine- l-oxide [1] and 2,6- dimethylpyfidine-l-oxide[3,4] have been reported earlier. The present paper deals with the isolation and characterisation of 3-methylpyridine-l-oxide (3-Picoline-N-oxide, 3-PicNO) complexes with rare-earth perchlorates.


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A model (NADH-phenazine methosulfate-O2) formally similar to pyridine nucleotide-dependent flavoprotein hydroxylases catalyzed the hydroxylation of several aromatic compounds. The hydroxylation was maximal at acid pH and was inhibited by ovine Superoxide dismutase, suggesting that perhydroxyl radicals might be intermediates in this process. The stoichiometry of the reaction indicated that a univalent reduction of oxygen was occurring. The correlation between the concentration of semiquinone and hydroxylation, and the inhibition of hydroxylation by ethanol which inhibited semiquinone oxidation, suggested the involvement of phenazine methosulfate-semiquinone. Activation of hydroxylation by Fe3+ and Cu2+ supported the contention that univalently reduced species of oxygen was involved in hydroxylation. Catalase was without effect on the hydroxylation by the model, ruling out H2O2 as an intermediate. A reaction sequence, involving a two-electron reduction of phenazine methosulfate to reduced phenazine methosulfate followed by disproportionation with phenazine methosulfate to generate the semiquinone, was proposed. The semiquinone could donate an electron to O2 to generate O2 which could be subsequently protonated to form the perhydroxyl radical.


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Proximity of molecules is a crucial factor in many solid- state photochemical processes.'S2 The biomolecular photodimerization reactions in the solid state depend on the relative geometry of reactant molecules in the crystal lattice with center-to-center distance of nearest neighbor double bonds of the order of ca. 4 A. This fact emanates from the incisive studies of Schmidt and Cohen.2 One of the two approaches to achieve this distance requirement is the so-called "Crystal-Engineering" of structures, which essentially involves the introduction of certain functional groups that display in-plane interstacking interactions (Cl...Cl, C-He-0, etc.) in the crystal The chloro group is by far the most successful in promoting the /3- packing m ~ d e ,th~o,u~gh recent studies have shown its limitations? Another approach involves the use of constrained media in which the reactants could hopefully be aligned.


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Sensing characteristics of few-layer graphenes for NO2 and humidity have been investigated with graphene samples prepared by the thermal exfoliation of graphitic oxide, conversion of nanodiamond (DG) and arc-discharge of graphite in hydrogen (HG). The sensitivity for NO2 is found to be highest with DG. Nitrogen-doped HG (n-type) shows increased sensitivity for NO2 compared with pure HG. The highest sensitivity for humidity is observed with HG. Sensing characteristics of graphene have been examined for different aliphatic alcohols and the sensitivity is found to vary with the chain length and branching.


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Laser mediated stimulation of biological process was amongst its very first effects documented by Mester et al. but the ambiguous and tissue-cell context specific biological effects of laser radiation is now termed ‘Photobiomodulation’. We found many parallels between the reported biological effects of lasers and a multiface-ted growth factor, Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β). This review outlines the interestingparallelsbetween the twofieldsand our rationalefor pursuingtheir potential causal correlation. We explored this correlation using an in vitro assay systems and a human clinical trial on healing wound extraction sockets that we reported in a recent publication. In conclusion we report that low power laser irradiation can activate latent TGF-β1 and β3 complexes and suggest that this might be one of the major modes of the photobiomodulatory effects of low power lasers.


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The crystal structures of four peptides incorporating 1-aminocycloheptane-1-carboxylic acid (Ac7c) are described. Boc-Aib-Ac7c-NHMe and Boc-Pro-Ac7c-Ala-OMe adopt beta-turn conformations stabilized by an intramolecular 4----1 hydrogen bond, the former folding into a type-I/III beta-turn and the latter into a type-II beta-turn. In the dipeptide esters, Boc-Aib-Ac7c-OMe and Boc-Pro-Ac7c-OMe, the Ac7c and Aib residues adopt helical conformations, while the Pro residue remains semi-extended in both the molecules of Boc-Pro-Ac7c-OMe found in the asymmetric unit. The cycloheptane ring of Ac7c residues adopts a twist-chair conformation in all the peptides studied. 1H-NMR studies in CDCl3 and (CD3)2SO and IR studies in CDCl3 suggest that Boc-Aib-Ac7c-NHMe and Boc-Pro-Ac7c-Ala-OMe maintain the beta-turn conformations in solution.


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The crystal structures of four peptides incorporating 1-aminocycloheptane-1-carboxylic acid (Ac7c) are described. Boc-Aib-Ac7c-NHMe and Boc-Pro-Ac7c-Ala-OMe adopt beta-turn conformations stabilized by an intramolecular 4----1 hydrogen bond, the former folding into a type-I/III beta-turn and the latter into a type-II beta-turn. In the dipeptide esters, Boc-Aib-Ac7c-OMe and Boc-Pro-Ac7c-OMe, the Ac7c and Aib residues adopt helical conformations, while the Pro residue remains semi-extended in both the molecules of Boc-Pro-Ac7c-OMe found in the asymmetric unit. The cycloheptane ring of Ac7c residues adopts a twist-chair conformation in all the peptides studied. 1H-NMR studies in CDCl3 and (CD3)2SO and IR studies in CDCl3 suggest that Boc-Aib-Ac7c-NHMe and Boc-Pro-Ac7c-Ala-OMe maintain the beta-turn conformations in solution.


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1. 1. Sheep plasma α1-mucoprotein was isolated in an electrophoretically homogeneous state by a combination of ammonium sulphate saturation, isoelectric precipitation and preparative agar electrophoresis in a yield of approx. 150 mg/l of plasma. 2. 2. The mucoprotein was water-soluble, non-coagulable on heating at 100°, not precipitable by 1.8 M perchloric acid, 10% trichloroacetic acid but precipitable by saturated ammonium sulphate solution, 0.6 M sulfosalicylic acid and 5% phosphotungstic acid in 2 N HCl. It had E1 cm1 % value of 9.57 at 278 mμ in water, refractive-index index increment 1.9·10-4 (g/l) in water, isoelectric point at pH 4.45 (sodium acetate-acetic acid buffer) and was homogeneous in pH range 4.0-11.5 but at pH values 2.6 and 3.5 showed some dissociation. 3. 3. The mucoprotein had the following chemical composition: Nitrogen, 12.4%; polypeptide, 77.4%; total hexose (only mannose and galactose), 7.1%; fucose, 1.0%; glucosamine, 4.9% and sialic acid, 4.8%. It had no N-terminal amino acid.


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A mild and efficient method for the synthesis of thioethers has been developed. The 3-phenylisoquinoline-1(2H)-thione underwent S-alkylation to afford structurally diverse sulfides in high yield.


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An acid catalysed rearrangement was employed for the enantiospecific conversion of isotwistanol to tricyclo5.2.1.0(4.8)]-decanes, which provided support for the proposed biosynthesis of allopupukeananes from pupukeananes. The strategy has been further extended to the enantiospecific synthesis of a homobrexane. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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(I): C15H1402, Mr---226.27, triclinic, Pi,a=8.441 (2), b= 10.276 (1), c= 15.342 (2)A, a=91.02 (2), ~ t= 79.26 (2), y= 105.88 (2) °, V=1256.8 (4)A 3, Z=4, D,,= 1.209 (flotation in KI),D x - 1.195 g cm -3, #(Mo, 2 = 0.7107/~) = 0.44 cm -~,F(000) = 480, T= 293 K, R -- 0.060 for 1793 significant reflections. (II): C~THlsO2, Mr= 254.83, orthorhombic, Pca21, a=8.476 (1); b= 16.098 (3), c=10.802(3)A, V=1473.9 (5) A s, Z=4, Dm=1.161 (flotation in KI), Dx= 1.148gem -3, /~(Mo, 2=0.7107 A) =0.41 cm -~, F(000) = 544, T= 293 K, R = 0.071 for 867 significant reflections. Both (I) and (II) crystallize in a cisoid conformation for the carbonyl group and alkoxy groups. Compounds (I) and (II) are photostable on irradiation in the solid state in spite of the favourable conformation of the functional groups for intramolecular H abstraction. Absence of photoreaction of (I)and (II) in the solid state is rationalized in the light of unfavourable intramolecular geometry.


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Reactions of cis-[(C6H5N)PC1]z(1 ) with the difunctional reagents HO(CH2)20H,H (CH3)N(CHz)zN(CH3)HH, (CH3)N(CH& OH, and HO(CHz)30Hi n the presence of triethylamine yield the new bicyclic 1,3,2X3,4h3-diazadiphosphetidines[( C6H5- N)PIZ[-O(CHZ)Zo-l (2), [(C6H5N)PlZ[-(CH3)N(CHZ)ZN(CH3)-l (319 [(C6H~N)PlZ~-(CH3)N(cHZ)20 (4), and [(C6H5 N)P],[-Q(CH2),0-] (5), respectively. The products have been characterized by elemental analyses and IR and NMR spectroscopic data. The structures of 4 and 5 have been determined by single-crystal X-ray analysis. Crystal data for 4: monoclinic, P2,/c, a = 9.823 (2) A, b = 8.608 (1) A, c = 18.423 (3) A, i3 = 90.55 (1)O, Z = 4. Crystal data for 5 monoclinic, P2,/c, a = 9.727 (2) A, b = 8.064 (2) A, c = 19.702 (4) A, @ =I 91.31 (l)', 2 = 4. The structures have been solved by direct methods and refined to R = 0.028 for 4 and R = 0.050 for 5. Compound 4 is the first example of an aminoalkoxy-l,3,2X3,4X3-diazadiphosphetidine. The PzNz ring is slightly puckered in both 4 and 5 and the puckering occurs in a manner opposite to that observed for cis-[(RN)PX],structures.


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The conformational analysis of a protected homodipeptide of 1-aminocyclopentanecarboxylic acid (Acc5) has been carried out. 1H-nmr studies establish a ?-turn conformation for Boc-Acc5-Acc5-NHMe in chloroform and dimethylsulfoxide solutions involving the methylamide NH in an intramolecular hydrogen bond. Supportive evidence for the formation of an intramolecular hydrogen bond is obtained from ir studies. X-ray diffraction studies reveal a type III ?-turn conformation in the solid state stabilized by a 4 ? 1 hydrogen bond between the Boc CO and methylamide NH groups. The ?,? values for both Acc5 residues are close to those expected for an ideal 310-helical conformation (?? ± 60°, ?? ±30°).