7 resultados para Hydrogen atom scattering

em CaltechTHESIS


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In many senses, the hydrogen-atom transfer reactions observed with the triplet excited state of pyrophosphito-bridged platinum(II) dimers resemble the reactions of organic ketone nπ* states. The first two chapters describe our attempts to understand the reactivity differences between these two chromophores. Reactivity of the metal dimers is strongly regulated by the detailed nature of the ligands that ring the axial site, the hydrogen-abstraction center. A hydrogen-bonded network linking the ligands facilitates H-atom transfer quenching with alcohols through the formation of a hydrogen-bonded complex between the alcohol and a dimer. For substrates of equal C-H bond strength that lack a hydroxyl group (e.g., benzyl hydrocarbons), the quenching rate is several orders of magnitude slower.

The shape and size of the axial site, as determined by the ligands, also discriminate among quenchers by their steric characteristics. Very small quenchers quench slowly because of high entropies of activation, while very large ones have large enthalpic barriers. The two effects find a balance with quenchers of "just the right size."

The third chapter discusses the design of a mass spectrometer that uses positron annihilation to ionize neutral molecules. The mass spectrometer creates positron-molecule adducts whose annihilation produces fragmentation products that may yield information on the bonding of positrons in such complexes.


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This dissertation describes efforts to model biological active sites with small molecule clusters. The approach used took advantage of a multinucleating ligand to control the structure and nuclearity of the product complexes, allowing the study of many different homo- and heterometallic clusters. Chapter 2 describes the synthesis of the multinucleating hexapyridyl trialkoxy ligand used throughout this thesis and the synthesis of trinuclear first row transition metal complexes supported by this framework, with an emphasis on tricopper systems as models of biological multicopper oxidases. The magnetic susceptibility of these complexes were studied, and a linear relation was found between the Cu-O(alkoxide)-Cu angles and the antiferromagnetic coupling between copper centers. The triiron(II) and trizinc(II) complexes of the ligand were also isolated and structurally characterized.

Chapter 3 describes the synthesis of a series of heterometallic tetranuclear manganese dioxido complexes with various incorporated apical redox-inactive metal cations (M = Na+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Zn2+, Y3+). Chapter 4 presents the synthesis of heterometallic trimanganese(IV) tetraoxido complexes structurally related to the CaMn3 subsite of the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) of Photosystem II. The reduction potentials of these complexes were studied, and it was found that each isostructural series displays a linear correlation between the reduction potentials and the Lewis acidities of the incorporated redox-inactive metals. The slopes of the plotted lines for both the dioxido and tetraoxido clusters are the same, suggesting a more general relationship between the electrochemical potentials of heterometallic manganese oxido clusters and their “spectator” cations. Additionally, these studies suggest that Ca2+ plays a role in modulating the redox potential of the OEC for water oxidation.

Chapter 5 presents studies of the effects of the redox-inactive metals on the reactivities of the heterometallic manganese complexes discussed in Chapters 3 and 4. Oxygen atom transfer from the clusters to phosphines is studied; although the reactivity is kinetically controlled in the tetraoxido clusters, the dioxido clusters with more Lewis acidic metal ions (Y3+ vs. Ca2+) appear to be more reactive. Investigations of hydrogen atom transfer and electron transfer rates are also discussed.

Appendix A describes the synthesis, and metallation reactions of a new dinucleating bis(N-heterocyclic carbene)ligand framework. Dicopper(I) and dicobalt(II) complexes of this ligand were prepared and structurally characterized. A dinickel(I) dichloride complex was synthesized, reduced, and found to activate carbon dioxide. Appendix B describes preliminary efforts to desymmetrize the manganese oxido clusters via functionalization of the basal multinucleating ligand used in the preceding sections of this dissertation. Finally, Appendix C presents some partially characterized side products and unexpected structures that were isolated throughout the course of these studies.


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The activation of Fe-coordinated N2 via the formal addition of hydrogen atom equivalents is explored in this thesis. These reactions may occur in nitrogenase enzymes during the biological conversion of N2 to NH3. To understand these reactions, the N2 reactivity of a series of molecular Fe(N2) platforms is investigated. A trigonal pyramidal, carbon-ligated FeI complex was prepared that displays a similar geometry to that of the resting state 'belt' Fe atoms of nitrogenase. Upon reduction, this species was shown to coordinate N2, concomitant with significant weakening of the C-Fe interaction. This hemilability of the axial ligand may play a critical role in mediating the interconversion of Fe(NxHy) species during N2 conversion to NH3. In fact, a trigonal pyramidal borane-ligated Fe complex was shown to catalyze this transformation, generating up to 8.49 equivalents of NH3. To shed light on the mechanistic details of this reaction, protonation of a borane-ligated Fe(N2) complex was investigated and found to give rise to a mixture of species that contains an iron hydrazido(2-) [Fe(NNH2)] complex. The identification of this species is suggestive of an early N-N bond cleavage event en route to NH3 production, but the highly-reactive nature of this complex frustrated direct attempts to probe this possibility. A structurally-analogous silyl-ligated Fe(N2) complex was found to react productively with hydrogen atom equivalents, giving rise to an isolable Fe(NNH2) species. Spectroscopic and crystallographic studies benefited from the enhanced stability of this complex relative to the borane analogue. One-electron reduction of this species initiates a spontaneous disproportionation reaction with an iron hydrazine [Fe(NH2NH2)] complex as the predominant reaction product. This transformation provides support for an Fe-mediated N2 activation mechanism that proceeds via a late N-N bond cleavage. In hopes of gaining more fundamental insight into these reactions, a series of Fe(CN) complexes were prepared and reacted with hydrogen-atom equivalents. Significant quantities of CH4 and NH3 are generated in these reactions as a result of complete C-N bond activation. A series of Fe(CNHx) were found to be exceptionally stable and may be intermediates in these reactions. The stability of these compounds permitted collection of thermodynamic parameters pertinent to the unique N-H bonds. This data is comparatively discussed with the theoretically-predicted data of the N2-derived Fe(NNHx) species. Exceptionally-weak N-H bond enthalpies are found for many of these compounds, and sheds light on their short-lived nature and tendency to evolve H2. As a whole, these works both establish and provide a means to understand Fe-mediated N2 activation via the addition of hydrogen atom equivalents.


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The technique of variable-angle, electron energy-loss spectroscopy has been used to study the electronic spectroscopy of the diketene molecule. The experiment was performed using incident electron beam energies of 25 eV and 50 eV, and at scattering angles between 10° and 90°. The energy-loss region from 2 eV to 11 eV was examined. One spin-forbidden transition has been observed at 4.36 eV and three others that are spin-allowed have been located at 5.89 eV, 6.88 eV and 7.84 eV. Based on the intensity variation of these transitions with impact energy and scattering angle, and through analogy with simpler molecules, the first three transitions are tentatively assigned to an n → π* transition, a π - σ* (3s) Rydberg transition and a π → π* transition.

Thermal decomposition of chlorodifluoromethane, chloroform, dichloromethane and chloromethane under flash-vacuum pyrolysis conditions (900-1100°C) was investigated by the technique of electron energy-loss spectroscopy, using the impact energy of 50 eV and a scattering angle of 10°. The pyrolytic reaction follows a hydrogen-chloride α-elimination pathway. The difluoromethylene radical was produced from chlorodifluoromethane pyrolysis at 900°C and identified by its X^1 A_1 → A^1B_1 band at 5.04 eV.

Finally, a number of exploratory studies have been performed. The thermal decomposition of diketene was studied under flash vacuum pressures (1-10 mTorr) and temperatures ranging from 500°C to 1000°C. The complete decomposition of the diketene molecule into two ketene molecules was achieved at 900°C. The pyrolysis of trifluoromethyl iodide molecule at 1000°C produced an electron energy-loss spectrum with several iodine-atom, sharp peaks and only a small shoulder at 8.37 eV as a possible trifluoromethyl radical feature. The electron energy-loss spectrum of trichlorobromomethane at 900°C mainly showed features from bromine atom, chlorine molecule and tetrachloroethylene. Hexachloroacetone decomposed partially at 900°C, but showed well-defined features from chlorine, carbon monoxide and tetrachloroethylene molecules. Bromodichloromethane molecule was investigated at 1000°C and produced a congested, electron energy-loss spectrum with bromine-atom, hydrogen-bromide, hydrogen-chloride and tetrachloroethylene features.


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Charged pion pair photoproduction has been investigated up to a gamma energy of 1500 MeV, using the Caltech 12-inch heavy liquid bubble chamber with a small diameter, high intensity photon beam passing through a central beam tube gaseous hydrogen target surrounded by the sensitive Freon. Scanning, analysis, and data reduction techniques have been developed to deal with the problems of two-vie stereo, hidden event origins, absence of magnetic field, and the range-energy and multiple scattering relationships that occur in the heavy materials. Roughly 5700 pictures have been scanned and analyzed, yielding 754 acceptable events. Cross section and parameter distributions are generally consistent with the results of previous experiments. A statistically insignificant “bump” was observed in the dipion mass spectrum in the region of 500 MeV, the disputed σ meson mass. This region was investigated as carefully as the limited statistics would allow; dipion angular distributions are consistent with isotropy, and there is indication that some of the events in this region might come from decay of an intermediate N*11 (1425) into a proton and dipion.

Photographic materials on pp. 18, 20, 22, and 24 are essential and will not reproduce clearly on Xerox copies. Photographic copies should be ordered.


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A review of the theory of electron scattering indicates that low incident beam energies and large scattering angles are the favorable conditions for the observation of optically forbidden transitions in atoms and molecules.

An apparatus capable of yielding electron impact spectra at 90° with incident electron beam energies between 30 and 50 electron volts is described. The resolution of the instrument is about 1 electron volt.

Impact spectra of thirteen molecules have been obtained. Known forbidden transitions to the helium 23S, the hydrogen b3Ʃ+u, the nitrogen A3Ʃ+u, B3πg, a’πg, and C3πu, the carbon monoxide a3π, the ethylene ᾶ3B1u, and the benzene ᾶ3B1u states from the corresponding ground states have been observed.

In addition, singlet-triplet vertical transitions in acetylene, propyne, propadiene, norbornadiene and quadricyclene, peaking at 5.9, 5.9, 4.5, 3.8, and 4.0 ev (±0.2 ev), respectively, have been observed and assigned for the first time.


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Part 1. Many interesting visual and mechanical phenomena occur in the critical region of fluids, both for the gas-liquid and liquid-liquid transitions. The precise thermodynamic and transport behavior here has some broad consequences for the molecular theory of liquids. Previous studies in this laboratory on a liquid-liquid critical mixture via ultrasonics supported a basically classical analysis of fluid behavior by M. Fixman (e. g., the free energy is assumed analytic in intensive variables in the thermodynamics)--at least when the fluid is not too close to critical. A breakdown in classical concepts is evidenced close to critical, in some well-defined ways. We have studied herein a liquid-liquid critical system of complementary nature (possessing a lower critical mixing or consolute temperature) to all previous mixtures, to look for new qualitative critical behavior. We did not find such new behavior in the ultrasonic absorption ascribable to the critical fluctuations, but we did find extra absorption due to chemical processes (yet these are related to the mixing behavior generating the lower consolute point). We rederived, corrected, and extended Fixman's analysis to interpret our experimental results in these more complex circumstances. The entire account of theory and experiment is prefaced by an extensive introduction recounting the general status of liquid state theory. The introduction provides a context for our present work, and also points out problems deserving attention. Interest in these problems was stimulated by this work but also by work in Part 3.

Part 2. Among variational theories of electronic structure, the Hartree-Fock theory has proved particularly valuable for a practical understanding of such properties as chemical binding, electric multipole moments, and X-ray scattering intensity. It also provides the most tractable method of calculating first-order properties under external or internal one-electron perturbations, either developed explicitly in orders of perturbation theory or in the fully self-consistent method. The accuracy and consistency of first-order properties are poorer than those of zero-order properties, but this is most often due to the use of explicit approximations in solving the perturbed equations, or to inadequacy of the variational basis in size or composition. We have calculated the electric polarizabilities of H2, He, Li, Be, LiH, and N2 by Hartree-Fock theory, using exact perturbation theory or the fully self-consistent method, as dictated by convenience. By careful studies on total basis set composition, we obtained good approximations to limiting Hartree-Fock values of polarizabilities with bases of reasonable size. The values for all species, and for each direction in the molecular cases, are within 8% of experiment, or of best theoretical values in the absence of the former. Our results support the use of unadorned Hartree-Pock theory for static polarizabilities needed in interpreting electron-molecule scattering data, collision-induced light scattering experiments, and other phenomena involving experimentally inaccessible polarizabilities.

Part 3. Numerical integration of the close-coupled scattering equations has been carried out to obtain vibrational transition probabilities for some models of the electronically adiabatic H2-H2 collision. All the models use a Lennard-Jones interaction potential between nearest atoms in the collision partners. We have analyzed the results for some insight into the vibrational excitation process in its dependence on the energy of collision, the nature of the vibrational binding potential, and other factors. We conclude also that replacement of earlier, simpler models of the interaction potential by the Lennard-Jones form adds very little realism for all the complication it introduces. A brief introduction precedes the presentation of our work and places it in the context of attempts to understand the collisional activation process in chemical reactions as well as some other chemical dynamics.