157 resultados para Lithium salt


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In the systematic study of amine … LiCl [amines = NH3, CH3NH2, (CH3)2NH] complexes the possibility of an ion-pair structure and the effect of methylation on the stabilization energy is investigated. ΔEis evaluated by the SCF/4-31G method and augmented by the approximate dispersion energy calculated perturbationally. The interaction energy decreases with the increasing number of methyl groups in the amine. The dispersion energy plays a negligible role in the stabilization of complexes. None of the systems studied are ion pairs; their Li bonds are of a so-called molecular type. Due to the divergence of the multipole expansion, the attempt to correct the 4-31G stabilization energies via the electrostatic energy fails. The relative order of the ΔE in the series of complexes is verified instead in the extended basis set calculation. The lithium bonds are compared with their H-bonded analogues.


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Magic-angle-spinning NMR has been used to study Si---O---Si bond-angle distributions associated with various structural elements, Qn, present in lithium silicate glasses of different compositions. It is shown that glasses contain a plurality of structural elements with a broad distribution of Si---O---Si bond angles, and that the width of the distribution is characteristic of a particular Qn species


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The interaction of the ionophore antibiotic lasalocid-A with lithium perchlorate in acetonitrile has been studied by circular dichroism (c.d.) and 1H, 13C and 7Li nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) techniques. Analysis of the c.d. data has shown that both the 2:1 sandwich (ionophore-cation-ionosphore) complex and 1:1 complex coexist in solution. The n.m.r. data are consistent with a conformational model in which the carbonyl oxygen, he tetrahydrofuran and the tetrahydropyran ring oxygen atoms, two hydroxyl group oxygens and either a water or a solvent molecule coordinate to the lithium ion.


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A simple and efficient method for spontaneous organization of long assemblies of gold nanoparticles is described. This is achieved in a molten solvent containing acetamide, urea and ammonium nitrate that acts as a solvent cum stabilizer. There is no external aggregating agent or stabilizing agent added to the system. Depending on the concentration of the metal salt in the ternary melt, either chain-like assemblies or individual nanoparticles could be obtained. The amine groups present in the components of the melt (acetamide and urea) help in the stabilization of nanoparticles. Ammonium ions present in the eutectic mixture are likely to assist in the organization of the particles. The method is simple, highly reproducible and does not require any templating agent for the formation of chain-like assemblies.


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Salt-fog tests as per International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) recommendations were conducted on stationtype insulators with large leakage lengths. Later, tests were conducted to simulate natural conditions. From these tests, it was understood that the pollution flashover would occur because of nonuniform pollution layers causing nonuniform voltage distribution during a natural drying-up period. The leakage current during test conditions was very small and the evidence was that the leakage current did not play any significant role in causing flashovers. In the light of the experimental results, some modification of the test procedure is suggested.


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C6H11o9P2-.Ba2+.7H2o, M, = 521.5, is monoclinic, space group P21, a = 11.881 (4), b = 8.616 (5), c = 8.350 (4) A,B = 102.95 (3)0, Z = 2, U = 833.0 A 3, d m = 2.09, d c = 2.08 Mg m -3, F(000) = 516. Mo Ka (u = 0.034 mm -1) intensity data. R is 0.068 for 1603 reflections. Of the two endocyclic C-O bonds in the glucose ring, C(5)-O(5) [1.463 (23)] is longer than C(1)-O(5) [1.395 (23)A]. The pyranose sugar ring takes a 4C1 chair conformation. The Cremer-Pople puckering parameters are, 0 = 6.69 o, Q = 0.619 A and 0 = 263.7o. The conformation about the exocyclic C(5)-C(6) bond is gauche-gauche, in contrast to gauche-trans observed in the structure of glucose 1-phosphate. The phosphate ester bond, P-O(6), is 1.61 (1)A. It is similar in length to the 'high-energy' P~O bond in phosphoenolpyruvate. The Ba 2÷ ion is surrounded by nine O atoms within a distance of 2.95 A, of which seven are from water molecules. There is an intramolecular hydrogen bond between the sugar hydroxyl 0(4) and phosphate oxygen O(12).


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New glasses of 16.66SrO–16.66[(1 − x)Bi2O3–xSm2O3]–16.66Nb2O5–50Li2B4O7 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5, in molar ratio), i.e., the pseudo-binary Sm2O3-doped SrBi2Nb2O9–Li2B4O7 glass system, giving the crystallization of Sm3+-doped SrBi2Nb2O9 nanocrystals are developed. It is found that the thermal stability of the glasses against the crystallization and the optical band gap energy increases with increasing Sm2O3 content. The formation of fluorite-type Sm3+-doped SrBi2Nb2O9 nanocrystals (diameters: 13–37 nm) with a cubic structure is confirmed in the crystallized (530 °C, 3 h) samples from X-ray powder diffraction analyses, Raman scattering spectrum measurements, and transmission electron microscope observations. The effect of Sm3+-doping on the microstructure, Raman scattering peak positions, and dielectric properties of composites comprising of fluorite-type SrBi2Nb2O9 nanocrystals and the Li2B4O7 glassy phase is clarified. It is found that fluorite-type SrBi2Nb2O9 nanocrystals transform to stable perovskite-type SrBi2Nb2O9 crystals with an orthorhombic structure by heat treatments at around 630 °C.


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Abstract is not available.


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Abstract is not available.


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CI1H19N4OIIP2.Na+.TH2 O, Mr = 594.08, is orthorhombic, space group P21212 l, with a = 6.946 (2), b = 12.503 (4), c = 28.264 (8)/k, U = 2454.6 A, a, D x = 1.61 Mg m -a, Z = 4, ~t(CuKa) = 2.612 mm -1, F(000) = 1244. Final R = 0.101 for 1454 observed reflections. The cytosine base is in the anti conformation with respect to the sugar (ZCN = 62"60) . The ribose exhibits an uncommon C(l')exo-C(2')endo puckering. The pyrophosphate has a characteristic staggered geometry. The conformation about P(2)-O(7') is trans (-103.4°). This makes CDPethanolamine more extended compared to the folded geometry of CDP-choline, which has a gauche conformation (71.3 o). The molecular interactions in the extended crystal structure, however, are similar to those found in CDP-choline, with the CMP-5' portions tightly bound by metal ligation and the phosphorylethanolamine parts only loosely held by water molecules.


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Li n.m.r, in single crystals of lithium acetate dihydrate is used to determine the quadrupole coupling parameters: (e2qQ/h) and r/. The orientations of the principal z, y and x components of the electric field gradient tensor are determined to be along the crystallographic b, a and c axes respectively. The parameters experimentally determined are (e2qQ/h)= 154"6 kHz; and i/= 0.9. This study indicates a tetrahedral configuration around the Li ion, confirming the recent X-ray and p.m.r, results.


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THE addition of catalysts normally serves the purpose of imparting a desired burning rate change in a composite propellant. These may either retard or enhance the burning rate. Some often quoted catalysts are oxides, chromites and chromates of metals. A lot of work has been done on rinding the effect of the addition of some of these catalysts on the burning rate; however, none seems to have appeared on the influence of lithium fluoride (LiF). Only qualitative reduction in the burning rate of composite propellants with the addition of LiF was reported by Williams et al.1 Dickinson and Jackson2 reported a slight decrease in the specific impulse of composite propellant with the addition of LiF; however, they made no mention of the effect of its addition on the burning rate. We have studied the effect of the addition of varying amounts of LiF on the burning rate of Ammonium Perchlorate (AP)-Polyester propellant.


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Isomeric half eater acid chlorides derived from 1,2-and 1-3-carboxylic acids give rise to the same oxonium salt with Lewis acids.


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Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography covers theoretical and fundamental aspects of the structure of matter. The journal is the prime forum for research in diffraction physics and the theory of crystallographic structure determination by diffraction methods using X-rays, neutrons and electrons. The structures include periodic and aperiodic crystals, and non-periodic disordered materials, and the corresponding Bragg, satellite and diffuse scattering, thermal motion and symmetry aspects. Spatial resolutions range from the subatomic domain in charge-density studies to nanodimensional imperfections such as dislocations and twin walls. The chemistry encompasses metals, alloys, and inorganic, organic and biological materials. Structure prediction and properties such as the theory of phase transformations are also covered.


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. Measurement of the relation between polarisation P and electric field E for lithium potassium sulphate (LiKSO4) was made in the low temperature range below room temperature. The P-E hysteresis loops along the c axis of LiKSO4 were observed in the low-temperature phase below the lower transition point Ttl of about -70 degrees C, and in the intermediate phase below the upper transition point Ttu of about -25 degrees C. These phases were found to be ferroelectric. The temperature dependence of the spontaneous polarisation Ps and the electric coercive field Ec were obtained.