201 resultados para Taylor, Harriet R.


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Sequential up/down counting is required many a time. In this paper, the logical design of such a counter of the parallel carry type is furnished.


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The paper describes egg laying and reproduction in ICHTHYOPHIS MALABARENSIS. 100 eggs, the largest ever in Apoda, are laid in a single string and manipulated by the female into a massive clutch. The reproductive strategies in the species are discussed.


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The following problem is considered. Given the locations of the Central Processing Unit (ar;the terminals which have to communicate with it, to determine the number and locations of the concentrators and to assign the terminals to the concentrators in such a way that the total cost is minimized. There is alao a fixed cost associated with each concentrator. There is ail upper limit to the number of terminals which can be connected to a concentrator. The terminals can be connected directly to the CPU also In this paper it is assumed that the concentrators can bo located anywhere in the area A containing the CPU and the terminals. Then this becomes a multimodal optimization problem. In the proposed algorithm a stochastic automaton is used as a search device to locate the minimum of the multimodal cost function . The proposed algorithm involves the following. The area A containing the CPU and the terminals is divided into an arbitrary number of regions (say K). An approximate value for the number of concentrators is assumed (say m). The optimum number is determined by iteration later The m concentrators can be assigned to the K regions in (mk) ways (m > K) or (km) ways (K>m).(All possible assignments are feasible, i.e. a region can contain 0,1,…, to concentrators). Each possible assignment is assumed to represent a state of the stochastic variable structure automaton. To start with, all the states are assigned equal probabilities. At each stage of the search the automaton visits a state according to the current probability distribution. At each visit the automaton selects a 'point' inside that state with uniform probability. The cost associated with that point is calculated and the average cost of that state is updated. Then the probabilities of all the states are updated. The probabilities are taken to bo inversely proportional to the average cost of the states After a certain number of searches the search probabilities become stationary and the automaton visits a particular state again and again. Then the automaton is said to have converged to that state Then by conducting a local gradient search within that state the exact locations of the concentrators are determined This algorithm was applied to a set of test problems and the results were compared with those given by Cooper's (1964, 1967) EAC algorithm and on the average it was found that the proposed algorithm performs better.


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Digital positioning systems often require a down counter for their operation. Due to the necessity of particular logic sequences and control of individual terminals, the design of down counters for particular use is very essential. In this paper the design procedure and logic diagram for a synchronous decade down counter with parallel carry are presented.


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N.q.r. in sodium chloroacetate has been investigated at temperatures from 77 K to room temperature (c.300 K). A single line has been observed throughout this temperature range. Torsional frequencies of the molecule have been calculated in the above temperature range from Bayer's theory. Also the temperature coefficient of the torsional frequencies has been calculated by Brown's method.


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The crystal structure of ferroelectric sodium meta vanadate, NaVO3 has been solved using three dimensional X-ray data and refined to an R-value of 0.077 for 375 observed reflections. The crystal belongs to the monoclinic system with space group Cc and with unit cell dimensions a = 10.494 (9) Aring, b = 9.434 (7) Aring, c = 5.863 (6) Aring and β = 108° 48' in the room temperature ferroelectric phase. The unit cell dimensions in the high temperature paraelectric phase (above 380°C) are a = 10.595 (15) Aring, b = 9.671 (10) Aring, c = 5.926 (8) Aring and β = 108° 45' with space group C2/c. The crystal structure may be viewed as consisting of alternate channels of sodium polyhedra and VO4 tetrahedra.


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A primary motivation for this work arises from the contradictory results obtained in some recent measurements of the zero-crossing frequency of turbulent fluctuations in shear flows. A systematic study of the various factors involved in zero-crossing measurements shows that the dynamic range of the signal, the discriminator characteristics, filter frequency and noise contamination have a strong bearing on the results obtained. These effects are analysed, and explicit corrections for noise contamination have been worked out. New measurements of the zero-crossing frequency N0 have been made for the longitudinal velocity fluctuation in boundary layers and a wake, for wall shear stress in a channel, and for temperature derivatives in a heated boundary layer. All these measurements show that a zero-crossing microscale, defined as Λ = (2πN0)−1, is always nearly equal to the well-known Taylor microscale λ (in time). These measurements, as well as a brief analysis, show that even strong departures from Gaussianity do not necessarily yield values appreciably different from unity for the ratio Λ/λ. Further, the variation of N0/N0 max across the boundary layer is found to correlate with the familiar wall and outer coordinates; the outer scaling for N0 max is totally inappropriate, and the inner scaling shows only a weak Reynolds-number dependence. It is also found that the distribution of the interval between successive zero-crossings can be approximated by a combination of a lognormal and an exponential, or (if the shortest intervals are ignored) even of two exponentials, one of which characterizes crossings whose duration is of the order of the wall-variable timescale ν/U2*, while the other characterizes crossings whose duration is of the order of the large-eddy timescale δ/U[infty infinity]. The significance of these results is discussed, and it is particularly argued that the pulse frequency of Rao, Narasimha & Badri Narayanan (1971) is appreciably less than the zero-crossing rate.


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A now procedure for the design of sensitivity-reduced control for linear regulators is described. The control is easily computable and implementable since it requires neither the solution of an increased-order augmented system nor the generation and feedback of a trajectory sensitivity vector. The method provides a trade-off between reduction in sensitivity measure and increase in performance index.


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A module containing all the functional components required for a digital absolute positioning process of one axis of a machine tool has been designed and constructed. Circuit realization makes use of integrated circuit elements.


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This paper presents a comparative population dynamics study of three closely related species of buttercups (Ranunculus repens, R. acris, and R. bulbosus). The study is based on an investigation of the behaviour of the seeds in soil under field conditions and a continuous monitoring of survival and reproduction of some 9000 individual plants over a period of 21/2 years in a coastal grassland in North Wales. The data were analysed with the help of an extension of Leslie's matrix method which makes possible an simultaneous treatment of vegetative and sexual reproduction. It was found that R. repens (a) depends more heavily on vegetative as compared with sexual reproduction, (b) shows indications of negatively density-dependent population regulation, and (c) exhibits little variation in population growth rates from site to site and from one year to the next. In contrast, R. bulbosus (a) depends exclusively on sexual reproduction, (b) shows indications of a positively density-dependent population behaviour, and (c) exhibits great variation in population growth rates from site to site and from one year to the next. R. acris exhibits an intermediate behaviour in all these respects. It is suggested that the attributes of R. repens are those expected of a species inhabiting a stable environment, while R. bulbosus exhibits some of the characteristics of a fugitive species.


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The sequence distribution studies on the acrylonitrile-methylmethacrylate copolymer of high methylmethacrylate (M) content (30%R studies is reported in this paper. A tentative assignment has been made forthe isolated M centered unit AMA, 2M centered units MMA (or AMM) based on the shape of the peaks observed for methixy and a-methyl protons. The presence of MMM type of triad sequences is indicated by the pattern of a-methyl protons.


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A method is presented for determining the complete load-deflection behavior of reinforced concrete skew slabs restrained at the edges and subjected to uniformly-distributed loading. The analysis is considered in three stages. In the first stage the load-deflection behavior up to the cracking load is considered. The behavior between the cracking load and the yield line load is considered in the second stage. The load-deflection behavior beyond the yield line load, taking into account the effect of the membrane action, is considered in the third stage. Details of an experimental program of casting and testing 12 reinforced concrete skew slabs restrained at the edges are presented to verify the results of the analysis.


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Methods for the preparation of palladium(II) complexes of the type Pd(R-IAI)(IAI'), where IAI' is the anion of isonitrosoacetylacetoneimine and R-IAI, its N-alkyl or N-aryl derivative, are given.


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Hydrogen bonding in the highly hindered alcohol 2,4-dimethyl-3-ethyl-3-pentanol has been studied by proton n.m.r. and infrared spectroscopy. This alcohol associates to form a dimer but no higher hydrogen bonded species; hence the monome€“dimer equilibrium can be studied without interference from competing processes. Spectral and thermodynamic properties for the hydrogen bonding are reported.


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Relative band strengths of diatomic molecules for which the product of Franck-Condon factor and r-centroid is approximately equal to 1 for (0,0) band can be determined by a simple method which will be in good agreement with the smoothed array of experimental values.