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Enzymes belonging to the M1 family play important cellular roles and the key amino acids (aa) in the catalytic domain are conserved. However, C-terminal domain aa are highly variable and demonstrate distinct differences in organization. To address a functional role for the C-terminal domain, progressive deletions were generated in Tricorn interacting factor F2 from Thermoplasma acidophilum (F2) and Peptidase N from Escherichia coli (PepN). Catalytic activity was partially reduced in PepN lacking 4 C-terminal residues (PepNΔC4) whereas it was greatly reduced in F2 lacking 10 C-terminal residues (F2ΔC10) or PepN lacking eleven C-terminal residues (PepNΔC11). Notably, expression of PepNΔC4, but not PepNΔC11, in E. coliΔpepN increased its ability to resist nutritional and high temperature stress, demonstrating physiological significance. Purified C-terminal deleted proteins demonstrated greater sensitivity to trypsin and bound stronger to 8-amino 1-napthalene sulphonic acid (ANS), revealing greater numbers of surface exposed hydrophobic aa. Also, F2 or PepN containing large aa deletions in the C-termini, but not smaller deletions, were present in high amounts in the insoluble fraction of cell extracts probably due to reduced protein solubility. Modeling studies, using the crystal structure of E. coli PepN, demonstrated increase in hydrophobic surface area and change in accessibility of several aa from buried to exposed upon deletion of C-terminal aa. Together, these studies revealed that non-conserved distal C-terminal aa repress the surface exposure of apolar aa, enhance protein solubility, and catalytic activity in two soluble and distinct members of the M1 family.


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1.Administration of noradrenaline increased the incorporation of [1-14C]acetate into hepatic sterols and the activity of liver microsomal 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase. 2. The stimulation was observed at short time-intervals with a maximum at 4h and was progressive with increasing concentrations of noradrenaline. 3. Protein synthesis de novo was a necessary factor for the effect. 4. The stimulatory effect was not mediated through the adrenergic receptors, but appears to involve a direct action of the hormone within the hepatocyte.


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The effect of modification of carboxyl groups of Ribonuclease-Aa on the enzymatic activity and the antigenic structure of the protein has been studied. Modification of four of the eleven free carboxyl groups of the protein by esterification in anhydrous methanol/0.1 M hydrochloric acid resulted in nearly 80% loss in enzymatic activity but had very little influence on the antigenic structure of the protein. Further increases in the modification of the carboxyl groups caused a progressive loss in immunological activity, and the fully methylated RNase-A exhibited nearly 30% immunological activity. Concomitant with this change in the antigenic structure of the protein, the ability of the molecule to complement with RNase-S-protein increased, clearly indicating the unfolding of the peptide "tail" from the remainder of the molecule. The susceptibility to proteolysis, accessibility of methionine residues for orthobenzoquinone reaction and the loss in immunological activity of the more extensively esterified derivatives of RNase-A are suggestive of the more flexible conformation of these derivatives as compared with the compact native conformation. The fact that even the fully methylated RNase-A retains nearly 30% of its immunological activity suggested that the modified protein contained antibody recognizable residual native structure, which presumably accommodates some antigenic determinants.


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An experimental investigation into the ambient temperature, load-controlled tension�tension fatigue behavior of a martensitic Nitinol shape memory alloy (SMA) was conducted. Fatigue life for several stress levels spanning the critical stress for detwinning was determined and compared with that obtained on an alloy similar in composition but in the austenitic state at room temperature. Results show that the fatigue life of the pseudo-plastic alloy is superior to superelastic shape memory alloy. The stress�strain hysteretic response, monitored throughout the fatigue loading, reveals progressive strain accumulation with the cyclic loading. In addition, the area of hysteresis and recoverable and frictional energies were found to decrease with increasing number of fatigue cycles. Post-mortem characterization of the fatigued specimens through calorimetry and fractography was conducted in order to get further insight into the fatigue micromechanisms. These results are discussed in terms of reversible and irreversible microstructural changes that take place during cyclic loading. Aspects associated with self-heating of martensitic alloy undergoing high frequency stress cycling are discussed.


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In this work, the effect of crack tip constraint on near-tip stress and deformation fields in a ductile FCC single crystal is studied under mode I, plane strain conditions. To this end, modified boundary layer simulations within crystal plasticity framework are performed, neglecting elastic anisotropy. The first and second terms of the isotropic elastic crack tip field, which are governed by the stress intensity factor K and T-stress, are prescribed as remote boundary conditions and solutions pertaining to different levels of T-stress are generated. It is found that the near-tip deformation field, especially, the development of kink or slip shear bands, is sensitive to the constraint level. The stress distribution and the size and shape of the plastic zone near the crack tip are also strongly influenced by the level of T-stress, with progressive loss of crack tip constraint occurring as T-stress becomes more negative. A family of near-tip fields is obtained which are characterized by two terms (such as K and T or J and a constraint parameter Q) as in isotropic plastic solids.


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In this experimental study, the dry sliding wear and two-body abrasive wear behaviour of graphite filled carbon fabric reinforced epoxy composites were investigated. Carbon fabric reinforced epoxy composite was used as a reference material. Sliding wear experiments were conducted using a pin-on-disc wear tester under dry contact condition. Mass loss was determined as a function of sliding velocity for loads of 25, 50, 75, and 100 N at a constant sliding distance of 6000 m. Two-body abrasive wear experiments were performed under multi-pass condition using silicon carbide (SiC) of 150 and 320 grit abrasive papers. The effects of abrading distance and different loads have been studied. Abrasive wear volume and specific wear rate as a function of applied normal load and abrading distance were also determined. The results show that in dry sliding wear situations, for increased load and sliding velocity, higher wear loss was recorded. The excellent wear characteristics were obtained with carbon-epoxy containing graphite as filler. Especially, 10 wt.% of graphite in carbon-epoxy gave a low wear rate. A graphite surface film formed on the counterface was confirmed to be effective in improving the wear characteristics of graphite filled carbon-epoxy composites. In case of two-body abrasive wear, the wear volume increases with increasing load/abrading distance. Experimental results showed the type of counterface (hardened steel disc and SiC paper) material greatly influences the wear behaviour of the composites. Wear mechanisms of the composites were investigated using scanning electron microscopy. Wear of carbon-epoxy composite was found to be mainly due to a microcracking and fiber fracture mechanisms. It was found that the microcracking mechanism had been caused by progressive surface damage. Further, it was also noticed that carbon-epoxy composite wear is reduced to a greater extent by addition of the graphite filler, in which wear was dominated by microplowing/microcutting mechanisms instead of microcracking.


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The highly purified enzyme from mung bean seedlings hydrolyzing FAD at pH 9.4 and temperature 49 °, functioned with an initial fast rate followed by a second slower rate. The activity was linear with enzyme concentration over a small range of concentration and was dependent on the time of incubation. Inhibition of enzyme activity with increasing concentrations of AMP was sigmoid;concentrations less than 1 × 10−6 M were without effect, concentrations between 1 × 10−6 and 8 × 10−5 M inhibited by 20% and concentrations beyond 8 × 10−5 Image caused progressive inhibition. Concentrations beyond 1 × 10−3 Image inhibited the activity completely. Preincubation of the enzyme with PCMB or NEM, or aging, or reversible denaturation with urea abolished the inhibitory effect of AMP at concentrations lower than 8 × 10−6 Image . The aged enzyme could be reactivated by ADP.


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Hydrothermal treatment of a slurry of badly crystalline (beta(bc)) nickel hydroxide at different temperatures (65-170 degrees C) results in the progressive ordering of the structure by the step-wise elimination of disorders. Interstratification is eliminated at 140 degrees C, while cation vacancies are eliminated at 170 degrees C. A small percentage of stacking faults continue to persist even in `crystalline' samples. Electrochemical investigations show that the crystalline nickel hydroxide has a very low (0.4 e/Ni) reversible charge storage capacity. An incidence of at least 15% stacking faults combined with cation vacancies is essential for nickel hydroxide to perform close to its theoretical (1 e/ Ni) discharge capacity. (c) 2005 The Electrochemical Society.


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As is well known, when monochromatic light scattered by a liquid is examined under high resolution it exhibits a fine structure: an undisplaced central line and two lines on either side with wavelengths slightly different from that of the incident light. The appearance of the displaced components was first predicted by Brillouin1. On the basis of his theory, the observed displacements of frequency are regarded as a Doppler effect arising from the reflexion of the light wave by the progressive sound waves of thermal origin in the scattering medium. The frequency shift of the so-called Brillouin components is given by the formula where nu and c are the velocities of sound and light in the medium and theta is the angle of scattering. That the effect contemplated by Brillouin does arise in liquids and crystals is now a well-established experimental fact.


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In attempting to determine the nature of the enzyme system mediating the conversion of catechol to diphenylenedioxide 2,3-quinone, in Tecoma leaves, further purification of the enzyme was undertaken. The crude enzyme from Tecoma leaves was processed further by protamine sulfate precipitation, positive adsorption on tricalcium phosphate gel, and elution and chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex. This procedure yielded a 120-fold purified enzyme which stoichiometrically converted catechol to diphenylenedioxide 2,3-quinone. The purity of the enzyme system was assessed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The approximate molecular weight of the enzyme was assessed as 200,000 by gel filtration on Sephadex G-150. The enzyme functioned optimally at pH 7.1 and at 35 °C. The Km for catechol was determined as 4 × 10−4 Image . The enzyme did not oxidize o-dihydric phenols other than catechol and it did not exhibit any activity toward monohydric and trihydric phenols and flavonoids. Copper-chelating agents did not inhibit the enzyme activity. Copper could not be detected in the purified enzyme preparations. The purified enzyme was not affected by extensive dialysis against copper-complexing agents. It did not show any peroxidase activity and it was not inhibited by catalase. Hydrogen peroxide formation could not be detected during the catalytic reaction. The enzymatic conversion of catechol to diphenylenedioxide 2,3-quinone by the purified Tecoma leaf enzyme was suppressed by such reducing agents as GSH and cysteamine. The purified enzyme was not sensitive to carbon monoxide. It was not inhibited by thiol inhibitors. The Tecoma leaf was found to be localized in the soluble fraction of the cell. Treatment of the purified enzyme with acid, alkali, and urea led to the progressive denaturation of the enzyme.


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Denoising of medical images in wavelet domain has potential application in transmission technologies such as teleradiology. This technique becomes all the more attractive when we consider the progressive transmission in a teleradiology system. The transmitted images are corrupted mainly due to noisy channels. In this paper, we present a new real time image denoising scheme based on limited restoration of bit-planes of wavelet coefficients. The proposed scheme exploits the fundamental property of wavelet transform - its ability to analyze the image at different resolution levels and the edge information associated with each sub-band. The desired bit-rate control is achieved by applying the restoration on a limited number of bit-planes subject to the optimal smoothing. The proposed method adapts itself to the preference of the medical expert; a single parameter can be used to balance the preservation of (expert-dependent) relevant details against the degree of noise reduction. The proposed scheme relies on the fact that noise commonly manifests itself as a fine-grained structure in image and wavelet transform allows the restoration strategy to adapt itself according to directional features of edges. The proposed approach shows promising results when compared with unrestored case, in context of error reduction. It also has capability to adapt to situations where noise level in the image varies and with the changing requirements of medical-experts. The applicability of the proposed approach has implications in restoration of medical images in teleradiology systems. The proposed scheme is computationally efficient.


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Internal structures of extraordinarily luminescent semiconductor nanoparticles are probed with photoelectron spectroscopy, establishing a gradient alloy structure as an essential ingredient for the observed phenomenon. Comparative photoluminescence lifetime measurements provide direct evidence for a minimization of nonradiative decay channels because of the removal of interfacial defects due to a progressive change in the lattice parameters in such graded structures, exhibiting a nearly single exponential decay Quantum mechanical, calculations suggest a differential extent of spatial collapse of the electron and the hole wave functions in a way that helps to enhance the photoluminescence efficiency, while at the same time increasing the lifetime of the excited state, as observed in the experiments.


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Administration of 3-methylcholanthrene (MC) to rats results in a striking increase in the transcription of cytochrome P-450 (c+d) messenger RNA with isolated nuclei, which is blocked by the simultaneous administration of cobalt chloride, an inhibitor of heme biosynthesis. Transcription of cytochrome P-450 (c+d) mRNAs with nuclei isolated from MC treated rats shows a linear increase with time of incubation, whereas it shows a progressive decrease with incubation time in the case of nuclei isolated from MC+CoCl2 treated rats. Addition of heme in vitro (10−6M) to the latter nuclei results in a significant counteraction of the decreased cytochrome P-450 (c+d) mRNA transcription. The inhibition in transcription rates observed in MC+CoCl2 treated rat liver nuclei is more pronounced with the seventh exon probe than with the second exon probe. Once again, in vitro heme addition can counteract the inhibition observed with both the probes. Since run off transcription with isolated nuclei represents essentially elongation of the initiated transcripts, the data obtained can be interpreted on the basis that heme regulates cytochrome P-450 gene transcription elongation.


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Distamycin and netropsin, a class of minor groove binding nonintercalating agents, are characterized by their B-DNA and A-T basespecific interactions. To understand the CQI I ~OIT~ ~ I ~ ~aOnMd ~c hemical basis of the above specificities, the DNA-binding characteristics of a novel synthetic analogue of distamycin have been studied. The analogue, mPD derivative, has the requisite charged end groups and a number of potential hydrogen-bonding loci equal to those of distamycin. The difference in the backbone curvatures of the ligands, distamycin, the mPD derivative, and NSC 101327 (another structurally analogous compound),is a major difference between these ligands. UV and CD spectrosoopic studies reported here show the following salient features: The mPD derivative recognizes only B-DNA, to which it binds via the minor groove. On the other hand, unlike distamycin, it binds with comparable affinities to A-T and G-C base pairs in a natural DNA. These DNA-binding properties are compared with those reported earlier for distamycin and NSC 101327 [Zimmer, Ch., & Wahnert, U. (1986) Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 47, 31-1121. The backbone structures of these three ligands were compared to show the progressive decrease in curvatures in the order distamycin, mPD derivative, and NSC 101327. The plausible significance of the backbone curvature vis-&vis the characteristic B-DNA and AT-specific binding of distamycin is discussed. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt (with a model synthetic analogue) to probe the possible influence of backbone curvature upon the specificity of interactions of the distamycin class of groove-binding ligands with DNA.


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Annealing dependence of the lattice parameter, resistivity, magnetoresistance and thermopower have been studied on Nd0.87Sr0.33MnO3 thin films deposited on LaAlO3 and alumina substrates by pulsed laser ablation. Upon annealing at 800 degrees C and 1000 degrees C the lattice constant of the LaAlO3 film tends toward that of the bulk target due to reduction in oxygen vacancies. This results in a metal-insulator transition at temperatures which increase with progressive annealing along with a decrease in the observed low temperature MR. Using a magnon scattering model we estimate the e(g) bandwidth of the film annealed at 1000 degrees C and show that the magnon contribution to the resistivity is suppressed in a highly oxygen deficient film and gains prominence only upon subsequent annealing. We also show that upon annealing, the polaron concentration and the spin cluster size increases in the paramagnetic phase, using an adiabatic polaron hopping model which takes into account an exchange dependent activation energy above the resistivity peak.