207 resultados para Fixed resin bonded partial denture


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Intramolecularly hydrogen bonded conformations of (Aib-Pro)n sequences have been analysed theoretically. Both 4�1 (C10 and 3�1 (C7 hydrogen bonded regular structures are shown to be stereochemically feasible. Conformational energies for the helical structures have been estimated using classical potential energy methods. Both C10 and C7 conformations have very similar energies. Pyrrolidine ring puckering has a pronounced effect on the energies, and only Cγ-endo puckered Pro residues can be accommodated. The theoretical calculations using spectroscopic data suggest that the recently proposed novel 310 helical conformation for benzyloxycarbonyl(Aib-Pro)4-methyl ester is in solution, is indeed energetically and stereochemically favourable.


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Heterometallic {3d-4f-5d} aggregates with formula [{LMe2Ni(H2O)Ln(H2O)4.5}2{W(CN)8}2]·15H2O, (LMe2 stands for N,N-2,2-dimethylpropylenedi(3-methoxysalicylideneiminato) Schiff-base ligand) with Ln = Gd, Tb, Dy, have been obtained by reacting bimetallic [LMe2Ni(H2O)2Ln(NO3)3] and Cs3{W(CN)8} in H2O. The hexanuclear complexes are organized in 1-D arrays by means of hydrogen bonds established between the solvent molecules coordinated to Ln and the CN ligands of an octacyanometallate moiety. The X-ray structure was solved for the Tb derivative. Magnetic behavior indicates ferromagnetic {W–Ni} and {Ni–Ln} interactions (JNiW = 18.5 cm-1, JNiGd = 1.85 cm-1) as well as ferromagnetic intermolecular interactions mediated by the H-bonds. Dynamic magnetic susceptibility studies reveal slow magnetic relaxation processes for the Tb and Dy derivatives, suggesting SMM type behavior for these compounds.


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CDH406P-.Na +.H20 , M r = 208.0, is monoclinic, Cc, a = 11.423 (2), b = 23.253 (5), c - 6.604 (1) A, fl = 123.63 (1) °, U = 1460.6 A 3, D x =. 1.89 Mg m -a, Z = 8, 2(Mo Ka) = 0.7107 A, p(Mo Ka) = 0.44 mm -~, F(000) = 840. Final R = 0.063 for 1697 reflections.The two crystallographically independent molecules of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) (A and B) are almost mirror images of each other, the mirror being the planar enolpyruvate group. The torsion angle C(3)-C(2)- O(1)-P(1) is 122.6 in A and -112.0 ° in B, in contrast to -209.1 ° in PEP.K. The enolic C(2)-O(1) has a partial double-bond character [1.401 (A), 1.386A (B)]. The high-energy P~O bond (1.595 and 1.610A) is comparable to that in PEP.K (1.612 A). Na(1) has six nearest neighbours while Na(2) has only five. The Na + ions are involved in binding only the phosphates of different molecules, in contrast to the K ÷ ion in PEP. K, which binds to both the phosphate and carboxyl ends of the same molecule. The planar carboxyl groups stack on each other at an average distance of 3.2 A instead of forming hydrogen-bonded dimers usually found in carboxylate structures.


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In this paper, we solve the distributed parameter fixed point smoothing problem by formulating it as an extended linear filtering problem and show that these results coincide with those obtained in the literature using the forward innovations method.


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A study on the conformational aspects of cyclo-hexaglycyl having inversion symmetry has been made. The cyclic backbone has been assumed to have two internal 4→1 types of NH... O hydrogen bonds. This molecule has been found to take up two types of conformations designated asA* andB* having nearly the same energy values. The theoretical conformations have been compared with the conformations of cyclohexaglycyl hemihydrate observed in the crystal structure. Two molecules with an approximate inversion symmetry are close to the conformation of the typeB* and two other molecules with exact inversino symmetry correspond nearly to the typesB* andA*. comparison with the theoretically possible conformations of cyclohexaglycyl molecule with 2-fold symmetry has been made. The preference of inversion symmetry and preferred ranges ofψ for glycyl molecules is discussed.


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2,3-Dihydroxybenzoic acid has been shown to be oxidized via the 3-oxoadipate pathway in the leaves of Tecoma stans. The formation of 2-carboxy-cis,cis-muconic acid, a muconolactone, 3-oxoadipic acid and carbon dioxide during its metabolism has been demonstrated using an extract of Tecoma leaves. The first reaction of the pathway, viz., the conversion of 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate to 2-carboxy-cis,cis-muconic acid has been shown to be catalysed by an enzyme designated as 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate 2,3-oxygenase. The enzyme has been partially purified and a few of its properties studied. The enzyme is very labile with a half-life of 3--4 h. It is maximally active with 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate as the substrate and does not exhibit any activity with catechol, 4-methyl catechol, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, etc. However, 2,3-dihydroxy-p-toluate and 2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumate are also oxidized by the enzyme by about 38% and 28% respectively, compared to 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate. Sulfhydryl reagents inhibit the enzyme reaction and the inhibition can be prevented by preincubation of the enzyme with the substrate. Substrate also affords protection to the enzyme against thermal inactivation. Sulfhydryl compounds strongly inhibit the reaction and the inhibition cannot be prevented by preincubation of the enzyme with its substrates. Data on the effect of metal ions as well as metal chelating agents suggest that copper is the metal cofactor of the enzyme. Evidence is presented which suggests that iron may not be participating in the overall catalytic mechanism.


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The discharge pulse rates at different magnitude levels are often used as criteria for monitoring the partial-discharge aging of insulation systems. Use of suggested corrections for errors in cumulative probability counting leads to better use of available counters.


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An important limitation of the existing IGC algorithms, is that they do not explicitly exploit the inherent time scale separation that exist in aerospace vehicles between rotational and translational motions and hence can be ineffective. To address this issue, a two-loop partial integrated guidance and control (PIGC) scheme has been proposed in this paper. In this design, the outer loop uses a recently developed, computationally efficient, optimal control formulation named as model predictive static programming. It gives the commanded pitch and yaw rates whereas necessary roll-rate command is generated from a roll-stabilization loop. The inner loop tracks the outer loop commands using the Dynamic inversion philosophy. Uncommonly, Six-Degree of freedom (Six-DOF) model is used directly in both the loops. This intelligent manipulation preserves the inherent time scale separation property between the translational and rotational dynamics, and hence overcomes the deficiency of current IGC designs, while preserving its benefits. Comparative studies of PIGC with one loop IGC and conventional three loop design were carried out for engaging incoming high speed target. Simulation studies demonstrate the usefulness of this method.


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In the case of reinforced concrete slabs fixed at the boundaries, considerable enhancement in the load carrying capacity takes place due to compressive membrane action. In this paper a method is presented to analyse the effects of membrane action in fixed orthotropic circular slabs, carrying uniformly distributed loads. Depending on the radial moment capacity being greater or less than the circumferential moment capacity, two cases of orthotropy have been considered. Numerical results are worked out for certain assumed physical parameters and for different coefficients of orthotropy. Variations of load and bending moments with the central deflection are presented.


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An analytical study for the static strength of adhesive lap joints is presented. The earlier solutions of Volkersen [i], DeBruyne[2] and others were limited to linear adhesives. The influence of adhesive non-linearity was first considered by Grimes' et al[3] and Dickson et al [4]. Recently Hart-Smith[5] successfully introduced elastic-plastic behaviour of the adhesive. In the present study the problem is formulated for general non-linear adhesive behaviour and an efficient numerical algorithm is written for the solution. Bilinear and trilinear models for the nonlinearity yield closed form analytical solutions.


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The transmission-line or the impedance-tube method for the measurement of the acoustic impedance of any termination involves a search for various minima and maxima of pressure. For this purpose, arrangement has to be made for the microphone to travel along the length of the impedance tube, and this complicates the design of the tube considerably. The present paper discusses a method which consists in evaluating the tube attenuation factor at any convenient frequency by making use of measured SPL's at two (or more) fixed locations with a rigid termination, calculating the tube attenuation factor and wave number at the required frequency of interest with or without mean flow (as applicable), and finally evaluating the impedance of the given termination by measuring and using SPL's at three (or more) fixed locations. Thus, the required impedance tube is considerably smaller in length, simpler in design, easier to manufacture, cheaper in cost and more convenient to use. The design of the tube is also discussed. Incidentally, it is also possible to evaluate the impedance at any low frequency without having to use a larger impedance tube.


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Gabapentin (1-aminomethylcyclohexaneacetic acid, Gpn) is an achiral, conformationally constrained gamma amino acid residue. A survey of available crystal structures of Gpn peptides reveals that the torsion angles about the C-gamma-C-beta (theta(1)) and C-beta-C-alpha(theta(2)) bonds are overwhelmingly limited to gauche, gauche (g(+)g(+)/g(-)g(-)) conformations. The Gpn residue forms C-7 and C-9 hydrogen bonds in which the donor and acceptor atoms come from the flanking peptide units. In combination with alpha amino acid residues alpha gamma and gamma alpha segments can adopt C-12 hydrogen bonded structures. The conformational choices available to the Gpn residue have been probed using energy calculations, adopting a grid search strategy. Ramachandran phi-psi maps have been constructed for fixed values of theta(1) and theta(2), corresponding to the gauche and trans conformations. The sterically allowed and energetically favorable regions of conformational space have been defined and experimental observations compared. C-7 and C-9 hydrogen bonded conformational families have been identified using a grid search approach in which theta(1) and theta(2) values are varied over a range of +/- 10 degrees about ideal values at 1 degrees intervals. The theoretical analysis together with experimental observations for 59 Gpn residues from 35 crystal structures permits definition of the limited range of conformational possibilities at this gamma amino acid residue. .


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Hydrogen bonding in the highly hindered alcohol 2,4-dimethyl-3-ethyl-3-pentanol has been studied by proton n.m.r. and infrared spectroscopy. This alcohol associates to form a dimer but no higher hydrogen bonded species; hence the monomer–dimer equilibrium can be studied without interference from competing processes. Spectral and thermodynamic properties for the hydrogen bonding are reported.


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Conformational studies have been carried out on hydrogenbonded all-trans cyclic pentapeptide backbone. Application of a combination of grid search and energy minimization on this system has resulted in obtaining 23 minimum energy conformations, which are characterized by unique patterns of hydrogen bonding comprising of β- and γ-turns. A study of the minimum energy conformationsvis-a-vis non-planar deviation of the peptide units reveals that non-planarity is an inherent feature in many cases. A study on conformational clustering of minimum energy conformations shows that the minimum energy conformations fall into 6 distinct conformational families. Preliminary comparison with available X-ray structures of cyclic pentapeptide indicates that only some of the minimum energy conformations have formed crystal structures. The set of minimum energy conformations worked out in the present study can form a consolidated database of prototypes for hydrogen bonded backbone and be useful for modelling cyclic pentapeptides both synthetic and bioactive in nature.


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Zinc micro and nanostructures were synthesized in vacuum by condensing evaporated zinc on Si substrate at different gas pressures. The morphology of the grown Zn structures was found to be dependent on the oxygen partial pressure. Depending on oxygen partial pressure it varied from two-dimensional microdisks to one-dimensional nanowire. The morphology and structural properties of the grown micro and nanostructures were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies on the grown Zn nanowires have shown that they exhibit core/shell-like structures, where a thin ZnO layer forms the shell. A possible growth mechanism behind the formation of different micro and nanostructures has been proposed. In addition, we have synthesized ZnO nanocanal-like structures by annealing Zn nanowires in vacuum at 350 °C for 30 min.