299 resultados para visuomotor rotation


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Coordination-driven self-assembly of dinuclear half-sandwich p-cymene ruthenium(II) complexes Ru-2(mu-eta(4)-C2O4)(CH3OH)(2)(eta(6)-p-cymene)(2)](O3SCF3)(2) (1a) and Ru-2(mu-eta(4)-C6H2O4)(CH3OH)(2)(eta(6)-p-cymene)(2)](O3SCF3)(2) (1b) separately with imidazole-based tritopic donors (L-1-L-2) in methanol yielded a series of hexanuclear 3+2] trigonal prismatic cages (2-5), respectively L-1 = 1,3,5-tris(imidazole-1-yl) benzene; L-2 = 4,4',4 `'-tris(imidazole-1-yl) triphenylamine]. All the self-assembled cages 2-5 were characterized by various spectroscopic techniques (multinuclear NMR, Infra-red and ESI-MS) and their sizes, shapes were obtained through geometry optimization using molecular mechanics universal force field (MMUFF) computation. Despite the possibility due to the free rotation of donor sites of imidazole ligands, of two different atropoisomeric prismatic cages (C-3h or C-s) and polymeric product, the self-selection of single (C(3)h) conformational isomeric cages as the only product is a noteworthy observation. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A ray tracing based path length calculation is investigated for polarized light transport in a pixel space. Tomographic imaging using polarized light transport is promising for applications in optical projection tomography of small animal imaging and turbid media with low scattering. Polarized light transport through a medium can have complex effects due to interactions such as optical rotation of linearly polarized light, birefringence, diattenuation and interior refraction. Here we investigate the effects of refraction of polarized light in a non-scattering medium. This step is used to obtain the initial absorption estimate. This estimate can be used as prior in Monte Carlo (MC) program that simulates the transport of polarized light through a scattering medium to assist in faster convergence of the final estimate. The reflectance for p-polarized (parallel) and s-polarized (perpendicular) are different and hence there is a difference in the intensities that reach the detector end. The algorithm computes the length of the ray in each pixel along the refracted path and this is used to build the weight matrix. This weight matrix with corrected ray path length and the resultant intensity reaching the detector for each ray is used in the algebraic reconstruction (ART) method. The proposed method is tested with numerical phantoms for various noise levels. The refraction errors due to regions of different refractive index are discussed, the difference in intensities with polarization is considered. The improvements in reconstruction using the correction so applied is presented. This is achieved by tracking the path of the ray as well as the intensity of the ray as it traverses through the medium.


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Nanocrystalline Mn1-xZnxFe2O4 (x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0) were prepared via solution combustion method. Structural and morphology of Mn-Zn ferrites were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Magnetic properties were carried out using vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) at room temperature (RT) up to maximum field of 1.5 T. The room temperature real and imaginary part of permeability(mu' and mu'') has been measured in the frequency range of 1MHz to 1GHz. The room temperature XRD patterns exhibits the spinel cubic (Fm-3m) structure and broad XRD patterns shows the presence of nanoparticles. The imaginary part of the permeability (mu'') gradually increased with the frequency and took a broad maximum at a certain frequency, where the real permeability (mu') rapidly decreases, which is known as natural resonance. The coercive filed values are low, hence probability of domain rotation is also lower and the magnetization decreased with zinc substitution. The values of mu' and mu'' increases sharply, attained a maximum and then decreases with zinc content.


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During the transition from single crystalline to polycrystalline behavior, the available data show the strength increasing or decreasing as the number of grains in a cross section is reduced. Tensile experiments were conducted on polycrystalline Ni with grain sizes (d) between 16 and 140 mu m and varying specimen thickness (t), covering a range of lambda (-t/d) between similar to 0.5 and 20. With a decrease in lambda, the data revealed a consistent trend of strength being independent of lambda at large lambda, an increase in strength, and then a decrease in strength. Microstructural studies revealed that lower constraints enabled easier rotation of the surface grains and texture evolution, independent of the specimen thickness. In specimen interiors, there was a greater ease of rotation in thinner samples. Measurements of misorientation deviations within grains revealed important differences in the specimen interiors. A simple model is developed taking into account the additional geometrically necessary dislocations due to variations in the behavior of surface and interior grains, leading to additional strengthening. A suitable combination of this strengthening and surface weakening can give rise to wide range of possibilities with a decrease in lambda, including weakening, strengthening, and strengthening and weakening.


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Despite being highly bioactive and biocompatible, the limitations of monolithic hydroxyapatite (HA) include extremely low fracture toughness, poor electrical conductivity. While addressing these issues, the present study demonstrates how CaTiO3 (CT) addition to HA can be utilized to obtain a combination of long crack fracture toughness (1.7 MPa m(1/2) SEVNB technique) and flexural strength of 98-155 MPa (3-point bending) and a moderate tensile strength (diametral compression) of 17-36 MPa. The enhancement in fracture resistance in spark plasma sintered HA-CT composites has been explained in reference to the observed twin morphology. TEM reveals the presence of twins in CT grains due to 1800 rotation about 101]. The measured properties along with our earlier reports on biocompatibility and electrical properties make HA-CT suitable for bone tissue engineering applications. When compared with other competing HA-based biocomposites, HA-CT composites are found to have a better combination of properties useful for medium load bearing implant applications. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The performance of two curved beam finite element models based on coupled polynomial displacement fields is investigated for out-of-plane vibration of arches. These two-noded beam models employ curvilinear strain definitions and have three degrees of freedom per node namely, out-of-plane translation (v), out-of-plane bending rotation (theta(z)) and torsion rotation (theta(s)). The coupled polynomial interpolation fields are derived independently for Timoshenko and Euler-Bernoulli beam elements using the force-moment equilibrium equations. Numerical performance of these elements for constrained and unconstrained arches is compared with the conventional curved beam models which are based on independent polynomial fields. The formulation is shown to be free from any spurious constraints in the limit of `flexureless torsion' and `torsionless flexure' and hence devoid of flexure and torsion locking. The resulting stiffness and consistent mass matrices generated from the coupled displacement models show excellent convergence of natural frequencies in locking regimes. The accuracy of the shear flexibility added to the elements is also demonstrated. The coupled polynomial models are shown to perform consistently over a wide range of flexure-to-shear (EI/GA) and flexure-to-torsion (EI/GJ) stiffness ratios and are inherently devoid of flexure, torsion and shear locking phenomena. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We propose and demonstrate a limited-view light sheet microscopy (LV-LSM) for three dimensional (3D) volume imaging. Realizing that longer and frequent image acquisition results in significant photo-bleaching, we have taken limited angular views (18 views) of the macroscopic specimen and integrated with maximum likelihood (ML) technique for reconstructing high quality 3D volume images. Existing variants of light-sheet microscopy require both rotation and translation with a total of approximately 10-fold more views to render a 3D volume image. Comparatively, LV-LSM technique reduces data acquisition time and consequently minimizes light-exposure by many-folds. Since ML is a post-processing technique and highly parallelizable, this does not cost precious imaging time. Results show noise-free and high contrast volume images when compared to the state-of-the-art selective plane illumination microscopy. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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In the literature, the impact angle control problem has been addressed mostly against lower speed or stationary targets. However, in the current defense scenario, targets of much higher speeds than interceptors are a reality. Moreover, approaching a higher speed target from a specified angle is important for effective seeker acquisition and enhanced warhead effectiveness. This paper proposes a composite proportional navigation guidance law using a combination of the standard proportional navigation and the recently proposed retroproportional navigation guidance laws for intercepting higher speed nonmaneuvering targets at specified impact angles in three-dimensional engagements. An analysis of the set of achievable impact angles by the composite proportional navigation guidance law is presented. It is shown that there exists an impulse bias that, when added to the composite proportional navigation guidance command, expands this set further by reversing the direction of the line-of-sight angular rotation vector. A bound on the magnitude of the bias is also derived. Finally, an implementation of this impulse bias, in the form of a series of pulses, is proposed and analyzed. Simulation results are also presented to support the analysis.


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In the literature, the impact angle control problem has been addressed mostly against lower speed or stationary targets. However, in the current defense scenario, targets of much higher speeds than interceptors are a reality. Moreover, approaching a higher speed target from a specified angle is important for effective seeker acquisition and enhanced warhead effectiveness. This paper proposes a composite proportional navigation guidance law using a combination of the standard proportional navigation and the recently proposed retroproportional navigation guidance laws for intercepting higher speed nonmaneuvering targets at specified impact angles in three-dimensional engagements. An analysis of the set of achievable impact angles by the composite proportional navigation guidance law is presented. It is shown that there exists an impulse bias that, when added to the composite proportional navigation guidance command, expands this set further by reversing the direction of the line-of-sight angular rotation vector. A bound on the magnitude of the bias is also derived. Finally, an implementation of this impulse bias, in the form of a series of pulses, is proposed and analyzed. Simulation results are also presented to support the analysis.


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This paper proposes a design methodology to stabilize collective circular motion of a group of N-identical agents moving at unit speed around individual circles of different radii and different centers. The collective circular motion studied in this paper is characterized by the clockwise rotation of all agents around a common circle of desired radius as well as center, which is fixed. Our interest is to achieve those collective circular motions in which the phases of the agents are arranged either in synchronized, in balanced or in splay formation. In synchronized formation, the agents and their centroid move in a common direction while in balanced formation, the movement of the agents ensures a fixed location of the centroid. The splay state is a special case of balanced formation, in which the phases are separated by multiples of 2 pi/N. We derive the feedback controls and prove the asymptotic stability of the desired collective circular motion by using Lyapunov theory and the LaSalle's Invariance principle.


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Thermoacoustic instability in a lean premixed combustor is a major impediment towards reliable operation of gas turbine engines for both aerospace and land based applications. In this communication, we investigate the following concept: in a laboratory combustor, could the otherwise static swirler be actuated to a rotary motion, such that the higher intensity turbulence and higher swirl number generated in the flame stabilization region might alter the flame position, structure and thereby assist in mitigating thermoacoustic instabilities? Results obtained using microphone and high speed imaging, show prominent reductions in the amplitudes of the first mode of the thermoacoustically unstable flame, with increased rotation rate of the swirler. (C) 2015 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This work deals with the transient analysis of flexible multibody systems within a hybrid finite element framework. Hybrid finite elements are based on a two-field variational formulation in which the displacements and stresses are interpolated separately yielding very good coarse mesh accuracy. Most of the literature on flexible multibody systems uses beam-theory-based formulations. In contrast, the use of hybrid finite elements uses continuum-based elements, thus avoiding the problems associated with rotational degrees of freedom. In particular, any given three-dimensional constitutive relations can be directly used within the framework of this formulation. Since the coarse mesh accuracy as compared to a conventional displacement-based formulation is very high, the scheme is cost effective as well. A general formulation is developed for the constrained motion of a given point on a line manifold, using a total Lagrangian method. The multipoint constraint equations are implemented using Lagrange multipliers. Various kinds of joints such as cylindrical, prismatic, and screw joints are implemented within this general framework. Hinge joints such as spherical, universal, and revolute joints are obtained simply by using shared nodes between the bodies. In addition to joints, the formulation and implementation details for a DC motor actuator and for prescribed relative rotation are also presented. Several example problems illustrate the efficacy of the developed formulation.


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The central part of the Himalaya (Kumaun and Garhwal Provinces of India) is noted for its prolonged seismic quiescence, and therefore, developing a longer-term time series of past earthquakes to understand their recurrence pattern in this segment assumes importance. In addition to direct observations of offsets in stratigraphic exposures or other proxies like paleoliquefaction, deformation preserved within stalagmites (speleothems) in karst system can be analyzed to obtain continuous millennial scale time series of earthquakes. The Central Indian Himalaya hosts natural caves between major active thrusts forming potential storehouses for paleoseismological records. Here, we present results from the limestone caves in the Kumaun Himalaya and discuss the implications of growth perturbations identified in the stalagmites as possible earthquake recorders. This article focuses on three stalagmites from the Dharamjali Cave located in the eastern Kumaun Himalaya, although two other caves, one of them located in the foothills, were also examined for their suitability. The growth anomalies in stalagmites include abrupt tilting or rotation of growth axes, growth termination, and breakage followed by regrowth. The U-Th age data from three specimens allow us to constrain the intervals of growth anomalies, and these were dated at 4273 +/- 410 years BP (2673-1853 BC), 2782 +/- 79 years BP (851-693 BC), 2498 +/- 117 years BP (605-371 BC), 1503 +/- 245 years BP (262-752 AD), 1346 +/- 101 years BP (563-765 AD), and 687 +/- 147 years BP (1176-1470 AD). The dates may correspond to the timings of major/great earthquakes in the region and the youngest event (1176-1470 AD) shows chronological correspondence with either one of the great medieval earthquakes (1050-1250 and 1259-1433 AD) evident from trench excavations across the Himalayan Frontal Thrust.


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This study reports the synthesis and photophysical properties of a star-shaped, novel, fluoranthene-tetraphenylethene (TFPE) conjugated luminogen, which exhibits aggregation-induced blue-shifted emission (AIBSE). The bulky fluoranthene units at the periphery prevent intramolecular rotation (IMR) of phenyl rings and induces a blueshift with enhanced emission. The AIBSE phenomenon was investigated by solvatochromic and temperature-dependent emission studies. Nanoaggregates of TFPE, formed by varying the water/THF ratio, were investigated by SEM and TEM and correlated with optical properties. The TFPE conjugate was found to be a promising fluorescent probe towards the detection of nitroaromatic compounds (NACs), especially for 2,4,6-trinitrophenol (PA) with high sensitivity and a high Stern-Volmer quenching constant. The study reveals that nanoaggregates of TFPE formed at 30 and 70% water in THF showed unprecedented sensitivity with detection limits of 0.8 and 0.5ppb, respectively. The nanoaggregates formed at water fractions of 30 and 70% exhibit high Stern-Volmer constants (K-sv=79998 and 51120m(-1), respectively) towards PA. Fluorescence quenching is ascribed to photoinduced electron transfer between TFPE and NACs with a static quenching mechanism. Test strips coated with TFPE luminogen demonstrate fast and ultra-low-level detection of PA for real-time field analysis.