440 resultados para nearly-stoichiometric LiTaO3


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It has been observed that a majority of glaciers in the Himalayas have been retreating. In this paper, we show that there are two major factors which control the advance/retreat of the Himalayan glaciers. They are the slope of the glacier and changes in the equilibrium line altitude. While it is well known, that these factors are important, we propose a new way of combining them and use it to predict retreat. The functional form of this model has been derived from numerical simulations using an ice-flow code. The model has been successfully applied to the movement of eight Himalayan glaciers during the past 25 years. It explains why the Gangotri glacier is retreating while Zemu of nearly the same length is stationary, even if they are subject to similar environmental changes. The model has also been applied to a larger set of glaciers in the Parbati basin, for which retreat based on satellite data is available, though over a shorter time period.


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An excellent utility of Schmidt reaction of aldehydes to access corresponding nitriles in an instantaneous reaction is demonstrated. The reaction of aldehydes with NaN3 and TfOH furnishes the corresponding nitriles in near quantitative yields and tolerates a variety of electron-withdrawing and electron-donating substituents on the substrates. Formanilides, a common side product in Schmidt reaction, is not observed in this reaction. Besides these advantages, the salient feature of this reaction is that it exhibits a remarkable chemoselectivity, as acid and ketone functionalities are well tolerated under the reaction conditions. The reaction is easily scalable, high yielding, and nearly instantaneous.


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This article presents the studies conducted on turbocharged producer gas engines designed originally for natural gas (NG) as the fuel. Producer gas, whose properties like stoichiometric ratio, calorific value, laminar flame speed, adiabatic flame temperature, and related parameters that differ from those of NG, is used as the fuel. Two engines having similar turbochargers are evaluated for performance. Detailed measurements on the mass flowrates of fuel and air, pressures and temperatures at various locations on the turbocharger were carried out. On both the engines, the pressure ratio across the compressor was measured to be 1.40 +/- 0.05 and the density ratio to be 1.35 +/- 0.05 across the turbocharger with after-cooler. Thermodynamic analysis of the data on both the engines suggests a compressor efficiency of 70 per cent. The specific energy consumption at the peak load is found to be 13.1 MJ/kWh with producer gas as the fuel. Compared with the naturally aspirated mode, the mass flow and the peak load in the turbocharged after-cooled condition increased by 35 per cent and 30 per cent, respectively. The pressure ratios obtained with the use of NG and producer gas are compared with corrected mass flow on the compressor map.


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We study the linear m= 1 counter-rotating instability in a two-component, nearly Keplerian disc. Our goal is to understand these slow modes in discs orbiting massive black holes in galactic nuclei. They are of interest not only because they are of large spatial scale and can hence dominate observations but also because they can be growing modes that are readily excited by accretion events. Self-gravity being non-local, the eigenvalue problem results in a pair of coupled integral equations, which we derive for a two-component softened gravity disc. We solve this integral eigenvalue problem numerically for various values of mass fraction in the counter-rotating component. The eigenvalues are in general complex, being real only in the absence of the counter-rotating component, or imaginary when both components have identical surface density profiles. Our main results are as follows: (i) the pattern speed appears to be non-negative, with the growth (or damping) rate being larger for larger values of the pattern speed; (ii) for a given value of the pattern speed, the growth (or damping) rate increases as the mass in the counter-rotating component increases; (iii) the number of nodes of the eigenfunctions decreases with increasing pattern speed and growth rate. Observations of lopsided brightness distributions would then be dominated by modes with the least number of nodes, which also possess the largest pattern speeds and growth rates.


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Genetic alterations like point mutations, insertions, deletions, inversions and translocations are frequently found in cancers. Chromosomal translocations are one of the most common genomic aberrations associated with nearly all types of cancers especially leukemia and lymphoma. Recent studies have shown the role of non-B DNA structures in generation of translocations. In the present study, using various bioinformatic tools, we show the propensity of formation of different types of altered DNA structures near translocation breakpoint regions. In particular, we find close association between occurrence of G-quadruplex forming motifs and fragile regions in almost 70% of genes involved in rearrangements in lymphoid cancers. However, such an analysis did not provide any evidence for the occurrence of G-quadruplexes at the close vicinity of translocation breakpoint regions in nonlymphoid cancers. Overall, this study will help in the identification of novel non-B DNA targets that may be responsible for generation of chromosomal translocations in cancer. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Temperature dependent X-ray powder diffraction and dielectric studies have been carried out on tetragonal compositions of (1-x) PbTiO 3(x) BiMeO 3; Me similar to Sc and Zn 1/2 Ti 1/2. The cubic and the tetragonal phases coexist over more than 100 degrees C for 0.70 PbTiO 30.3 Bi ( Zn 1/2 Ti 1/2) O 3 and 0.66 PbTiO 30.34 BiScO 3. The wide temperature range of phase coexistence is shown to be an intrinsic feature of the system, and is attributed to the increase in the degree of the covalent character of the ( Pb +Bi ) O bond with increasing concentration of Bi at the Pb -site. The d-values of the {111} planes of the coexisting phases are nearly identical, suggesting this plane to be the invariant plane for the martensitic type cubic-tetragonal transformation occurring in these systems.


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The presence of energetically less favourable cis peptides in protein structures has been observed to be strongly associated with its structural integrity and function. Inter-conversion between the cis and trans conformations also has an important role in the folding process. In this study, we analyse the extent of conservation of cis peptides among similar folds. We look at both the amino acid preferences and local structural changes associated with such variations. Nearly 34% of the Xaa-Proline cis bonds are not conserved in structural relatives; Proline also has a high tendency to get replaced by another amino acid in the trans conformer. At both positions bounding the peptide bond, Glycine has a higher tendency to lose the cis conformation. The cis conformation of more than 30% of beta turns of type VIb and IV are not found to be conserved in similar structures. A different view using Protein Block-based description of backbone conformation, suggests that many of the local conformational changes are highly different from the general local structural variations observed among structurally similar proteins. Changes between cis and trans conformations are found to be associated with the evolution of new functions facilitated by local structural changes. This is most frequent in enzymes where new catalytic activity emerges with local changes in the active site. Cis-trans changes are also seen to facilitate inter-domain and inter-protein interactions. As in the case of folding, cis-trans conversions have been used as an important driving factor in evolution.


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The rapid disruption of tropical forests probably imperils global biodiversity more than any other contemporary phenomenon(1-3). With deforestation advancing quickly, protected areas are increasingly becoming final refuges for threatened species and natural ecosystem processes. However, many protected areas in the tropics are themselves vulnerable to human encroachment and other environmental stresses(4-9). As pressures mount, it is vital to know whether existing reserves can sustain their biodiversity. A critical constraint in addressing this question has been that data describing a broad array of biodiversity groups have been unavailable for a sufficiently large and representative sample of reserves. Here we present a uniquely comprehensive data set on changes over the past 20 to 30 years in 31 functional groups of species and 21 potential drivers of environmental change, for 60 protected areas stratified across the world's major tropical regions. Our analysis reveals great variation in reserve `health': about half of all reserves have been effective or performed passably, but the rest are experiencing an erosion of biodiversity that is often alarmingly widespread taxonomically and functionally. Habitat disruption, hunting and forest-product exploitation were the strongest predictors of declining reserve health. Crucially, environmental changes immediately outside reserves seemed nearly as important as those inside in determining their ecological fate, with changes inside reserves strongly mirroring those occurring around them. These findings suggest that tropical protected areas are often intimately linked ecologically to their surrounding habitats, and that a failure to stem broad-scale loss and degradation of such habitats could sharply increase the likelihood of serious biodiversity declines.


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Engineering devices with a large electrical response to magnetic field is of fundamental importance for a range of applications such as magnetic field sensing and magnetic read heads. We show that a colossal nonsaturating linear magnetoresistance (NLMR) arises in two-dimensional electron systems hosted in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure in the strongly insulating regime. When operated at high source-drain bias, the magnetoresistance of our devices increases almost linearly with magnetic field, reaching nearly 10 000% at 8 T, thus surpassing many known nonmagnetic materials that exhibit giant NLMR. The temperature dependence and mobility analysis indicate that the NLMR has a purely classical origin, driven by nanoscale inhomogeneities. A large NLMR combined with small device dimensions makes these systems an attractive candidate for on-chip magnetic field sensing.


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Nb is one of the common refractory elements added in Ni, Co and Fe based superalloys. This lead to the formation of brittle topological close packed (tcp) mu phase, which is deleterious to the structure. It mainly grows by interdiffusion and in the present article, the interdiffusion process in different Nb-X (X=Ni, Co, Fe) systems is discussed. The activation energy for interdiffusion is lower in the Co-Nb system (173 kJ/mol) than Fe-Nb system (233 kJ/mol), which is again lower than the value found in the Ni-Nb system (319.7 kJ/mol). The mole fraction of Nb in this phase is less than Fe or Co at stoichiometric compositions in the Nb-Fe (that is Fe7Nb6) and Nb-Co (that is Co7Nb6) systems. On the other hand, the mole fraction of Nb is higher than Ni in the same phase (Ni6Nb2) in Ni-Nb system. However, in all the phases, Nb has lower diffusion rate. Possible diffusion mechanism in this phase is discussed with respect to the crystal structure.


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The study is the first report of the utilization of a crown ether as a new and versatile resolving agent for the diffusion edited separation of enantiomers, complex mixtures and constitutional isomers. As a consequence of different binding affinities of enantiomers of a chiral molecule and individual components of the complex mixtures with the crown ether, the molecules diffuse at different rates. The enhanced separation achieved due to matrix assisted diffusion permitted their separation in the diffusion dimension. The generality and wide utility of the new resolving agent and the methodology are demonstrated on diverse examples, such as an organic chiral molecule, constitutional isomers and complex mixture of molecules possessing different functional groups that possess nearly identical molecular weights.


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The charge transport in sulfonated multi-wall carbon nanotube (sMWNT)-Nafion composite is reported. The scanning electron microscope images of the composite, at 1 and 10 wt % of sMWNT, show that the nanotubes are well dispersed in polymer matrix, with conductivity values of 0.005 and 3.2 S/cm, respectively; and the percolation threshold is nearly 0.42 wt. %. The exponent (∼0.25) of the temperature dependence of conductivity in both samples indicates Mott's variable range hopping (VRH) transport. The conductance in 1 wt. % sample increases by three orders of magnitude at high electric-fields, consistent with VRH model. The negative magnetoresistance in 10 wt. % sample is attributed to the forward interference scattering mechanism in VRH transport. The ac conductance in 1 wt. % sample is expressed by σ(ω)∝ωs, and the temperature dependence of s follows the correlated barrier hopping model.


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Oxygen nonstoichiometry of three ternary oxides. YFeO3-delta, YFe2O4-alpha and Y3Fe5O12-theta. in the system Y-Fe-O was investigated as a function of oxygen partial pressure by thermogravimetry at high temperature. The defects responsible for nonstoichiometry were identified as oxygen vacancies for YFeO3-delta and YFe2O4-alpha although the manner of variation of nonstoichiometric parameter with oxygen partial pressure for these two oxides is quite different. Cation interstitials are the predominant defects in Y3Fe5O12-theta. Gibbs energies of formation of the three nonstoichiometric oxides were determined using solid-state electrochemical cells in the temperature range from 975 to 1475 K. YFe2O4-alpha was found to be stable only above 1391 K. Gibbs energies of formation of the three stoichiometric compounds from their component binary oxides were obtained by combining information from solid state cells with results of thermogravimetric analysis using the Gibbs-Duhem relation. The results can be summarized as: (1/2)Y2O3 + (1/2)Fe2O3 -> YFeO3;Delta G(f(ox))(O)(+/- 250)(J/mol) = 17, 126-8.263T (1/2)Y2O3 + FeO + (1/2)Fe2O3 -> YFe2O4;Delta G(f(ox))(O)(+/- 260)(J/mol) = -10,352-13.24T (3/2)Y2O3 + (5/2)Fe2O3 -> Y3Fe5O12;Delta G(f(ox))(O)(+/- 780)(J/mol) = -56, 647-31.091T. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cooling slope (CS) has been used in this study to prepare semi-solid slurry of A356 Al alloy, keeping in view of slurry generation on demand for Rheo-pressure die casting process. Understanding the physics of microstructure evolution during cooling slope slurry formation is important to satisfy the need of semi-sold slurry with desired shape, size and morphology of primary Al phase. Mixture of spherical and rosette shaped primary Al phase has been observed in the samples collected during melt flow through the slope as well as in the cast (mould) samples compared to that of dendritic shape, observed in case of conventionally cast A356 alloy. The liquid melt has been poured into the slope at 650 A degrees C temperature and during flow it falls below the liquidus temperature of the said alloy, which facilitates crystallization of alpha-Al crystals on the cooling slope wall. Crystal separation due to melt flow is found responsible for nearly spherical morphology of the primary Al phase.


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Residual strength (room temperature strength after exposure in air at high temperatures) of hot pressed ZrB2-SiC composites was evaluated as function of SiC contents (10-30 vol%) as well as exposure temperatures for 5 h (1000-1700 degrees C). Multilayer oxide scale structures were found after exposures. The composition and thickness of these multilayered oxide scale structure was dependent on exposure temperature and SiC contents in composites. After exposure to 1000 degrees C for 5 h, the residual strength of ZrB2-SiC composites improved by nearly 60% compared to the as-hot pressed composites with 20 and 30 vol% SiC. On the other hand, the residual strength of these composites remained unchanged after 1500 degrees C for 5 h. A drastic degradation in residual strength was observed in composites with 20 and 30 vol% SiC after exposure to 1700 degrees C for 5 h in ZrB2-SiC. An attempt was made to correlate the microstructural changes and oxide scales with residual strength with respect to variation in SiC content and temperature of expsoure. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.