78 resultados para Adenosine Monophosphate


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N6-({Delta}2-Isopentenyl) adenosine antibodies were used for the isolation of free cytokinins and cytokinin-containing tRNAs from parts of Cucumis sativus L. var. Guntur seedlings and for the estimation of cytokinins in them. Immobilized N6-({Delta}2-isopentenyl) adenosine antibodies retained tRNAs containing N6-({Delta}2-isopentenyl) adenosine and N6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl) adenosine with equal efficiencies. There were at least five cytokinins in the free form in cucumber seedlings. N6-(4-Hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl) adenosine, N6-({Delta}2-isopentenyl) adenosine, and N6-({Delta}2-isopentenyl) adenine were present at least to the extent of 80, 23, and 9 nanograms, respectively, in the cotyledons and 40, 6, and 3 nanograms, respectively, in the decotyledonated seedlings per gram of tissue. Only two cytokinins were found in the tRNAs of cucumber cotyledons, namely N6-({Delta}2-isopentenyl) adenosine and N6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl) adenosine in amounts of 12 and 318 nanograms, respectively, per gram of tissue. Immunoaffinity chromatographic analysis of radiolabeled aminoacyl tRNAs from cucumber cotyledons showed that tRNAPhe and tRNATyr contained cytokinins whereas tRNAAla did not.


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Hydroxylated cytokinin, 2-methylthio-N6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl) adenosine, was found in the tRNA of Azotobacter vinelandii. This cytokinin had the trans configuration, unlike the cis configuration reported for that from other bacteria. Culture-condition-dependent changes in the content of this thiocytokinin and a few other thionucleosides in the tRNA of this bacterium have been observed.


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1. a-p-Chlorophenoxyisobutyric acid, the ethyl ester of which is widely used as an antihypercholesterolaemic drug, is an inhibitor of energy-transfer reactions in isolated rat liver mitochondria. 2. The compound at lower concentrations (<4.0mmol/mg of mitochondrial protein) inhibits state 3 oxidation, stimulates state 4 oxidation, abolishes respiratory control and stimulates the latent adenosine triphosphatase activity of mitochondria. The inhibition imposed on state 3 oxidation is relieved by dinitrophenol. 3. At higher concentrations it inhibits coupled phosphorylation as well as dinitrophenol-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase activity. The inhibition of state 3 oxidation under these conditions is not reversed by uncouplers. 4. The three coupling sites of phosphorylation exhibit differential susceptibility to inactivation by this compound. Coupled phosphorylation at the first site is abolished at a drug concentration of 3.0mmol/mg of protein. The third site is inactivated when the concentration of the drug reaches 5.0mmol/mg of protein. The second site is the most refractory and drug concentrations of the order of 10.0mmol/mg of protein are required effectively to inhibit phosphorylation at this site. 5. The compound also inhibits ATP-dependent reversal of electron transport as well as the adenosine triphosphatase activity in submitochondrial particles. 6. The oxidation of NADH and succinate in these particles is not inhibited. 7. These properties indicate that the compound acts as an `inhibitory uncoupler' of energy-transfer reactions in isolated mitochondria.


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Two variants of a simplified procedure for the isolation of plasma membrane fractions from monkey and rat brains, are described. The preparations show marked enrichments in the marker enzymes, (Na+-K+) adenosine triphosphatase, acetylcholinesterase, 5′-nucleotidase and adenylate cyclase. Lipid analysis and a protein electrophoretic pattern are presented. An enzymatic check has been made to assess for contamination by other cellular organelles. The amino acid composition of brain membrane proteins show a resemblance to the reported composition of erythrocyte ghost proteins but differ from myelin proteins.


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5-Fluoro-2'-deoxyuricine is incorporated into DNA of mouse breast tumour Image . The incorporation is inhibited by thymidine. Part of the fluorodeoxyuridine is cleaved to fluorouracil and is incorporated into RNA. This incorporation is enhanced by thymidine. The result suggests that the major mechanism of action of the fluorouracil is due to its incorporation into RNA. FUra, 5-Fluorouracil; FdUR, 5-Fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine; FdUMP, 5-Fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-monophosphate.


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Inosine 5' monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH II) is a key enzyme involved in the de novo biosynthesis pathway of purine nucleotides and is also considered to be an excellent target for cancer inhibitor design. The conserve R 322 residue (in human) is thought to play some role in the recognition of inhibitor and cofactor through the catalytic D 364 and N 303. The 15 ns simulation and the water dynamics of the three different PDB structures (1B3O, 1NF7, and 1NFB) of human IMPDH by CHARMM force field have clearly indicated the involvement of three conserved water molecules (W-L, W-M, and W-C) in the recognition of catalytic residues (R 322, D 364, and N 303) to inhibitor and cofactor. Both the guanidine nitrogen atoms (NH1 and NH 2) of the R 322 have anchored the di- and mono-nucleotide (cofactor and inhibitor) binding domains via the conserved W-C and W-L water molecules. Another conserved water molecule W-M seems to bridge the two domains including the R 322 and also the W-C and W-L through seven centers H-bonding coordination. The conserved water molecular triad (W-C - W-M - W-L) in the protein complex may thought to play some important role in the recognition of inhibitor and cofactor to the protein through R 322 residue.


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Groundnut bud necrosis virus (GBNV), a member of genus Tospovirus in the family Bunyaviridae, infects a large number of leguminosae and solanaceae plants in India. With a view to elucidate the function of nonstructural protein, NSs encoded by the small RNA genome (S RNA), the NSs protein of GBNV-tomato (Karnataka) [1] was over-expressed in E.coli and purified by Ni-NTA chromatography. The purified rNSs protein exhibited an RNA stimulated NTPase activity. Further, this activity was metal ion dependent and was inhibited by adenosine 5' (beta, gamma imido) triphosphate, an ATP analog. The rNSs could also hydrolyze dATP.Interestingly, in addition to the NTPase and dATPase activities, the rNSs exhibited ATP independent 5' RNA/DNA phosphatase activity that was completely inhibited by AMP. The 5' alpha phosphate could be removed from ssDNA, ssRNA, dsDNA and dsRNA thus confirming that rNSs has a novel 5' alpha phosphatase activity. K189A mutation in the Walker motif A (GxxxxGKT) resulted in complete loss of ATPase activity, but the 5'phosphatase activity was unaffected. On the other hand, D159A mutation in the Walker motif B (DExx) resulted in partial loss of both the activities. These results demonstrate for the first time that NSs is a bifunctional enzyme, which could participate in viral movement, replication or in suppression of the host defense mechanism.


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The unprecedented absence of direct metal–nucleotide interaction has been observed in the X-ray structure of the ternary metal nucleotide system [Cu(bzim)(H2O)5]2+[IMP]2–·3H2O [IMP = inosine 5-monophosphate(2–), bzim = benzimidazole). The complex crystallizes in the space group P21 with a= 7.013(2), b= 13.179(9), c= 14.565(9)Å, = 94.82(4)°, and Z= 2. The structure was solved by the heavy-atom method and refined by full-matrix least squares on the basis of 1 761 observed (I? 3i) reflections to final R and R values of 0.034 and 0.036 respectively. The CuII has a distorted octahedral co-ordination with a nitrogen of the bzim ligand [Cu–N 1.947(5)Å] and three oxygens of water molecules in the basal plane [mean Cu–O 2.017(3)Å] and two more water oxygens at axial positions [Cu–O 2.194(6) and 2.732(5)Å]. The nucleotide base stacks with the bzim ligand at an average distance of 3.5 Å and an angle of 22°. In the lattice, N(7) of the base is linked to a lattice water through a hydrogen bond, while all the phosphate oxygens are involved in hydrogen bonds with co-ordinated as well as lattice water molecules. The co-ordination behaviour of IMP to CuII is compared in structures containing different -aromatic amines in order to assess the influence of the ternary ligand in complex formation. The present results indicate that, apart from the commonly observed phosphate binding, other modes of co-ordination are possible, these being influenced mainly by the -accepting properties of the ternary ligand.


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Our finding that the inhibitors of DNA methylation, 5-azacytidine, 5-azadeoxycytidine or adenosine dialdehyde, given after a carcinogen all potentiated initiation suggested that hypomethylation of DNA during repair synthesis of DNA might play a role in the initiation of the carcinogenic process. To examine this aspect further, we have asked the question, do the nodules which develop from initiated cells after promotion with 1% orotic acid exhibit an altered methylation pattern in their DNA? The methylation status of the DNA from nodules has been examined using the restriction endonucleases HpaII/MspI and HhaI which distinguish between methylated and unmethylated cytosines in their nucleotide recognition DNA 5'-CCGG and 5'-GCGC respectively. The proto-oncogenes, c-myc, c-fos and c-Ha-ras, in the DNA were primarily studied in this investigation because of their possible involvement in cell proliferation and/or in cell transformation and tumorigenesis. The results indicate that in the nodule DNA, c-myc and c-fos are hypomethylated in the sequence of CCGG while the c-Ha-ras shows hypomethylation in the alternating GCGC sequence. This methylation pattern seen in the nodule DNA is not found in the DNA of the non-nodular surrounding liver or liver tissue after exposure to promoter or carcinogen alone. It is also not found in the DNA of regenerating liver. It is particularly significant that the methylation patterns in the c-myc and c-Ha-ras regions are similar to those found in several cancer tissues. The results suggest that this methylation pattern is acquired early in the carcinogenic process and raises the question whether it has any bearing on the process.


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A cytokinin-binding protein which exists as monomer and dimer was isolated from cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. var Guntur) cotyledons by affinity chromatography on AH-Sepharose-pi6 Ap /s> column. The protein bound to [3H]-N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl) adenosine trialcohol. On Sephadex G-50 chromatography it gave 2 peaks corresponding to molecular weight 4000 and 8000 daltons. On sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, it gave only one band with an apparent molecular weight of 4000 daltons.


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Interaction of the antileukemic drugs, cytosine-arabinoside (Ara-C) and adenosine-arabinoside (Ara-A) and a structural analogue, cytidine, with aromatic dipeptides has been studied by fluorescence and NMR spectroscopy. Ara-C and cytidine bind tryptophanyl and histidyl dipeptides but not tyrosyl dipeptides, while Ara-A does not bind to any of them. Both studies indicate association involving stacking of aromatic moieties. NMR spectra also indicate a protonation of the histidine moiety by Ara-C. In case of cytidine, the chemical shifts observed on binding to His-Phe imply that the backbone protons of the dipeptide participate in the binding. The conformation of the sugar and the base seem to play a very important role in the binding phenomenon as three similar molecules, Ara-C, Ara-A and cytidine bind in totally different ways.


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The characteristics of an in vitro polyuridylic acid dependent amino acid incorporating system prepared from germinating macroconidia of Microsporum canis are described. The incorporation of 14C-phenylalanine into polyphenylalanine is dependent on S-30 extract, adenosine triphosphate, magnesium ions and polyuridylic acid. Incorporation is slightly enhanced by yeast transfer ribonucleic acid and pyruvate kinase. The system is highly sensitive to ribonuclease, puromycin and miconazole (an antifungal agent), moderately sensitive to sodium fluoride and much less sensitive to phenethylalcohol, cycloheximide, chloramphenicol and deoxyribonuclease. Cell-free extract from ungerminated conidia has less capacity to synthesize the protein and during germination a marked increase in the protein synthetic activity is observed. The results from experiments wherein ribosomes and S-100 fraction from germinated and ungerminated spores are interchanged, revealed that the defect in the extract from the ungerminated spore is in the ribosomes.


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Computer-modelling studies on the modes of binding of the three guanosine monophosphate inhibitors 2'-GMP, 3'-GMP, and 5'-GMP to ribonuclease (RNase) T1 have been carried out by energy minimization in Cartesian-coordinate space. The inhibitory power was found to decrease in the order 2'-GMP > 3'-GMP > 5'-GMP in agreement with the experimental observations. The ribose moiety was found to form hydrogen bonds with the protein in all the enzyme-inhibitor complexes, indicating that it contributes to the binding energy and does not merely act as a spacer between the base and the phosphate moieties as suggested earlier. 2'-GMP and 5'-GMP bind to RNase T1 in either of the two ribose puckered forms (with C3'-endo more favoured over the C2'-endo) and 3'-GMP binds to RNase T1 predominantly in C3'-endo form. The catalytically important residue His-92 was found to form hydrogen bond with the phosphate moiety in all the enzyme-inhibitor complexes, indicating that this residue may serve as a general acid group during catalysis. Such an interaction was not found in either X-ray or two-dimensional NMR studies.


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Propionate kinase catalyses the last step in the anaerobic breakdown of L-threonine to propionate in which propionyl phosphate and ADP are converted to propionate and ATR Here we report the structures of propionate kinase (TdcD) in the native form as well as in complex with diadenosine 5 ',5 '''-P-1,P-4-tetraphosphate (AP(4)A) by X-ray crystallography. Structure of TdcD obtained after cocrystallization with ATP showed Ap(4)A bound to the active site pocket suggesting the presence of Ap(4)A synthetic activity in TdcD. Binding of Ap(4)A to the enzyme was confirmed by the structure determination of a TdcD-Ap(4)A complex obtained after cocrystallization of TdcD with commercially available Ap(4)A. Mass spectroscopic studies provided further evidence for the formation of Ap(4)A by propionate kinase in the presence of ATP. In the TdcD-Ap(4)A complex structure, Ap(4)A is present in an extended conformation with one adenosine moiety present in the nucleotide binding site and other in the proposed propionate binding site. These observations tend to support direct in-line transfer of phosphoryl group during the kinase reaction.


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The characteristics of an in vitro polyuridylic acid dependent amino acid incorporating system prepared from germinating macroconidia of Microsporum canis are described. The incorporation of 14C-phenylalanine into polyphenylalanine is dependent on S-30 extract, adenosine triphosphate, magnesium ions and polyuridylic acid. Incorporation is slightly enhanced by yeast transfer ribonucleic acid and pyruvate kinase. The system is highly sensitive to ribonuclease, puromycin and miconazole (an antifungal agent), moderately sensitive to sodium fluoride and much less sensitive to phenethylalcohol, cycloheximide, chloramphenicol and deoxyribonuclease. Cell-free extract from ungerminated conidia has less capacity to synthesize the protein and during germination a marked increase in the protein synthetic activity is observed. The results from experiments wherein ribosomes and S-100 fraction from germinated and ungerminated spores are interchanged, revealed that the defect in the extract from the ungerminated spore is in the ribosomes.