41 resultados para penalty privilege


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Double helical structures of DNA and RNA are mostly determined by base pair stacking interactions, which give them the base sequence-directed features, such as small roll values for the purine-pyrimidine steps. Earlier attempts to characterize stacking interactions were mostly restricted to calculations on fiber diffraction geometries or optimized structure using ab initio calculations lacking variation in geometry to comment on rather unusual large roll values observed in AU/AU base pair step in crystal structures of RNA double helices. We have generated stacking energy hyperspace by modeling geometries with variations along the important degrees of freedom, roll, and slide, which were chosen via statistical analysis as maximally sequence dependent. Corresponding energy contours were constructed by several quantum chemical methods including dispersion corrections. This analysis established the most suitable methods for stacked base pair systems despite the limitation imparted by number of atom in a base pair step to employ very high level of theory. All the methods predict negative roll value and near-zero slide to be most favorable for the purine-pyrimidine steps, in agreement with Calladine's steric clash based rule. Successive base pairs in RNA are always linked by sugar-phosphate backbone with C3-endo sugars and this demands C1-C1 distance of about 5.4 angstrom along the chains. Consideration of an energy penalty term for deviation of C1-C1 distance from the mean value, to the recent DFT-D functionals, specifically B97X-D appears to predict reliable energy contour for AU/AU step. Such distance-based penalty improves energy contours for the other purine-pyrimidine sequences also. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 107-120, 2014.


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Intermolecular cooperativity and structural relaxations in PVDF/PMMA blends were studied in this work with respect to different surface modified (amine, similar to NH2; carboxyl acid, similar to COOH and pristine) multiwalled nanotubes (MWNTs) at 1 wt % near blend's T-g and in the vicinity of demixing using dielectric spectroscopy, SAXS, DSC, and WAXD. Intermolecular cooperativity at T-g and configurational entropy was addressed in the framework of cooperative rearranging region (CRR) at T-g. Because of specific interactions between PVDF and NH2-MWNTs, the local composition fluctuates at its average value resulting in a broad T-g. The scale of cooperativity (xi(CRR)) and the number of segments in the cooperative volume (N-CRR) is comparatively smaller in the blends with NH2-MWNTs. This clearly suggests that the number of segments cooperatively relaxing is reduced in the blends due to specific interactions leading to more heterogeneity. The configurational entropy at T-g, as derived from Vogel-Fulcher and Adam-Gibbs analysis, was reduced in the blends in presence of MWNTs manifesting in entropic penalty of the chains. The crystallite size and the amorphous miscibility was evaluated using SAXS and was observed to be strongly contingent on the surface functional groups on MWNTs. Three distinct relaxations-alpha(c) due to relaxations in the crystalline phase of PVDF, alpha(m) indicating the amorphous miscibility in PVDF/PMMA blends, and alpha beta concerning the segmental dynamics of PMMA-were observed in the blends in the temperature range T-g < T < T-c. The dynamics as well as the nature of relaxations were observed to be dependent the surface functionality on the MWNTs. The dielectric permittivity was also enhanced in presence of MWNTs, especially with NH2-MWNTs, with minimal losses. The influence of the MWNTs on the spherulite size and crystalline morphology of the blends was also confirmed by POM and SEM.


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With the development of deep sequencing methodologies, it has become important to construct site saturation mutant (SSM) libraries in which every nucleotide/codon in a gene is individually randomized. We describe methodologies for the rapid, efficient, and economical construction of such libraries using inverse polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We show that if the degenerate codon is in the middle of the mutagenic primer, there is an inherent PCR bias due to the thermodynamic mismatch penalty, which decreases the proportion of unique mutants. Introducing a nucleotide bias in the primer can alleviate the problem. Alternatively, if the degenerate codon is placed at the 5' end, there is no PCR bias, which results in a higher proportion of unique mutants. This also facilitates detection of deletion mutants resulting from errors during primer synthesis. This method can be used to rapidly generate SSM libraries for any gene or nucleotide sequence, which can subsequently be screened and analyzed by deep sequencing. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Elasticity in cloud systems provides the flexibility to acquire and relinquish computing resources on demand. However, in current virtualized systems resource allocation is mostly static. Resources are allocated during VM instantiation and any change in workload leading to significant increase or decrease in resources is handled by VM migration. Hence, cloud users tend to characterize their workloads at a coarse grained level which potentially leads to under-utilized VM resources or under performing application. A more flexible and adaptive resource allocation mechanism would benefit variable workloads, such as those characterized by web servers. In this paper, we present an elastic resources framework for IaaS cloud layer that addresses this need. The framework provisions for application workload forecasting engine, that predicts at run-time the expected demand, which is input to the resource manager to modulate resource allocation based on the predicted demand. Based on the prediction errors, resources can be over-allocated or under-allocated as compared to the actual demand made by the application. Over-allocation leads to unused resources and under allocation could cause under performance. To strike a good trade-off between over-allocation and under-performance we derive an excess cost model. In this model excess resources allocated are captured as over-allocation cost and under-allocation is captured as a penalty cost for violating application service level agreement (SLA). Confidence interval for predicted workload is used to minimize this excess cost with minimal effect on SLA violations. An example case-study for an academic institute web server workload is presented. Using the confidence interval to minimize excess cost, we achieve significant reduction in resource allocation requirement while restricting application SLA violations to below 2-3%.


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The occurrence of spurious solutions is a well-known limitation of the standard nodal finite element method when applied to electromagnetic problems. The two commonly used remedies that are used to address this problem are (i) The addition of a penalty term with the penalty factor based on the local dielectric constant, and which reduces to a Helmholtz form on homogeneous domains (regularized formulation); (ii) A formulation based on a vector and a scalar potential. Both these strategies have some shortcomings. The penalty method does not completely get rid of the spurious modes, and both methods are incapable of predicting singular eigenvalues in non-convex domains. Some non-zero spurious eigenvalues are also predicted by these methods on non-convex domains. In this work, we develop mixed finite element formulations which predict the eigenfrequencies (including their multiplicities) accurately, even for nonconvex domains. The main feature of the proposed mixed finite element formulation is that no ad-hoc terms are added to the formulation as in the penalty formulation, and the improvement is achieved purely by an appropriate choice of finite element spaces for the different variables. We show that the formulation works even for inhomogeneous domains where `double noding' is used to enforce the appropriate continuity requirements at an interface. For two-dimensional problems, the shape of the domain can be arbitrary, while for the three-dimensional ones, with our current formulation, only regular domains (which can be nonconvex) can be modeled. Since eigenfrequencies are modeled accurately, these elements also yield accurate results for driven problems. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new C-0 composite plate finite element based on Reddy's third order theory is used for large deformation dynamic analysis of delaminated composite plates. The inter-laminar contact is modeled with an augmented Lagrangian approach. Numerical results show that the widely used ``unconditionally stable'' beta-Newmark method presents instability problems in the transient simulation of delaminated composite plate structures with large deformation. To overcome this instability issue, an energy and momentum conserving composite implicit time integration scheme presented by Bathe and Baig is used. It is found that a proper selection of the penalty parameter is very crucial in the contact simulation. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a low energy memory decoder architecture for ultra-low-voltage systems containing multiple voltage domains. Due to limitations in scalability of memory supply voltages, these systems typically contain a core operating at subthreshold voltages and memories operating at a higher voltage. This difference in voltage provides a timing slack on the memory path as the core supply is scaled. The paper analyzes the feasibility and trade-offs in utilizing this timing slack to operate a greater section of memory decoder circuitry at the lower supply. A 256x16-bit SRAM interface has been designed in UMC 65nm low-leakage process to evaluate the above technique with the core and memory operating at 280 mV and 500 mV respectively. The technique provides a reduction of up to 20% in energy/cycle of the row decoder without any penalty in area and system-delay.


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The shearing of ordered gamma' precipitates by matrix dislocations results in the formation of antiphase boundaries (APB) in Ni-base superalloys. The APB energy is an important source of order-strengthening in disk and blade alloys where Ti and Ta substitute for Al in gamma'. While the importance of APB energy is well-acknowledged, the effect of alloying on APB energy is not fully understood. In the present study, the effect of Ti and Ta additions on the {111} and {010} APB energies was probed via electronic structure calculations. Results suggest that at low levels of Ti/Ta, APB energies on either plane increases with alloying. However, at higher Ti/Ta levels, the APB energies decrease with alloying. These trends understood by accounting for nearest neighbour violations about the APB and additionally, invoking the effect of precipitate composition on the energy penalty of the violations. We propose an Environment Dependent Nearest Neighbour Bond (EDNNB) model that predicts APB energies that are in close agreement to calculated values.


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For a multilayered specimen, the back-scattered signal in frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT) is expressible as a sum of cosines, each corresponding to a change of refractive index in the specimen. Each of the cosines represent a peak in the reconstructed tomogram. We consider a truncated cosine series representation of the signal, with the constraint that the coefficients in the basis expansion be sparse. An l(2) (sum of squared errors) data error is considered with an l(1) (summation of absolute values) constraint on the coefficients. The optimization problem is solved using Weiszfeld's iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) algorithm. On real FDOCT data, improved results are obtained over the standard reconstruction technique with lower levels of background measurement noise and artifacts due to a strong l(1) penalty. The previous sparse tomogram reconstruction techniques in the literature proposed collecting sparse samples, necessitating a change in the data capturing process conventionally used in FDOCT. The IRLS-based method proposed in this paper does not suffer from this drawback.


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In this article, an abstract framework for the error analysis of discontinuous Galerkin methods for control constrained optimal control problems is developed. The analysis establishes the best approximation result from a priori analysis point of view and delivers a reliable and efficient a posteriori error estimator. The results are applicable to a variety of problems just under the minimal regularity possessed by the well-posedness of the problem. Subsequently, the applications of C-0 interior penalty methods for a boundary control problem as well as a distributed control problem governed by the biharmonic equation subject to simply supported boundary conditions are discussed through the abstract analysis. Numerical experiments illustrate the theoretical findings.


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The use of copolymer and polymer blends widened the possibility of creating materials with multilayered architectures. Hierarchical polymer systems with a wide array of micro and nanostructures are generated by thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) in partially miscible polymer blends. Various parameters like the interaction between the polymers, concentration, solvent/non-solvent ratio, and quenching temperature have to be optimized to obtain these micro/nanophase structures. Alternatively, the addition of nanoparticles is another strategy to design materials with desired hetero-phase structures. The dynamics of the polymer nanocomposite depends on the statistical ordering of polymers around the nanoparticle, which is dependent on the shape of the nanoparticle. The entropic loss due to deformation of polymer chains, like the repulsive interactions due to coiling and the attractive interactions in the case of swelling has been highlighted in this perspective article. The dissipative particle dynamics has been discussed and is correlated with the molecular dynamics simulation in the case of polymer blends. The Cahn Hillard Cook model on variedly shaped immobile fillers has shown difference in the propagation of the composition wave. The nanoparticle shape has a contributing effect on the polymer particle interaction, which can change the miscibility window in the case of these phase separating polymer blends. Quantitative information on the effect of spherical particles on the demixing temperature is well established and further modified to explain the percolation of rod shaped particles in the polymer blends. These models correlate well with the experimental observations in context to the dynamics induced by the nanoparticle in the demixing behavior of the polymer blend. The miscibility of the LCST polymer blend depends on the enthalpic factors like the specific interaction between the components, and the solubility product and the entropic losses occurring due to the formation of any favorable interactions. Hence, it is essential to assess the entropic and enthalpic interactions induced by the nanoparticles independently. The addition of nanoparticles creates heterogeneity in the polymer phase it is localized. This can be observed as an alteration in the relaxation behavior of the polymer. This changes the demixing behavior and the interaction parameter between the polymers. The compositional changes induced due to the incorporation of nanoparticles are also attributed as a reason for the altered demixing temperature. The particle shape anisotropy causes a direction dependent depletion, which changes the phase behavior of the blend. The polymer-grafted nanoparticles with varying grafting density show tremendous variation in the miscibility of the blend. The stretching of the polymer chains grafted on the nanoparticles causes an entropy penalty in the polymer blend. A comparative study on the different shaped particles is not available up to date for understanding these aspects. Hence, we have juxtaposed the various computational studies on nanoparticle dynamics, the shape effect of NPs on homopolymers and also the cases of various polymer blends without nanoparticles to sketch a complete picture on the effect of various particles on the miscibility of LCST blends.