71 resultados para Young modulus


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Nonconservatively loaded columns. which have stochastically distributed material property values and stochastic loadings in space are considered. Young's modulus and mass density are treated to constitute random fields. The support stiffness coefficient and tip follower load are considered to be random variables. The fluctuations of external and distributed loadings are considered to constitute a random field. The variational formulation is adopted to get the differential equation and boundary conditions. The non self-adjoint operators are used at the boundary of the regularity domain. The statistics of vibration frequencies and modes are obtained using the standard perturbation method, by treating the fluctuations to be stochastic perturbations. Linear dependence of vibration and stability parameters over property value fluctuations and loading fluctuations are assumed. Bounds for the statistics of vibration frequencies are obtained. The critical load is first evaluated for the averaged problem and the corresponding eigenvalue statistics are sought. Then, the frequency equation is employed to transform the eigenvalue statistics to critical load statistics. Specialization of the general procedure to Beck, Leipholz and Pfluger columns is carried out. For Pfluger column, nonlinear transformations are avoided by directly expressing the critical load statistics in terms of input variable statistics.


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Stochastic structural systems having a stochastic distribution of material properties and stochastic external loadings in space are analysed when a crack of deterministic size is present. The material properties and external loadings are considered to constitute independent, two-dimensional, univariate, real, homogeneous stochastic fields. The stochastic fields are characterized by their means, variances, autocorrelation functions or the equivalent power spectral density functions, and scale fluctuations. The Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio are treated to be stochastic quantities. The external loading is treated to be a stochastic field in space. The energy release rate is derived using the method of virtual crack extension. The deterministic relationship is derived to represent the sensitivities of energy release rate with respect to both virtual crack extension and real system parameter fluctuations. Taylor series expansion is used and truncation is made to the first order. This leads to the determination of second-order properties of the output quantities to the first order. Using the linear perturbations about the mean values of the output quantities, the statistical information about the energy release rates, SIF and crack opening displacements are obtained. Both plane stress and plane strain cases are considered. The general expressions for the SIF in all the three fracture modes are derived and a more detailed analysis is conducted for a mode I situation. A numerical example is given.


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Flexible cantilever pipes conveying fluids with high velocity are analysed for their dynamic response and stability behaviour. The Young's modulus and mass per unit length of the pipe material have a stochastic distribution. The stochastic fields, that model the fluctuations of Young's modulus and mass density are characterized through their respective means, variances and autocorrelation functions or their equivalent power spectral density functions. The stochastic non self-adjoint partial differential equation is solved for the moments of characteristic values, by treating the point fluctuations to be stochastic perturbations. The second-order statistics of vibration frequencies and mode shapes are obtained. The critical flow velocity is-first evaluated using the averaged eigenvalue equation. Through the eigenvalue equation, the statistics of vibration frequencies are transformed to yield critical flow velocity statistics. Expressions for the bounds of eigenvalues are obtained, which in turn yield the corresponding bounds for critical flow velocities.


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A new class of biodegradable copolyesters was synthesized by the catalyst-free melt condensation of sorbitol with citric acid, tartaric acid, and sebacic acid. The resulting polymers were designated as poly(sorbitol citric sebacate) p(SCS)] and poly(sorbitol tartaric sebacate) p(STS)]. The synthesized polymers were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, H-1-NMR spectroscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry analysis. Porous spongelike scaffolds were prepared with a salt-leaching technique and characterized with scanning electron microscopy. Tensile testing of the p(SCS) and p(STS) polymers showed that they exhibited a wide range of mechanical properties. The Young's modulus and tensile strengths of the polymers ranged from 1.06 +/- 0.12 to 462.65 +/- 34.21 MPa and from 0.45 +/- 0.04 to 20.32 +/- 2.54 MPa, respectively. In vitro degradation studies were performed on disc-shaped polymer samples. The half-life of the polymers ranged from 0.54 to 38.52 days. The percentage hydration of the polymers was in the range 9.36 +/- 1.26 to 78.25 +/- 1.91, with sol contents of 2-14%. At any given polymer composition, the Young's modulus and tensile strength of p(SCS) was higher than that of p(STS), whereas the degradation rates of p(SCS) was lower than that of p(STS). This was attributed to the structural difference between the citric and tartaric monomers and to the degree of crosslinking. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 121: 2861-2869, 2011


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Scattering of coherent light from scattering particles causes phase shift to the scattered light. The interference of unscattered and scattered light causes the formation of speckles. When the scattering particles, under the influence of an ultrasound (US) pressure wave, vibrate, the phase shift fluctuates, thereby causing fluctuation in speckle intensity. We use the laser speckle contrast analysis (LSCA) to reconstruct a map of the elastic property (Young's modulus) of soft tissue-mimicking phantom. The displacement of the scatters is inversely related to the Young's modulus of the medium. The elastic properties of soft biological tissues vary, many fold with malignancy. The experimental results show that laser speckle contrast (LSC) is very sensitive to the pathological changes in a soft tissue medium. The experiments are carried out on a phantom with two cylindrical inclusions of sizes 6 mm in diameter, separated by 8 mm between them. Three samples are made. One inclusion has Young's modulus E of 40 kPa. The second inclusion has either a Young's modulus E of 20 kPa, or scattering coefficient of mu'(s), = 3.00 mm(-1) or absorption coefficient of mu(a) = 0.03 mm(-1). The optical absorption (mu(a)), reduced scattering (mu'(s)) coefficient, and the Young's modulus of the background are mu(a) = 0.01 mm(-1), mu'(s) = 1.00 mm(-1) and 12kPa, respectively. The experiments are carried out on all three phantoms. On a phantom with two inclusions of Young's modulus of 20 and 40 kPa, the measured relative speckle image contrasts are 36.55% and 63.72%, respectively. Experiments are repeated on phantoms with inclusions of mu(a) = 0.03 mm-1, E = 40 kPa and mu'(s) = 3.00 mm(-1). The results show that it is possible to detect inclusions with contrasts in optical absorption, optical scattering, and Young's modulus. Studies of the variation of laser speckle contrast with ultrasound driving force for various values of mu(a), mu'(s), and Young's modulus of the tissue mimicking medium are also carried out. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3592352]


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This article explores issues and challenges in the field of education in nanoscience and technology with special emphasis with respect to India, where an expanding programme of research in nano science and technology is in place. The article does not concentrate on actual curricula that are needed in nano science and technology education course. Rather it focuses on the desirability of nanoscience and technology education at different levels of education and future prospect of students venturing into this within the economic and cultural milieu of India. We argue that care is needed in developing the education programme in India. However, the risk is worth taking as the education on nanoscience and technology can bridge the man power gap not only in this area of technology but also related technologies of hardware and micro electronics for which the country is a promising destination at global level. This will also unlock the demographical advantage that India will enjoy in the next five decades.


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Structural, optical and nanomechanical properties of nanocrystalline Zinc Telluride (ZnTe) films of thickness upto 10 microns deposited at room temperature on borosilicate glass substrates are reported. X-ray diffraction patterns reveal that the films were preferentially oriented along the (1 1 1) direction. The maximum refractive index of the films was 2.74 at a wavelength of 2000 nm. The optical band gap showed strong thickness dependence. The average film hardness and Young's modulus obtained from load-displacement curves and analyzed by Oliver-Pharr method were 4 and 70 GPa respectively. Hardness of (1 1 1) oriented ZnTe thin films exhibited almost 5 times higher value than bulk. The studies show clearly that the hardness increases with decreasing indentation size, for indents between 30 and 300 nm in depth indicating the existence of indentation size effect. The coefficient of friction for these films as obtained from the nanoscratch test was ~0.4.


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Structural, optical and nanomechanical properties of nanocrystalline Zinc Telluride (ZnTe) films of thickness upto 10 microns deposited at room temperature on borosilicate glass substrates are reported. X-ray diffraction patterns reveal that the films were preferentially oriented along the (1 1 1) direction. The maximum refractive index of the films was 2.74 at a wavelength of 2000 nm. The optical band gap showed strong thickness dependence. The average film hardness and Young's modulus obtained from load-displacement curves and analyzed by Oliver-Pharr method were 4 and 70 GPa respectively. Hardness of (1 1 1) oriented ZnTe thin films exhibited almost 5 times higher value than bulk. The studies show clearly that the hardness increases with decreasing indentation size, for indents between 30 and 300 nm in depth indicating the existence of indentation size effect. The coefficient of friction for these films as obtained from the nanoscratch test was ~0.4.


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Three groups of poly(mannitol citric dicarboxylate) [p(MCD)] copolyesters were synthesized by catalyst-free melt condensation of mannitol with acids. The resulting copolyesters were designated as poly(mannitol citric succinate) [p(MCSu)], poly(mannitol citric adipate) [p(MCA)], poly(mannitol citric sebacate) [p(MCS)]. The polymers were characterized by FTIR, (1)H NMR, and DSC analysis. The synthesized p(MCD) polymers exhibit glass transition temperatures ranging from 16.5 to 58.58 degrees C. The mechanical, degradation properties, and the drug-releasing characteristics of these polymers were investigated. It was observed that the mechanical properties of the p(MCD) polymers cover a wide range with Young's modulus of the polymer varying from 12.25 to 660 MPa. Hydrolytic degradation of all polymers was investigated by incubating polymer discs in PBS and the hydrolytic degradation of p(MCD) polymers followed the order, p(MCSu) > p(MCA) > p(MCS). This was attributed to the number of -CH(2)(units in the dicarboxylic monomers. The release of model drug compounds from the p(MCD) polymer discs was also studied. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 51:2035-2043, 2011. (C) 2011 Society of Plastics Engineers


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Several studies on molecular profiling of oligodendrogliomas (OGs) in adults have shown a distinctive genetic pattern characterized by combined deletions of chromosome arms 1 p and 19q, O6-methylguanine-methyltransferase (MGMT) methylation, and isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) mutation, which have potential diagnostic, prognostic, and even therapeutic relevance. OGs in pediatric and young adult patients are rare and have been poorly characterized on a molecular and biological basis, and it remains uncertain whether markers with prognostic significance in adults also have predictive value in these patients. Fourteen cases of OGs in young patients (age, <= 25 years) who received a diagnosis over 7 years were selected (7 pediatric patients age <= 18 years and 7 young adults aged 19-25 years). The cases were evaluated for 1p/19q status, MGMT promoter methylation, p53 mutation, and IDH1 mutation. None of the pediatric cases showed 1p/19q deletion. In young adults, combined 1p/19q loss was observed in 57% and isolated 1p loss in 14% of cases. The majority of cases in both subgroups (71% in each) harbored MGMT gene promoter methylation. TP53 and IDH1 mutations were not seen in any of the cases in both the groups. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that molecular profile of OGs in pediatric and young adult patients is distinct. Further large-scale studies are required to identify additional clinically relevant genetic alterations in this group of patients.


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We have studied the isothermal, magnetic field (H‖c) dependent rf power P(H) dissipation (Hrf‖a) in the superconducting state of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 single crystals prior to and after irradiation with 250 MeV 107Ag17+ ions. In the pristine state, P(H) shows an initial decrease with increase in field, reaches a minimum at HM(T) and increases monotonically for H>HM(T). This behavior arises when the electromagnetic coupling between the pancake vortices in adjacent CuO layers becomes dominant on increasing the field and minimizes the distortions of the flux lines by confining the 2D vortices. In the post irradiated state, such an initial decrease and the minimum in P(H) is not observed but only a much reduced rf dissipation that monotonically increases with field from H = 0 onwards is seen. We attribute this difference to the strong enhancement of the tilt modulus C44 of the flux lines on irradiation when the pancake vortices in adjacent CuO bilayers are pinned along the track forming a well-stacked flux line in the field direction (‖c). We have also observed that the rf dissipation disappears at a certain temperature Tsf, at which the normal core of the flux line becomes commensurate with the columnar track diameter.


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By means of N-body simulations we investigate the impact of minor mergers on the angular momentum and dynamical properties of the merger remnant. Our simulations cover a range of initial orbital characteristics and gas-to-stellar mass fractions (from 0 to 20%), and include star formation and supernova feedback. We confirm and extend previous results by showing that the specific angular momentum of the stellar component always decreases independently of the orbital parameters or morphology of the satellite, and that the decrease in the rotation velocity of the primary galaxy is accompanied by a change in the anisotropy of the orbits. However, the decrease affects only the old stellar population, and not the new population formed from gas during the merging process. This means that the merging process induces an increasing difference in the rotational support of the old and young stellar components, with the old one lagging with respect to the new. Even if our models are not intended specifically to reproduce the Milky Way and its accretion history, we find that, under certain conditions, the modeled rotational lag found is compatible with that observed in the Milky Way disk, thus indicating that minor mergers can be a viable way to produce it. The lag can increase with the vertical distance from the disk midplane, but only if the satellite is accreted along a direct orbit, and in all cases the main contribution to the lag comes from stars originally in the primary disk rather than from stars in the satellite galaxy. We also discuss the possibility of creating counter-rotating stars in the remnant disk, their fraction as a function of the vertical distance from the galaxy midplane, and the cumulative effect of multiple mergers on their creation.


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Anisotropy plays important roles in various biological phenomena such as adhesion of geckos and grasshoppers enabled by the attachment pods having hierarchical structures like thin longitudinal setae connected with threads mimicked by anisotropic films. We study the contact instability of a transversely isotropic thin elastic film when it comes in contact proximity of another surface. In the present study we investigate the contact stability of a thin incompressible transversely isotropic film by performing linear stability analysis. Based on the linear stability analysis, we show that an approaching contactor renders the film unstable. The critical wavelength of the instability is a function of the total film thickness and the ratio of the Young's modulus in the longitudinal direction and the shear modulus in the plane containing the longitudinal axis. We also analyze the stability of a thin gradient film that is elastically inhomogeneous across its thickness. Compared to a homogeneous elastic film, it becomes unstable with a longer wavelength when the film becomes softer in going from the surface to the substrate.