89 resultados para Vehicle tests.


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It is observed that general explicit guidance schemes exhibit numerical instability close to the injection point. This difficulty is normally attributed to the demand for exact injection which, in turn, calls for finite corrections to be enforced in a relatively short time. The deviations in vehicle state which need corrective maneuvers are caused by the off-nominal operating conditions. Hence, the onset of terminal instability depends on the type of off-nominal conditions encountered. The proposed separate terminal guidance scheme overcomes the above difficulty by minimizing a quadratic penalty on injection errors rather than demanding an exact injection. There is also a special requirement in the terminal phase for the faster guidance computations. The faster guidance computations facilitate a more frequent guidance update enabling an accurate terminal thrust cutoff. The objective of faster computations is realized in the terminal guidance scheme by employing realistic assumptions that are accurate enough for a short terminal trajectory. It is observed from simulations that one of the guidance parameters (P) related to the thrust steering angular rates can indicate the onset of terminal instability due to different off-nominal operating conditions. Therefore, the terminal guidance scheme can be dynamically invoked based on monitoring of deviations in the lone parameter P.


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The worldwide research in nanoelectronics is motivated by the fact that scaling of MOSFETs by conventional top down approach will not continue for ever due to fundamental limits imposed by physics even if it is delayed for some more years. The research community in this domain has largely become multidisciplinary trying to discover novel transistor structures built with novel materials so that semiconductor industry can continue to follow its projected roadmap. However, setting up and running a nanoelectronics facility for research is hugely expensive. Therefore it is a common model to setup a central networked facility that can be shared with large number of users across the research community. The Centres for Excellence in Nanoelectronics (CEN) at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IISc) and Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB) are such central networked facilities setup with funding of about USD 20 million from the Department of Information Technology (DIT), Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), Government of India, in 2005. Indian Nanoelectronics Users Program (INUP) is a missionary program not only to spread awareness and provide training in nanoelectronics but also to provide easy access to the latest facilities at CEN in IISc and at IITB for the wider nanoelectronics research community in India. This program, also funded by MCIT, aims to train researchers by conducting workshops, hands-on training programs, and providing access to CEN facilities. This is a unique program aiming to expedite nanoelectronics research in the country, as the funding for projects required for projects proposed by researchers from around India has prior financial approval from the government and requires only technical approval by the IISc/ IITB team. This paper discusses the objectives of INUP, gives brief descriptions of CEN facilities, the training programs conducted by INUP and list various research activities currently under way in the program.


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An approximate dynamic programming (ADP)-based suboptimal neurocontroller to obtain desired temperature for a high-speed aerospace vehicle is synthesized in this paper. A I-D distributed parameter model of a fin is developed from basic thermal physics principles. "Snapshot" solutions of the dynamics are generated with a simple dynamic inversion-based feedback controller. Empirical basis functions are designed using the "proper orthogonal decomposition" (POD) technique and the snapshot solutions. A low-order nonlinear lumped parameter system to characterize the infinite dimensional system is obtained by carrying out a Galerkin projection. An ADP-based neurocontroller with a dual heuristic programming (DHP) formulation is obtained with a single-network-adaptive-critic (SNAC) controller for this approximate nonlinear model. Actual control in the original domain is calculated with the same POD basis functions through a reverse mapping. Further contribution of this paper includes development of an online robust neurocontroller to account for unmodeled dynamics and parametric uncertainties inherent in such a complex dynamic system. A neural network (NN) weight update rule that guarantees boundedness of the weights and relaxes the need for persistence of excitation (PE) condition is presented. Simulation studies show that in a fairly extensive but compact domain, any desired temperature profile can be achieved starting from any initial temperature profile. Therefore, the ADP and NN-based controllers appear to have the potential to become controller synthesis tools for nonlinear distributed parameter systems.


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Genetic Algorithms are robust search and optimization techniques. A Genetic Algorithm based approach for determining the optimal input distributions for generating random test vectors is proposed in the paper. A cost function based on the COP testability measure for determining the efficacy of the input distributions is discussed, A brief overview of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and the specific details of our implementation are described. Experimental results based on ISCAS-85 benchmark circuits are presented. The performance pf our GA-based approach is compared with previous results. While the GA generates more efficient input distributions than the previous methods which are based on gradient descent search, the overheads of the GA in computing the input distributions are larger. To account for the relatively quick convergence of the gradient descent methods, we analyze the landscape of the COP-based cost function. We prove that the cost function is unimodal in the search space. This feature makes the cost function amenable to optimization by gradient-descent techniques as compared to random search methods such as Genetic Algorithms.


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E glass epoxy laminates of thicknesses in the range 2-5 mm were subjected to repeated impacts. For each thickness the number of hits to cause tup penetration was determined and the value of this number was higher the larger the thickness of the laminate tested. The C-scan, before and after impact, was done to obtain information regarding flaw distribution. Short beam shear test samples were made from locations at fixed distances from impact point and tested. The samples closer to the zone of impact showed lower strength values. Scanning fractography revealed shear deformation features for these samples and brittle fracture features for the region near the zone of impact.


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We present a randomized and a deterministic data structure for maintaining a dynamic family of sequences under equality tests of pairs of sequences and creations of new sequences by joining or splitting existing sequences. Both data structures support equality tests in O(1) time. The randomized version supports new sequence creations in O(log(2) n) expected time where n is the length of the sequence created. The deterministic solution supports sequence creations in O(log n (log m log* m + log n)) time for the mth operation.


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A controller design for vibration control and alignment maintenance at critical location is developed in a generic launch vehicle whose equipment bay (EB) houses the main inertial platform. The controller uses active control to reduce the attitude disturbance in the attitude at the EB due to elastic deformation. The vibration energy is redistributed by the technique of vibration confinement, which enables the response at the EB to reach its steady state faster in the remaining portion of the structure. (AIAA)


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Experiments were carried out investigating the features of mean and unsteady surface pressure fluctuations in boat-tail separated flows relevant to launch vehicle configurations at transonic speeds. The tests were performed on a generic axisymmetric body in the Mach-number range of 0.7-1.2, and the important geometrical parameters, namely, the boat-tail angle and diameter ratio, were varied systematically. The measurements made included primarily the mean and unsteady surface-pressure fluctuations on nine different model configurations. Flow-visualization studies employing a surface oil flow, and schlieren techniques were carried out to infer features like boundary-layer separation, reattachment, and shock waves in the flow. The features of mean and fluctuating surface pressures are discussed in detail including aspects of similarity. It has been observed that, on a generic configuration employed in the present study, the maximum levels of surface-pressure fluctuations in the reattachment zone are appreciably lower than those found on launch vehicle configurations having a bulbous or hammerhead nose shape. A simple correlation is suggested for the maximum value of rms pressure fluctuations in the reattachment zone at different freestream Mach numbers.


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The processing maps are being developed for use in optimising hot workability and controlling the microstructure of the product. The present investigation deals with the examination to assess the prediction of the processing maps for a 15Cr-15Ni-2.2Mo-0.3Ti austenitic stainless steel using forging and rolling tests at different temperatures in the range of 600-1200 degreesC. The tensile properties of these deformed products were evaluated at room temperature. The influence of the processing conditions, i.e. strain rate and temperature on the tensile properties of the deformed product were analysed to identify the optimum processing parameters. The results have shown good agreement between the regimes exhibited by the map and the properties of the rolled or forged product. The optimum parameters for processing of this steel were identified as rolling or press forging at temperatures above 1050 degreesC to obtain optimum product properties. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We describe in some detail the process of development of a dynamic model of a three wheeled vehicle using ADAMS-CAR. We first describe the rigid body model, and then the modeling of structural flexibilities. The aim of this report is to document procedural details of such modeling, with a view to presenting more research and development oriented investigations in the future. The contents of this report may also be of interest to practicing engineers engaged in multi-body dynamics modeling of wheeled vehicles.