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The possibility of hydroxyproline residues stabilizing the collagen triple-helical structure by the formation of additional hydrogen bonds through their γ-hydroxyl group has been studied from structural considerations. It is not possible for this hydroxyl group to form a direct hydrogen bond with a suitable group in a neighbouring chain of the triple-helical protofibril. However, in the modified one-bonded structure, which is stabilized by additional hydrogen bonds being formed through water molecules as intermediaries (put forward in 1968 by Ramachandran, G. N. and Chandrasekharan, R.), it is found that the γ-hydroxyl group of hydroxyproline can form a good hydrogen bond with the water oxygen as acceptor, the hydrogen bond length being 2.82 Å. It is proposed that, in addition to stabilizing the collagen triple-helical structure due to the stereochemical properties of the pyrrolidine ring, hydroxyproline gives added stability by the formation of an extra hydrogen bond. Experimental studies on the determination of shrinkage and denaturation temperatures of native collagen and its synthetic analogues, as a function of their hydroxyproline content, are being undertaken to test this hypothesis.


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The activity of glutamine synthetase fromAspergillus niger was significantly lowered under conditions of citric acid fermentation. The intracellular pH of the organism as determined by bromophenol blue dye distribution and fluorescein diacetate uptake methods was relatively constant between 6•0–6•5, when the pH of the external medium was varied between 2•3–7•0.Aspergillus niger glutamine synthetase was rapidly inactivated under acidic pH conditions and Mn2+ ions partially protected the enzyme against this inactivation. Mn2+-dependent glutamine synthetase activity was higher at acidic pH (6•0) compared to Mg2+-supported activity. While the concentration of Mg2+ required to optimally activate glutamine synthetase at pH 6•0 was very high (≥ 50 mM), Mn2+ was effective at 4 mM. Higher concentrations of Mn2+ were inhibitory. The inhibition of both Mn2+ and Mg2+-dependent reactions by citrate, 2-oxoglutarate and ATP were probably due to their ability to chelate divalent ions rather than as regulatory molecules. This suggestion was supported by the observation that a metal ion chelator, EDTA also produced similar effects. Of the end-products of the pathway, only histidine, carbamyl phosphate, AMP and ADP inhibitedAspergillus niger glutamine synthetase. The inhibitions were more pronounced when Mn2+ was the metal ion activator and greater inhibition was observed at lower pH values. These results permit us to postulate that glutamine synthesis may be markedly inhibited when the fungus is grown under conditions suitable for citric acid production and this block may result in delinking carbon and nitrogen metabolism leading to acidogenesis.


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Transition metals catalyse a variety of organic reactions, of which the ring opening of strained ring organic molecules generated a lot of interest. Theoreticians predicted a metal orbital catalysed pathway, which involved concerted bond breaking and bond forming. On the other hand experimentalists were able to show that the reaction was not proceeding through a concerted pathway by intercepting the intermediates involved. There remained, however, two ring systems methylenecyclopropanes and cyclobutenes—whose reactions with metal complexes seemed to be of a concerted nature. An analysis of the reactions of different metal complexes with these ring systems and the theoretical predictions provide a rationale for understanding these reactions.


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The concept of orbital compatibility is used to explain the relative energies of different macropolyhedral structural patterns such as closo-closo, closo-nido, and nido-nido. A large polyhedral borane condenses preferentially with a smaller polyhedron owing to orbital compatibility. Calculations carried out at the B3LYP/6-31G* level show that the macropolyhedron closo(12)-closo(6) is the most preferred structural pattern among the face-sharing closo-closo systems. The relative stabilities of four-shared-atom closo-closo, three-shared-atom closo-closo, three-shared-atom closo-nido, edge-sharing closo-nido, and edge-sharing nido-nido structures are in accordance with the difference in the number of vertices of the individual polyhedra of the macropolyhedra. When the difference in the number of vertices of the individual polyhedra is large, the stability of the macropolyhedra is also large. Calculations further show that the orbital compatibility plays an important role in deciding the stability of the macropolyhedral boranes with more than two polyhedral units. The dependence of the orbital compatibility on the relative stability of the macropolyhedron varies with other factors such as inherent stability of the individual polyhedron and steric factors.


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Abstract is not available.


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The role of heme in the synthesis of cytochrome c oxidase has been investigated in the mold Neurospora crassa. Iron-deficient cultures of the mold have low levels of cytochrome oxidase and delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase, the latter being the rate-limiting enzyme of the heme-biosynthetic pathway in this organism. Addition of iron to the iron-deficient cultures results in an immediate increase in the levels of delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase followed by an increase in the rate of heme synthesis and cytochrome oxidase levels. The rate of precursor labeling of the mitochondrial subunits of cytochrome oxidase is decreased preferentially under conditions of iron deficiency and addition of iron corrects this picture. Exogenous hemin addition which prevents iron-mediated induction of delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase also inhibits the increase in the activity of cytochrome oxidase and the enhanced precursor labeling of the mitochondrial subunits of cytochrome oxidase. Protein synthesis on mitoribosomes measured in vivo and in vitro is decreased under conditions of heme deficiency. Hemin addition in vitro to mitochondrial lysates prepared from heme-deficient mycelia restores a near normal rate of protein synthesis. It is concluded that heme is required for the optimal rate of translation on mitoribosomes.


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We incorporate various gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) capped with different ligands in two-dimensional films and three-dimensional aggregates derived from N-stearoyl-L-alanine and N-lauroyl-L-alanine, respectively. The assemblies of N-stearoyl-L-alanine afforded stable films at the air-water interface. More compact assemblies were formed upon incorporation of AuNPs in the air-water interface of N-stearoyl-L-alanine. We then examined the effects of incorporation of various AuNPs functionalized with different capping ligands in three-dimensional assemblies of N-lauroyl-L-alanine, a compound that formed a gel in hydrocarbons. The profound influence of nanoparticle incorporation into physical gels was evident from evaluation of various microscopic and bulk properties. The interaction of AuNPs with the gelator assembly was found to depend critically on the capping ligands protecting the Au surface of the gold nanoparticles. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed a long-range directional assembly of certain AuNPs along the gel fibers. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the freeze-dried gels and nanocomposites indicate that the morphological transformation in the composite microstructures depends significantly on the capping agent of the nanoparticles. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed that gel formation from sol occurred at a lower temperature upon incorporation of AuNPs having capping ligands that were able to align and noncovalently interact with the gel fibers. Rheological studies indicate that the gel-nanoparticle composites exhibit significantly greater viscoelasticity compared to the native gel alone when the capping ligands are able to interact through interdigitation into the gelator assembly. Thus, it was possible to define a clear relationship between the materials and the molecular-level properties by means of manipulation of the information inscribed on the NP surface.


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The relative rôles of FSH and LH in ovulation induction in immature and adult cycling rats and hamsters have been evaluated. Both heterologous purified pituitary hormones and homologous crude pituitary extracts have been used as ovulatory stimuli in immature animals primed with PMSG. Well-characterized FSH and LH antisera have been used in the above model systems to achieve specific neutralization of FSH and LH. The present study revealed that LH is the physiological trigger needed for induction of ovulation in both rats and hamsters and FSH cannot, by itself, induce ovulation in the total absence of LH.


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The blue emission of polyfluorene (PF)-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) is known to degrade due to a low-energy green emission, which hitherto has been attributed to oxidative defects. By studying the electroluminescence (EL) from ethyl-hexyl substituted PF LEDs in the presence of oxygen and in an inert atmosphere, and by using trace quantities of paramagnetic impurities (PM) in the polymer, we show that the triplet states play a major role in the low-energy emission mechanism. Our time-dependent many-body studies show a large cross-section for the triplet formation in the EL process in the presence of PM, primarily due to electron-hole recombination processes.


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In higher primates, increased circulating follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels seen during late menstrual cycle and during menstruation has been suggested to be necessary for initiation of follicular growth, recruitment of follicles and eventually culminating in ovulation of a single follicle. With a view to establish the dynamics of circulating FSH secretion with that of inhibin A (INH A) and progesterone (P-4)secretions during the menstrual cycle, blood was collected daily from bonnet monkeys beginning day 1 of the menstrual cycle up to 35 days. Serum INH A levels were low during early follicular phase, increased significantly coinciding with the mid cycle luteinizing hormone (LH) surge to reach maximal levels during the mid luteal phase before declining at the late luteal phase, essentially paralleling the pattern Of P-4 secretion seen throughout the luteal phase. Circulating FSH levels were low during early and mid luteal phases, but progressively increased during the late luteal phase and remained high for few days after the onset of menses. In another experiment, lutectomy performed during the mid luteal phase resulted in significant decrease in INH A concentration within 2 hr (58.3 +/- 2 vs. 27.3 +/- 3 pg/mL), and a 2- to 3-fold rise in circulating FSH levels by 24 hr (0.20 +/- 0.02 vs. 0.53 +/- 0.14 ng/mL) that remained high until 48 hr postlutectomy. Systemic administration of Cetrorelix (150 mu g/kg body weight), a gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor antagonist, at mid luteal phase in monkeys led to suppression of serum INH A and P-4 concentrations 24 hr post treatment, but circulating FSH levels did not change. Administration of exogenous LH, but not FSH, significantly increased INH A concentration. The results taken together suggest a tight coupling between LH and INH A secretion and that INH A is largely responsible for maintenance of low FSH concentration seen during the luteal phase. Am. J. Primatol. 71:817-824, 2009.


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Abstract is not available.


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he need for endogenous FSH in the periovulatory events such as oocyte maturation, ovulation, luteinization, maintenance of luteal function and follicular maturation was examined in the cyclic hamster. A specific antiserum to ovine FSH, shown to be free of antibodies to LH and to cross-react with FSH of the hamster, was used to neutralize endogenous FSH at various times. Administration of this antiserum during pro-oestrus did not affect oocyte maturation and ovulation, as judged by the normality of the ova to undergo fertilization and normal implantation. It also had no effect on the process of luteinization or on the maintenance of luteal function, as indicated by the normal levels of plasma and luteal progesterone during pro-oestrus and oestrus during the cycle and in pregnancy. All these processes were, however, disrupted by administration of an antiserum to ovine LH, thereby demonstrating their dependence on endogenous LH. Although FSH antiserum given at pro-oestrus did not prevent the imminent ovulation, it blocked the ovulation occurring at oestrus of the next cycle. This antiserum was effective in preventing the ensuing ovulation when given at any other time of the cycle until the morning of pro-oestrus. It is concluded that, in the hamster, high levels of FSH during pro-oestrus and oestrus are required for initiating maturation of a new set of follicles which are dependent on the trophic support of FSH throughout the cycle until the morning of pro-oestrus. Such follicles then appear to need only LH for subsequent ovulatory and associated processes.