317 resultados para Electromagnetic theory


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Highly conducting composites were derived by selectively localizing multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) in co-continuous PVDF/ABS (50/50, wt/wt) blends. The electrical percolation threshold was obtained between 0.5 and 1 wt% MWNTs as manifested by a dramatic increase in the electrical conductivity by about six orders of magnitude with respect to the neat blends. In order to further enhance the electrical conductivity of the blends, the MWNTs were modified with amine terminated ionic liquid (IL), which, besides enhancing the interfacial interaction with PVDF, facilitated the formation of a network like structure of MWNTs. This high electrical conductivity of the blends, at a relatively low fraction (1 wt%), was further explored to design materials that can attenuate electromagnetic (EM) radiation. More specifically, to attenuate the EM radiation by absorption, a ferroelectric phase was introduced. To accomplish this, barium titanate (BT) nanoparticles chemically stitched onto graphene oxide (GO) sheets were synthesized and mixed along with MWNTs in the blends. Intriguingly, the total EM shielding effectiveness (SE) was enhanced by ca. 10 dB with respect to the blends with only MWNTs. In addition, the effect of introducing a ferromagnetic phase (Fe3O4) along with IL modified MWNTs was also investigated. This study opens new avenues in designing materials that can attenuate EM radiation by selecting either a ferroelectric (BT-GO) or a ferromagnetic phase (Fe3O4) along with intrinsically conducting nanoparticles (MWNTs).


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Various NixCo1-x alloys (with x varying from 0-60 wt%, Ni: nickel, Co: cobalt) were prepared by vacuum arc melting and mixed with polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) to design lightweight, flexible and corrosion resistant materials that can attenuate electromagnetic radiation. The saturation magnetization scaled with the fraction of Co in the alloy. Two key properties such as high-magnetic permeability and high-electrical conductivity were targeted. While the former was achieved using a Ni-Co alloy, multiwalled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in the composites accomplished the latter. A unique approach was adopted to prepare the composites wherein PVDF powder along with CNTs and Ni-Co flakes were made into a paste, using a solvent, followed by hot pressing. Interestingly, CNTs facilitated in uniform dispersion of the Ni-Co alloy in PVDF, as manifested from synergistic improvement in the electrical conductivity. A significant improvement in the shielding effectiveness (41 dB, >99.99% attenuation) was achieved with the addition of 50 wt% of Ni40Co60 alloy and 3 wt% CNTs. Intriguingly, due to the unique processing technique adopted here, the flexibility of the composites was retained and more interestingly, the composites were resistant to corrosion as compared to only Ni-Co alloy.


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A unique approach was adopted to drive the multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) to the interface of immiscible PVDF-ABS blends by wrapping the nanotubes with a mutually miscible homopolymer (PMMA). A tailor made interface with an improved stress transfer was achieved in the blends with PMMA wrapped MWNTs. This manifested in an impressive 108% increment in the tensile strength and 48% increment in the Young's modulus with 3 wt% PMMA wrapped MWNTs in striking contrast to the neat blends. As the PMMA wrapped MWNTs localized at the interface of PVDF-ABS blends, the electrical conductivity could be tuned with respect to only MWNTs, which were selectively localized in the PVDF phase, driven by thermodynamics. The electromagnetic shielding properties were assessed using a vector network analyser in a broad range of frequency, X-band (8-12 GHz) and Ku-band (12-18 GHz). Interestingly, enhanced EM shielding was achieved by this unique approach. The blends with only MWNTs shielded the EM waves mostly by reflection however, the blends with PMMA wrapped MWNTs (3 wt%) shielded mostly by absorption (62%). This study opens new avenues in designing materials, which show simultaneous improvement in mechanical, electrical conductivity and EM shielding properties.


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Current applications of statistical thermodynamic theories for clathrate hydrates do not incorporate the translational and rotational movement of water molecules of the hydrate lattice,in a rigorous manner. Previous studies have shown that the movement of water molecules has a significant effect on the properties of clathrate hydrates. In this Article, a method is presented to incorporate the effect of water movement with as much rigor as possible. This method is then used to calculate the Langmuir constant of the guest species in a clathrate hydrate. Unlike previous studies on modeling of clathrate hydrate thermodynamics, the method presented in this paper does not regress either the intermolecular potentials or the properties of the empty hydrate from clathrate phase equilibria data. Also the properties of empty hydrate used in the theory do not depend on the nature and composition of the guest molecules. The predicted phase equilibria from the resulting theory are shown to be highly accurate and thermodynamically consistent by comparing them with the phase equilibria computed directly from molecular simulations.


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Mathematics is beautiful and precise and often necessary to understand complex biological phenomena. And yet biologists cannot always hope to fully understand the mathematical foundations of the theory they are using or testing. How then should biologists behave when mathematicians themselves are in dispute? Using the on-going controversy over Hamilton's rule as an example, I argue that biologists should be free to treat mathematical theory with a healthy dose of agnosticism. In doing so biologists should equip themselves with a disclaimer that publicly admits that they cannot entirely attest to the veracity of the mathematics underlying the theory they are using or testing. The disclaimer will only help if it is accompanied by three responsibilities - stay bipartisan in a dispute among mathematicians, stay vigilant and help expose dissent among mathematicians, and make the biology larger than the mathematics. I must emphasize that my goal here is not to take sides in the on-going dispute over the mathematical validity of Hamilton's rule, indeed my goal is to argue that we should refrain from taking sides.


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We study the free fermion theory in 1+1 dimensions deformed by chemical potentials for holomorphic, conserved currents at finite temperature and on a spatial circle. For a spin-three chemical potential mu, the deformation is related at high temperatures to a higher spin black hole in hs0] theory on AdS(3) spacetime. We calculate the order mu(2) corrections to the single interval Renyi and entanglement entropies on the torus using the bosonized formulation. A consistent result, satisfying all checks, emerges upon carefully accounting for both perturbative and winding mode contributions in the bosonized language. The order mu(2) corrections involve integrals that are finite but potentially sensitive to contact term singularities. We propose and apply a prescription for defining such integrals which matches the Hamiltonian picture and passes several non-trivial checks for both thermal corrections and the Renyi entropies at this order. The thermal corrections are given by a weight six quasi-modular form, whilst the Renyi entropies are controlled by quasi-elliptic functions of the interval length with modular weight six. We also point out the well known connection between the perturbative expansion of the partition function in powers of the spin-three chemical potential and the Gross-Taylor genus expansion of large-N Yang-Mills theory on the torus. We note the absence of winding mode contributions in this connection, which suggests qualitatively different entanglement entropies for the two systems.


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Using different proxies of solar activity, we have studied the following features of the solar cycle: i) The linear correlation between the amplitude of cycle and its decay rate, ii) the linear correlation between the amplitude of cycle and the decay rate of cycle , and iii) the anti-correlation between the amplitude of cycle and the period of cycle . Features ii) and iii) are very useful because they provide precursors for future cycles. We have reproduced these features using a flux-transport dynamo model with stochastic fluctuations in the Babcock-Leighton effect and in the meridional circulation. Only when we introduce fluctuations in meridional circulation, are we able to reproduce different observed features of the solar cycle. We discuss the possible reasons for these correlations.


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We propose a new approach to clustering. Our idea is to map cluster formation to coalition formation in cooperative games, and to use the Shapley value of the patterns to identify clusters and cluster representatives. We show that the underlying game is convex and this leads to an efficient biobjective clustering algorithm that we call BiGC. The algorithm yields high-quality clustering with respect to average point-to-center distance (potential) as well as average intracluster point-to-point distance (scatter). We demonstrate the superiority of BiGC over state-of-the-art clustering algorithms (including the center based and the multiobjective techniques) through a detailed experimentation using standard cluster validity criteria on several benchmark data sets. We also show that BiGC satisfies key clustering properties such as order independence, scale invariance, and richness.


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In this study, a minimum, reflection loss of 70 a was achieved, for a 6 mm thick shield (at 17.1 GHz frequency) employing a unique approach. This was accomplished by engineering nanostructures through decoration of magnetic nanopartides (nickel, Ni) onto graphene oxide (GO) sheets. Enhanced electromagnetic (EM) shielding was derived by selectively, localizing the nanoscopic particles in a specific phase of polyethylene (PE)/poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) blends. By introduction of a conducting inclusion (like multiwall carbon nanotubes, MWNTs) together with the engineered nanostructures (nickel-decorated GO, (GO-Ni), the shielding efficiency can be enhanced significantly in contrast to physically mixing the particles in the blends. For instance, the composites showed a shielding efficiency >25 dB for a combination of MWNTS (3 wt %) and Ni nanoparticles (52 wt %) in PE/PEO blends. However, similar shielding effectiveness could be achieved for a combination of MWNTs (3 wt %) and 10 vol % of GO-Ni where in the effective concentration of Ni was only 19 wt %. The GO-Ni sheets facilitated in an efficient charge transfer as manifested from high electrical conductivity in the blends besides enhancing the permeability in the blends. It is envisioned that GO is simultaneously reduced in the process of synthesizing GO-Ni, and this facilitated in efficient charge transfer between the neighboring CNTs. More interestingly, the blends With MWNTs/GO-Ni attenuated the incoming EM radiation mostly by absorption. This study opens new avenues in designing polyolefin-based lightweight shielding materials by engineering nanostructures for numerous applications.


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We present a framework for obtaining reliable solid-state charge and optical excitations and spectra from optimally tuned range-separated hybrid density functional theory. The approach, which is fully couched within the formal framework of generalized Kohn-Sham theory, allows for the accurate prediction of exciton binding energies. We demonstrate our approach through first principles calculations of one- and two-particle excitations in pentacene, a molecular semiconducting crystal, where our work is in excellent agreement with experiments and prior computations. We further show that with one adjustable parameter, set to produce the known band gap, this method accurately predicts band structures and optical spectra of silicon and lithium fluoride, prototypical covalent and ionic solids. Our findings indicate that for a broad range of extended bulk systems, this method may provide a computationally inexpensive alternative to many-body perturbation theory, opening the door to studies of materials of increasing size and complexity.


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The reported values of bandgap of rutile GeO2 calculated by the standard density functional theory within local-density approximation (LDA)/generalized gradient approximation (GGA) show a wide variation (similar to 2 eV), whose origin remains unresolved. Here, we investigate the reasons for this variation by studying the electronic structure of rutile-GeO2 using many-body perturbation theory within the GW framework. The bandgap as well as valence bandwidth at Gamma-point of rutile phase shows a strong dependence on volume change, which is independent of bandgap underestimation problem of LDA/GGA. This strong dependence originates from a change in hybridization among O-p and Ge-(s and p) orbitals. Furthermore, the parabolic nature of first conduction band along X-Gamma-M direction changes towards a linear dispersion with volume expansion. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Fermi gases with generalized Rashba spin-orbit coupling induced by a synthetic gauge field have the potential of realizing many interesting states, such as rashbon condensates and topological phases. Here, we address the key open problem of the fluctuation theory of such systems and demonstrate that beyond-Gaussian effects are essential to capture the finite temperature physics of such systems. We obtain their phase diagram by constructing an approximate non-Gaussian theory. We conclusively establish that spin-orbit coupling can enhance the exponentially small transition temperature (T-c) of a weakly attracting superfluid to the order of the Fermi temperature, paving a pathway towards high T-c superfluids.


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This work attempts to bring critical insights into the electromagnetic shielding efficiency in polymeric nanocomposites with respect to the particle size of magnetic nanoparticles added along with or without a conductive inclusion. To gain insight, various Ni-Fe (NixFe1-x; x = 10, 20, 40; Ni: nickel, Fe: iron) alloys were prepared by a vacuum arc melting process and different particle sizes were then achieved by a controlled grinding process for different time scales. Poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVDF based composites involving different particle sizes of the Ni-Fe alloy were prepared with or without multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) by a wet grinding approach. The Ni-Fe particles were thoroughly characterized with respect to their microstructure and magnetization; and the electromagnetic (EM) shielding efficiency (SE) of the resulting composites was obtained from the scattering parameters using a vector network analyzer in a broad range of frequencies. The saturation magnetization of Ni-Fe nanoparticles and the bulk electrical conductivity of PVDF/Ni-Fe composites scaled with increasing particle size of NiFe. Interestingly, the PVDF/Ni-Fe/MWNT composites showed a different trend where the bulk electrical conductivity and SE scaled with decreasing particle size of the Ni-Fe alloy. A total SE of similar to 35 dB was achieved with 50 wt% of Ni60Fe40 and 3 wt% MWNTs. More interestingly, the PVDF/Ni-Fe composites shielded the EM waves mostly by reflection whereas, the PVDF/Ni-Fe/MWNT shielded mostly by absorption. A minimum reflection loss of similar to 58 dB was achieved in the PVDF/Ni-Fe/MWNT composites in the X-band (8-12 GHz) for a particular size of Ni-Fe alloy nanoparticles. This study brings new insights into the EM shielding efficiency in PVDF/magnetic nanoparticle based composites in the presence and absence of conducting inclusion.


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This paper presents the stability analysis of functionally graded plate integrated with piezoelectric actuator and sensor at the top and bottom face, subjected to electrical and mechanical loading. The finite element formulation is based on first order and higher order shear deformation theory, degenerated shell element, von-Karman hypothesis and piezoelectric effect. The equation for static analysis is derived by using the minimum energy principle and solutions for critical buckling load is obtained by solving eigenvalue problem. The material properties of the functionally graded plate are assumed to be graded along the thickness direction according to simple power law function. Two types of boundary conditions are used, such as SSSS (simply supported) and CSCS (simply supported along two opposite side perpendicular to the direction of compression and clamped along the other two sides). Sensor voltage is calculated using present analysis for various power law indices and FG (functionally graded) material gradations. The stability analysis of piezoelectric FG plate is carried out to present the effects of power law index, material variations, applied mechanical pressure and piezo effect on buckling and stability characteristics of FG plate.


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Engineering blend structure with tailor-made distribution of nanoparticles is the prime requisite to obtain materials with extraordinary properties. Herein, a unique strategy of distributing nanoparticles in different phases of a blend structure has resulted in >99% blocking of incoming electromagnetic (EM) radiation. This is accomplished by designing a ternary polymer blend structure using polycarbonate (PC), poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF), and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) to simultaneously improve the structural, electrical, and electromagnetic interference shielding (EMI). The blend structure was made conducting by preferentially localizing the multi-wall nanotubes (MWNTs) in the PVDF phase. By taking advantage of pp stacking MWNTs was noncovalently modified with an imidazolium based ionic liquid (IL). Interestingly, the enhanced dispersion of IL-MWNTs in PVDF improved the electrical conductivity of the blends significantly. While one key requisite to attenuate EM radiation (i.e., electrical conductivity) was achieved using MWNTs, the magnetic properties of the blend structure was tuned by introducing barium ferrite (BaFe) nanoparticles, which can interact with the incoming EM radiation. By suitably modifying the surface of BaFe nanoparticles, we can tailor their localization under the macroscopic processing condition. The precise localization of BaFe nanoparticles in the PC phase, due to nucleophilic substitution reaction, and the MWNTs in the PVDF phase not only improved the conductivity but also facilitated in absorption of the incoming microwave radiation due to synergetic effect from MWNT and BaFe. The shielding effectiveness (SE) was measured in X and K-u band, and an enhanced SE of -37 dB was noted at 18 GHz frequency. PMMA, which acted as an interfacial modifier in PC/PVDF blends further, resulting in a significant enhancement in the mechanical properties besides retaining high SE. This study opens a new avenue in designing mechanically strong microwave absorbers with a suitable combination of materials.