226 resultados para diffusion approximation


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The ratio of diffusion coefficient to mobility (D/¿) for electrons has been measured in SF6-air and freon-nitrogen mixtures for various concentrations of SF6 and freon in the mixtures over the range 140¿ E/p¿ 220 V.cm-1 - torr-1. In SF6-air mixtures, the values of D/¿ were always observed to lie intermediate between the values for the pure gases. However, in freon-nitrogen mixtures, with a small concentration (10 percent) of freon in the mixture, the values of D/¿ are found to lie above the boundaries determined by the pure gases. In this mixture, over the lower E/p range (140 to 190) the electrons appear to lose a large fraction of their energy by the excitation of the complex freon molecules, while at higher E/p values (200 to 240), the excitation and consequent deexcitation of nitrogen molecules and its metastables seem to cause an increased rate of ionization of freon molecules.


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In 1956 Whitham gave a nonlinear theory for computing the intensity of an acoustic pulse of an arbitrary shape. The theory has been used very successfully in computing the intensity of the sonic bang produced by a supersonic plane. [4.] derived an approximate quasi-linear equation for the propagation of a short wave in a compressible medium. These two methods are essentially nonlinear approximations of the perturbation equations of the system of gas-dynamic equations in the neighborhood of a bicharacteristic curve (or rays) for weak unsteady disturbances superimposed on a given steady solution. In this paper we have derived an approximate quasi-linear equation which is an approximation of perturbation equations in the neighborhood of a bicharacteristic curve for a weak pulse governed by a general system of first order quasi-linear partial differential equations in m + 1 independent variables (t, x1,…, xm) and derived Gubkin's result as a particular case when the system of equations consists of the equations of an unsteady motion of a compressible gas. We have also discussed the form of the approximate equation describing the waves propagating upsteam in an arbitrary multidimensional transonic flow.


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The theory of Varley and Cumberbatch [l] giving the intensity of discontinuities in the normal derivatives of the dependent variables at a wave front can be deduced from the more general results of Prasad which give the complete history of a disturbance not only at the wave front but also within a short distance behind the wave front. In what follows we omit the index M in Eq. (2.25) of Prasad [2].


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A mathematical model for doped-oxide-source diffusion is proposed. In this model the concept of segregation of impurity at the silicon-silicon dioxide is used and also a constant of “rate limitation” is introduced through a chemical reaction at the interface.


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Sr90 Radiotracer diffusion studies have been carried out on crystals of orthoclase and microcline using an ion implantation method. The activation energies are consistent with calculations based on mineral age data.


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The opposed-jet diffusion flame has been considered with four step reaction kinetics for hydrogenoxygen system. The studies have revealed that the flame broadening reduces and maximum temperature increases as pressure increases. The relative importance of different reaction steps have been brought out in different regions (unstable, near extinction and equilibrium). The present studies have also led to the deduction of the oveall reaction rate constants of an equivalent single step reaction using matching of a certain overall set of parameters for four step reaction scheme and equivalent single step reaction.


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Using the critical percolation conductance method the energy-dependent diffusion coefficient associated with thermally assisted transfer of the R1 line excitation between single Cr3+ ions with strain-induced randomness has been calculated in the 4A2 to E(2E) transition energies. For localized states sufficiently far away from the mobility edge the energy transfer is dominated by dipolar interactions, while very close to the mobility edge it is determined by short-range exchange interactions. Using the above energy-dependent diffusion coefficient a macroscopic diffusion equation is solved for the rate of light emission by Cr3+ ion-pair traps to which single-ion excitations are transferred. The dipolar mechanism leads to good agreement with recent measurements of the pair emission rate by Koo et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett., vol.35, p.1669 (1975)) right up to the mobility edge.


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Molecular dynamics simulations are reported on the structure and dynamics of n-decane and 3-methylpentane in zeolite NaY. We have calculated several properties such as the center of mass-center of mass rdf, the end-end distance distribution, bond angle distribution and dihedral angle distribution. We have also analysed trajectory to obtain diffusivity and velocity autocorrelation function (VACF). Surprisingly, the diffusivity of 3-methylpentane which is having larger cross-section perpendicular to the long molecular axis is higher than n-decane at 300 K. Activation energies have been obtained from simulations performed at 200 K, 300 K, 350 K, 400 K and 450 K in the NVE ensemble. These results can be understood in terms of the previously known levitation effect. Arrhenious plot has higher value of slope for n-decane (5 center dot 9 kJ/mol) than 3-methylpentane (3 center dot 7 kJ/mol) in agreement with the prediction of levitation effect.


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Silica segregation at two grain junctions or in amorphous triple junction pockets can influence creep by altering the grain-boundary diffusion coefficient. Although the addition of silica to superplastic yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia enhances ductility, differences in reported creep parameters have limited critical identification of rate controlling mechanisms. The present study on a pure 3 mol% yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia (3YTZ) and 3YTZ with 0.39 or 3.9 wt% silica involved a detailed characterization of creep over a wide range of experimental conditions and also tracer diffusion measurements. The data broadly show transitions in creep stress exponents from n∼1 to ∼2 to ∼3 with a decrease in the stress. The data at high stresses are consistent with Coble diffusion creep, and creep at lower stresses is attributed to interface-controlled diffusion creep. Measurements indicated that silica does not have any significant influence on grain boundary or lattice diffusion, and this is consistent with the observation that 3YTZ and 3YTZ with 0.39% or 3.9% silica exhibit essentially identical creep behavior in the Coble creep regime. Silica influences the interface control process so that the transitions in stress exponents are pushed to lower stresses with an increase in silica content.


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The study on the formation and growth of topological close packed (TCP) compounds is important to understand the performance of turbine blades in jet engine applications. These deleterious phases grow mainly by diffusion process in the superalloy substrate. Significant volume change was found because of growth of the p phase in Co-Mo system. Growth kinetics of this phase and different diffusion parameters, like interdiffusion, intrinsic and tracer diffusion coefficients are calculated. Further the activation energy, which provides an idea about the mechanism, is determined. Moreover, the interdiffusion coefficient in Co(Mo) solid solution and impurity diffusion coefficient of Mo in Co are determined.


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The dynamics of loop formation by linear polymer chains has been a topic of several theoretical and experimental studies. Formation of loops and their opening are key processes in many important biological processes. Loop formation in flexible chains has been extensively studied by many groups. However, in the more realistic case of semiflexible polymers, not much results are available. In a recent study [K. P. Santo and K. L. Sebastian, Phys. Rev. E 73, 031923 (2006)], we investigated opening dynamics of semiflexible loops in the short chain limit and presented results for opening rates as a function of the length of the chain. We presented an approximate model for a semiflexible polymer in the rod limit based on a semiclassical expansion of the bending energy of the chain. The model provided an easy way to describe the dynamics. In this paper, using this model, we investigate the reverse process, i.e., the loop formation dynamics of a semiflexible polymer chain by describing the process as a diffusion-controlled reaction. We make use of the ``closure approximation'' of Wilemski and Fixman [G. Wilemski and M. Fixman, J. Chem. Phys. 60, 878 (1974)], in which a sink function is used to represent the reaction. We perform a detailed multidimensional analysis of the problem and calculate closing times for a semiflexible chain. We show that for short chains, the loop formation time tau decreases with the contour length of the polymer. But for longer chains, it increases with length obeying a power law and so it has a minimum at an intermediate length. In terms of dimensionless variables, the closing time is found to be given by tau similar to L-n exp(const/L), where n=4.5-6. The minimum loop formation time occurs at a length L-m of about 2.2-2.4. These are, indeed, the results that are physically expected, but a multidimensional analysis leading to these results does not seem to exist in the literature so far.


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Dynamic systems involving convolution integrals with decaying kernels, of which fractionally damped systems form a special case, are non-local in time and hence infinite dimensional. Straightforward numerical solution of such systems up to time t needs O(t(2)) computations owing to the repeated evaluation of integrals over intervals that grow like t. Finite-dimensional and local approximations are thus desirable. We present here an approximation method which first rewrites the evolution equation as a coupled in finite-dimensional system with no convolution, and then uses Galerkin approximation with finite elements to obtain linear, finite-dimensional, constant coefficient approximations for the convolution. This paper is a broad generalization, based on a new insight, of our prior work with fractional order derivatives (Singh & Chatterjee 2006 Nonlinear Dyn. 45, 183-206). In particular, the decaying kernels we can address are now generalized to the Laplace transforms of known functions; of these, the power law kernel of fractional order differentiation is a special case. The approximation can be refined easily. The local nature of the approximation allows numerical solution up to time t with O(t) computations. Examples with several different kernels show excellent performance. A key feature of our approach is that the dynamic system in which the convolution integral appears is itself approximated using another system, as distinct from numerically approximating just the solution for the given initial values; this allows non-standard uses of the approximation, e. g. in stability analyses.


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We show that data from recent experiments carried out on the kinetics of DNA escape from alpha-hemolysin nanopores [M. Wiggin, C. Tropini, C. T. Cossa, N. N. Jetha, and A. Marziali, Biophys. J. 95, 5317 (2008)] may be rationalized by a model of chain dynamics based on the anomalous diffusion of a particle moving in a harmonic well in the presence of a delta function sink. The experiments of Wiggin found, among other things, that the occasional occurrence of unusually long escape times in the distribution of chain trapping events led to nonexponential decays in the survival probability, S(t), of the DNA molecules within the nanopore. Wiggin ascribed this nonexponentiality to the existence of a distribution of trapping potentials, which they suggested was theresult of stochastic interactions between the bases of the DNA and the amino acids located on the surface of the nanopore. Based on this idea, they showed that the experimentally determined S(t) could be well fit in both the short and long time regimes by a function of the form (1+t/tau)(-alpha) (the so called Becquerel function). In our model, S(t) is found to be given by a Mittag-Leffler function at short times and by a generalized Mittag-Leffler function at long times. By suitable choice of certain parameter values, these functions are found to fit the experimental S(t) even better than the Becquerel function. Anomalous diffusion of DNA within the trap prior to escape over a barrier of fixed height may therefore provide a second, plausible explanation of the data, and may offer fresh perspectives on similar trapping and escape problems.


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In order to understand self-diffusion (D) of a charged, flexible, and porous nanoscopic molecule in water, we carry out very long, fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulation of PAMAM dendrimer up to eight generations in explicit salt water under varying pH. We find that while the radius of gyration (R-g) varies as N-1/3, the self-diffusion constant (D) scales, surprisingly, as N-alpha, with alpha=0.39 at high pH and 0.5 at neutral pH, indicating a dramatic breakdown of Stokes-Einstein relation for diffusion of charged nanoscopic molecules. The variation in D as a function of radius of gyration demonstrates the importance of treating water and ions explicitly in the diffusion process of a flexible nanoscopic molecule. In agreement with recent experiments, the self-diffusion constant increases with pH, revealing the importance of dielectric friction in the diffusion process. The shape of a dendrimer is found to fluctuate on a nanosecond time scale. We argue that this flexibility (and also the porosity) of the dendrimer may play an important role in determining the mean square displacement of the dendrimer and the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation between diffusion constant and the radius.


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We explore an isoparametric interpolation of total quaternion for geometrically consistent, strain-objective and path-independent finite element solutions of the geometrically exact beam. This interpolation is a variant of the broader class known as slerp. The equivalence between the proposed interpolation and that of relative rotation is shown without any recourse to local bijection between quaternions and rotations. We show that, for a two-noded beam element, the use of relative rotation is not mandatory for attaining consistency cum objectivity and an appropriate interpolation of total rotation variables is sufficient. The interpolation of total quaternion, which is computationally more efficient than the one based on local rotations, converts nodal rotation vectors to quaternions and interpolates them in a manner consistent with the character of the rotation manifold. This interpolation, unlike the additive interpolation of total rotation, corresponds to a geodesic on the rotation manifold. For beam elements with more than two nodes, however, a consistent extension of the proposed quaternion interpolation is difficult. Alternatively, a quaternion-based procedure involving interpolation of relative rotations is proposed for such higher order elements. We also briefly discuss a strategy for the removal of possible singularity in the interpolation of quaternions, proposed in [I. Romero, The interpolation of rotations and its application to finite element models of geometrically exact rods, Comput. Mech. 34 (2004) 121–133]. The strain-objectivity and path-independence of solutions are justified theoretically and then demonstrated through numerical experiments. This study, being focused only on the interpolation of rotations, uses a standard finite element discretization, as adopted by Simo and Vu-Quoc [J.C. Simo, L. Vu-Quoc, A three-dimensional finite rod model part II: computational aspects, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 58 (1986) 79–116]. The rotation update is achieved via quaternion multiplication followed by the extraction of the rotation vector. Nodal rotations are stored in terms of rotation vectors and no secondary storages are required.