43 resultados para Phantom Omni


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Perception of operator influences ultrasound image acquisition and processing. Lower costs are attracting new users to medical ultrasound. Anticipating an increase in this trend, we conducted a study to quantify the variability in ultrasonic measurements made by novice users and identify methods to reduce it. We designed a protocol with four presets and trained four new users to scan and manually measure the head circumference of a fetal phantom with an ultrasound scanner. In the first phase, the users followed this protocol in seven distinct sessions. They then received feedback on the quality of the scans from an expert. In the second phase, two of the users repeated the entire protocol aided by visual cues provided to them during scanning. We performed off-line measurements on all the images using a fully automated algorithm capable of measuring the head circumference from fetal phantom images. The ground truth (198.1 +/- 1.6 mm) was based on sixteen scans and measurements made by an expert. Our analysis shows that: (1) the inter-observer variability of manual measurements was 5.5 mm, whereas the inter-observer variability of automated measurements was only 0.6 mm in the first phase (2) consistency of image appearance improved and mean manual measurements was 4-5 mm closer to the ground truth in the second phase (3) automated measurements were more precise, accurate and less sensitive to different presets compared to manual measurements in both phases. Our results show that visual aids and automation can bring more reproducibility to ultrasonic measurements made by new users.


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A computationally efficient approach that computes the optimal regularization parameter for the Tikhonov-minimization scheme is developed for photoacoustic imaging. This approach is based on the least squares-QR decomposition which is a well-known dimensionality reduction technique for a large system of equations. It is shown that the proposed framework is effective in terms of quantitative and qualitative reconstructions of initial pressure distribution enabled via finding an optimal regularization parameter. The computational efficiency and performance of the proposed method are shown using a test case of numerical blood vessel phantom, where the initial pressure is exactly known for quantitative comparison. (C) 2013 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)


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Photoacoustic/thermoacoustic imaging is an emerging hybrid imaging modality combining optical/microwave imaging with ultrasound imaging. The photoacoustic/thermoacoustic signal generated are affected by the nature of excitation pulse waveform, pulse width, target object size, transducer size etc. In this study k-wave was used to simulate various configurations of excitation pulse, transducer types, and target object sizes and to see their effect on the photoacoustic/thermoacoustic signals. Numerical blood vessel phantom was also used to see the effect of various pulse waveform and excitation pulse width on the reconstructed images. This study will help in optimizing transducer design and reconstruction methods to obtain the superior reconstructed image.


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Photoacoustic/thermoacoustic tomography is an emerging hybrid imaging modality combining optical/microwave imaging with ultrasound imaging. Here, a k-wave MATLAB toolbox was used to simulate various configurations of excitation pulse shape, width, transducer types, and target object sizes to see their effect on the photoacoustic/thermoacoustic signals. A numerical blood vessel phantom was also used to demonstrate the effect of various excitation pulse waveforms and pulse widths on the reconstructed images. Reconstructed images were blurred due to the broadening of the pressure waves by the excitation pulse width as well as by the limited transducer bandwidth. The blurring increases with increase in pulse width. A deconvolution approach is presented here with Tikhonov regularization to correct the photoacoustic/thermoacoustic signals, which resulted in improved reconstructed images by reducing the blurring effect. It is observed that the reconstructed images remain unaffected by change in pulse widths or pulse shapes, as well as by the limited bandwidth of the ultrasound detectors after the use of the deconvolution technique. (C) 2013 Optical Society of America


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Practical phantoms are essential to assess the electrical impedance tomography (EIT) systems for their validation, calibration and comparison purposes. Metal surface electrodes are generally used in practical phantoms which reduce the SNR of the boundary data due to their design and development errors. Novel flexible and biocompatible gold electrode arrays of high geometric precision are proposed to improve the boundary data quality in EIT. The flexible gold electrode arrays are developed on flexible FR4 sheets using thin film technology and practical gold electrode phantoms are developed with different configurations. Injecting a constant current to the phantom boundary the surface potentials are measured by a LabVIEW based data acquisition system and the resistivity images are reconstructed in EIDORS. Boundary data profile and the resistivity images obtained from the gold electrode phantoms are compared with identical phantoms developed with stainless steel electrodes. Surface profilometry, microscopy and the impedance spectroscopy show that the gold electrode arrays are smooth, geometrically precised and less resistive. Results show that the boundary data accuracy and image quality are improved with gold electrode arrays. Results show that the diametric resistivity plot (DRP), contrast to noise ratio (CNR), percentage of contrast recovery (PCR) and coefficient of contrast (COC) of reconstructed images are improved in gold electrode phantoms. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The sparse recovery methods utilize the l(p)-normbased regularization in the estimation problem with 0 <= p <= 1. These methods have a better utility when the number of independent measurements are limited in nature, which is a typical case for diffuse optical tomographic image reconstruction problem. These sparse recovery methods, along with an approximation to utilize the l(0)-norm, have been deployed for the reconstruction of diffuse optical images. Their performancewas compared systematically using both numerical and gelatin phantom cases to show that these methods hold promise in improving the reconstructed image quality.


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The sparse estimation methods that utilize the l(p)-norm, with p being between 0 and 1, have shown better utility in providing optimal solutions to the inverse problem in diffuse optical tomography. These l(p)-norm-based regularizations make the optimization function nonconvex, and algorithms that implement l(p)-norm minimization utilize approximations to the original l(p)-norm function. In this work, three such typical methods for implementing the l(p)-norm were considered, namely, iteratively reweighted l(1)-minimization (IRL1), iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS), and the iteratively thresholding method (ITM). These methods were deployed for performing diffuse optical tomographic image reconstruction, and a systematic comparison with the help of three numerical and gelatin phantom cases was executed. The results indicate that these three methods in the implementation of l(p)-minimization yields similar results, with IRL1 fairing marginally in cases considered here in terms of shape recovery and quantitative accuracy of the reconstructed diffuse optical tomographic images. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America


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The image reconstruction problem encountered in diffuse optical tomographic imaging is ill-posed in nature, necessitating the usage of regularization to result in stable solutions. This regularization also results in loss of resolution in the reconstructed images. A frame work, that is attributed by model-resolution, to improve the reconstructed image characteristics using the basis pursuit deconvolution method is proposed here. The proposed method performs this deconvolution as an additional step in the image reconstruction scheme. It is shown, both in numerical and experimental gelatin phantom cases, that the proposed method yields better recovery of the target shapes compared to traditional method, without the loss of quantitativeness of the results.


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An optimal measurement selection strategy based on incoherence among rows (corresponding to measurements) of the sensitivity (or weight) matrix for the near infrared diffuse optical tomography is proposed. As incoherence among the measurements can be seen as providing maximum independent information into the estimation of optical properties, this provides high level of optimization required for knowing the independency of a particular measurement on its counterparts. The proposed method was compared with the recently established data-resolution matrix-based approach for optimal choice of independent measurements and shown, using simulated and experimental gelatin phantom data sets, to be superior as it does not require an optimal regularization parameter for providing the same information. (C) 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)


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We demonstrate diffusing-wave spectroscopy (DWS) in a localized region of a viscoelastically inhomogeneous object by measurement of the intensity autocorrelation g(2)(tau)] that captures only the decay introduced by the temperature-induced Brownian motion in the region. The region is roughly specified by the focal volume of an ultrasound transducer which introduces region specific mechanical vibration owing to insonification. Essential characteristics of the localized non-Markovian dynamics are contained in the decay of the modulation depth M(tau)], introduced by the ultrasound forcing in the focal volume selected, on g(2)(tau). The modulation depth M(tau(i)) at any delay time tau(i) can be measured by short-time Fourier transform of g(2)(tau) and measurement of the magnitude of the spectrum at the ultrasound drive frequency. By following the established theoretical framework of DWS, we are able to connect the decay in M(tau) to the mean-squared displacement (MSD) of scattering centers and the MSD to G*(omega), the complex viscoelastic spectrum. A two-region composite polyvinyl alcohol phantom with different viscoelastic properties is selected for demonstrating local DWS-based recovery of G*(omega) corresponding to these regions from the measured region specific M(tau(i))vs tau(i). The ultrasound-assisted measurement of MSD is verified by simulating, using a generalized Langevin equation (GLE), the dynamics of the particles in the region selected as well as by the usual DWS experiment without the ultrasound. It is shown that whereas the MSD obtained by solving the GLE without the ultrasound forcing agreed with its experimental counterpart covering small and large values of tau, the match was good only in the initial transients in regard to experimental measurements with ultrasound.


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The paper presents a multiscale method for crack propagation. The coarse region is modelled by the differential reproducing kernel particle method. Fracture in the coarse scale region is modelled with the Phantom node method. A molecular statics approach is employed in the fine scale where crack propagation is modelled naturally by breaking of bonds. The triangular lattice corresponds to the lattice structure of the (111) plane of an FCC crystal in the fine scale region. The Lennard-Jones potential is used to model the atom-atom interactions. The coupling between the coarse scale and fine scale is realized through ghost atoms. The ghost atom positions are interpolated from the coarse scale solution and enforced as boundary conditions on the fine scale. The fine scale region is adaptively refined and coarsened as the crack propagates. The centro symmetry parameter is used to detect the crack tip location. The method is implemented in two dimensions. The results are compared to pure atomistic simulations and show excellent agreement. (C) 2014 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: Composition of the coronary artery plaque is known to have critical role in heart attack. While calcified plaque can easily be diagnosed by conventional CT, it fails to distinguish between fibrous and lipid rich plaques. In the present paper, the authors discuss the experimental techniques and obtain a numerical algorithm by which the electron density (rho(e)) and the effective atomic number (Z(eff)) can be obtained from the dual energy computed tomography (DECT) data. The idea is to use this inversion method to characterize and distinguish between the lipid and fibrous coronary artery plaques. Methods: For the purpose of calibration of the CT machine, the authors prepare aqueous samples whose calculated values of (rho(e), Z(eff)) lie in the range of (2.65 x 10(23) <= rho(e) <= 3.64 x 10(23)/cm(3)) and (6.80 <= Z(eff) <= 8.90). The authors fill the phantom with these known samples and experimentally determine HU(V-1) and HU(V-2), with V-1,V-2 = 100 and 140 kVp, for the same pixels and thus determine the coefficients of inversion that allow us to determine (rho(e), Z(eff)) from the DECT data. The HU(100) and HU(140) for the coronary artery plaque are obtained by filling the channel of the coronary artery with a viscous solution of methyl cellulose in water, containing 2% contrast. These (rho(e), Z(eff)) values of the coronary artery plaque are used for their characterization on the basis of theoretical models of atomic compositions of the plaque materials. These results are compared with histopathological report. Results: The authors find that the calibration gives Pc with an accuracy of 3.5% while Z(eff) is found within 1% of the actual value, the confidence being 95%. The HU(100) and HU(140) are found to be considerably different for the same plaque at the same position and there is a linear trend between these two HU values. It is noted that pure lipid type plaques are practically nonexistent, and microcalcification, as observed in histopathology, has to be taken into account to explain the nature of the observed (rho(e), Z(eff)) data. This also enables us to judge the composition of the plaque in terms of basic model which considers the plaque to be composed of fibres, lipids, and microcalcification. Conclusions: This simple and reliable method has the potential as an effective modality to investigate the composition of noncalcified coronary artery plaques and thus help in their characterization. In this inversion method, (rho(e), Z(eff)) of the scanned sample can be found by eliminating the effects of the CT machine and also by ensuring that the determination of the two unknowns (rho(e), Z(eff)) does not interfere with each other and the nature of the plaque can be identified in terms of a three component model. (C) 2015 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.


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Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) using near-infrared light is a promising tool for non-invasive imaging of deep tissue. This technique is capable of quantitative reconstruction of absorption (mu(a)) and scattering coefficient (mu(s)) inhomogeneities in the tissue. The rationale for reconstructing the optical property map is that the absorption coefficient variation provides diagnostic information about metabolic and disease states of the tissue. The aim of DOT is to reconstruct the internal tissue cross section with good spatial resolution and contrast from noisy measurements non-invasively. We develop a region-of-interest scanning system based on DOT principles. Modulated light is injected into the phantom/tissue through one of the four light emitting diode sources. The light traversing through the tissue gets partially absorbed and scattered multiple times. The intensity and phase of the exiting light are measured using a set of photodetectors. The light transport through a tissue is diffusive in nature and is modeled using radiative transfer equation. However, a simplified model based on diffusion equation (DE) can be used if the system satisfies following conditions: (a) the optical parameter of the inhomogeneity is close to the optical property of the background, and (b) mu(s) of the medium is much greater than mu(a) (mu(s) >> mu(a)). The light transport through a highly scattering tissue satisfies both of these conditions. A discrete version of DE based on finite element method is used for solving the inverse problem. The depth of probing light inside the tissue depends on the wavelength of light, absorption, and scattering coefficients of the medium and the separation between the source and detector locations. Extensive simulation studies have been carried out and the results are validated using two sets of experimental measurements. The utility of the system can be further improved by using multiple wavelength light sources. In such a scheme, the spectroscopic variation of absorption coefficient in the tissue can be used to arrive at the oxygenation changes in the tissue. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.