429 resultados para Hydrogen atom scattering


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In the present work the structural and spectral characteristics of acetazolamide have been studied by methods of infrared, Raman spectroscopy and quantum chemistry. Electrostatic potential surface, optimized geometry, harmonic vibrational frequencies, infrared intensities and activities of Raman scattering were calculated by density functional theory (DFT) employing B3LYP with complete relaxation in the potential energy surface using 6-311++G(d,p) basis set. Based on these results, we have discussed the correlation between the vibrational modes and the structure of the dimers of acetazolamide. The calculated vibrational spectra of three dimers of acetazolamide have been compared with observed spectra, and the assignment of observed bands was carried out using potential energy distribution. The observed spectra agree well with the values computed from the OFT. A comparison of observed and calculated vibrational spectra clearly shows the effect of hydrogen bonding. The frequency shifts observed for the different dimers are in accord with the hydrogen bonding in acetazolamide. Natural bond orbital (NBO) analyses reflect the charge transfer interaction in the individual hydrogen bond units and the stability of different dimers of acetazolamide. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The toplogical features of a sporadic trifurcated C-H center dot center dot center dot O interaction region, where an oxygen atom acts as an acceptor of three weak hydrogen bonds, has been investigated by experimental and theoretical charge density analysis of ferulic acid. The interaction energy of the asymmetric molecular dimer formed by the trifurcated C-H center dot center dot center dot O motif, based on the multipolar model, is shown to be greater than the corresponding asymmetric O-H center dot center dot center dot O dimer in this crystal structure. Further, the hydrogen bond energies associated with these interaction motifs have been estimated from the local kinetic and potential energy densities at the bond critical points. The trends suggest that the interaction energy of the trifurcated C-H center dot center dot center dot O region is comparable to that of a single O-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bond.


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Using first principles calculations, we show that the storage capacity as well as desorption temperature of MOFs can be significantly enhanced by decorating pyridine (a common linker in MOFs) by metal atoms. The storage capacity of metal-pyridine complexes are found to be dependent on the type of decorating metal atom. Among the 3d transition metal atoms, Sc turns out to be the most efficient storing unto four H-2 molecules. Most importantly, Sc does not suffer dimerisation on the surface of pyridine, keeping the storage capacity of every metal atom intact. Based on these findings, we propose a metal-decorated pyridine-based MOFs, which has potential to meet the required H-2 storage capacity for vehicular usage. Copyright (C) 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A regular secondary structure is described by a well defined set of values for the backbone dihedral angles (phi,psi and omega) in a polypeptide chain. However in real protein structures small local variations give rise to distortions from the ideal structures, which can lead to considerable variation in higher order organization. Protein structure analysis and accurate assignment of various structural elements, especially their terminii, are important first step in protein structure prediction and design. Various algorithms are available for assigning secondary structure elements in proteins but some lacunae still exist. In this study, results of a recently developed in-house program ASSP have been compared with those from STRIDE, in identification of alpha-helical regions in both globular and membrane proteins. It is found that, while a combination of hydrogen bond patterns and backbone torsional angles (phi-psi) are generally used to define secondary structure elements, the geometry of the C-alpha atom trace by itself is sufficient to define the parameters of helical structures in proteins. It is also possible to differentiate the various helical structures by their C-alpha trace and identify the deviations occurring both at mid-positions as well as at the terminii of alpha-helices, which often lead to occurrence of 3(10) and pi-helical fragments in both globular and membrane proteins.


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We demonstrate here that supramolecular interactions enhance the sensitivity towards detection of electron-deficient nitro-aromatic compounds (NACs) over discrete analogues. NACs are the most commonly used explosive ingredients and are common constituents of many unexploded landmines used during World WarII. In this study, we have synthesised a series of pyrene-based polycarboxylic acids along with their corresponding discrete esters. Due to the electron richness and the fluorescent behaviour of the pyrene moiety, all the compounds act as sensors for electron-deficient NACs through a fluorescence quenching mechanism. A Stern-Volmer quenching constant determination revealed that the carboxylic acids are more sensitive than the corresponding esters towards NACs in solution. The high sensitivity of the acids was attributed to supramolecular polymer formation through hydrogen bonding in the case of the acids, and the enhancement mechanism is based on an exciton energy migration upon excitation along the hydrogen-bond backbone. The presence of intermolecular hydrogen bonding in the acids in solution was established by solvent-dependent fluorescence studies and dynamic light scattering (DLS) experiments. In addition, the importance of intermolecular hydrogen bonds in solid-state sensing was further explored by scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) experiments at the liquid-solid interface, in which structures of self-assembled monolayer of the acids and the corresponding esters were compared. The sensitivity tests revealed that these supramolecular sensors can even detect picric acid and trinitrotoluene in solution at levels as low as parts per trillion (ppt), which is much below the recommended permissible level of these constituents in drinking water.


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Design of ternary cocrystals based on synthon modularity is described. The strategy is based on the idea of extending synthon modularity in binary cocrystals of 4-hydroxybenzamide:dicarboxylic acids and 4-bromobenzamide:dicarboxylic acids. If a system contains an amide group along with other functional groups, one of which is a carboxylic acid group, the amide associates preferentially with the carboxylic acid group to form an acidamide heterosynthon. If the amide and the acid groups are in different molecules, a higher multicomponent molecular crystal is obtained. This is a stable pattern that can be used to increase the number of components from two to three in a multicomponent system. Accordingly, noncovalent interactions are controlled in the design of ternary cocrystals in a more predictable manner. If a single component crystal with the amideamide dimer is considered, modularity is retained even after formation of a binary cocrystal with acidamide dimers. Similarly, when third component halogen atom containing molecules are introduced into these binary cocrystals, modularity is still retained. Here, we use acidamide and Br/I center dot center dot center dot O2N supramolecular synthons to obtain modularity in nine ternary cocrystals. The acidamide heterosynthon is robust to all the nine cocrystals. Heterosynthons may assist ternary cocrystal formation when there is a high solubility difference between the coformers. For a successful crystal engineering strategy for ternary cocrystals, one must consider the synthon itself and factors like shape and size of the component molecules, as well as the solubilities of the compounds.


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One hundred complexes have been investigated exhibiting D-X center dot center dot center dot A interactions, where X = H, Cl or Li and DX is the `X bond' donor and A is the acceptor. The optimized structures of all these complexes have been used to propose a generalized `Legon-Millen rule' for the angular geometry in all these interactions. A detailed Atoms in Molecules (AIM) theoretical analysis confirms an important conclusion, known in the literature: there is a strong correlation between the electron density at the X center dot center dot center dot A bond critical point (BCP) and the interaction energy for all these interactions. In addition, we show that extrapolation of the fitted line leads to the ionic bond for Li-bonding (electrostatic) while for hydrogen and chlorine bonding, it leads to the covalent bond. Further, we observe a strong correlation between the change in electron density at the D-X BCP and that at the X center dot center dot center dot A BCP, suggesting conservation of the bond order. The correlation found between penetration and electron density at BCP can be very useful for crystal structure analysis, which relies on arbitrary van der Waals radii for estimating penetration. Various criteria proposed for shared-and closed-shell interactions based on electron density topology have been tested for H/Cl/Li bonded complexes. Finally, using the natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis it is shown that the D-X bond weakens upon X bond formation, whether it is ionic (DLi) or covalent (DH/DCl) and the respective indices such as ionicity or covalent bond order decrease. Clearly, one can think of conservation of bond order that includes ionic and covalent contributions to both D-X and X center dot center dot center dot A bonds, for not only X = H/Cl/Li investigated here but also any atom involved in intermolecular bonding.


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Hydrogen storage capacity of Tin-1B (n = 3-7) clusters is studied and compared with that of the pristine Ti-n (n = 3-7), using density functional theory (DFT) based calculations. Among these clusters, Ti3B shows the most significant enhancement in the storage capacity by adsorbing 12 H-2, out of which three are dissociated and the other nine are stored as dihydrogen via Kubas-interaction. The best storage in Ti3B is owed to a large charge transfer from Ti to B along with the largest distance of Ti empty d-states above the Fermi level, which is a distinct feature of this particular cluster. Furthermore, the effect of substrates on the storage capacity of Ti3B was assessed by calculating the number of adsorbed H-2 on Ti-3 cluster anchored onto B atoms in the B-doped graphene, BC3, and BN substrates. Similar to free-standing Ti3B, Ti-3 anchored onto boron atom in BC3, stores nine di-hydrogen via Kubas interaction, at the same time eliminating the total number of non-useful dissociated hydrogen. Gibbs energy of adsorption as a function of H-2 partial pressure, indicated that at 250 K and 300 K the di-hydrogens on Ti-3@BC3 adsorb and desorb at ambient pressures. Importantly, Ti-3@BC3 avoids the clustering, hence meeting the criteria for efficient and reversible hydrogen storage media. Copyright (C) 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The first hyperpolarizability (beta) of a series of half-sandwich Ru complexes with a mercaptobenzothiazole ligand bearing a halogen atom substitution in the para-position has been investigated by hyper-Rayleigh scattering and quantum chemical calculations. The heterocyclic ligand with a bromine atom in the para position makes it a very good donor and charge flows to the Ru center enhancing the beta value of the complex by a factor of 2 compared to the complex with the ligand without the halogen substitution. The resonance (+R) and the inductive (-I) effects exerted by the halogen atom in the para position push electrons in opposing directions in the complex. For the Br and Cl atoms the resonance effect dominates which enables the ligand to donate electrons to the metal center thereby increasing the hyperpolarizability whereas for the fluorine atom, the inductive effect is dominant which reduces the charge flow to the metal and the hyperpolarizability drops even below that of the unsubstituted ligand. This unprecedented halogen atom effect on beta of metal complexes is reported. (C) 2015 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.


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The rare examples of intramolecular hydrogen bonds (HB) of the type the N-H center dot center dot center dot F-C, detected in a low polarity solvent in the derivatives of hydrazides, by utilizing one and two-dimensional solution state multinuclear NMR techniques, are reported. The observation of through-space couplings, such as, (1h)J(FH), and (1h)J(FN), provides direct evidence for the existence of intra-molecular HB. Solvent induced perturbations and the variable temperature NMR experiments unambiguously establish the presence of intramolecular HB. The existence of multiple conformers in some of the investigated molecules is also revealed by two dimensional HOESY and N-15-H-1 HSQC experiments. The H-1 DOSY experimental results discard any possibility of self or cross dimerization of the molecules. The derived NMR experimental results are further substantiated by Density Function Theory (DFT) based Non Covalent Interaction (NCI), and Quantum Theory of Atom in Molecule (QTAIM) calculations. The NCI calculations served as a very sensitive tool for detection of non-covalent interactions and also confirm the presence of bifurcated HBs.


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The electronic structure and hydrogen storage capability of Yttrium-doped BNNTs has been theoretically investigated using first principles density functional theory (DFT). Yttrium atom prefers the hollow site in the center of the hexagonal ring with a binding energy of 0.8048eV. Decorating by Y makes the system half-metallic and magnetic with a magnetic moment of 1.0 mu(B). Y decorated Boron-Nitride (8,0) nanotube can adsorb up to five hydrogen molecules whose average binding energy is computed as 0.5044eV. All the hydrogen molecules are adsorbed with an average desorption temperature of 644.708 K. Taking that the Y atoms can be placed only in alternate hexagons, the implied wt% comes out to be 5.31%, a relatively acceptable value for hydrogen storage materials. Thus, this system can serve as potential hydrogen storage medium.


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The solvent plays a decisive role in the photochemistry and photophysics of aromatic ketones. Xanthone (XT) is one such aromatic ketone and its triplet-triplet (T-T) absorption spectra show intriguing solvatochromic behavior. Also, the reactivity of XT towards H-atom abstraction shows an unprecedented decrease in protic solvents relative to aprotic solvents. Therefore, a comprehensive solvatochromic analysis of the triplet-triplet absorption spectra of XT was carried out in conjunction with time dependent density functional theory using the ad hoc explicit solvent model approach. A detailed solvatochromic analysis of the T-T absorption bands of XT suggests that the hydrogen bonding interactions are different in the corresponding triplet excited states. Furthermore, the contributions of non-specific and hydrogen bonding interactions towards differential solvation of the triplet states in protic solvents were found to be of equal magnitude. The frontier molecular orbital and electron density difference analysis of the T-1 and T-2 states of XT indicates that the charge redistribution in these states leads to intermolecular hydrogen bond strengthening and weakening, respectively, relative to the S-0 state. This is further supported by the vertical excitation energy calculations of the XT-methanol supra-molecular complex. The intermolecular hydrogen bonding potential energy curves obtained for this complex in the S-0, T-1, and T-2 states support the model. In summary, we propose that the different hydrogen bonding mechanisms exhibited by the two lowest triplet excited states of XT result in a decreasing role of the n pi* triplet state, and are thus responsible for its reduced reactivity towards H-atom abstraction in protic solvents. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The problem of electromagnetic scattering from an isotropic homogeneous chirally coated conducting cylinder is analysed. The cylinder is assumed to be illuminated by either a transverse magnetic or a transverse electric wave. Mie's analysis is used to evaluate the scattering characteristics. The computed results include the evaluation of the normalized scattering width and the absorption efficiency. The results show that there is a significant reduction in the normalized scattering width as compared to a RAM coated cylinder. This reduction has been attributed to increased absorption.


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Gelonin is a single chain ribosome inactivating protein (RIP) with potential application in the treatment of cancer and AIDS. Diffraction quality crystals grown using PEG3350, belong to the space group P2(1), with it a = 49.4 Angstrom b = 44.9 Angstrom, c = 137.4 Angstrom and beta = 98.4 degrees, and contain two molecules in the asymmetric unit. Diffraction data collected to 1.8 Angstrom resolution has a R(m) value of 7.3%. Structure of gelonin has been solved by the molecular replacement method, using ricin A chain as the search model. Crystallographic refinement using X-PLOR resulted in a model for which the r.m.s deviations from ideal bond lengths and bond angles are 0.012 Angstrom and 2.7 degrees, respectively The final R-factor is 18.4% for 39,806 reflections for which I > 1.0 sigma(I).The C-alpha atoms of the two molecules in the asymmetric unit superpose to within 0.38 Angstrom for 247 atom pairs. The overall fold of gelonin is similar to that of other RIPs such as ricin A chain and alpha-momorcharin, the r.m.s.d. for C-alpha superpositions being 1.3 and 1.4 Angstrom, respectively The-catalytic residues (Glu166, Arg169 and Tyr113) in the active site form a hydrogen bond scheme similar to that observed in other RIPs. The conformation of Tyr74 in the active site, however, is significantly different from that in alpha-momorcharin. Three well defined water molecules are located in the active site cavity and one of them, X319, superposes to within 0.2 Angstrom of a corresponding water molecule in the structure of alpha-momorcharin. Any of the three could be the substrate water molecule in the hydrolysis reaction catalysed by gelonin.Difference electron density for a N-linked sugar moiety has been observed near only one of the two potential glycosylation sites in the sequence. The amino acid at position 239 has been established as Lys by calculation of omit electron density maps.The two cysteine residues in the sequence, Cys44 and Cys50, form a disulphide bond, and are therefore not available for disulphide conjugation with antibodies. Based on the structure, the region of the molecule that is involved in intradimer interactions is suggested to be suitable for introducing a Cys residue for purposes of conjugation with an antibody to produce useful immunotoxins.


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Dimeric or gemini surfactants consist of two hydrophobic chains and two hydrophilic head groups co; valently connected by a hydrocarbon spacer. Small-angle neutron scattering measurements from bis-cationic C16H33N+(CH3)(2)-(CH2)(m)-N+(CH3)(2)C(16)H(33)2Br(-) dimeric surfactants, referred to-as 16-m-16, for different length of hydrocarbon spacers m-3-6, 8, 10, and 12, are reported. The measurements have been carried out at various concentrations: C=2.5 and 10 mM for all m and C=30 and 50 mM for m greater than or equal to 5. It is found that micellar structure depends on the length of the spacer. Micelles are disks for m=3, cylindrical for m=4, and prolate ellipsoidals for other values of m. These structural results are in agreement with the theoretical predictions based on the packing parameter. It has also been observed that conformation of the spacer and the hydrophobic chains in the interior of the micelle change as the length of the spacer is increased. The concentration dependence for m greater than or equal to 5 shows that the effect of surfactant concentration on the size of the micelle is more pronounced for m=5 and 12 than for the intermediate spacers. The fractional charge on the micelle increases with the increase in spacer length and decreases when the concentration is increased.