434 resultados para FREQUENCIES


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This paper presents a study of the wave propagation responses in composite structures in an uncertain environment. Here, the main aim of the work is to quantify the effect of uncertainty in the wave propagation responses at high frequencies. The material properties are considered uncertain and the analysis is performed using Neumann expansion blended with Monte Carlo simulation under the environment of spectral finite element method. The material randomness is included in the conventional wave propagation analysis by different distributions (namely, the normal and the Weibul distribution) and their effect on wave propagation in a composite beam is analyzed. The numerical results presented investigates the effect of material uncertainties on different parameters, namely, wavenumber and group speed, which are relevant in the wave propagation analysis. The effect of the parameters, such as fiber orientation, lay-up sequence, number of layers, and the layer thickness on the uncertain responses due to dynamic impulse load, is thoroughly analyzed. Significant changes are observed in the high frequency responses with the variation in the above parameters, even for a small coefficient of variation. High frequency impact loads are applied and a number of interesting results are presented, which brings out the true effects of uncertainty in the high frequency responses. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4003945]


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Frequent episode discovery framework is a popular framework in temporal data mining with many applications. Over the years, many different notions of frequencies of episodes have been proposed along with different algorithms for episode discovery. In this paper, we present a unified view of all the apriori-based discovery methods for serial episodes under these different notions of frequencies. Specifically, we present a unified view of the various frequency counting algorithms. We propose a generic counting algorithm such that all current algorithms are special cases of it. This unified view allows one to gain insights into different frequencies, and we present quantitative relationships among different frequencies. Our unified view also helps in obtaining correctness proofs for various counting algorithms as we show here. It also aids in understanding and obtaining the anti-monotonicity properties satisfied by the various frequencies, the properties exploited by the candidate generation step of any apriori-based method. We also point out how our unified view of counting helps to consider generalization of the algorithm to count episodes with general partial orders.


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In this work, we propose an approach for reducing radiated noise from `light' fluid-loaded structures, such as, for example, vibrating structures in air. In this approach, we optimize the structure so as to minimize the dynamic compliance (defined as the input power) of the structure. We show that minimizing the dynamic compliance results in substantial reductions in the radiated sound power from the structure. The main advantage of this approach is that the redesign to minimize the dynamic compliance moves the natural frequencies of the structure away from the driving frequency thereby reducing the vibration levels of the structure, which in turn results in a reduction in the radiated sound power as an indirect benefit. Thus, the need for an acoustic and the associated sensitivity analysis is completely bypassed (although, in this work, we do carry out an acoustic analysis to demonstrate the reduction in sound power levels), making the strategy efficient compared to existing strategies in the literature which try to minimize some measure of noise directly. We show the effectiveness of the proposed approach by means of several examples involving both topology and stiffener optimization, for vibrating beam, plate and shell-type structures.


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Zn(1-x)Fe(x)O(1+0.5x) (x = 0.5-5 mol%) nanoparticles were synthesized by a low temperature solution combustion route. The structural characterization of these nanoparticles by PXRD, SEM and TEM confirmed the phase purity of the samples and indicated a reduction in the particle size with increase in Fe content. A small increase in micro strain in the Fe doped nanocrystals is observed from W-H plots. EPR spectrum exhibits an intense resonance signal with effective g values at g approximate to 2.0 with a sextet hyperfine structure (hfs) besides a weak signal at g approximate to 4.13. The signal at g approximate to 2.0 with a sextet hyperfine structure might be due to manganese impurity where as the resonance signal at g approximate to 4.13 is due to iron. The optical band gap E-g was found to decrease with increase of Fe content. Raman spectra exhibit two non-polar optical phonon (E-2) modes at low and high frequencies at 100 and 435 cm(-1) in Fe doped samples. These modes broaden and disappear with increase of Fe do pant concentration. TL measurements of gamma-irradiated (1-5 kGy) samples show a main glow peak at 368 degrees C at a warming rate of 6.7 degrees Cs-1. The thermal activation parameters were estimated from Glow peak shape method. The average activation energy was found to be in the range 0.34-2.81 eV. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A strong electron-phonon interaction which limits the electronic mobility of semiconductors can also have significant effects on phonon frequencies. The latter is the key to the use of Raman spectroscopy for nondestructive characterization of doping in graphene-based devices. Using in situ Raman scattering from a single-layer MoS2 electrochemically top-gated field-effect transistor (FET), we show softening and broadening of the A(1g) phonon with electron doping, whereas the other Raman-active E-2g(1) mode remains essentially inert. Confirming these results with first-principles density functional theory based calculations, we use group theoretical arguments to explain why the A(1g) mode specifically exhibits a strong sensitivity to electron doping. Our work opens up the use of Raman spectroscopy in probing the level of doping in single-layer MoS2-based FETs, which have a high on-off ratio and are of technological significance.


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This work focuses on the design of torsional microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) varactors to achieve highdynamic range of capacitances. MEMS varactors fabricated through the polyMUMPS process are characterized at low and high frequencies for their capacitance-voltage characteristics and electrical parasitics. The effect of parasitic capacitances on tuning ratio is studied and an equivalent circuit is developed. Two variants of torsional varactors that help to improve the dynamic range of torsional varactors despite the parasitics are proposed and characterized. A tuning ratio of 1:8, which is the highest reported in literature, has been obtained. We also demonstrate through simulations that much higher tuning ratios can be obtained with the designs proposed. The designs and experimental results presented are relevant to CMOS fabrication processes that use low resistivity substrate. (C) 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). DOI: 10.1117/1.JMM.11.1.013006]


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When a light beam passes through any medium, the effects of interaction of light with the material depend on the field intensity. At low light intensities the response of materials remain linear to the amplitude of the applied electromagnetic field. But for sufficiently high intensities, the optical properties of materials are no longer linear to the amplitude of applied electromagnetic field. In such cases, the interaction of light waves with matter can result in the generation of new frequencies due to nonlinear processes such as higher harmonic generation and mixing of incident fields. One such nonlinear process, namely, the third order nonlinear spectroscopy has become a popular tool to study molecular structure. Thus, the spectroscopy based on the third order optical nonlinearity called stimulated Raman spectroscopy (SRS) is a tool to extract the structural and dynamical information about a molecular system. Ultrafast Raman loss spectroscopy (URLS) is analogous to SRS but is more sensitive than SRS. In this paper, we present the theoretical basis of SRS (URLS) techniques which have been developed in our laboratory.


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This paper studies the effect of longitudinal magnetic field on ultrasonic vibration in single walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) based on nonlocal continuum medium theory. Governing partial differential equations of CNTs are derived by considering the Lorentz magnetic forces applied on CNTs induced by a longitudinal magnetic field through Maxwell equations. The vibration characteristics of CNTs under a longitudinal magnetic field are obtained by solving the governing equations via wave propagation approach. The effects of longitudinal magnetic field on vibration of CNTs are discussed through numerical experiments. The present analysis show that vibration frequencies of CNTs drops dramatically in the presence of the magnetic field for various circumferential wavenumbers. Such effect is also observed for various boundary conditions of the CNT. New features for the effect of longitudinal magnetic field on ultrasonic vibration of CNTs, presented in this paper are useful in the design of nano-drive device, nano-oscillator and actuators and nano-electron technology, where carbon nanotubes act as basic elements.


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In this paper, ultrasonic wave propagation analysis in fluid filled single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) is studied using nonlocal elasticity theory. The SWCNT is modeled using Flugge's shell theory, with the wall having axial, circumferential and radial degrees of freedom and also including small scale effects. The fluid inside the SWCNT is assumed as water. Nonlocal governing equations for this system are derived and wave propagation analysis is also carried out. The presence of fluid in SWCNT alters the ultrasonic wave dispersion behavior. The wavenumber and wave velocity are smaller in presence of fluid as compared to the empty SWCNT. The nonlocal elasticity calculation shows that the wavenumber tends to reach the continuum limit at certain frequencies and the corresponding wave velocity tends to zero at those frequencies indicating localization and stationary behavior. It has been shown that the circumferential. waves will propagate non-dispersively at higher frequencies in nonlocality. The magnitudes of wave velocities of circumferential waves are smaller in nonlocal elasticity as compared to local elasticity. We also show that the cut-off frequency depend on the nonlocal scaling parameter and also on the density of the fluid inside the SWCNT, and the axial wavenumber, as the fluid becomes denser the cut-off frequency decreases. The effect of axial wavenumber on the ultrasonic wave behavior in SWCNTS filled with water is also discussed.


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We determine the nature of coupled phonons and magnetic excitations in AlFeO3 using inelastic light scattering from 5 to 315 K covering a spectral range from 100 to 2200 cm(-1) and complementary first-principles density functional theory-based calculations. A strong spin-phonon coupling and magnetic ordering-induced phonon renormalization are evident in (1) anomalous temperature dependence of many modes with frequencies below 850 cm(-1), particularly near the magnetic transition temperature T-c approximate to 250 K, and (2) distinct changes in band positions of high-frequency Raman bands between 1100 and 1800 cm(-1); in particular, a broad mode near 1250 cm(-1) appears only below T-c, attributed to the two-magnon Raman scattering. We also observe weak anomalies in the mode frequencies similar to 100 K due to a magnetically driven ferroelectric phase transition. Understanding of these experimental observations has been possible on the basis of first-principles calculations of the phonons' spectrum and their coupling with spins.


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We report gas phase mid-infrared spectra of 1- and 2- methyl naphthalenes at 0.2 cm(-1) resolution. Assignment of observed bands have been made using scaled quantum mechanical (SQM) calculations where the force fields rather the frequencies are scaled to find a close fit between observed and calculated bands. The structure of the molecules has been optimized using B3LYP level of theory in conjunction with standard 6-311G** basis set to obtain the harmonic frequencies. Using the force constants in Cartesian coordinates from the Gaussian output, scaled force field calculations are carried out using a modified version of the UMAT program in the QCPE package. Potential energy distributions of the normal modes obtained from such calculations helped us assign the observed bands and identify the unique features of the spectra of 1- and 2-MNs which are important for their isomeric identification.


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In the present work, the ultrasonic strain sensing performance of the large area PVDF thin film subjected to the thermal fatigue is studied. The PVDF thin film is prepared using hot press and the piezoelectric phase (beta-phase) has been achieved by thermo-mechanical treatment and poling under DC field. The sensors used in aircrafts for structural health monitoring applications are likely to be subjected to a wide range of temperature fluctuations which may create thermal fatigue in both aircraft structures and in the sensors. Thus, the sensitivity of the PVDF sensors for thermal fatigue needs to be studied for its effective implementation in the structural health monitoring applications. In present work, the fabricated films have been subjected to certain number of thermal cycles which serve as thermal fatigue and are further tested for ultrasonic strain sensitivity at various different frequencies. The PVDF sensor is bonded on the beam specimen at one end and the ultrasonic guided waves are launched with a piezoelectric wafer bonded on another end of the beam. Sensitivity of PVDF sensor in terms of voltage is obtained for increasing number of thermal cycles. Sensitivity variation is studied at various different extent of thermal fatigue. The variation of the sensor sensitivity with frequency due to thermal fatigue at different temperatures is also investigated. The present investigation shows an appropriate temperature range for the application of the PVDF sensors in structural health monitoring.


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Electromagnetic characteristics like absorption and electric field distributions of metallic carbon nanotubes are simulated using the discrete dipole approximation. Absorption of electromagnetic energy over a range of frequencies are studied for both parallel and perpendicular incidence of light to the axis of carbon nanotube. Our simulations show 30% enhancement of electric field in the radial direction for nanotubes with axial strain of 0.2 when compared to unstrained nanotubes in case of parallel incidence of light. Simulations for perpendicular incidence of light show an oscillatory behavior for the electric field in the axial direction. Analysis of simulation results indicate potential applications in designing nanostructured antennae and electromagnetic transmission/shielding using CNT-composite.


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Despite their small size, some insects, such as crickets, can produce high amplitude mating songs by rubbing their wings together. By exploiting structural resonance for sound radiation, crickets broadcast species-specific songs at a sharply tuned frequency. Such songs enhance the range of signal transmission, contain information about the signaler's quality, and allow mate choice. The production of pure tones requires elaborate structural mechanisms that control and sustain resonance at the species-specific frequency. Tree crickets differ sharply from this scheme. Although they use a resonant system to produce sound, tree crickets can produce high amplitude songs at different frequencies, varying by as much as an octave. Based on an investigation of the driving mechanism and the resonant system, using laser Doppler vibrometry and finite element modeling, we show that it is the distinctive geometry of the crickets' forewings (the resonant system) that is responsible for their capacity to vary frequency. The long, enlarged wings enable the production of high amplitude songs; however, as a mechanical consequence of the high aspect ratio, the resonant structures have multiple resonant modes that are similar in frequency. The drive produced by the singing apparatus cannot, therefore, be locked to a single frequency, and different resonant modes can easily be engaged, allowing individual males to vary the carrier frequency of their songs. Such flexibility in sound production, decoupling body size and song frequency, has important implications for conventional views of mate choice, and offers inspiration for the design of miniature, multifrequency, resonant acoustic radiators.


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A Monte Carlo model of ultrasound modulation of multiply scattered coherent light in a highly scattering media has been carried out for estimating the phase shift experienced by a photon beam on its transit through US insonified region. The phase shift is related to the tissue stiffness, thereby opening an avenue for possible breast tumor detection. When the scattering centers in the tissue medium is exposed to a deterministic forcing with the help of a focused ultrasound (US) beam, due to the fact that US-induced oscillation is almost along particular direction, the direction defined by the transducer axis, the scattering events increase, thereby increasing the phase shift experienced by light that traverses through the medium. The phase shift is found to increase with increase in anisotropy g of the medium. However, as the size of the focused region which is the region of interest (ROI) increases, a large number of scattering events take place within the ROI, the ensemble average of the phase shift (Delta phi) becomes very close to zero. The phase of the individual photon is randomly distributed over 2 pi when the scattered photon path crosses a large number of ultrasound wavelengths in the focused region. This is true at high ultrasound frequency (1 MHz) when mean free path length of photon l(s) is comparable to wavelength of US beam. However, at much lower US frequencies (100 Hz), the wavelength of sound is orders of magnitude larger than l(s), and with a high value of g (g 0.9), there is a distinct measurable phase difference for the photon that traverses through the insonified region. Experiments are carried out for validation of simulation results.