77 resultados para plant proteomics


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The prognosis of patients with glioblastoma, the most malignant adult glial brain tumor, remains poor in spite of advances in treatment procedures, including surgical resection, irradiation and chemotherapy.Genetic heterogeneity of glioblastoma warrants extensive studies in order to gain a thorough understanding of the biology of this tumor. While there have been several studies of global transcript profiling of glioma with the identification of gene signatures for diagnosis and disease management, translation into clinics is yet to happen. Serum biomarkers have the potential to revolutionize the process of cancer diagnosis, grading, prognostication and treatment response monitoring. Besides having the advantage that serum can be obtained through a less invasive procedure, it contains molecules at an extraordinary dynamic range of ten orders of magnitude in terms of their concentrations. While the conventional methods, such as 2DE, have been in use for many years, the ability to identify the proteins through mass spectrometry techniques such as MALDI-TOF led to an explosion of interest in proteomics. Relatively new high-throughput proteomics methods such as SELDI-TOF and protein microarrays are expected to hasten the process of serum biomarker discovery. This review will highlight the recent advances in the proteomics platform in discovering serum biomarkers and the current status of glioma serum markers. We aim to provide the principles and potential of the latest proteomic approaches and their applications in the biomarker discovery process. Besides providing a comprehensive list of available serum biomarkers of glioma, we will also propose how these markers will revolutionize the clinical management of glioma patients.


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A new approach based on finite difference method, is proposed for the simulation of electrical conditions in a dc energized wire-duct electrostatic precipitator with and without dust loading. Simulated voltage-curren characteristics with and without dust loading were compared with the measured characteristics for analyzing the performance of a precipitator. The simple finite difference method gives sufficiently accurate results with reduced mesh size. The results for dust free simulation were validated with published experimental data. Further measurements were conducted at a thermal power plant in India and the results compares well with the measured ones.


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STOAT has been extensively used for the dynamic simulation of an activated sludge based wastewater treatment plant in the Titagarh Sewage Treatment Plant, near Kolkata, India. Some alternative schemes were suggested. Different schemes were compared for the removal of Total Suspended Solids (TSS), b-COD, ammonia, nitrates etc. A combination of IAWQ#1 module with the Takacs module gave best results for the existing scenarios of the Titagarh Sewage Treatment Plant. The modified Bardenpho process was found most effective for reducing the mean b-COD level to as low as 31.4 mg/l, while the mean TSS level was as high as 100.98 mg/l as compared to the mean levels of TSS (92 62 mg/l) and b-COD (92.0 mg/l) in the existing plant. Scheme 2 gave a better scenario for the mean TSS level bringing it down to a mean value of 0.4 mg/l, but a higher mean value for the b-COD level at 54.89 mg/l. The Scheme Final could reduce the mean TSS level to 2.9 mg/l and the mean b-COD level to as low as 38.8 mg/l. The Final Scheme looks to be a technically viable scheme with respect to the overall effluent quality for the plant. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mycobacterium smegmatis is known to form biofilms and many cell surface molecules like core glycopeptidolipids and short-chain mycolates appear to play important role in the process. However, the involvement of the cell surface molecules in mycobacteria towards complete maturation of biofilms is still not clear. This work demonstrates the importance of the glycopeptidolipid species with hydroxylated alkyl chain and the epoxylated mycolic acids, during the process of biofilm development. In our previous study, we reported the impairment of biofilm formation in rpoZ-deleted M. smegmatis, where rpoZ codes for the ω subunit of RNA polymerase (R. Mathew, R. Mukherjee, R. Balachandar, D. Chatterji, Microbiology 152 (2006) 1741). Here we report the occurrence of planktonic growth in a mc2155 strain which is devoid of rpoZ gene. This strain is deficient in selective incorporation of the hydroxylated glycopeptidolipids and the epoxy mycolates to their respective locations in the cell wall. Hence it forms a mutant biofilm defective in maturation, wherein the cells undertake various alternative metabolic pathways to survive in an environment where oxygen, the terminal electron acceptor, is limiting.


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Reproduction of plants in fragmented habitats may be limited because of lower diversity or abundance of pollinators, and/or variation in local plant density. We assessed natural fruit set and pollinator limitation in ten species of woody plants in natural and restored fragments in the Pondicherry region of southern India, to see whether breeding system of plants (self-compatible and self-incompatible) affected fruit set. We tested whether the number of flowering individuals in the fragments affected the fruit set and further examined the adult and sapling densities of self-compatible (SC) and self-incompatible (SI) species. We measured the natural level of fruit set and pollinator limitation (calculated as the difference in fruit set between hand cross-pollinated and naturally pollinated flowers). Our results demonstrate that there was a higher level of pollinator limitation and hence lower levels of natural fruit set in self-incompatible species as compared to self-compatible species. However, the hand cross-pollinated flowers in SC and SI species produced similar levels of fruit set,further indicating that lower fruit set was due to pollinator limitation and not due to lack of cross-compatible individuals in the fragments. There was no significant relation between number of flowering individuals and the levels of natural fruit set, except for two species Derris ovalifolia, Ixora pavetta. In these species the natural fruit set decreased with increasing population size, again indicating pollinator limitation. The adult and sapling densities in self-compatible species were significantly higher than inself-incompatible species. These findings indicate that the low reproductive output in self-incompatible species may eventually lead to lower population sizes. Restoration of pollinator services along with plant species in fragmented habitats is important for the long-term conservation of biodiversity. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The process cascade leading to the final accommodation of the carbohydrate ligand in the lectin’s binding site comprises enthalpic and entropic contributions of the binding partners and solvent molecules. With emphasis on lactose, N-acetyllactosamine, and thiodigalactoside as potent inhibitors of binding of galactoside-specific lectins, the question was addressed to what extent these parameters are affected as a function of the protein. The microcalorimetric study of carbohydrate association to the galectin from chicken liver (CG-16) and the agglutinin from Viscum album (VAA) revealed enthalpy–entropy compensation with evident protein type-dependent changes for N-acetyllactosamine. Reduction of the entropic penalty by differential flexibility of loops or side chains and/or solvation properties of the protein will have to be reckoned with to assign a molecular cause to protein type-dependent changes in thermodynamic parameters for lectins sharing the same monosaccharide specificity.


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Bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of mulberry (Morus indica) as well as from control soil were tested for their effects on the growth of mulberry seedlings and for phytohormone production. About 12.8 per cent of the rhizosphere and 9.7 per cent of the soil isolates produced phytohormones in cultures. Rhizosphere isolates were more active in hormone synthesis than their soil counterparts. Soaking mulberry stem cuttings in culture filtrates of phytohormone synthesisers hastened their rooting. Culture filtrates of many isolates — hormone producers or not — stimulated or inhibited the growth of shoot and/or root of plants. Many cultures could also inhibit the germination of mulberry seeds.


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Purpose: A number of proteome studies have been performed recently to identify pheromone-related protein expression and their molecular function using genetically modified rodents' urine. However, no such studies have used Indian commensal rodents; interestingly, in a previous investigation, we confirmed the presence of volatile molecules in commensal rodents urine and these molecules seem to be actively involved in pheromonal communication. Therefore, the present study aims to identify the major urinary protein [MUP] present in commensal rat urine, which will help us to understand the protein's expression pattern and intrinsic properties among the rodents globally. Experimental Design: Initially, the total urinary proteins were separated by 1-D and 2-D electrophoresis and then subsequently analyzed by Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight and Mass Spectrometer (MALDI-TOF/MS). Furthermore, they were then fragmented with the aid of a Tandem Mass Spectrometer (TOF/TOF) and the identified sequences aligned and confirmed using similarity with the deduced primary structures of members of the lipocalin superfamily.Results: The SDS-PAGE protein profiles showed distinct proteins with molecular masses of 15, 22.4, 25, 28, 42, 50, 55, 68, and 91 kDa. Of these proteins, the 22.4 kDa protein was considered to be target candidate. When 2D electrophoresis was carried out, about similar to 50 spots were detected with different masses and various pI ranges. The 22.4 kDa protein was found to have a pI of about 4.9. This 22.4 kDa protein spot was digested and subjected to mass spectrometry; it was identified as rat MUP. The fragmented peptides from the rat MUP at 935, 1026, 1192, and 1303 m/z were further fragmented with the aid of MS/MS and generated de novo sequence and this confirmed this protein to be the MUP present in the urine of commensal rats.Conclusion: The present investigation confirms the presence of MUP with a molecular mass of 22.4 kDa in the urine of commensal rats. This protein may be involved in the binding of volatile molecules and opens up a discussion about how volatile and non-volatile molecules in the commensal rats' urine may contribute chemo-communication.


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Background: Trypanosoma evansi infections, commonly called 'surra', cause significant economic losses to livestock industry. While this infection is mainly restricted to large animals such as camels, donkeys and equines, recent reports indicate their ability to infect humans. There are no World Animal Health Organization (WAHO) prescribed diagnostic tests or vaccines available against this disease and the available drugs show significant toxicity. There is an urgent need to develop improved methods of diagnosis and control measures for this disease. Unlike its related human parasites T. brucei and T. cruzi whose genomes have been fully sequenced T. evansi genome sequence remains unavailable and very little efforts are being made to develop improved methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment. With a view to identify potential diagnostic markers and drug targets we have studied the clinical proteome of T. evansi infection using mass spectrometry (MS).Methodology/Principal Findings: Using shot-gun proteomic approach involving nano-lc Quadrupole Time Of Flight (QTOF) mass spectrometry we have identified over 160 proteins expressed by T. evansi in mice infected with camel isolate. Homology driven searches for protein identification from MS/MS data led to most of the matches arising from related Trypanosoma species. Proteins identified belonged to various functional categories including metabolic enzymes; DNA metabolism; transcription; translation as well as cell-cell communication and signal transduction. TCA cycle enzymes were strikingly missing, possibly suggesting their low abundances. The clinical proteome revealed the presence of known and potential drug targets such as oligopeptidases, kinases, cysteine proteases and more.Conclusions/Significance: Previous proteomic studies on Trypanosomal infections, including human parasites T. brucei and T. cruzi, have been carried out from lab grown cultures. For T. evansi infection this is indeed the first ever proteomic study reported thus far. In addition to providing a glimpse into the biology of this neglected disease, our study is the first step towards identification of diagnostic biomarkers, novel drug targets as well as potential vaccine candidates to fight against T. evansi infections.


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X-ray diffraction studies on single crystals of a few viruses have led to the elucidation of their three dimensional structure at near atomic resolution. Both the tertiary structure of the coat protein subunit and the quaternary organization of the icosahedral capsid in these viruses are remarkably similar. These studies have led to a critical re-examination of the structural principles in the architecture of isometric viruses and suggestions of alternative mechanisms of assembly. Apart from their role in the assembly of the virus particle, the coat proteins of certian viruses have been shown to inhibit the replication of the cognate RNA leading to cross-protection. The coat protein amino acid sequence and the genomic sequence of several spherical plant RNA viruses have been determined in the last decade. Experimental data on the mechanisms of uncoating, gene expression and replication of several classes of viruses have also become available. The function of the non-structural proteins of some viruses have been determined. This rapid progress has provided a wealth of information on several key steps in the life cycle of RNA viruses. The function of the viral coat protein, capsid architecture, assembly and disassembly and replication of isometric RNA plant viruses are discussed in the light of this accumulated knowledge.


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The optimal design of a multiproduct batch chemical plant is formulated as a multiobjective optimization problem, and the resulting constrained mixed-integer nonlinear program (MINLP) is solved by the nondominated sorting genetic algorithm approach (NSGA-II). By putting bounds on the objective function values, the constrained MINLP problem can be solved efficiently by NSGA-II to generate a set of feasible nondominated solutions in the range desired by the decision-maker in a single run of the algorithm. The evolution of the entire set of nondominated solutions helps the decision-maker to make a better choice of the appropriate design from among several alternatives. The large set of solutions also provides a rich source of excellent initial guesses for solution of the same problem by alternative approaches to achieve any specific target for the objective functions


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While plants of a single species emit a diversity of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to attract or repel interacting organisms, these specific messages may be lost in the midst of the hundreds of VOCs produced by sympatric plants of different species, many of which may have no signal content. Receivers must be able to reduce the babel or noise in these VOCs in order to correctly identify the message. For chemical ecologists faced with vast amounts of data on volatile signatures of plants in different ecological contexts, it is imperative to employ accurate methods of classifying messages, so that suitable bioassays may then be designed to understand message content. We demonstrate the utility of `Random Forests' (RF), a machine-learning algorithm, for the task of classifying volatile signatures and choosing the minimum set of volatiles for accurate discrimination, using datam from sympatric Ficus species as a case study. We demonstrate the advantages of RF over conventional classification methods such as principal component analysis (PCA), as well as data-mining algorithms such as support vector machines (SVM), diagonal linear discriminant analysis (DLDA) and k-nearest neighbour (KNN) analysis. We show why a tree-building method such as RF, which is increasingly being used by the bioinformatics, food technology and medical community, is particularly advantageous for the study of plant communication using volatiles, dealing, as it must, with abundant noise.


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Glycomics is the study of comprehensive structural elucidation and characterization of all glycoforms found in nature and their dynamic spatiotemporal changes that are associated with biological processes. Glycocalyx of mammalian cells actively participate in cell-cell, cell-matrix, and cell-pathogen interactions, which impact embryogenesis, growth and development, homeostasis, infection and immunity, signaling, malignancy, and metabolic disorders. Relative to genomics and proteomics, glycomics is just growing out of infancy with great potential in biomedicine for biomarker discovery, diagnosis, and treatment. However, the immense diversity and complexity of glycan structures and their multiple modes of interactions with proteins pose great challenges for development of analytical tools for delineating structure function relationships and understanding glycocode. Several tools are being developed for glycan profiling based on chromatography,m mass spectrometry, glycan microarrays, and glyco-informatics. Lectins, which have long been used in glyco-immunology, printed on a microarray provide a versatile platform for rapid high throughput analysis of glycoforms of biological samples. Herein, we summarize technological advances in lectin microarrays and critically review their impact on glycomics analysis. Challenges remain in terms of expansion to include nonplant derived lectins, standardization for routine clinical use, development of recombinant lectins, and exploration of plant kingdom for discovery of novel lectins.


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Protein tyrosine phosphorylation plays an important role in cell growth, development and oncogenesis. No classical protein tyrosine kinase has hitherto been cloned from plants. Does protein tyrosine kinase exist in plants? To address this, we have performed a genomic survey of protein tyrosine kinase motifs in plants using the delineated tyrosine phosphorylation motifs from the animal system. The Arabidopsis thaliana genome encodes 57 different protein kinases that have tyrosine kinase motifs. Animal non-receptor tyrosine kinases, SRC, ABL, LYN, FES, SEK, KIN and RAS have structural relationship with putative plant tyrosine kinases. In an extended analysis, animal receptor and non-receptor kinases, Raf and Ras kinases, mixed lineage kinases and plant serine/threonine/tyrosine (STY) protein kinases, form a well-supported group sharing a common origin within the superfamily of STY kinases. We report that plants lack bona fide tyrosine kinases, which raise an intriguing possibility that tyrosine phosphorylation is carried out by dual-specificity STY protein kinases in plants. The distribution pattern of STY protein kinase families on Arabidopsis chromosomes indicates that this gene family is partly a consequence of duplication and reshuffling of the Arabidopsis genome and of the generation of tandem repeats. Genome-wide analysis is supported by the functional expression and characterization of At2g24360 and phosphoproteomics of Arabidopsis. Evidence for tyrosine phosphorylated proteins is provided by alkaline hydrolysis, anti-phosphotyrosine immunoblotting, phosphoamino acid analysis and peptide mass fingerprinting. These results report the first comprehensive survey of genome-wide and tyrosine phosphoproteome analysis of plant STY protein kinases.