198 resultados para Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel


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EcoP1 modification methylase was radioactively labeled when incubated with S-adenosyl-L-[methyl-3H]methionine in the presence of ultraviolet light. Crosslinking of the enzyme as detected by electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel followed by fluorography and autoradiography, was shown to be specific by a number of criteria. More importantly, EcoP1 modification methylase was also radioactively labeled with S-adenosyl-L-[carboxyl-14C]methionine demonstrating that labeling involved binding of the entire AdoMet molecule rather than methylation of the protein. Further, c2 EcoP1 mutant DNA modification methylases which show negligible or very little methylation activity, correspondingly formed a weak or no adduct upon crosslinking. These results suggest that photolabeling of EcoP1 DNA modification methylase occurs at the AdoMet binding site.


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Radioactivity from S-adenosyl-L-[methyl-H-3] methionine ([methyl-H-3]AdoMet) was bound to the EcoP15 DNA methyltransferase (M.EcoP15) following short-wave ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. The labeled protein was subjected to polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE), and detected by fluorography and autoradiography. Labeling was found to be dependent on the concentration of AdoMet and time of UV irradiation. The photolabeling by [methyl-H-3]AdoMet was specific and blocked by S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy) and sinefungin which are known to function as competitive inhibitors. Limited digestion of the M EcoP15-AdoMet adduct by Staphylococcus aureus protease V8 generated three peptides of approx. 50, 32 and 30 kDa; Interestingly, only the 30-kDa peptide fragment contained radioactivity, as detected by SDS-PAGE, followed by fluorography and autoradiography. Further, sequencing of a few amino acids at the N-terminus of these peptides showed that the 30-kDa fragment was the N-terminal portion of M.EcoP15, These results suggest that photolabeling is at the AdoMet-binding site and that the N-terminal half of M.EcoP15 may be involved in substrate binding.


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Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) system using Mono Q (HR 5/5) anion-exchange column chromatography followed by highly cross-linked urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (urea-PAGE) was used for the purification of lysine-specific tRNA (tRNA(Lys)) from rat liver. Crude tRNA from rat liver was fractionated with a linear gradient of NaCl (0.3-0.8 M) in triethanolamine-HCl buffer, pH 4.5, and the activity of tRNA(Lys) was found to elute between 0.51 and 0.57 M NaCl. Using this concentration range of NaCl, tRNA(Lys) was refractionated on the same column with a shallow gradient, where a single peak of tRNA(Lys) activity was obtained. tRNA(Lys)-rich fractions recovered from the second run were electrophoretically separated on 16% polyacrylamide-7 M urea gel into one major band and three minor bands. The major band showed a specific activity of 997 pmols/A260 U for tRNALys with a 43-fold purification and approximately 17% recovery. The minor bands displayed negligible or no activity for lysine. tRNA(Lys) obtained by this method was found to be homogeneous by competitive aminoacylation. The advantages of FPLC followed by urea-PAGE in the purification of an amino acid-specific tRNA over conventional column chromatography are discussed.


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The structural proteins of mycobacteriophage I3 have been analysed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), radioiodination and immunoblotting. Based on their abundance the 34- and 70-kDa bands appeared to represent the major structural proteins. Successful cloning and expression of the 70-kDa protein-encoding gene of phage I3 in Escherichia coli and its complete nucleotide sequence determination have been accomplished, A second (partial) open reading frame following the stop codon for the 70-kDa protein was also identified within the cloned fragment. The deduced amino-acid sequence of the 70-kDa protein and the codon usage patterns indicated the preponderance of codons, as predicted from the high G+C content of the genomic DNA of phage I3.


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beta protein, a key component of Red-pathway of phage lambda is necessary for its growth and general genetic recombination in recombination-deficient mutants of Escherichia coli. To facilitate studies on structure-function relationships, we overexpressed beta protein and purified it to homogeneity. A chemical cross-linking reagent, glutaraldehyde, was used to stabilize the physical association of beta protein in solution. A 67-kDa band, corresponding to homodimer, was identified after separation by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Stoichiometric measurements indicated a site-size of 1 monomer of beta protein/5 nucleotide residues. Electrophoretic gel mobility shift assays suggested that beta protein formed stable nucleoprotein complexes with 36-mer, but not with 27- or 17-mer DNA. Interestingly, the interaction of beta protein with DNA and the stability of nucleoprotein complexes was dependent on the presence of MgCl2, and the binding was abolished by 250 mM NaCl. The K-d of beta protein binding to 36-mer DNA was on the order of 1.8 x 10(-6) M. Photochemical cross-linking of native beta protein or its fragments, generated by chymotrypsin, to 36-mer DNA was performed to identify its DNA-binding domain. Characterization of the cross-linked peptide disclosed that amino acids required for DNA-binding specificity resided within a 20-kDa peptide at the N-terminal end. These findings provide a basis for further understanding oi the structure and function of beta protein.


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Total tRNAs isolated from chloroplasts and etioplasts of cucumber cotyledons were compared with respect to amino acid acceptance, isoacceptor distribution and extent of modification. Aminoacylation of the tRNAs with nine different amino acids studied indicated that the relative acceptor activities of chloroplast total tRNAs for four amino acids are significantly higher than etioplast total tRNAs. Two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) of chloroplast total tRNAs separated at least 32 spots, while approximately 41 spots were resolved from etioplast total tRNAs. Comparison of the reversed-phase chromatography (RPC-5) profiles of chloroplast and etioplast leucyl-, lysyl-, phenylalanyl-, and valyl-tRNA species showed no qualitative differences in the elution profiles. However, leucyl-, lysyl- and valyl-tRNA species showed quantitative differences in the relative amounts of the isoaccepting species present in chloroplasts and etioplasts. The analysis of modified nucleotides of total tRNAs from the two plastid types indicated that total tRNA from etioplasts was undermodified with respect to ribothymidine, isopentenyladenosine/hydroxy-isopentenyladenosine, 1-methylguanosine and 2-o-methylguanosine. This indicates that illumination may cause de novo synthesis of chloroplast tRNA-modifying enzymes encoded for by nuclear genes leading to the formation of highly modified tRNAs in chloroplasts. Based on these results, we speculate that the observed decrease in levels of aminoacylation, variations in the relative amounts of certain isoacceptors, and differences in the electrophoretic mobilities of some extra tRNA spots in the etioplast total tRNAs as compared to chloroplast total tRNAs could be due to some partially undermodified etioplast tRNAs. Taken together, the data suggested that the light-induced transformation of etioplasts into chloroplasts is accompanied by increases in the relative levels of some functional chloroplast tRNAs by post transcriptional nucleotide modifications.


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Complete plants were regenerated from in vitro cultured immature cotyledon segments of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L. cv. TMV-7) by organogenesis. Callus cultures were best Initiated from immature cotyledon segments on MS (Murashige and Skoog) salts containing B5 vitamins supplemented with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and alpha -naphthalene acetic acid (NAA; 4.0 mg L-1) and kinetin (KIN; 0.5 L-1). Calluses were transferred to a medium containing KIN (2.0 mg L-1) and IAA and NAA (0.5 mg L-1) for shoot Initiation. The regenerated shoots were transferred to a medium containing Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA; 2.0 mg L-1) and KIN (0.2 mg L-1) for developing roots. In vitro produced plantlets developed sucessfully, matured, and set seed. The protein profiles [sodium dodecyl sulphate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)] of callus, callus with shoot, and callus with shoot and root showed differences.


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Trypanosoma evansi is a causative agent of `surra', a common haemoprotozoan disease of livestock in India causing high morbidity and mortality in disease endemic areas. The proteinases released by live and dead trypanosomes entail immunosuppression in the infected host, which immensely contribute in disease pathogenesis. Cysteine proteinases are identified in the infectious cycle of trypanosomes such as cruzain from Trypanosoma cruzi, rhodesain or brucipain from Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and congopain from Trypanosoma congelense. These enzymes localised in lysosome-like organelles, flagellar pocket and on cell surface, which play a critical role in the life cycle of protozoan parasites, viz. in host invasion, nutrition and alteration of the host immune response. The paper describes the identification of cysteine proteinases of T. evansi lysate, activity profile at different pH optima and inhibition pattern using a specific inhibitor, besides the polypeptide profile of an antigen. Eight proteinases of T. evansi were identified in the molecular weight (MW) ranges of 28-170 kDa using gelatin substrate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (GS-PAGE), and of these proteinases, six were cysteine proteinases, as they were inhibited by L-3-carboxy-2,3-transepoxypropionyl-lecuylamido (4-guanidino)-butane (E-64), a specific inhibitor. These proteolytic enzymes were most reactive in acidic pH between 3.0 and 5.5 in the presence of dithiothreitol and completely inactive at alkaline pH 10.0. Similarly, the GS-PAGE profile of the serum samples of rats infected with T. evansi revealed strong proteolytic activity only at the 28-kDa zone at pH 5.5, while no proteolytic activity was observed in serum samples of uninfected rats. Further, the other zones of clearance, which were evident in T. evansi antigen zymogram, could not be observed in the serum samples of rats infected with T. evansi. The polypeptide pattern of the whole cell lysate antigen revealed 12-15 polypeptide bands ranging from 28 to 81 kDa along with five predominant polypeptides bands (MW of 81, 66, 62, 55 and 45 kDa), which were immunoreactive with hyperimmune serum (HIS) and serum of experimentally infected rabbits with T. evansi infection. The immunoblot recognised antibodies in experimentally infected rabbits and against HIS as well, corresponding to the zone of clearances at lower MW ranges (28-41 kDa), which may be attributed to the potential of these proteinases in the diagnosis of T. evansi infection. Since these thiol-dependent enzymes are most active in acidic pH and considering their inhibition characteristics, these data suggest that they resemble to the mammalian lysosomal cathepsin B and L.


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A strategy called macro-(affinity ligand) facilitated three-phase partitioning (MLFTPP) is described for refolding of a diverse set of recombinant proteins starting from the solubilized inclusion bodies. It essentially consists of: (i) binding of the protein with a suitable smart polymer and (ii) precipitating the polymer-protein complex as an interfacial layer by mixing in a suitable amount of ammonium sulfate and t-butanol. Smart polymers are stimuli-responsive polymers that become insoluble on the application of a suitable stimulus (e.g., a change in the temperature, pH, or concentration of a chemical species such as Ca 2+ or K +). The MLFTPP process required approximately 10min, and the refolded proteins were found to be homogeneous on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The folded proteins were characterized by fluorescence emission spectroscopy, circular dichroism spectroscopy, biological activity, melting temperature, and surface hydrophobicity measurements by 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate fluorescence. Two refolded antibody fragments were also characterized by measuring K D by Biacore by using immobilized HIV-1 gp120. The data demonstrate that MLFTPP is a rapid and convenient procedure for refolding a variety of proteins from inclusion bodies at high concentration. Although establishing the generic nature of the approach would require wider trials by different groups, its success with the diverse kinds of proteins tried so far appears to be promising.


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Studies on the extractability of polyphenoloxidase (PPO) from the pulp of five banana cultivars revealed a varietal difference in the nature of binding of the PPO in the cell, with the enzyme being entirely in the soluble fraction in one and partly associated with the cell wall in others, necessitating use of a detergent to release it from the latter. Partial purification by acetone precipitation and chromatography using a DEAE-cellulose column yielded two major fractions DE-I and DE-II with purifications of 4- and 16·3-fold and activity recoveries of 38·2 and 43·3% respectively. Further gel filtration of the two fractions on a Sephadex G-100 column improved the purifications to 44- and 50-fold respectively with full activity recovery. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic studies showed the two fractions to be composed of isoenzymes differing in pattern. The purified enzyme showed maximum absorption at 275 nm.


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The auxin-induced formation of roots in the hypocotyls of Phaseolus vulgaris can be prevented by treatment with actinomycin D, colchicine or cytochalasin B if applied within 40 hr of initiation. Shortly after auxin pretreatment, there is an increase in translatable messenger RNA activity. Analysis of the labelled cell-free products indicate, among other changes, a striking increase in a protein co-migrating with tubulin, in the case of RNA isolated from indolebutyric acid (IBA) pretreated hypocotyls. An increase in tubulin content in vivo can also be demonstrated on the basis of SDS-polyacrylamide gel analysis of membrane proteins and functional assays for tubulin polymerization. An increase in the synthesis of tubulin in vivo can also be demonstrated after IBA pretreatment. In addition, the auxin is also able to promote tubulin polymerization when added in vitro. It is suggested that tubulin synthesis and microtubule assembly are early events in auxin-mediated root differentiation.


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Analysis of ribosomes and the post ribosomal supernatant fraction of actively growing cells ofThermomyces lanuginosus showed the presence of free 5 S RNA in the supernatant fraction. This 5 S RNA was identical to the ribosomal 5 S RNA in its electrophoretic mobility on 10% Polyacrylamide gel and in its base composition. 5 S RNA from both the sources gave evidence for the presence of diphosphate at the 5’ end. Most of the 5 S RNA that appeared in the cytoplasm was that transported from the nucleus during the isolation. This could be prevented by the use of a hexylene glycol-HEPES buffer.


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Acetohydroxy acid isomerase (AHA isomerase) was purified about 110-fold and separated from reductase and acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase. The AHA isomerase was found to be homogeneous by agar and polyacrylamide gel electrophoreses at different pHs. The properties of AHA isomerase have been studied. The purified enzyme showed requirement for Image -ascorbic acid and sulfate ions for its activity. Synthetic ascorbic acid sulfate could replace Image -ascorbic acid and sulfate. α-Methyllactate and α-ketoisovalerate were found to inhibit AHA isomerase activity competitively whereas Image -valine and Image -isoleucine had no significant inhibitory effect. p-Hydroxymercuribenzoate inhibited AHA isomerase activity and the inhibition was reversed by β-mercaptoethanol.


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Acetohydroxy acid isomerase (AHA isomerase) was purified about 110-fold and separated from reductase and acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase. The AHA isomerase was found to be homogeneous by agar and polyacrylamide gel electrophoreses at different pHs. The properties of AHA isomerase have been studied. The purified enzyme showed requirement for l-ascorbic acid and sulfate ions for its activity. Synthetic ascorbic acid sulfate could replace l-ascorbic acid and sulfate. α-Methyllactate and α-ketoisovalerate were found to inhibit AHA isomerase activity competitively whereas l-valine and l-isoleucine had no significant inhibitory effect. p-Hydroxymercuribenzoate inhibited AHA isomerase activity and the inhibition was reversed by β-mercaptoethanol.


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There was no difference in the incorporation of S-35 label into proteins of T4 and amber B17 phage grown on Escherichia coli B. The head protein peak was absent in the polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic profile of the S-35 labeled proteins of amber B17 grown on non-permissive host, E.coli B. However, an increase of 15–70% in the synthesis of other phage proteins of amber B17 over that of T4 phage was observed. The lysozyme activity increased by two fold in amber B17 in comparison with that of T4 phage grown on E.coli B. These results imply that in the absence of head protein synthesis by amber mutant there was an increase in the synthesis of other phage proteins.